; i I 1 : . •• M TO - KOURI-S, Of! FROM: Hi R i AM COHCH .': Ill DATE; '. ' • • • - . )':•; ! . COMPAM . I !i; AFRAID YOU ARE ( . TC PU'I ME ON YOUR DART BOARD WHEN YOU HEAR WHAT I HAVE. ! HAVE A COPY OF THE 1962 Ml SS IS D>REC'1 ' ' WE *VE :B 1963's). UH HUH, YES, FT HAS IN ST ALL THE SAME STUFF YOU JUST SENT. i FEEL TERRI8LE THAT YOU WENT TO ALL THAT WORK! EASTLAND'S 0 GOT THE DjM LOR HE. (SMILE) IF WE ARE ONLY ABLE TO USE INFORMATION .., THE RACE OF EMPLOYEES CF EITHER NATIONAL COM AMIES OR LOCAL COMPANIES ON FEDERAL CONTRACT, THIS KSHOULD SAVE YOU SOME WORK. I'LL TRY TO COMPILE A LIST OF THE COMPANIES FOE WHICH WE NEED RACIAL i NFORMATI " ACTUALLY, WE WEILL NEED MORE THAN I FORMATION FOR THESE COMPANIES, WE WILL HEED AN . AGGRIEVED PARTY. (FUN!) 2. UNIONS: i TALKED WITH HERBERT HiLL OF THE NAAC WHEN i WAS IN NEW YORK. HE SAID THE AfL~C!0 CIVIL RIGHTS DEPT. WAS LYING -IN SPITE OF ANY CLAIM?: , THEY MAKE, THEY DO HOT ACT TO AMELIORATE DISCRIMINATION IN THE IR UNIONS. IF THIS IS SO, -, . : , A SURVEY WILL HOT HELP. ANYWAY, HILL FELT A SURVEY WASN'T NECESSARY LEGALISE WITHOUT MARKING ONE WE COULD FA! ELY ACCURATELY STATE THAT 99,A OF THE I LOCALS IN MTSS. ARE EITHER SEGREGATED OK' KXKM EXCLUDE NEGROES ALTOGETHER, WKXX HILL SUGGESTS ICXXTHE FOLLOWING WAYS OF ATTACKING DISCRIMINATION IN UNIONS: A. NON-LEGAL (I.E. NOT REQUIRING A LAWYER OF LAW STUDENT) K1. FILING COMPLAINTS WITH THE PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE OH EQ.UAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. (IT WOULD DE OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO FILE SIMULTANEOUSLY AGAINST THE COMPANY.) 2. PICKETING THE INTERNATIONAL HE ADO.UAETERS, ALSO., OTHER METH20DS OF PUBLIC PRESSURE SUCK AS MAKING PRESS RELEASES, B. LEGAL (I.E. REQUIRING LEGAL KNOWLEDGE) £. REQUEST DECERTIFICATION BY THE A:L:13 2, TAKING A COURT CASE NOTE: HILL SAID THE NAACP (OR HERE SPECIFICALLY, THEIR LAWYER ROBERT CARBTER) WAS XMXXKE TRYING TO DEVELOP A NEW AREA OF LABOR LAW IN THE FIELD OF UNION DISCRIMINATION. "E SAID THEY HAD WON AN NLRB DECISION IN TEXAS, BUT LOST A COUPLE OF OTHERS. H|LL SAID THE BASIS FOE THE COURT CASES WAS OFTEN THE 14TH AMEN . ;NT, SOMETIMES IT WAS THE NATIONAL RAILWAY LABOR ACT, SOMETIMES OTHER THINGS. HILL DIDN'T SAY IT, BET ! HAVE THE FEELING THAT THE NAAC? WOULD TAKE AMY NLRB AND COURT CASE; E rED To BRING. 3. PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE OH EQUAL EMPLOY; I-UNITY FOR BOTH COMS \ND ; I is IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE AN AGGRIEVED PARTY TO FILE, THE MORE COMPLAI ITS r~~; cc . • : THE BETTER. 'HILL FELT IT WAS HOT ENO IT IS ; - p -' ; r , - y ~. -. p p p - ,. ,.p [ ir,;?i ,-: ro FILE A COM: 1 > ! —' Ilk If I I : , . -J — i I ' t I ' w t t\ _ o O w r* ;}r:\ PRESS RELEASES, REOP!;;TS E. .'5, FILINC OF A i 3H THE OVEI DISC V E / T T .: DR UNI 01 I ED, GIVI NG THE 0 : LAI -2- II rlOBARl IAYLOI , Fll A COMPLAI FEDERAL AGENCY WHI Ci . iADE THE CONTRACT XM WITH THE COMPANY. D. SUMMARY: IN OTHER V. IT IS HOT GOING TO BE AS EASY AS ! HAD THOUGHT. SOMETHING TELLS ME THAT GETTING PEOPLE IN HiSS„ TO FILE COMPLGJNTS IS GOING TO TAKE A LOT OF CAREFUL WORK. AS WILL EACH COURT OR NLRB CAc 1 TSli S HAY BE WHAT WE lLL J! HAVE TO DO, Council el Federated Qrganlzatlc BoS 2896 Jackson, Mississippi 2J July 1?6*> • Co< ;• ratlv* L<?pga» of the U.; 59 Bast 9an Bbireis Sti*»i*t Chic- p;o 5, Zlliv >ia Gaht3arat)• i"X;"?o Bond "r; Informi "c i•% of technical -^list- »noe for groups wishing tc for:: f.srwra ooogarativtc* In r = rtlc- ular I ~r. in* irected Li i 1 tance provided bj the Cooperative L«agu*. four8 truly, M-it; . ••• lex 2896 y»L^ "/T \\A I Jackson, Ifi-ssissippi *A a9" • l 2a 3mwil9$k Mississippi Ooopsrativ® Extension Service Mississippi Stat® Snivarsity Stat® Callage, Mississippi Gentleman: Please sond is® one copy ©f each of the foUesting B&tsnsis an< Public ationsj- numbers 3%h$ k$ys 3. r tr Ji " °^. W^(,V'J / <-• / CONSUMERS COOPERATIVE OF BERKELEY, INC. / THornwall 3-6784 U 1414 University Avenue, Berkeley 2, California September 29, 196k ift /-UP- Kiss Ellen Kaslow 101? lynch Street Jackson, Mi si Lppi Dear Miss Maslow; A letter from Jerry Voorhis, Executive Director of the Cooperative ue of the USA, has called our attention to your request for contributions of non-perishable food for distribution to residents of the state who are suffering deprivation because of their part in the civil rights movement. ; our Contributions Committee to con­ fer this request and it may be that we will be sendir ; fu ids rather than food as a corporate gift. We presume you would find this accept-, able, even preferable, since the expe of hauling lorn; distance would be eliminated. Ihis committee will be meeting in October,, We shall also make inquiries of various agencies which might provide hauling with little or no charge so that it would be practical to ask our members to make contributions in kind. If you are aware of any existing arrangements we would be pleased to know about the .. A*1? suggestions from you concerning the kind of food most, needed, or to be avoided, would be appreciated. We can see possible problems entailed in collecting a wide variety of foods - store-bought - and home canned, in a variety of sizes, shapes, and containers, and packing them suitably for efficient and safe hauling. djneerely Hours, ^uiP S:s Education Director cc: Jerry Voorhis •.".. -€l : Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee National Haadquartom 6 Raymond Stroof, N.W. © Atlanta 14, Goorgia • Ar.a Cod* 404 - o88-0331 Tel. 387-7445 3418 Eleventh Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20010 July 29, 196k Jesse Morris 1017 Lynch St. Jackson, Miss. Dear Hesse: Concerning your request for information on technical assistance from the outside to form a consumer cooperative, I have not been able to get any information for you. Norm Kurland says that the Poverty Bill provides loans to low income family coops, but it needs to be passed first. If the Department of Agriculture has nothing, we need further information before we can check private sources. What do you mean by West Coast? Norm hopes that you are coming up on Friday. FREEDOM, Karen Treusch tt \Jne Ulan, CJne L/ott Bos 2596 ' Jackson, Mississippi . , 30 July 1964 Research and inforratiai Bfcfi rffl Credit Administration ' Washington 25» 0»C Gentlemen* redit Administration Circular 6, Pleaaa B«««S &« a c0??" TftYiKftrs* _fiOfiJ fairs truly 9 /' • Box 2696 Jackson, Mississippi . 30 July 1964 Eca®areh and inferrj&tien Division Farm Credit Adn&n&fcration Washington 25, B.C. [email protected]' Flcas© send ase a copy of Farm Credit Administration Circular 6 3&A* Yours truly, a L lAllu-k. 3 Box 2896 ' Jackson, Mississippi .. 3 August l°6ii Continental Cotton Gin Mfg. Conpany Dalles, Texa3 Gentle man: Please send me your latest catalogue and price list. Yours truly, Box 235*6 Jackson, Mississippi 3 August 196h Murray Cotton Gin Manufacturing Company Dallas, Texas Gentleman: Please send aa your latest catalogue and price Dist. Yours, truly, i i , - • I 4 Council of Federated Organisations •.101? Lynch Strset Jeokson, Mississippi 3 August 1?64 f nit 3d 'States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, v.G, (Jentleaeai Please send no s copy of the BU of Labor Statistics 3ullstin nuHb«r 665, Organisation^ and Msnsgssant cf Conauja^r's Cooperatives2 Yours truly, Box 2396 Jackson, Mississippi 3 August 19Ox Lusdno!.-g Cotton Gin Company Coluabua, Georgia Gflntlerssn: Flosse send, ma your latest Gata^Lgua and prica list. Yours truly, / v // ft • • AS*i-ica P k J, ?£<?<% i: PS eOu L 0 ' n uf /.- ./ihA -Sfy -j- "•- Qjg_ of **~-~±, - «-*-«. J C*-*-t / , / •••' i •: l / •. / /: p*~** 7y <*• J / / • / / ^ s?W /iV ~y ..«' I // ... <L / ••£• /../i4r i'Lts. ""•' ^- I . 0 [• • f 0 i r~ - ' A) ' $ C*t*JU / * y _ ... / i if ^ i y iV oW^ 6J. ft-, A Liu I J/ J ^,-f; k / K if UL / <^?^<9 C"O £7> /M^ '; L.L, < / /<^ a. V * * '"•*- ^e**. ,- •?>• '/ >•:..*'« «t *-*A~ <-£>• &/ AS A* - '•• <7 cse^d qA - t-2,^ iULu*.* -f^lL <^A~r£ y*** ju^id^. if / A.A > •<• C dc ri .^^Ay , ae, «• u~ 4. • c ^• • ... • . „^£-/ #-t« ^x >4y ^^! Yc •-/ ^A-*-^* • I' / .-'/'; -L K. (Li r ' A/ ^J-€*-f>'\ , sC ' / // . A-^Jy'Ur. A-4 /. ; u t* 5, 1964 ..•'•• • .. • Eta; i ra St« '? J All.* • Kr« Voor] ia It is poj la t at 01 r paths ad at ore point or ..or, since 1 marked for \ j« ars in ftmi .ffovarfl. Foac,g * ' and thas this rith A#J*Kosto* Your Pia vor.r familiar to m@« I c slppl to \ V for r. or two, ] to stay sa long as 1 car. t la a sing an -\tivo '.• to tj slssippi, nonvlolatttly* Lr&tloi tg~ s, food nod clothing do. butIon, aad re i to m of ! . The pre of are raall • •...• ' . .. contributions of « o from . *rs, sut liars, s, to ' ' % o; a will ©d, alo ng and otl^or I dad s to t: • it here, Vot particularly to those cf ti- ofe red because of their pnrtlclpatioa in t-\ o civil ri mt» f^\ 1 asi writing to you I I for advice em how- ut collecting food contributions, to seo if rsonall out a utlon of this sort, no], ^ -, to ";oe if you ': tact vo r you is In contribute lr" cuhta of d for this J ft sBciosing cor-c haeie about the Mississippi Joct* I or; you ocon, : S3 ..'"s : Ellr "low The COOPERATIVE LEAGUE of the USA .
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