316 Chapter 14 Village Development Plans 2007 - 2013 Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 14 Chapter 14 VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLANS 2007-2013 317 terms of use. It should be noted however, that the inclusion Introduction of land within the development limit for a village does not guarantee that planning permission will be granted for any 14. 0 Introduction particular development. In this County Development Plan a total of 35 settlements Lands have not been zoned for specific uses within villages, that provide basic services to the community have been as this approach is seen as overly restrictive and may limit identified.These 35 settlements can be divided into two cat- development. Local Landscape Policy Areas (LLPAs) egories. Protected Structures, and other development constraints will be indicated where appropriate on the village maps. The first category comprises 10 villages contained in tier 4 of the settlement hierarchy for County Monaghan.These vil- The amount of land that has been identified within the limit lages (with the exception of Scothouse) were the subject of for each village is dependant on a number of factors Local Area Plans covering the period from 2002 – 2012 pre- including; the existing levels and patterns of development; pared under the provisions of Section 18 of the Planning development constraints; service provision and the and Development Act 2000.These plans are now supersed- anticipated growth of the village.In addition it is recognised ed and will be incorporated into the County Development that some lands within the defined development limits may Plan 2007 – 2013 as Village Development Plans. not be developed due to topographical or other considerations, or the reluctance of landowners to release The second category comprises the 25 settlements con- land for development. The limits have therefore in many tained in tier 5 of the settlement hierarchy. (Table 3.5, instances been drawn with a degree of over zoning so as to Chapter 3). provide greater flexibility. Development limits have been defined around all of the tier Layout of Village Plans 4 & 5 villages to allow for appropriately scaled growth, to The village plans for the tier 4 villages have been presented protect their character and to prevent ribbon development in alphabetical order. These contain a brief written state- and urban sprawl in the surrounding countryside. The ment and an associated zoning map.The remaining 25 tier development and growth of villages as service centres for 5 villages,are presented as a map only,showing the limits of local need is consistent with the NSS and RPGs development and development constraints including pro- tected structures, landscape features and infrastructure. Within the development limits of these villages, the Planning Authority will normally grant planning permission All the Village Plans (both tier 4 & 5) must be considered in for appropriate development proposals that are in keeping conjunction with all strategic policy and guidelines as laid with the size and character of the settlement, can be out in chapters 1 - 8. accessed and serviced satisfactorily and are appropriate in 318 Chapter 14 Village Development Plans 2007 - 2013 Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 14 TIER 4 VILLAGES BALLINODE EMYVALE GLASLOUGH INNISKEEN NEWBLISS ROCKCORRY SCOTSHOUSE SCOTSTOWN SMITHBOROUGH THREEMILEHOUSE 319 320 Chapter 14 Village Development Plans 2007 - 2013 Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 14 Ballinode Village Plan 2007-2013 Background gives an overall area of approximately 95 ha within the Ballinode is a picturesque village located approximately 5.6 development limits. Some of the additional lands zoned km from Monaghan town.The village has grown up along a may include developed areas and sites with granted plan- main tributary of the Blackwater River that meanders ning permissions.These have been included within the lim- through the village. Ballinode is conveniently located to its to build up the urban fabric and round off the village in a Monaghan town and close to the village settlements of logical manner.The attached map provides a diagrammatic Scotstown to the north west and Tydavnet to the north.The layout of the new village development limits. centre of the village has a short main street with a small number of commercial business premises along one side. The schedule (A-H) is a list of development constraints The Main Street is dominated by the Church of St Davnet, within the village limits. A full list of protected structures which sits in a prominent location at the upper end of the and monuments can be found in appendices 5 and 6 street. This building is a central feature within the village with its T-shaped plan and west tower. Private housing has Local Landscape Policy Areas (LLPA) been concentrated along the Monaghan and the Tydavnet The LLPA (C) indicated on the map is Quiglough and it roads. environs.Quiglough was a feeder lake for the Ulster Canal.A planted area to the north of the lake is also included within The topography around Ballinode is a series of gently rising the amenity area. Its purpose is to protect the lake and it small hills with a central flat plain straddling the river. The immediate surroundings from development. The wooded countryside around Ballinode is a series of small fields with area could become an important amenity asset providing overgrown hedges and trees and they help form a bound- walks to, and around the lake. ary to the residential areas of the village.There is also a small lake,lying in a low basin to the south of the village. The land around the village however is predominantly used for agri- culture. Aim The aim of this village plan is to act as a stimulus to provide for the sustainable development of Ballinode as a residen- tial,service and employment centre, to improve it's econom- ic base by concentrating development to achieve a viable threshold population to maintain a wide range of retail and service outlets and other social and community facilities. Development Limit A development limit has been set for the village, which will guide the development of the village over the plan period of 2007 - 2013. This development envelope will assist in Ballinode Village building up the fabric of the village and will allow for its sustainable expansion in an organised and planned manner. The development of some lands within this development zone may require provision of additional The LLPA (D) was originally excluded from the Ballinode infrastructure and/or services and this may necessitate Local Area Plan in 2002 due to the elevation of the ground. contributions by the developer. Also, inclusion of lands This land is now however included within the development within the development zone does not imply automatic limit and is zoned LLPA which will restrict any development consent for any specific development. on it. In the Ballinode Local Area Plan adopted in 2002, approxi- Policy mately 48.9 ha of land were zoned for development within the limits of the village. In this village plan an additional 46 Protect and conserve the Blackwater River and its banks ha.of land has been zoned for the period 2007 – 2013 which 321 Protected Structure Amenity/Recreation Area Development Limit Sewerage Treatment Works Local Landscape Policy Area All development constraints may not be indicated on this map. It is therefore the responsibility of the landowner/ developer to ensure that all development constraints are included/considered on lands subject to development. 322 Chapter 14 Village Development Plans 2007 - 2013 Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 14 Development Constraints - BALLINODE (A) St. Davnet's Church (Protected Structure) and its grounds. (B) Ballinode Bridge (Protected Structure). (C) Local Landscape Policy Area - Quiglough. (D) Local Landscape Policy Area. (E) Mitchell Mausoleum (Protected Structure) and its grounds. (F) Water Pump (Protected Structure). (G) Row of single storey houses in the centre of the village (Protected Structure). (H) Burke's Mill (Protected Structure). 323 324 Chapter 14 Village Development Plans 2007 - 2013 Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 14 Emyvale Village Plan 2007-2013 Background Canada in 1830. The village is a favourite tourist stop Emyvale is situated in North Monaghan on the N2 especially for Canadian visitors. Dublin/Derry Road, approximately 10 Kilometres north of Monaghan town and 8 Kilometres south of Aughnacloy Co. Aim Tyrone. This strategic location on the N2 and close to the The aim of this Plan is to provide for the sustainable border with Northern Ireland makes Emyvale an important development of Emyvale as a residential, service and gateway to County Monaghan and locations further south. employment centre, to improve it's economic base by The village of Emyvale is situated on the Blackwater River concentrating development to achieve a viable threshold within an important agricultural region in County population to maintain a wide range of retail and service Monaghan. outlets and other social and community facilities. Its primary function is as a local service centre for the Development Limit surrounding rural hinterland. It provides a wide range of A development limit has been set for the village, which will social facilities and services and has a thriving and forward guide the development of the village over the plan period looking community. The topography in the vicinity of of 2007 - 2013. This development envelope will assist in Emyvale village is steeply undulating and this imposes a building up the fabric of the village and its sustainable very serious constraint on its future development. Steeply expansion in an organised and planned manner. The contoured hills on the western side of Main Street and development of some lands within this development zone sloping low-lying areas on the eastern side comprise the may require provision of additional infrastructure and/or main development lands in the village.
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