Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1867 12-28-1867 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner December 28, 1867 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/banner1867 Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner December 28, 1867" (1867). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1867. 34. https://digital.kenyon.edu/banner1867/34 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1867 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. /4ii- '\. /!L-__,_-fk.._ ~-'r,.J-~. -- J Kfi ·)./47 II.VA! Ii' ' ,<?'-'· h Ir. ~ J L ~ /4l.~~, --~:<"'7~ :- --- _.:: =----- ' -----~-s.~--l!P VOLUl\iE XXXI. MOUNT VERNON. OHIO: S~\TURDAY, DECEI\IBER 28. 1867. NUMBER 36. lrritten for tlte ..Jlt. Jre1 non Bam1er. In addition fo the aLove, tlie following re­ How the Heathen Rage. 'J.'ct·l'iMc Railro:ul Cal:uuit!' ! 'l'IIE 'l'A 'l''l'LERS. WI Sol't~ of f.l:~rngrQpn;;. Qtge ~cmocrntic ~mrner ceiverl slight injur,es: H. M. Ruesell, Frank· The disrnppointment ofeomc 01 the ltadicale --------~--~,--,_, ______ _ iS PtrBLtSllf,:D P.V..ERlr SA.TURDA.Y UORNlNO BY OCye ~rm.ocratic ~nnnc.r Jin, 'renn.j J. Brown, Buffalo; J. Owy~t', New Brown nn,! Trumbull, contestnots in th6 at the action of Congress on impeachment is RY T'iPPA. Sll!'\DON?-,"ET, FH'TY-FIVE PERSOXS KILLED! York; J. C, Ifrlb, (Salem, Mass.; Mrs. J, II. Kentucky Delegation, will probauly be awarJ L. HARPER. Thomas, Kenosha, 1Vis.; Mary llfoore, Brook­ excruciating, and they find vent to their indig• NEGRO OU'l'RA.GES. there ts ~ gang on 1'o1cgrnph street, ed seats. Om.Ni n l.togers' Hall, Vine Street. DESTRUCT!ON OF CARS BY FI:JlE ! lyn. Among those in the ,rain were Stephen n1tio11 l,y pitching into the brethren who refu. I toll ;xou they nro prattlcr[-1, Washington City, by the municipal censnA 8tewn,·t, of Corry, Pa., President of the Oil sed to toe the mark. Says that pious sheet, 'rbey vi.ellt en.ch other o,·ery wee~, just complete,!, contai11e a population tif7~; Terrible Scene at an Alabama Election. Pop go~s tho tattiers. $'.?.:.O port\nnnm, pay<>hle stricth> in "d,·nnce Cre<'k Railroad, wl,o is missing; George fl. the New York Independent: 057 whites and 31,SH blacks. Names of the Dead and Wounded. Flersheiuna, of this city, expecte,I 0:1 tho train, $:l.00 if P"YIDOD t bo lolaycd. • . "So a President of tbe United Slates Thera•s setcrtil persona in this gnog, A lady at Kingston, Alabama, has ,vril(en has not l>cen lientd from and fears are enter­ heo-ine John Mitchell will be Head center of th(\ pa- ·rhcse~,1nms willbeitrictlyn.dhcrc<lto. 'l'EllRIUl,E SCENES A'I' PLACE OF by inslllting, continues l,y bullying, and .:'nds And some folks call them smashers, Feidan orgnniznfion in case of a coalition of an appeal to the "Christian women of the tRined for hie safetv. l<'rnnk Shernrnn, con, When they get together its rattle-Le-bang, ACCIDEN'l'I .luctor of the train, ,vas injured in the shoul­ by conquering Congress. That meek-minded tbe L(vo wlnt•• -- -- North," to use their influence to save the wo assembly long ago had the desire to impeach Pop gocs.«J.e clashers, men of the South from lhQ terriule perils <ler nr,cl on the head. He came here on the One !lllndred thousand dollars' worth -of him, but hH<I not the spirit; they li11d the op­ will will iµetinl ioticcs. ruFF-"-o, Dec. I!)_ 9 o'clock lrain last evening. One lie, so the other, contraband wh:skv W3S seized the oLher da, .............. which the Radical policy of recoustruction is portunity, but not the ncn-e; they had the And the third one backs them in it, ---~-..._ ----~--~ An awful accide11t occurre,I Jesferday after- As far a~ wecou!J le11rn the list below shows in Pettis County, Missouri. - (.'olumbus Bnsiu.-ss College. forcing upon them. Large numuers of f,tmil­ proof, but not the pluck. At ,he last m oment, And that's the wu.y tho time glides al<.n,e-; Tho choa.pest, most lhorough and pracl1cal Busi­ noon ou the Lake Sl,ore, 21 miles from here, the hotels to w!Jich the few seriously injurr·d, t.he bravest men among tl,em were denied the Pop goes evory mi';'ulo. Rl. I,Iarie, who gare the information that ies in the South are left wit.bout any male who arrived la !! l e,iening, were consigned, rwJ ness Sch'Jol in America.. :r.Iore situ,1.tions furnishcU near n place called Angola. The trniu from the narnre of 1!.e1r hurt~: . Naiionnl Hotel­ ,:ight even of opening -their lips on the ques­ led lo the arrest of Surratt, claims the rewrwt bead, and the females have to work and toil tion. Forty members had signified to the They make n. party now ntrd then, by our ttssociation thitn nll others. ScbolarshipE is the West, due here at 1:30, to connect with Richard C. Morris, New London, Conn., slight And Riik all thoir ga11"•Str, The Goverment cnh't see it. sued at Columbus, good throughout the Union. in the field, and nre there, as everywhere else, spea krr t!H ir desire to be heard. Dut a Re• And Oh! they liavo a Jolly time, the train going East, ran off the track. One cut on forehead and contuserl; ]Hrs. John 11. publican majo, il.y of cowards g1tgge1l a 1tepnb- Several persons "ere frozen to death io '3RYAN & TOMLINSON. constantly subjected to the i11sults and out­ llut its pop goes tho slang-air. car was t!Jrown down a bank 30 feel, the coach Tyneson, Kenosha, \Vis .. slight confusion on 1ica11 minority <,f .gtatesnH•n. Thad,leus St.e­ the vicinity of New York Cit}' during the late rages ot half civilized ne:;roes, who know no left femple;':John C. Cripp, Salem, Pa., slight­ storm. burnt up and some thirty personsconsume,l by ly contused ou back of hend; .James iV:.dsh, vens, George Boutwell, Joh11 Lngan, 1tn,l oth­ Then after tnttling 1111 the week, J. I....i OAR, M. D., law but their own lusts and desires. After ers of litrn heroic mol,l, stood Ly their country, 'While with ca.ch other greating, 1ly order of the military liali of the d~esi, fire. Another coach w~nl down a ledge aLouL Brooklyn, scratch, wound nnd rut on wrist; Put c,n u :'long fu,ce" when Suntln1 corlil.)11 1 these women have worked in tl1e open ficlcJs nn,! were trottle<l by their frienda. Andrew circle of the Galveston Theater is reserved for XEW SCHOOL 20 feet and twelve or fourteen passengers were· Wm. I:I. Teller, Utica, two slight wounds on And pop they go to mooting. and produced their little crops, they are not Johnson's repriu,tio11, mildewed by him&elf, niggers. killed and a number wOulld. head and two on the left arm; F. Gregory, has been burnished by the House of Represen Geoernl Harvey \ells the Preside11t thrit the le'JI"¥S:If!'.!A'S! 4-ED ~ltfilt~li:OiN unfrequently stolen by the ncgroes at n_ighl. Skeneiuless, New York, injurjcs not known; 1'hey look very sDbcr during servio9, As soon as information of the accident reach- Mrs: Perkins, Canada, injuries not kno,vn _ tativee. \Vho know• but that. next year, he Direct from tho bl!gin?1ing, prospects of a continued veace with the lo She asserts that large numbers of the freed­ may be the Presidential canJiJate of the Re­ And than na soon 11s tnltcting's over, SEVE1'TEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE. e,l Iluffalo word was conveyed to a number of Tifft House-Mr. and Mrs. n.. G. Ste,~art, ,lians are goo1. 1 men who were three years ago indu!trious p11lilican p!trty for re election!'' Pop they go a grinning. our physicians, and by 4 o'clock a number of O11eida, N. Y., slightly rnjnred; W. T. Pelton, The Kansas press is untlnimously opposed. The Philadelphia Post, a young spicy Ilad­ p-- On-rcE ANI> Resim:,;cr.-On Gambior ~trcet, and J.onest, have, under tho new order of them had reached the depot and in company New York, bruised. Mansion House-L. L. to tl,e further agitation of negro suffrage ii a. few doors East of M!l.in street. h · Mt. Vernon, .func 1, lSGi mo. t togs, become drunkarJs and vagabonde.- Lambanl, New York, Lrniscd on head and ical sheet, @peaks its mind very freely. It The Negro in Washington. that State. · with Wm. Willia111e, Presi,lent, an,! R. N· chest. Here is ar. election scene which she recites, ~ays: The following articles, from the Nationa ~ear, f,ict~tes bf Slonewall ,faek~or.: .e.i~ Ilrown, SuperintenJent, nnd other officials Of Tha greater number of the wounded, who C111·e Youi• Coughs nncl Cohls, that will prove in8lructive to our people in "Let cowai·ds say what they will, the im­ !ntellige11cer show up some of the latest deeds having a lt1rge sale among_ the Mobile oeg.-dea the road, took the train and about five o'clock were unable to take care of themselves, were as portraits of General Grant.
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