Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.ic, ,a fraternal non-profit association I ramian V Vol. LIV No.3 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARИY 19,1986 25 cents Protesters gather at Jerusalem memorial site Bishop Neil N. Savaryn JERUSALEM — Thirty people, ment to Ukrainian and Jewish victims including members of the Society of of the Hitler and Stalin regimes was of Edmonton dead at 81 Jewish-Ukrainian Contacts, gathered unveiled. The monument was funded on December 1 last month at the site of by Yuriy Deba. September 26, 1985: a EDMONTON — Bishop Neil N. the ruined memorial honoring Ukrai- group of Ukrainophobes destroyed this Savaryn OSBM of the Edmonton U- nian and Jewish victims of the Holo- monument. December 1, 1985: a group krainian Catholic Eparchy, died Wed- caust and Great Famine of 1932-33, to of former prisoners У Zionists, prisoners nesday, January 8, after a long illness. protest what they called deliberate of the ghetto, political prisoners and He was 81. inaction by Israeli authorities against Jews saved by Ukrainians, erected this Bishop Savaryn, born in Staryi vandals who destroyed the monument temporary monument in order to stress Sambir, Ukraine, on May 19, 1905, last September. to the Israeli public and the leadership entered the Basilian Fathers Novitiate News of the demonstration was of the country the necessity of imme- in Krekhiv, Ukraine, in 1922, and was reported in Ukrainian-language articles diately punishing the guilty and of ordained a Ukrainian Catholic priest in received by The Weekly just last week. rebuilding the monument." 1931. Yakiv Suslensky, chairman of the The following year, the Rev. Savaryn "Two months have passed since this emigrated to Canada, where he became society, which works for the normaliza- shameful act, yet there is no sign that tion of Ukrainian-Jewish relations, said hegumen of a monastery in Mundare, anything is being done in this matter. Alta., and served a number of local at the December 1 demonstration that The police have paid no attention to the Israeli police knew the identities of the parishes. He became a Canadian citizen vandals, have made no arrests and have in 1939. vandals, but deliberately took no action started no legal action against them," because of "their anti-Ukrainian senti- Mr. Suslensky said at the rally. "Minis- In 1943 the Rev. Savaryn was ap- ments." ters and deputies in the Knesset (Israel's pointed auxiliary bishop of the Ukrai- The black and white marble monu- Parliament) to whom we appealed, have nian Catholic Eparchy of Winnipeg, ment, which was located on property revealed their complete indifference or and in 1948 was made bishop of the now purchased by Yuriy Deba of Vancou- . antagonism toward all Ukrainians." 40-parish Edmonton Eparchy. ver near the Tomb of Kind David on He retired two years ago due to Mount Zion, was destroyed on Septem- Mr. Suslensky said this "Ukraino- phobia" or anti-Ukrainian attitude is illness, but kept the honorary title of ber 26, just four months after its bishop, while Auxiliary Bishop Deme- unveiling, by a group of sledgehammer- held by many Jews who hold all Ukrai- nians responsible for the "crimes of the trius M. Greschuk of Edmonton took wielding vandals led by the head of a over his day-to-day responsibilities. World War II veterans organization. few" during World War II. Bishop Neil N. Savaryn During the demonstration, a tem- "Among Ukrainians, there were the Bishop Savaryn was also the author porary monument was set up with a horrible beasts," he said. "But we of several publications on religious January 15, with numerous clergy and plaque noting the following: cannot assert that the whole nation is topics. laity in attendance. Burial was at a local "May 13, 1985: on this site a monu- composed of bandits and murderers." The funeral was held on Wednesday, cemetery. International PEN reports on status of 500 imprisoned writers by Michael B. Bociurkiw NEW YORK — The situation of persecuted writers and journalists around the world was the topic of discussion at a noon news conference held at the International PEN Congress here on January 15. "There has been a general deteriora- tion in the situation of writers and journalists around the world, and in the conditions under which they are obliged to work," according to a report released by Michael Scammell, the chairman ,of the International PEN Writers in Pri- son Committee. The status of nearly 500 imprisoned writers worldwide was discussed at the midway point of the weeklong 48th International PEN Congress. The con- gress, described as the largest gathering of U.S. and foreign authors ever as- sembled, opened January 12 with an address by Secretary of State George P. Shultz. PEN was founded in 1921 in England by Nobel Prize winner John Galsworthy and Amy Dawson Scott. It was esta- blished to link international writers in a community of shared interests. PEN now has 82 centers in 62 countries. The U.S. PEN Center boasts the largest national membership with 2,000 mem- Panelists at news conference held by International PEN committee on writers in prison (from left): Arthur Miller, {Continued on page 13) Nadine Gordimer, Mario Vargas Llosa, Per Wastberg and Michael Scammell. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1986 . No. 3 Commentary Investigations continue in case Soviet media carries discussion of dissident woodcarver Ruban MUNICH — The case of dissident on "archaic" religious terminology Ukrainian woodcarver Petro Ruban by Alyona Kojevnikov words 'God save us;you.1 "These words was still being investigated as of Septem- are a firm fixture in the language and ber 1985, and his wife and daughter were In recent months, there has been ex- "voskresenie" in the calendar. It is dismissed from their jobs as a result of pression of concern in the Soviet media unlikely that anything will change this, Mr. Ruban's arrest, reported USSR about the use of religious and similar and it would be irrational to issue News Brief on the basis of new informa- "archaic" terminology in everyday directives expunging them from every- tion that has reached the West. Russian language, both spoken and day usage. Mr. Ruban was apparently charged printed. But is it acceptable for, say, a biology with "anti-Soviet agitation and propo- A typical example of this concern is teacher who has just spent a whole ganda" and was arrested in the Vin- reflected in the Soviet journalists'pro- lesson explaining the materialist view of nytsia oblast where he was serving the fessional publication, Zhurnalist, (Jour- the creation of living matter to say "Oh, last year of a nine-year term he had nalist), No. 6, 1985. for God's sake!" or "Good Heavens!"in received in 1976. That term, six-years in "I did not have to look for examples," hearing range of her pupils during a labor camp to be followed by three writes the author of the Zhurnalist ar- recess? Or for a mother to rebuke her years of internal exile, was the result of ticle, B. Stepanov. "It is enough to cast a schoolboy son for running around Mr. Ruban's plan to present an original casual glance at any periodical publica- without his jacket with the words "God woodcarving to the people of the United tion to see numerous ... unnecessary forbid you catch a cold"? States on the occasion of the American usage of archaic terminology, biblical Religious people, adds Mr. Lunin, bicentennial. symbolism, pious sayings and figures of interpret such words literally and use USSR News Brief based in Munich speech." them with a clear intent. But what about reported that Mr. Ruban's wife, Lidia, All too often, laments Mr. Stepanov was dismissed from work even before atheists? Mr. Lunin says he used to do Petro Ruban "The utterings of kolkhoz chairmen and this himself without thinking until, a her husband's latest arrest. The Rubans' similar heroes of paper and journal long time ago, someone drew his atten- daughter, Natalia, who is about 18 years that it was in a private capacity, not in articles are a mixture of the terminology tion to it. old, was fired from her job. connection with the Fund to Aid Poli- of the technical epoch with mentions of He had been reading a lecture on the Meanwhile, in September, Investi- tical Prisoners. God, religious oaths, references to fate origins of Christianity at a state farm gator Lukianenko of the Cherkassy The investigator told Ms. Rumshis- and providence. Without a trace of community club in his capacity as an KGB was conducting an inquiry into kaya that a prisoner who had been irony they speak about the mysteries of instructor on the local party committee. the Ruban case. imprisoned with Mr. Ruban in a special- the human psyche, premonitions, pro- Someone in the audience asked: "Why On September 5, Inessa Kosterina, regimen camp in Mordovia had testified phetic dreams, they discuss auspicious do so many educated people — includ- ex-wife of former political prisoner that he had given her documents to be colors of the year of the horse or the ing yourself — use such expressions as Roman Kosterin, was questioned in passed on to foreign correspondents. monkey and casually (allegedly joking- "God forbid " or "God willing " in times connection with the case. During the Ms. Rumshiskaya denied that this had ly) greet women working in the fields of stress? Doesn't this show that you're questioning, which took place in So- ever happened. with the words, "May God help you, only atheists on the surface, while God vietsk in the Kaliningrad region, Mrs. During a conversation that took girls,4 etc.
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