Volume 42. No. 12 NEWSLETTER rac April 10. 1996 ■ • • • • Jr. (Clearwate r. FL). Steven West (Tampa, FL), Gail Wetzork (Alameda. CA). Bradley Whitehair (Dayton. OH). Andrew Wiley /Hous ton. TXJ. Lonna Lee Williams (Spokane . WA). OlympicOfficials Named Kenneth Willi amson (Long Beach, NJ), Donald Wilson (Al· ameda. CA). Doug las Winemiller (Stewartstown . PA). Gloria USATF HAS AN NOUNCED the nam es of OH). Emmitt Griggs (Houston. TX). Winemiller (Stewa rtstown. PA). Don Wix (Mableton. GA). the 178 officials who wi ll be workin g the track Donne Hale Jr. (Chamblee . GA), Finn Hansen (Sall Lake Bill Wright (Oklahoma City, OK) , Diane Wright (Warerbury, City. UT). David Hanson (Murrells Inlet, SC). Kevin Hanson CT). & field events at the Olympic Games. A 9- (SI. Cloud. MN). Duane Hartman (Spokane. WA). Carl Hartz member panel had to pa re down an original Eric Zemper (Eugene. OR). Richard Zulaica (Pleasant (Louisville. KY). Larry Henning (Flora, IN), Darlene Hickman Hill, CA). file of 700 applicants to com e up with the list. (Seall le. WA), John Hickman (Columbus. OH). Karissa The selectees come from 33 states and the Hochstetler (Sarasota, FL). Bettina Huber (Springfi eld, OR), District of Columbia. Seven sta tes came up Bobby James (Levelland. TX ). Larry James (Chesterton. GebrselassieWill Double with double-di git honor ees: Texas 23, Ohi o 20, IN). Dee Jensen (Wahpeton, ND). Owen Jensen (Wahpeton, Double WR hold er Haile Gebrse lassie has ND), Won Joe (Knoxville. TN), Joyce Johnson (Oakland, California 16, Florida 13, Georgia & Washing ­ CA), Marvin Johnson (Brooklyn , NY). William Jones (S. confirme d that he will run both the 5000 and ton 12, New York 11. Charles ton. WV), Dennis Julian (Dublin . OH). Daiva Jusionis 10,000 in Atlanta. The 16 states wh ich didn't ge t a repre senta­ (Huntington Beach, CA). As alway s, the Olympic schedule is very tive: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Kan­ William Kane (Holyoke, MA), Edward Krakower (Burling· condu cive to such a com bo. The IOK heats are sas, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, ton. NJ). on July 26 at 9:05 PM, the final at 10:00 PM on Robert Langenbach (Seattle. WA), Carole Langerbach Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South (Seattle. WA). Eddy Lanford (Taylor. TX). Milford Lankford July 29. The thr ee round s of the SK are on July Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wiscon sin, Wyo­ Jr. (Summerliel d, FL). Patrick Lavelle Jr. (Holyoke, MA) , 31 (9:55 PM), August 1 (8:30 PM) and August 3 ming. Sally Lehr (Dunwoody. GA). Harold Leonard (Chicago. IL). (8:40 PM). An alphab etical list ing of the officia ls, wi th William Leyendecker (Lake Jackson, TX). John Luppes The Ethiopian's early-season schedul e be­ home town: (Pleasant Hill, CA). gins w ith a pai r of 1500s in German y (Chemnitz Bruce MacDonald (Shoreham, NY). Arthur Manigault on May 19, Rhede on May 24), in pr eparati on (Ellenw ood. GA). Marilynn Masin gale (Atlanta. GA). Robert Patrick Adair (Wake Forest, NC). Harold Adams (Ply• Mason (Oakl and. CA). Charles Mayes (Washington. DC), for an assault on the 3000 WR in Henge lo, mouth Meeting, PA), Herbert Allen (Houston, TX). Ron Lori Maynard (Redwood City , CA), Richard McOuarrie Holland, on May 27. Althoff (Columbus, OH), George Auld (Port Arthur , TX). (Victorville. CA). Thomas Mc Taggart (Sloatsburg. NY), Linda Louis Badia Jr. (Ft. Lauderdale. FL). Leon Bailey (Jersey He ngelo has been kind to Gebrselassie in Melzer (Gahanna. OH). George Miller (Ringoes. NJ), Keith City. NJ). Richard Bartley (Watertow n, MA). Jame s Berkebile the past. Last year he set the lOK WR of 26:43.53 Mitchell (Columbus. IN). Kountez Moore (Dayton, OH). Carl (Casselberry , FL), John Blackburn (Charleston. SC). Olive r there, and in '94 he set a since-broken SK Moseley (Valencia, CA) . Dick Moss (Lithia Springs, GA). Blanchard (Lafayette, LA), Laurie Boemker (Columbus. OH). Gary Murphy (Boone. NC), James Murphy (Spokane, WA), stand ard of 12:56.96. Chester Bradley Jr. ( Da llas, TX ), Bart Bradshaw William Nault (Lousivi lle. KY). Clyde Neff (Lubbock. TX). (Shallowater, TX), Norman Brand (Washington. DC). John Frank Orsak (Deer Park, Tx), Brasel! (Flemin gton, NJ). Paula Jea n Brown (Grah am. WA). Barbara Palm (Albany. NY). David Pearce (Stow, OH), David Brown (Springfield. NJ), Randy Bunn (Huntsvill e, AL). FormerStar Hospitalized Jerome Perry (Raleigh. NC). Elvin Pfefferkorn (Orofino, ID). Robe rt Burdette (Swar th more, PA). Marilyn Burdine Jeffery Pierce (Ellettsv ille, IN), Susan Polansky (Plainsview, Former prep quart ermile phenom Darrell (Titusv ille. FL), Paul Burdine (Titusville, FL), Rosemarie NY). David Post (South Weymouth , MA). Michael Puckett Robin son, 32, is recovering from a late-Ma rch Burnett (Jamaica, NY), (Col umbus. OH). suicide attempt in which he ·drank antifre eze James Carlisle (Carrolllon . TX), Hecto r Carranza (El Kelly Rankin (Vanco uver, WA) , Elizabe th Reed (Waco. Paso. TX). Colleen Carter (Solvang, CA). Neal Charske and slipped into a coma. TX). William Reeves (Ft. Lauderdale. FL). Daniel Reynolds (Kettering, OH). Simon Chias son (Lafayette. LA). Frances Running for Wilson HighofTac oma, Wash­ (Tucson. AZ), Alfred Richard son (Freehold, NJ). Lewis Childs (Hanover, NH). Judith Christiansen (Seatt le. WA). ington, Robinson set a World Junior Record of Rigaud (Lafayette. LA). Warren Ring (Brooklyn, NY). Lawrie Gervais Clarke (Orange. NJ). Judith Clarke (Hunti ngton Robenson (Issaquah, WA). 44.69 in '82 and ranked No . 5 in the wor ld. The Station. NY). David Conder (Lubbock, TX). James Conl in Carol Sams (Stone Mountain, GA). Murray W. Sanford mark still stands as the nat ional high school (Benbrook. TX), Dick Connor (San Mateo. CA). Dick Cooley (Woods tock. GA), Howard Schmertz (North Bellmore, NY), (Amherst, OH), Joseph Coon ey (Tamarac. FL). Rich ard record. His PR of 44.45 came in '86, whe n he Keilh Shedd (Jonesboro, GA). John Shirey (Cincinnati. OH). Cooper (Cleveland Heights, OH). Carol Coram (Seattle. also earned the No. 3 position in the world Cindy Slayton (Slone Mountain, GA). Keith Smith (Millers­ WA), Loe Costanzo (Winnetka. CA) , Clarence Crawf ord ran kings. ville, MD). Ronald Spenlau (Tarpon Spring s. FL). Eugene (Coraopolis, PA), Shirley Crowe (Crosby. TX). Brian Crowl ey His sister, Elaine, says he has been suffer­ Stemm (Garden Grove, CA). John Stephens (Titusville, FL), (Taunton, MA), Richard Stinson (Fort Worth. TX). Lloyd Stull (New Market. ing from menta l illness. She told the Sea/Ile Zuhair Dallah (Tacoma, WA), John Davi s (Glenv iew, IL). IN). Henry Synor (Beachwood, OH). Post-/11tcllige11ccr, "H e's had a hard time ad ­ Maurice Davis (Rougemont, NC), William Oorren (Dallas. James Thielen (Darb ydale . OH). Fred Th omas TX). David Dumas (Houston. TX). Thadd eus Dutkiewiez just ing from being a star to just being Darr ell (Johns town. OH). David Thomason (Dos Moines. IA). Will• (West Springfield, MA), Robinson." iam Thomp son (Washington. DC). Robert Tice (Whisper ing Gene Edmonds (Rensselaer. IN), Winifred Eggers (Lisle. Pines. NC). Pete Torres Jr. (Santa Monica, CA), Thomas IL), Warren Eggleston (Shaker Hieghts , OH). Eric Elliott Turk (Kansas City, MO). Chris Turner (Denver . CO). (Louisville. KY). Bruce Eure (Cumming. GA), Track News letter is publi shed 40 time s a year by Timothy Vail (Greensbo ro. NC), Pedro Vasquez (Atlanta. Tom Falk (Coppell, TX), Sam Fausto (Dennison, OH). GA). Louis Vicenik (Deer Park, TX). William von Fabrice the editors of Track & Field News, 2570 El Ca­ Robert Fontaine (Bethlehem , CT). William Fyffe (Wellston, (Bridge water, NJ), mino Real , Suite 606, Mountain View, CA 94040. OH). Doris Wahl (Massapequa. NY). Billy Walters (Sherman. Joe Gentry (Monumen t, CO). Ken Gibson (Frankfort, Phone-415/948-8188; FAX-415/948-9445; KY), Tony Gilbert (Blakely, GA) . Russ Glatz (Chapel Hill, TX). Anthony Wayne (Raleigh. NC). Margaret Wehr (Miss is• e-mail-TFNmail @aol.com sippi State. MS). Deloris Wells (Clearwater. FL). Ed Wells NC). Bob Graf (Florissant. CO). James Grey (Columbus. • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • -81- April l 0, 1996 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CAROLINAEASTER INVITATIONAL Chapel HIii, North Carolina, Aprll 5- 100( ·0.1 ): 1. McCall (NC) 10.38 . - MajorU.S. Meets - 200: 1. Whitted (NCSt) 20.86; 2. McCali 20.98; 3. A. Johnson (Nik) 21.20; 4. Campbell {NC) 21.34. SUN ANGEL CLASSIC (Tn) 218•7 (66.62); 3. Kolunsarka' (Az) 196-11 400: 1. Campbell 45.61 PR (AmCL); 2. Fenner Tempe, Arizona, April 6 (attendance 2889)- (60.02); 4. Corcorran (Az) 193-5 (58.96). (OhSt) 47.11 ; . .. 5. A. Johnson 48.27. 100(0.6): 1. Laynes (Gold) 10.01 (WL, AL) (10, JT: 1. Bradstock (unat) 263·6 (80.32) (AL) (10, X f, x A); 2. Page (la) 10.29 (CL); 3. Shelton' (USC) A) (237-5, 230·8, 238-10, 247-9, 263-6) (72.38, 800: 1. Woodward (Gtn) 1 :48.57; 2. Tidwell (OhSt) 10.30; 4. Spencer' (CAz) 10.31; 5. Carrigan (unat) f, 70.32, 72.80, 75.52, 80.32); 2. Cohen (unat) 1:51.10 . 10.38; 6. Raspberry (Tn) 10.39; 7. Thigpen (FSTC) 223·5 (68.10); 3. Collatz (unat) 223-2 (68.02); 4. 1500: 1. Slvlerl (Gtn) 3:46.85; 2. Gonzales' (NCSt) Twedt (ACC)215•7 (65.70); 5. Morland (Tn) 212·11 10.41. 3:49.04. 400: 1. Ekpenyong' (Nig) 45.66; 2. Begnaud (Tn) (64.90); .. nm-Fagemes' (AzSt) (foot-fouled one St: 1. Ma. Smith {NC) 8:51 .6h. 46.29; 3. Morris (la) 46.43; 4. Davis (USC) 46.95; ... throw @250 after spraining arch in warmups). 110H(-1.6): 1. Stokes (NC) 14.17. 6. Nelloms (unat) 47.44. 4 x 100: 1. North Carolina 39.61; 2. North Caro­ SUN ANGELWOMEN llna State 40.29. 800: 1.
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