Index A ABO immune disease, 1159–1160 Aarskog–Scott syndrome, 1876 ABO blood group heterospecificity, 1159 Abbie’s syndrome, 2266 ABO incompatibility, 1160 Abdomen carboxyhemoglobin, 1159 circumference, 151 clinical manifestations of, 1160 distension, 884 DAT-positive newborns, 1160 endocrine diseases, 1857, 1866 IVIG therapy, 1160 gastroenteritis, 1360 UGT1A1 gene, 1160 gastrointestinal malformations, 1296, 1307, 1310, Abortion 1311, 1318 ethical problems, 88 hemorrhage, 1505 genetic causes, 52 neonatal infection, 1740 hemolytic conditions, 1157 neonatal malignancies, 1656 prenatal hemorrhage, 1500–1504 pneumoperitoneum, 884 smoke, 711–712 renal diseases, 1964, 1970 spontaneous, 132 surgical emergencies, 1335 Abruptio placentae, 711, 1116 ventilation techniques, 986, 990 Abscess examination, 465 bacterial and fungal infections imaging studies bone, 1747 defects of the abdominal wall, 1298–1301 cerebral, 1730, 1731, 1741, 1752 duct, 1312 renal, 1745 duodenal obstructions, 1304 skin, 1751 duplication of the alimentary tract, 1316 liver, 1248 esophageal atresia, 1285, 1286 Absolute neutrophil count (ANC), 870, 1550, 1551, 1562 Hirschsprung’s disease, 1347 Absorption, 515–521, 698 intestinal malrotation, 1319 fat, 515–517 intestinal obstructions, 1305–1311 glucose, 518 meconium plug syndrome, 1341 micronutrient, 519–521 necrotizing enterocolitis, 1383 protein, 517–518 persistence of the omphalo-mesenteric duct, 1312 Absorptive enterocytes, 506 pylorus, 1301 Acardia, 141–142 palpation, 459 ACA stroke, 2265 Abdominal Acceleration mass, 748 of fetal heart rate, 113, 121 paracentesis, 927 of fetal maturity, 839–840 ultrasound, 1227 Accessory tragus, 2423 wall, defects, 1296–1301 Accidental extubation, 862 cloacal exstrophy, 54 ACE inhibitors, 1122 exomphalos, 60 Acetyl-choline, 510 gastroschisis, 1298–1301 Acholic stools, 1225 omphaloceles, 1297–1298 Achondroplasia, 67–68 Abnormal diffusion, 770 Acid–base Abnormal intrapleural tissue (AIPT), 930 measurement, 413–414 Abnormally placed pulmonary tissue (APPT), 930 status, 768 # Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 2459 G. Buonocore et al. (eds.), Neonatology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29489-6 2460 Index Acidemia, 120 furosemide, 1946 fetal, 14, 120 human studies, 1950 intrapartum asphyxia markers, 411–412 hyperkalemia, 1947 propionic and methylmalonic, 1817 hyperphosphatemia, 1947 Acidosis, 1187 hypertension, 1947 and asphyxia (see Acidemia) hypocalcemia, 1947 and brain damage, 2174, 2179, 2207, 2302 hyponatremia, 1946–1947 and calcium disturbances, 653–662 hypoxemic-hypoxic insults, 1941–1942 and fetal distress, 106 imaging, 1945 and heart disease, 1053–1063, 1065–1076 intrinsic causes, 1940 management during pregnancy, 115, 124 low-dose dopamine, 1945–1946 metabolic, 206, 413, 663 mannitol, 1946 and NEC, 1373–1387 neonatal kidney, 1937–1938 renal tubular, 1929, 1930, 1949 nephrotoxic drugs, 1940–1941 respiratory, 411, 768 non-oliguric ARF, 1943 and respiratory distress syndrome, nutrition, 1948 980–983 oliguric ARF, 1943 and surfactant therapy, 997 outcomes, 1949 weaning from ventilation, 984 physical features, 1942–1943 Acinar development, 889 plasma creatinine, 1943–1944 Acne, 2399 plasma cystatin C, 1944 Acquired coagulation disorders plasma urea, 1943 HIE and TH, 1449 postrenal causes, 1940 IVH, 1449 prerenal causes, 1939 liver dysfunction and liver failure, 1445 RRT, 1948–1949 VKDB, 1446 sepsis, 1942, 1948 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome septic shock, 1781 (AIDS), 1685 urinalysis, 1943 Acrocyanosis, 475, 1042, 2395–2396 urinary indices, 1944 Acrodermatitis, zinc deficiency, 671 respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 1003, 1781 Acrofacial dysostosis Nager type, see Nager syndrome and subacute non-structural cardiac ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), see Hormones abnormalities, 721 Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), 1438 Adamkiewicz artery, 2269 disseminated intravascular ADAMTS-13, 1458 coagulation (DIC), 1478–1479 Adaptation Activated protein C (aPC), 35, 1779 cardio-respiratory, 23 Active and passive cooling, 299 fetus, 20, 116, 119, 122 Active failures, 309 gastrointestinal tract, 518, 543 Activin A, 2307, 2308 preterm infant, 22–23 Acute Adaptive immunity, 1576, 1583, 1590, 1794 bilirubin encephalopathy (ABE), 1155, 1200 Addressins, 1577 chorioamnionitis, 2235 Adenosine, deaminase deficiency, 1612 fatty liver of pregnancy, 1815 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 1163, 1497 heart failure, 1101–1102 Adenovirus, 869 lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 1656 pneumonia, 1741–1743 myeloid leukemia (see Leukemia) SCIDs, 1612–1614 non-lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL), 1656–1657 thrombocytopenia, 1478 otitis media (AOM), 1748 Adrenal crisis, 1845 pain scale, 369 Adrenal gland renal failure (ARF), 1781, 1935–1952 congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 473, 1120 acidosis, 1947 disorder of gonadal development, 1837–1839 animal studies, 1950 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 1900–1902, 1906 blood count, 1943 11-hydroxylase, 1900–1902 convulsions, 1947 Adrenal hemorrhage, 1116, 1120 definition, 1938 Adrenal hypoplasia congenita, 1842 early diagnosis, 1949–1950 Adrenal insufficiency, 1837–1845 fetal kidney, 1937 clinical presentation, 1844 fluid challenge and rehydration, 1945 diagnostic evaluation, 1844–1845 fluid management, 1946 etiology, 1840–1844 Index 2461 molecular basis, 1839–1840 Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 1227, 1691, 1821 treatment, 1845 Albinism, 2415 Adrenoleucodistrophy, 473 Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO), 1859 Adverse drug reactions, 704 Albumin, 387, 434, 518, 524, 559, 654, 753, 816 Aeromonas hydrophila, 1359 exchange, 1200 Aflibercept, 2373–2374 Alcohol Agammaglobulinemia, 1532, 1609–1610 fetal alcohol syndrome, 2138 Agammaglobulinemia either X linked (XLA) See also Maternal, drug abuse and bacterial infections, 1609 Alexander disease, 1827 characteristics, 1609 Alexis wound retractor (AWR) device, 1300 diagnosis, 1609–1610 Alimentary tract duplications, 1314–1317 genetic defects, 1609 A-lines, 914 symptoms, 1609 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), 660, 1215, 1227, 1857 treatment, 1610 Alkalosis, 520, 610, 644 Agenesis of corpus callosum (ACC), see Corpus hypocalcemic, 654, 657 callosum agenesis metabolic, 658, 768 Age-specific nomogram, 1148 respiratory, 768, 948 AGREE evaluation tool, 319 Alloantibodies, 1476 Agyria, 2115, 2132, 2329 Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) Aicardi–Goutieres syndrome (AR), 2235, 2276 transplantation, 1845 Aicardi syndrome, 2122 Alloimmune AIDS, 752, 1674, 1684–1689, 1844 neonatal neutropenia, 1565 See also Human immunodeficiency virus neutropenia, 1542, 1565 Air thrombocytopenia, 1477 embolism, 1135 Alloimmunization, 1161 leak, 874, 996 Allopurinol, 904, 2156–2157 and MAS, 794 bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 904 syndromes, 795 hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, 2192 transport, 297 Alopecia, 2420, 2421 trapping, 899, 985 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), 1213–1214, and MAS, 794 1235–1236 Airway Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), 1650, 1656, 1853, 2129–2130 compliance, 901 Alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (α1P1), 904 disease 5-Alpha-reductase deficiency, 1907 airway obstruction, 778, 901 Alport’s syndrome, 1476 bronchoscopy, 752 Alterations in surfactant lipid, 898 endotracheal intubation, 386, 429–431, Aluminium, 614 794, 901 Alveolar extubation, 815, 862, 902 capillary dysplasia, 754–755, 830, 919 INSURE, 434 development, 890 laryngomalacia, 770 disorders, 928–929 lung cyst, 744 phase, 890 mechanical ventilation, 209 rhabdomyosarcoma, 1650 respiratory distress syndrome, 980, 997 surface, 802–803 subglottic stenosis, 386, 898 ventilation, 765–766 surfactant therapy, 995–1004 Alveolar-capillary membrane formation, 736 tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia, 737, 898, Alveoli, 875 901, 1284 Ambient humidity, 329–336 tracheostomy, 209 Ambiguity, 224 vocal cord paralysis, 1087 Amblyopia, 247 weaning from ventilation, 861, 984 of the cortico-spinal system, 272 granulomas, 901 Ambulance, 296 management in neonate, 385 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines, 1155, obstruction, 901 1158, 1163 reflexes, 1029 hospital discharge, late preterm infants, 181 resistance, 763–765 jaundice, 180 Alagille syndrome, 1213, 1226, 1238–1239, 1922 American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM), 1777 diffuse xantomata, 1214 Amiel-Tison neurologic assessment at term typical facies, 1213 (ATNAT), 2059 2462 Index Amikacin, 1737 hemolytic disease, 1156–1161 Amino acid hydrops, 1515–1521 disorders, 472 hypoproliferative anemias, 1506–1508 enteral feeding, 595–602 in hypoxia, 772 inborn errors of metabolism, 1808 immune-mediated hemolytic disease, 1498–1500 maple syrup urine disease, 2100 Kasabach–Merritt syndrome, 2419 non-ketotic hyperglycinemia, 1823, 2077, 2100 neonatal reference intervals, 1491–1497 parenteral nutrition, 605–616 oxidative stress, 449 transporters, 518 perinatal hemorrhage, 1503–1504 Amino acid-based formula, 581 physical examination of the newborn, 460 Aminoglycosides, 1736 postnatal hemorrhage, 1504–1505 Amiodarone, 1520 of prematurity, 1506–1508 Ammonia, 602 prenatal hemorrhage, 1500–1503 Amniocentesis, 8, 10, 96, 1156–1157, 1517–1519 preterm neonate, 477 Amnioinfusion, 794, 927 SIDS, 1027 Amnioscopy, 112 syndromes associated with congenital anemia, 1507 Amniotic bands, 51, 2422 Anencephaly, 4, 2129 Amniotic fluid, 8, 54, 112 Anesthesia, 383–393 and chorioamnionitis, 96, 98–100 implications in newborn, 385 index, 112, 747 principal drugs, 387 Amoxicillin, 1745, 1748 Aneuploidy, 8, 57, 133 Amphotericin, 1753, 1781 Angelman syndrome (AS), 46 Ampicillin, 1734, 1736, 1737, 1743, 1754 Angiogenesis, 890 Amplitude integrated EEG
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