RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING NAVIGATION OF THE PANAMA CANAL AND ADJACENT WATERS 1952 EDITION ' •' '' '> '•« ' ' ' » • i rt CO CO CO CO CO w o X M II fD fD o o p 7- cr OS o o t-j o CL o P o u o 1— 1— O p a • * • v; !-h CO o CO H-1 p OQ < f fD 6 < o 3 H •0 I-' O <: C xj H- --J o CO p CO • • • fD Ln H' fD 00 M- P c p 1— 1— rr 1-1 pa CO • rj 05 to rt 1 H- > i— CO o^ fD o i— o H GO Co o Ui Ui 00 00 vl vj -vj 25 Ui hJ - 4> fD o Ui U m w CO o U> fD CO 3 *-d a 2 t— ra CO CO p p 3 cr- l— i— i—• ro CO TJ 4> .p- i>j oj ro o> > 2 CO pa c cc {?* 2 pa P o> CO 25 ^ K ' C-n to i— rr M- T3 o l— O U) CO O O O o 2 o 3 3 1 p- 1 ^> i- O fD O 00 fD P fD hh i— hti P a fD CL fD 3 O i— pa . M I-- Q p P P fD ^ a rjd O - t-t. CL X) CL fD fD 1 X! Cl pa ri CX> rr t- C o CO M i-j 4> co hj CO fD CO I > 2 •^ 1 G O cr Q 11 H H p> H > M- cr r-t OQ o c rr P H H H H H H H H H rt M 3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO c/a CO o 25 m cc tr^ CO hj o p ET CL CO fD O pa P 2 fD > o M 1 i-j fD fD fD 00 O I— 3 1 1 a. C rr 05 Co CO vC t" 25 M N! CO CL o 4> 4> 4> 4> CO co CO -P- -f> rr Co <1 11 c o -p- CO Q O 1— i-j 1 4^ p- -P- V£5 03 00 CO Co CO ^J rr Q H H- < CO i— p -P- ro P5 2 cr O CO H- *-{ hi o p • rt O rt a o H pa ri fD t-j rr o o P CO fD W CJ o CO ti O i-1 Pa 00 • H- i-h CL < M o CO o 1— p pa hfi CL c O J> M o CO 3 . H- I—1 P i-n o P- p 6 pa n < CO i— CL CO pa rr pa p p P C-i 25 ^" M CO fD C 3 <-i rt rr p o >• (H 2 W l-J 00 rt CO > n> pa pa fD H- 25 n 25 > 2 CL a P a. o o r^ *i fD w o •— S I—i. O 3 CO p rt fD 25 W r-h CO o CO OQ rr H" pa H- <i H 25 [SI 2 P rr rr c. Pa fD c H^- > o H cr t—' O g m- CC fD OQ rr s: < 2 h- fD fD P CO • P rr O < p > M M cr i-t fD rt CO p it < OQ H O i— »-{ fD fD C 7) H- h h fD M > I-1 i-J CO CO CO O pa • P O > ?d h rr fD ?r fD o P r-h rr c P fD CO M 1 - CL I—1 CO i-h m- hj fD OQ 3 r- m- cr o 11 (D H- CO O < W cr P »1 25 fD ?0 P OQ P s • p o UilnUiOiOOCOOCNlslNlW cr co ft c o rr o--) 'I— p O 1 -P^COCOtOCAO^Ol— 'OOtO CO 2 P p CO rr H- Q *d (D H rt p ri 1 1— P CL kj^woi^whOOwh •• p Cn in •"{ M CD p O pa cr o 3 H 1 cr < w • i— ri P o fD cc (-• <• CO c CO P M O £N M- l-J ?r CL (D O O rr CO H- fD co ^r " CL t-1 \-l H H rt rt >-1 rt rt rt rt ^ P CO CO 1 CO CO I- - r 1 COCOCOCOCOCOCO a ft) rt M* Ml O 4>4>4^4>4>-C>Co-f>J> -f> < - sJvJvIslslslOOslvlWsJ H- CO M- 3 S?~ f'^/^/*W 97 ^ P Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/rulesregulations1952cana RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING NAVIGATION OF THE PANAMA CANAL AND ADJACENT WATERS 1952 EDITION PRINTING PLANT MOUNT HOPE, C. Z. For additional copies of this compilation, address the Panama Canal Company, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, or, Washington, D. C. II TRANSMITTAL SHEET CHECK LIST Transmittal Transmittal Transmittal Sheet No. Initials Sheet No. Initials Sheet No. Initials 1 26 51 2 27 52 3 28 53 4 29 54 5 30 55 6 31 56 7 32 57 8 33 58 9 34 59 10 35 60 11 36 61 12 37 62 13 38 63 14 39 64 15 40 65 16 41 66 17 42 67 18 43 68 19 44 69 20 45 70 21 46 71 22 47 72 23 48 73 24 49 74 25 50 75 III TRANSMITTAL SHEET CHECK LIST—Continued Transmittal nsmittal Transmittal Sheet No. Initials :el No. Initials Sheet No. Initials 76 101 126 77 102 127 78 103 128 79 104 129 80 105 130 81 106 131 82 107 132 83 108 133 84 109 134 . 85 110 135 86 111 136 87 112 137 88 113 138 89 114 139 90 115 140 91 116 141 92 117 142 93 118 143 94 118 144 95 120 145 96 121 146 97 122 147 98 123 148 99 124 149 100 125 150 IV CANAL ZONE GOVERNMENT CANAL ZONE PREFACE 1. This loose-leaf publication, which shall continue to be desig- nated and known as "Rules and Regulations Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters, 1952 Edition," is designed for convenient use by shipping interests and other persons concerned and is a compilation of the rules and regulations governing navigation and transiting of the Panama Canal and adjacent waters, inspection of vessels, maritime and aircraft quarantine, exclusion and deporta- tion of persons, customs service, seamen, and related matters. 2. The following material, arranged by subject matter, is included: (a) Certain of the Rules prescribed by Presidential Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, as amended, governing the aforesaid matters—[Each section of this compilation, the source of which is a Rule, quotes the text of such Rule with only such minor changes as are necessary for clarity or for more convenient use of this com- pilation as respects internal references, and gives a bracketed refer- ence to the Rule. References to "The Panama Canal" and to the "Panama Railroad Company" have, where appropriate, been changed to read "Canal Zone Government" and "Panama Canal Company" to reflect the changes in the names of these agencies effected by the Act of September 26, 1950, chapter 1049, 64 Stat. 1038; and refer- ences to "The Panama Canal" have been changed to read "Panama Canal Company" where appropriate by reason of the transfer of activities and functions, pursuant to the cited Act, from The Panama Canal to the Panama Canal Company. The Rules contained in Executive Order 4314 took effect on January 1, 1936, under Rule 1 thereof. Where a Rule from Executive Order 4314 has been amended (either by the President or by the Secretary of the Army under authority delegated to the latter by Executive Order 9746 of July 1, 1946), the Rule is shown in amended form, and bracketed references are made to the Executive Order or the "Canal Zone Order" of the Secretary of the Army (cited herein as, e. g., "CZO 10, September v [T. S. 12] ; ; ; 12, 1947"), which effected such amendment. Bracketed references are also made to the section of Title 35 of the Code of Federal Regu- lations (cited as "35 CFR 00") in which such Rule is shown]; (b) Regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army in Canal Zone Orders under authority delegated to him by the President under Executive Order No. 9746 of July 1, 1946 [Each section of this com- pilation, the source of which is a Canal Zone Order, has been prescribed in, or has adopted the form of, the regulations as they appear in Title 35 of the Code of Federal Regulations. References in brackets are made at the end of each such section to the particular section of Title 35 of the Code of Federal Regulations and to the Canal Zone Order from which it is derived. Editorial changes in internal refer- ences of the type referred to in subparagraph (a), above, have been made] (c) Regulations prescribed by the Governor of the Canal Zone relative to the foregoing subjects, being the regulations of the Gover- nor contained in Parts 4, 9, 10, 12, 24, 25, and 27 of Title 35 of the Code of Federal Regulations [Each section of this compilation, the source of which is a regulation of the Governor, is followed by a reference in brackets to the section of Title 35 of the Code of Federal Regulations (cited as "35 CFR 00") from which it is derived.
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