32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 605 Index Numbers and Symbols /? argument (chkdsk command), 92 802.11 specifications, 281-282 802.1x specifications, 283 /1394debug baudrate option (Windows setup), 488 A a parameter (powercfg command), 241 accessibility, Ease of Access Center, 59 accessing Mobility Center, 235 offline files, 217 Print Management, 400-401 Windows Defender, 116 accounts (user) Administrator accounts, 165-167 built-in accounts, 168 creating, 379-381 critical accounts, isolating, 602 in domains, 378 Easy Transfer, 60-62 editing, 381-382 elevated privileges, 378 overview, 60, 375-377 32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 606 606 accounts (user) Power Users group, 164-165 Active X Opt In (Internet privileges, 26 Explorer 7), 458 roaming profiles, 385 ad hoc mode (wireless adapters), 285 security groups, 382-384 Add Item dialog box, 228 Standard user accounts, 167 ADD option (DiskPart), 348 UAC (User Account Control), 18, 25-26, 60 add-ons (Internet Explorer 7), 468-469 Administrator accounts, 165-167 Add/Remove Servers option (Print Management), 402 Application Compatibility Toolkit, 174-178 Additional Options category (Control Panel), 43 built-in accounts, 168 Address Bar, 43 consent and credential prompts, 169-172 addresses (IP) enabling/disabling DHCP (Dynamic Host components, 161-164 Configuration Protocol), 249 overview, 157-161 dynamic IP addresses, 248-249 Power Users group, 164-165 IPv4 addresses, 249-251 repackaging applications, IPv6 addresses, 249-251 179-180 static IP addresses, 249-251 security policies, 180-183 Administrative Tools, 50-52. Standard user See also specific utilities accounts, 167 Administrator accounts, 165-167 Standard User Analyzer administrator options (Windows Tool, 178 Defender), 119 virtualization, 174 Administration Server (NAP), 129 in workgroups, 378 .admx files, 571 Accounts database (NAP), 129 Advanced Encryption Standard ACT (Application Compatibility (AES), 284 Toolkit), 174-178, 553-554 Advanced Security (Windows activation status, checking in Firewall), 111-115 Welcome Center, 24-25 advanced system settings, 50 Active Directory Aero Group Policies, 183 Aero Transparency effect, 39 publishing printers to, 414-415 components, 35-36 ACTIVE option (DiskPart), 348, 522 enabling/disabling, 37-39 32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 607 automatic network connections 607 overview, 35-36 GPResult.exe, 597 remote desktop performance settings, 79 connections, 37 repackaging, 179-180 AES (Advanced Encryption Works with Windows Vista Standard), 284 logo, 173 Agent (NAP), 128 /apply option (ImageX), 504 alarms applying GPOs (Group Policy critical battery alarms, 244 Objects), 588-589 low battery alarms, 243-244 ASLR (Data Redirection and overview, 242 Address Space Layout Randomization), 98 All Drivers filter (Print Management), 409 assessing system performance, 65-67 ALL option (Bootsect.exe), 521 ASSIGN option (DiskPart), All Printers filter (Print 348, 522 Management), 409 ATTRIBUTES option (DiskPart), 348 allocating disk space for Shadow Copy, 297-298 Audit mode (Windows Setup), 487-488 answer files /audit option (Sysprep), 509 creating, 490-491 AuditSystem configuration pass validating, 493 (Windows Setup), 486 answering Remote Assistance AuditUser configuration pass invitations, 440-441 (Windows Setup), 486 Appearance and Personalization auto-hiding taskbar, 32 category (Control Panel), 42 automatic backups /append option (ImageX), 504 best practices, 323-324 Application Compatibility Manager, 176 configuring, 314-317 Application Compatibility Toolkit to external drives or removable (ACT), 174-178, 553-554 media, 321-322 applications to local PCs, 320 adding to Master Installation, to network, 322-323 495-496 overview, 314 Certified for Windows updating existing backup Vista logo, 173 jobs, 317-320 default programs, automatic network connections, configuring, 49-50 270-272 32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 608 608 automatic proxy configuration automatic proxy configuration, 273 B automatic scanning (Windows Defender), 117 /b argument (chkdsk automatic synchronization, command), 92 219-220 Background Intelligence Transfer Automatic Updating Service (BITS), 138 checking for updates, 138-140 backups configuring, 101, 136-138 automatic backups downloading and installing best practices, 323-324 updates, 142 configuring, 314-317 Group Policy, 147-150 to external drives or hiding updates, 142-143 removable media, 321-322 Microsoft Update, 144-145 to local PCs, 320 NAP (Network Access to network, 322-323 Protection), 146-147 overview, 314 overview, 133-134 updating existing backup restoring hidden updates, jobs, 317-320 143-144 Complete PC Backup Utility reviewing update history, Complete PC Restore, 145-146 342-345 schedules, 141 creating system images, troubleshooting 335-337 Enterprise Scan Tool, definition, 333 153-154 DVD backups, 347 MBSA (Microsoft Baseline hard drive backups, 346 Security Analyzer), 153-154 operating system Microsoft Update, 150-152 requirements, 345 WSUS (Windows Software restoring system images, Update Services), 152-153 341-342 WSUS (Windows Software restoring to hard drive, Update Services), 147-153 347-349 AUTOMOUNT option (DiskPart), 348 tape device backups, 346 autounattend.xml files, 486 WBAdmin, 337-339 when to use, 333-334 configuring, 59 32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 609 Big Endian 609 GPOs (Group Policy Objects), deployment points 329-330, 567 configuring, 541-542 restoring from, 325-328 creating, 539-540 Windows Backup, 17, 426 overview, 539 Balanced power plan, 238 updating, 542 base scores, 62 Deployment Workbench, 530 .bat files, 338 Distribution Shares, 533-536 batteries Information Center battery status, viewing in Components section, Mobility Center, 235 532-533 critical battery alarms, 244 Documentation section, 531 low battery alarms, 243-244 News section, 532 BCDEdit.exe utility, 520 Management Packs, 529 BDD (Business Desktop migrating systems to Windows Deployment Kit) 2007 Vista deploying Windows Vista with Application Compatibility Systems Management Server Toolkit (ACT), 553-554 deployment points, 548 LoadState, 557-558 Image Capture CDs, 550 Office Migration Planning image deployment Manager, 559-560 process, 550 overview, 551-552 overview, 547-548 ScanState, 555-556 deploying Windows Vista with User State Migration Tool Windows Deployment Services (USMT), 555-558 adding images to Windows Volume Activation DS, 545 Management tool, 558 image deployment Windows Vista Hardware process, 546-547 Assessment Tool, 552-553 operational modes, 545 overview, 527-529 overview, 542-543 system builds, 536-538 WDSUTIL utility, 545 system requirements, 529-530 Windows DS installation, Big Endian, 247 543-544 Windows Server 2008, 547 32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 610 610 BitLocker Drive Encryption BitLocker Drive Encryption brightness, adjusting in Mobility capabilities, 186 Center, 235 hardware requirements, broadband connections, 262-263, 187-188 267-269 help and online resources, Brower Security, 18 203-204 Browse for Folder dialog box, 215 overview, 19, 54, 185-186, 193 buildwinre.cmd script, 526 partitioning hard drives for, built-in accounts, 168 189-192 Built-in Diagnostics, 19, 426 recovering data with, 200-202 Business Desktop Deployment Kit reporting problems, 202-203 2007. See BDD 2007 software requirements, 188 business user features, 18-19 turning off, 202 button-press events (HotStart), turning on with startup key, 247-248 196-200 byte orders, 247 turning on with TPM (Trusted Platform Module), 193-196 C website, 204 when to use, 186-187 /c argument (chkdsk BITS (Background Intelligence command), 92 Transfer Service), 138 CAB files, extracting with -blocation option (Oscdimg), 524 Expand.exe, 510-511 blocking cache, 216 GPOs (Group Policy Objects) Calendar, 20 inheritance, 578-579 /capture option (ImageX), 504 group policy inheritance, 590 capturing Windows Vista pop-up ads (Internet Explorer images, 497 7), 469-471 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 460 boot configuration data, CDs, Image Capture CDs, 550 433-435, 520 Certified for Windows Vista bootable Windows PE media, logo, 173 517-519 Challenge Handshake Bootsect.exe utility, 521 Authentication Protocol /bootsequence option (CHAP), 278 (BCDEdit.exe), 521 -change option (Powercfg.exe), 512 BREAK option (DiskPart), 348 32_0672329611_index.qxd 10/30/07 10:16 AM Page 611 configuration 611 CHAP (Challenge Handshake restoring system images, Authentication Protocol), 278 341-342 check boxes in Windows Explorer, restoring to hard drive, 347-349 enabling, 44-46 tape device backups, 346 Check Disk, 91-92 WBAdmin, 337-339 checking for updates, 138-140 when to use, 333-334 chkdsk command, 91 Complete PC Restore, 342-345 CLEAN option (DiskPart), 348 Components section (BDD Click Keep Both Versions option Information Center), 532-533 (Resolve Conflict dialog box), 224 Computer Management console, Click the Version to Keep option 51, 70-71, 164, 420-422 (Resolve Conflict dialog box), 224 Config.xml file, 556 Clock, Language, and Region configdiskwinre.cmd script, 526 category (Control Panel), 42 configuration Code Red worm, 134 advanced system settings, 50 collaboration, 18 alarms color, high contrast, 59 critical battery alarms, 244 command-line utilities. See utilities low battery alarms, 243-244 commands (menu) automatic backups, 314-317 Localgroup, 381 Automatic Updating, 136-138 Organize menu, 43 backups, 59 Run, 31 BitLocker, 54 Search menu, 46 boot options, 433-435 command prompt, 47-48 Complete PC Backup Utility
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