MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) QUARTERLY REPORT FY2018 QUARTER 2 MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) QUARTERLY REPORT FY2018 QUARTER 2 Contract Number: AID-688-C-14-00004 Submitted to: USAID | Mali Prepared by: AECOM International Development DISCLAIMER: The authors’ views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. FY2018 Quarter 2 Report| Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) i TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................... iv Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 Component IR1: Increased Animal Production and Access to Technologies ............................................. 1 Component IR2: Increased Livestock Trade with Reduced Barriers ............................................................ 2 Trade Transactions: ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Reduction of Trade Barriers ........................................................................................................ 2 Timbuktu Expansion ..................................................................................................................... 1 Component 1. Increased Livestock Production ......................................................................... 2 1.1 Enhanced Technology Innovation, Dissemination, and Management ..................................................... 2 Task 1.1.1 Modernize Animal Health Delivery Systems ............................................................................ 2 Task 1.1.2 Develop and Disseminate Messages About Good Livestock Management Practices and Issues ................................................................................................................... 5 Task 1.1.3 Improve Livestock Forage and Animal Feed Production and Supply .................................. 5 1.2 Increased Access to Quality Inputs and Services ....................................................................................... 9 Task 1.2.1 Improve Access to Animal Health Inputs and Services ......................................................... 9 Task 1.2.2 Improve Access to Animal Non-Health Inputs, Facilities, and Advisory Services .......... 9 Task 1.2.3 Improve Access to Finance And Business Development Services .................................... 11 1.3 Improved Pastureland and Water Resources Management ................................................................... 12 Task 1.3.1 Assist Pastoralists and Livestock Farmers to Improve Water Points for Livestock and in Strategic Planning for the Realization of New Water Points .................................. 12 Task 1.3.2 Promote Improved Grazing and Pastureland/Rangeland Management Practices for Sustainable Livestock Production ............................................................................................................ 12 1.4 Improved Community Literacy, Numeracy, Nutrition, and Hygiene Practices ................................. 12 Task 1.4.1 Improved Community Literacy and Numeracy ..................................................................... 12 Tasks 1.4.2 Improve Nutrition and Hygiene at the Community Level ................................................ 16 Evaluation of PO’s Adoption of Best Practices in Nutrition and Hygiene .................................................. 17 Component II. Increased Domestic and Export Trade ........................................................... 18 2.1 Strengthened Market Linkages and Access ................................................................................................. 18 Task 2.1.1 Improve Vertical Linkages to Build Trust and Sustainable Market Relationships ........... 18 Task 2.1.2 Strengthen Horizontal Linkages to Achieve Economies of Scale ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. Task 2.1.3 Improve Producer Capacity to Identify and Achieve Market Requirements .................. 18 Task 2.1.4 Linkages and Improved Access to Financial Services ........................................................... 22 FY2018 Quarter 2 Report| Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) ii Task 2.1.5 Improve Access to Financial and Business Development Services .................................... 23 Workshop to Establish Business Relationships Between Animal Fatteners and Traders ....................... 25 L4G Clients Completing Applications for USADF Grants ............................................................................. 26 2.2 Decreased Barriers to Trade ......................................................................................................................... 27 Task 2.2.1 Link Livestock Value Chain Stakeholders to the National and Sub-Regional Policy Dialogue ......................................................................................................................... 27 Task 2.2.2 Improve Transport Service Provision for the Livestock Sector ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Task 2.2.3 Improve Access to Reliable Transportation Services for Livestock Value Chain Stakeholders ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Task 2.2.4 Encourage and Facilitate Private Sector Actors to Develop and Adopt Innovative Approches to Meet Market Standards and Requirments ............ Error! Bookmark not defined. Component IV. Strengthened Local Capacities and Systems ........ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Strengthened Capacity of Key National Livestock Stakeholders (Public, Private And Civil Society) ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Task 4.2.1 Build Capacity of Key Public Sector Actors in the Livestock Value Chain to Manage Donor Funds ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Component V: Improved Enabling Environment for Livestock Sector ................................. 28 5.2 Increased Capacity of Civil Society for Policy Analysis and Advocacy ................................................ 28 Monitoring and Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 28 Gender .......................................................................................................................................... 30 Operations and Administration ................................................................................................. 31 Challenges and Lessons Learned ............................................................................................... 32 Livestock Management Information System ...................................................................................................... 32 Collaborating with Partners ....................................................................................................... 33 Annex I: Financial Report ........................................................................................................... 34 Annex II: Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 35 Annex III: Success Story: ............................................................................................................ 39 FY2018 Quarter 2 Report| Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) iii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AECOM Architecture Engineering Construction Operation Management APESS Association pour la Promotion de l’Élevage au Sahel et en Savane AMRAD Association Malienne de Recherche-Action pour le Développement AMELP Activity Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Performance AE Auxiliaires d’Élevage AEH Essential Actions in Hygiene AEN Essential Actions in Nutrition BMS Malian Bank of Solidarity COP Chief of Party CSA Climate Smart Agriculture CVC Cereals Value Chain DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DQA Data Quality Assessment ECOWAS Economic Community of West Africa States FFS Farmer Field School FOFBEV Fédération des Operateurs de la Filière du Bétail et de la Viande HO Home Office ICRAF World Agroforestry Center ICD Initiatives, Conseils, Developpement ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICT4Ag Information Communication Technology for Agriculture IESC International Executive Service Corps ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IR Intermediate Result IP Implementing Partners IPTT Indicators Performance Tracking Table L4G Livestock for Growth FtF Feed the Future FTFMS Feed the Future Management System FFS Famer Field School LMIS Livestock Market Information System M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MFI Microfinance Institution FY2018 Quarter 2 Report| Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) iv MNLB Multi-Nutritional Licking Blocks MoL Ministry of Livestock MOLF Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises NGO Non-Government Organization OCA Organization Capacity Assessment OMA Observatoire des Marches Agricoles PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet PO Producer Organization PPCB Cattle Pneumonia RMCR Réseau de Micro institutions de Croissance de Revenus SOW Scope of Work SPM Senior Program Manager STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance
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