Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 10-6-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 06, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1992 Volume 78, Issue 35 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 06, 1992." (Oct 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Univer si ty at Carbondale Tuesday, October 6, 1992, Vol. 78, No. 35, 16 Pages Committee planning SlUe's future By Christy Gutowski to defend their programs against cuts or Administration Writer eliminations will have the oPJX>rtunity to do Streamlining result of years of work so, Guyon said last week at a GPSC meeting. A 12-member committee mel Monday The SIU Board of Trustees must approve night to draft a planning dOCII~C llt lO guide By__ Christy Gutowski writer lllinois Board of Higher Education, a the document before it beeomes final. SIUC into the future. committee is working toward presenting a The group is basing its decisions on President John C. Guyon organi zed an final p;uposal to the University to use as its program and budget analyses concerning the advisory commillce to write a document Efforts to streamline SIUC that began own planning document. future of the University, not on the recently based on numerous reports that have tIlJu years ago and beeame increasingly President John e. Guyon said committee released Illinois Board 'of Higher Education evaluated the face s of a mUltipurpose elaborate will be funnelled tltrough one members will make their decisions based recommendations. institution. committee into a ftnal planning proposal. on " their bes t jUdgment" and not Commiuee member James Van <>OSting, TIle comminee COI Isists of representatives As SIUC considers recommendations chairman of the Department of Speech from the Graduate Council, Undergraduate concerning program eliminations from the _IISTORY, I-aa 10 Communication, said the committee is using Student Government. Facuhy Senate, Civil a "stack of bomework and required reading Service Council , Adminisl!"'dtive,lProfessionai that is 7 inches high." Staff. Gra1uate and Professional Student The final document will contain a series of communily to consider. Van Oosting said he was impressed by the Council. four SIUC faculty members and two recommendations about the reorganization of This measure was taken to ensure that _ COMMITTEE, page 5 administr'.Hors. the University for the whole University those ir: the University community who want Profs say candidates' plans not likely to reduce deficit By John McCadd pll!sidentiaJ term, but not by what Ell en Glynn and Republican Politics Writer Clinton and Bush arc proposing:' spokeswoman Darcey Campbell said S IUC political science o utlined the deficit spending If \lalers plan 10 choose belween professor John Baker. "If they were proposals. Presidenl George Bus h and to try. iI would result in five years Bush intends to cut the deficit Dcmocr.llic candidalc Bill Clinlon of economic hun." from $400 billion to $130 billion based on Iheil .-J cficil-reducrion Baker said the main ingredients proposal.l.. rhey may as well slay necessary 10 red uce the deficit see DEFl·-:rr, page 5 home on elecrion doly. would be 10 raise taxes and reduce slue politiC.11 s~icnce professors spending in ccnain areas. Gus Bode !)aid rhe Bus h ;.Ind C linlo n TIle problem is both would ha ve c;Jmpaigns bo th place a s izable to be dOlle SO drastically that uley amoum t){ focus on reduc'1.fl£, the may {a\a'.\y \l&h\en 1he 1:te\\ of an $400 billion annual dcfich. already recession-plagued But both plans ponray an image economy. he said. that the deficit can be hal',led within " If government put all of its a fo ur-year pre.Ci idenliai term, which income toward redu log the deficit is not possible without the nation within five years, they amid do il," feeling major economic stress. !,lker said. "'lle only drawback is professors said. that (the ,ountry) would barely Gus says It looks like we ··It ·., possible to significanlly have enough money to live (In.'' have deficit in presidential redul: c the deficit within a Democrat spoke.swomail Mary a choices. 'Bush overridden on cable TV bill Zapnews th e s ports fan s of America are operato rs to observe customer mad:' explained Sen. Larry service standards, and make it easier WASHI NGTON- Pr<s ide nt P"ressler. .{-S.D .. who rebuffed a for cable competitors to gel a Bush's unscathed velO record now special White House plea. "Whr " foo.hold b the marketplace. has a big blemish- !hz cable the spons fans of America are mad. In the context of the life-and­ tclevisiol. bill. Congress must wake up." death issues a president must Stall Photo by Nick Mostro TIle Senate overrode Bush's veto Thc Senmc was considered the confront, a bill 10 re-regulate a !;.II,: Mo nd ay wi th :1 decidedly key test of the bill all along. The segment of the entertainment Twirl and whirl strong 74·25 vote followed by the House exceed me two-thirds rr.argin industry docsn '{ amount to much. House wilh a 308-114 \ Ole in spite required to enact the bill over White House spokesman Marlin Paul Ruckrlch, a visitor from Madison, Wis., entertains of heavy lobbying by both the Bush's Jbjections. Fitzwarer tried to take tI-", defeat in students outside of the Student Center by playing what Whit.e House and the cable T.V. Thc cable bill- Bush 's 36th stride. "We stood for lower cable he calls "rhythm stlx." industry. velo-would limil rales for basic b:il s for the cc nsumer Ihrough "I am voting as I am because cable service . reqlJire cable increased compelition," he said. Official says program will not suffer cuts Physics master's program: because of support from administration By Chris Davies support for the program, said Maurice beeause of low enrollment and high costs. 47 percent and costs have increased 123 Administration Wr i!er Wright, chainnan of tlte physics department. IBHE states that the masters program has percent. according to mHE statistics. "The campus administration has backed us the lowest enrollments and degrees granted IBHE has proposed tbat SIUC cut 24 Although the physics masters prugram on the proposal not to eliminate the of any master's program at SlUe. degnees overall. The University has a year to has been targeted for elimination along with program," he said. ''1l1e master's plOgram is mHE also cited the doctorate in molecular respond to IBHE's proposals other College of Science programs it will not one of the better progr.tms on this campus scienre for elimination. for a Jack o f Many of ffiHE's proposed program cut s be CUI. said a department offid:.L and I think they recogniZo! that." American students in the program. and eliminations have stemmed from low Campus adminis trators and physics The minois Board of Higher Education Sinr.., 1985 the en",lIment in the physics department administrators have shown cited the physics depanment for elimination deJllll1ITl"m 's master's program has declined _ SCIENCE, page 5 Environmentalists University computer Opinion Two slue women slue volleyball -5ee page 4 protest cutting systems get update People receive honors as to take a break in Shawnee Forest to ease research -5eepage 7 employees of year from MVe play c_ -5eepage 12 -Story on page 3 -Story on page 6 [IHigh 70s - Story on page 7 -Story on page 16 ..... ... .- . Page 16 May 12. 1992 Sports 11 .111\ I ~ \ I tl ii n • ,", olllhl rn 1111111 11, 1 IlI\t,. , .I\ .11 ( .lIhullcI,lll slue to take break from MVe at ASU By Karyn Vlverlto "We made mistakes in our of errors in our o~sive game if transfers at the beginning of the team if! digs with 277. averaging SportsWriter passing and serving game. and thaI we are goinb to win." season. and our high expectations 3.7 a g:nne. is what we need 10 get our offense Arkansas Stale will 13k" tile floor dropped a liltle bi l," he said. "We One surprise in the Indians' line· The SlUC volleyball leam will going." she said. with a 16-5 overall record. The have been playing some of our lip was freshman middle blocker try and pull its game logether as il The Salukis made I 0 errors in Indians ~re i 2-0 in tournament freshmen that we were originally Cathy Koontz. Poole said. heads inlo Arkansas Stale lonighl both passing and serving againsl action. winrung all the lournaments going 10 redshirt, and Ihey have " This season Calhy has after losing its last match to the Shockers. Ihey have participaled in. Their really performed weD for us." surpassed every expectation we Missouri Valley Conference foe :..ocke said the Salul:is will focus five losses h ve come in 000- Leading Ihe Indian s on Ihe had for her as a freshman:' he said. Wichita State. on their offense as they prepare for coiberence action. season is outside hiner Angela "She has been outstand.ing al the Head coach Sonya Locke said the Arkansas Stale malch-up. ASU head coach Chris Poole Lightfoot. middle blocker position for us:' the spikers' main problem ir. Ihe "Our defense has been very said his team' s performance is Lightfoot leads ber team in kills.
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