Commissioners Court –July 11, 2017 NOTICE OF A MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS This Notice is posted pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. (VERNONS TEXAS CODES ANN. GOV. CODE CH.551). The Hays County Commissioners Court will hold a meeting at 9:00 A.M. on the 11th day of July, 2017, in the Hays County Courthouse, Room 301, San Marcos, Texas. An Open Meeting will be held concerning the following subjects: CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag & Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time 3-MINUTE comments will be taken from the audience on Non-Agenda related topics. To address the Court, please submit a Public Participation/ Witness Form to the County Clerk. Please Complete the Public Participation/ Witness Form in its Entirety. NO ACTION MAY BE TAKEN BY THE COURT DURING PUBLIC COMMENTS. CONSENT ITEMS The following may be acted upon in one motion. A Commissioner, the County Judge, or a Citizen may request items be pulled for separate discussion and/or action. 1 4 Approve payments of county invoices. VILLARREAL-ALONZO 2 5-13 Approve Commissioners Court Minutes of June 27, 2017. COBB/GONZALEZ Authorize the County judge to execute 2nd Amendments to the existing leases between Hays 3 14-20 County and the City of San Marcos for the Women, Infants and Children ("WIC") Program offices located at 150 Lockhart Street in Kyle and 401C Broadway in San Marcos. COBB/INGALSBE Authorize Commercial OSSF Permit at 1020 Pier Branch Rd, Dripping Springs, TX 78620. 4 21 WHISENANTS/MCINNIS 5 22-41 Approve Utility Permits. COBB/BORCHERDING Amend the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Ebola grant for Emergency Preparedness 6 42 conference expenses approved by the granting agency. COBB/GARZA Amend the Juvenile Probation Operating and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) grant 7 43 budgets for continuing education expenses. COBB/WILLIAMS 8 44-54 Approve the April-May 2017 Treasurer's Reports and Investment Reports. COBB/TUTTLE Approve out of state travel for the County Auditor related to the upcoming bond sale in New York. 9 55 COBB/VILLARREAL-ALONZO Accept the monthly financial report for fiscal year to date through May 31, 2017 as presented by 10 56 the office of the County Auditor. COBB/VILLARREAL-ALONZO Authorize the Constable Precinct 5 Office to purchase a replacement mobile radio and vehicle 11 57 graphics for the new patrol vehicle and amend the budget accordingly. JONES/ELLEN Authorize the Emergency Services and Grants Administration departments to post the updated 12 58-62 draft of the Hays County Hazard Mitigation Plan to the Hays County website for public review and comment. COBB/SMITH/HAUFF Release of subdivision fiscal surety bonds as identified by the Hays County Transportation 13 63 Department. COBB/BORCHERDING Authorize the County Judge to execute the Second Amendment to the Agreement between Hays 14 64-70 County and Turner Construction Company (the Construction Manager at Risk). INGALSBE/CONLEY Authorize the County Judge to execute a Statement of Work (SOW) and updated Quotes with 15 71-93 Taser, International for deployment and installation of the Axon In-Car Camera Products for County law enforcement vehicles. COBB ACTION ITEMS SUBDIVISIONS SUB-776 Cavallo Park Subdivision (1 Lot). Discussion and possible action to approve preliminary 16 94-95 plan. WHISENANT/PACHECO SUB-764 Abigail Meadows Subdivision (8 Lots). Discussion and possible action to approve 17 96-98 preliminary plan. JONES/PACHECO MISCELLANEOUS Discussion and possible action to authorize the County Judge to execute a Professional Services 18 99-108 Agreement with Mariah and Ariana Rehmet for production services related to the 2015 Memorial Day Flood Documentary and amend the budget accordingly. COBB/JOHNSON Discussion and possible action to consider naming two private driveways in Precinct 3, Emma Ellis 19 109-110 Way and Gwendolyns Trl. CONLEY/GARZA Discussion and possible action to authorize the County Judge to execute an affiliation agreement 20 111-121 between Hays County and Rollins Brook Community Hospital. COBB Discuss and possible action to approve the appointment of Tom Richey to replace Doyle Krumrey 21 122-127 as a member of Emergency Services District #3. CONLEY Discussion and possible action to adopt an order by the Commissioners Court of Hays County, Texas authorizing the issuance of “Hays County, Texas Limited Tax Bonds”; levying an annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, for the payment of the bonds; prescribing the 22 128-187 form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds; delegating the authority to certain members of the Commissioners Court and County staff to execute certain documents relating to the sale of the bonds; authorizing the execution of a paying agent/registrar agreement; and providing an effective date. COBB Discussion and possible action to adopt an order by the Commissioners Court of Hays County, Texas authorizing the issuance of “Hays County, Texas Unlimited Tax Road Bonds”; levying an annual ad valorem tax, without limit as to rate or amount, for the payment of the bonds; prescribing 23 188-246 the form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds; delegating authority to certain members of the Commissioners Court and County staff to execute certain documents relating to the sale of the bonds; authorizing the execution of a paying agent/registrar agreement; and providing an effective date. COBB Discussion and possible action to adopt an order by the Commissioners Court of Hays County, Texas authorizing the issuance of one or more series of “Hays County, Texas Limited Tax Refunding Bonds”; levying an annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, for the payment of the bonds; prescribing the form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters 24 247-318 incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds; delegating authority to certain County officials and County staff to execute certain documents related to the sale of the bonds; authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement and a paying agent/registrar agreement; and providing an effective date. COBB WORKSHOP 11am-Workshop regarding Elections in Hays County, including but not limited to the use of equipment in Elections. Discussion and possible action may follow, including but not limited to 25 319-377 receipt of a recommendation from the Election Equipment Advisory Committee and actions thereon. INGALSBE/CONLEY EXECUTIVE SESSIONS The Commissioners Court will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel to discuss matters of land acquisition, litigation, and personnel matters as specifically listed on this agenda. The Commissioners Court may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any other item on this agenda. Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.072 of the Texas Government Code: 26 378 consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange or value of Right of Way along proposed FM110 in Pct. 1. Possible action to follow in open court. INGALSBE STANDING AGENDA ITEMS The Commissioners Court utilizes Standing Agenda Items to address issues that are frequently or periodically discussed in court. This section allows the Court to open the item when a need for discussion arises. Discussion of issues related to the Hays County Jail, and the planning of projects pertaining to the public 27 safety facilities needs within the County. Possible action may follow. COBB/CUTLER Discussion and possible action related to the burn ban and/or disaster declaration. 28 COBB/SMITH/BROWNING Discussion of issues related to the road bond projects, including updates from Mike Weaver, Prime Strategies, 29 Laura Harris, HNTB and Allen Crozier, HDR. Possible action may follow. COBB ADJOURNMENT Posted by 5:00 o'clock P.M. on the 7th day of June, 2017 COMMISSIONERS COURT, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS ______________________________________________ CLERK OF THE COURT Hays County encourages compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the conduct of all public meetings. To that end, persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids such as an interpreter for a person who is hearing impaired are requested to contact the Hays County Judge’s Office at (512) 393-2205 as soon as the meeting is posted (72 hours before the meeting) or as soon as practical so that appropriate arrangements can be made. While it would be helpful to receive as much advance notice as possible, Hays County will make every reasonable effort to accommodate any valid request regardless of when it is received. Braille is not available. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Hays County Commissioners Court Tuesdays at 9:00 AM Request forms are due in Microsoft Word Format via email by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. AGENDA ITEM Approve payment of County invoices. ITEM TYPE MEETING DATE AMOUNT REQUIRED CONSENT July 11, 2017 LINE ITEM NUMBER AUDITOR USE ONLY AUDITOR COMMENTS: PURCHASING GUIDELINES FOLLOWED: N/A AUDITOR APPROVAL: N/A REQUESTED BY SPONSOR CO-SPONSOR VILLARREAL- Auditor’s Office N/A ALONZO SUMMARY 4 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Hays County Commissioners Court Tuesdays at 9:00 AM Request forms are due in Microsoft Word Format via email by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. AGENDA ITEM Approve Commissioner Court Minutes of June 27, 2017. ITEM TYPE MEETING DATE AMOUNT REQUIRED CONSENT July 11, 2017 LINE ITEM NUMBER AUDITOR USE ONLY AUDITOR COMMENTS: PURCHASING GUIDELINES FOLLOWED: N/A AUDITOR REVIEW: N/A REQUESTED BY SPONSOR CO-SPONSOR Gonzalez COBB N/A SUMMARY 5 HAYS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT MINUTES –JUNE 27, 2017 ***** ***** STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF HAYS * ON THIS THE 27TH DAY OF JUNE A.D., 2017, THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, MET IN REGULAR MEETING.
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