Blooclmobile draws recor V Hi**?: WW church Foreign students Moore Seed Farm INSIDE: 243 pints —Page 1-B M&Page A-4 see Clinton — Page 2-B part of tour — Page 11-B —•*-»* .—£«.* m*. (* 112th Year, No. 12 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1967 2 SECTIONS - 32 PAGES 15 Cents WHITE MEETS ROME MAYOR Jeff White of St. Johns, on a European financial trip with a Foreign Language League Schools group, presents Mayor Amerigo Petrocci of Rome, Italy, with a gift of friendship — a key to the city of St. Johns — from Mayor Charles Coletta of St. Johns. White and Mike Galvach of St. Johns are among a group of 11 students taking the European Oh, woe, f\woe is we! trip under the guidance of Mrs Beatrice L. Barnum, St. Johns school teacher. Water rate Post office Cify may have to assess County to borrow $200,000 wants room hike would to expand for street paving affect 4 to meet operational The Post Office Department The city commission Is only wants to buy a 39 x 50 foot a step away from adopting new chunk of city property to pro­ water rates that would affect vide space for a future expan­ to complete blacktop plans the four heaviest users of water expenses for balance of '67 sion of the St. Johns Post Office. in St. Johns by an estimated The St. Johns City Commis­ 20 per cent to the general fund Lincoln and Gibbs; SWEGES be­ The/request was made to the $19,000 more per year. Clinton County will borrow $200,000 to help tide itself over sion Is considering a special at large. tween Steel and Glbbsj LINCOLN But passage of the ordinance city commission last Tuesday assessment policy for 1967-68 between Mead and Swegles; expected financial hurdles between now and the end of the current evening by St. Johns Postmaster No action to accept this policy is not all that certain. that would apply to the various has been taken yet, but it prob­ TRAVER between Railroad and Under the proposed new or­ fiscal year Dec. 31. J, D. Robinson. He said the de­ types of improvements to city Higham; TRAVER between Bald­ partment wants to buy a chunk ably will at the July 18 meeting dinance, all water used in excess The money will be borrowed in anticipation of the collection of facilities. A final decision will because it will affect the amount win and Kibbee (part of which of 500,000 gallons per quarter of land comprising the south affect this summer's street pav­ is already done); KIBBEE be­ one-third of the city parking of street paving which will be will cost 20 cents per thousand taxes beginning in December. The first tax monies collected will be ing program. done this summer. tween Traver and Sturgls; STUR- gallons. This is far above what lot adjacent to the A & P Store GIS from US-27 east to the end applied to the loan until the principal and interest are paid off. off West Walker Street. They drew upatentativepolicy The' commission has scheduled the normal residential or even at a recent informal meeting and of the sewer line about halfway No immediate expansion of the a hearing of necessity on the commercial water customer The county board of supervisors passed two resolutions at its discussed it some more last between Baker and Scott; uses, so most of the 1,936 city post office is anticipated, but street paving program for July LANSING from Sturgls south July session Monday setting the wheels in motion for borrowing Tuesday night. No action was 18. If adjacent benefiting prop­ water customers won't be af­ Robinson told the commission taken, however. to the end of the curb; BAKER an enlargement of the present erty owners are assessed 50 fected. the money. :::¥ft:;¥*:«*K*:*:-y^^ The proposed policy would be between Meadowview and Stur­ Only four customers will feel j,,i post'a-l facilities "is seriously per cent of the cost, the com­ gls; CIRCLE DRIVE between The supervisors' / needed and is In the planning this! mission said, the city will be the bite of the higher rates, Board cuts off money Buchanan and Clark; LINCOLN­ according to City Manager Ken action vividly paints ? stages. *A11 replacement water mains able to pave about 30 blocks of SHIRE between Lambert and Oak; should be assessed 50 per cent city streets this summer; if the Greer — Federal Mogul Corp., an end to the annual HAMPSHIRE between Lambert Sealed Power, Clinton Memorial IF THE CITY WILL sell the to adacent benefiting properties city absorbs all the cost of and Oak; OAK from Swegles to to improvement fund 39 x 52 foot chunk, the post and 50 per cent absorbed by the paving, as it has done in past Hospital and Scotchway Laundry surplus "nest-egg" Hampshire; SWEGLES from In Southgate Shopping Center. The county's controversial public improvement fund office will also try to purchase water fund at large. years, some streets will have to Lambert south to the end of which the county has the old Cooper property imme­ be left off the project for this They presently use over 1 million won't be growing any larger for awhile. curb; ELM between Clinton and gallons of water per quarter. had -available to The county board of supervisors Monday passed a diately to the west of the city *ALL NEW WATER mains in­ year because of lack of funds. Wight; CLINTON between Oak property. This would provide stalled would be assessed 80per cushion the shock of resolution rescinding action taken Jan. 9 when they assigned and Elm; BALDWIN from Mor­ "all fees not assigned for other purposes, and also a sum the needed space, Robinson said, cent to the adjacent benefiting COSTS FOR THE PAVING are ton west one block; McCONNELL THE CITY FIGURES the new incessantly rising for an expansion of the post properties and 20 per cent to anticipated to be about $4 per rate—including a proposed min­ equal to .25 mills of the state equalization of Clinton County" from Morton west to Sawmill to the public improvement fund. office on the back side as well the water fund at large. running foot, with about $1 being Alley. imum sewer charge of 50 per costs of operation. ' as both ends of the building. assessable to adjacent proper­ cent of the water bill instead Supervisor Charles Coletta of The general fund needs the money too badly, the board *AU sanitary sewers installed Because of the number of per­ of 15 per cent for industries- said in effect in passing the resolution. The post office reportedly would be assessed 80 per cent ties if an assessment is made. sons expected for the necessity St. Johns, chairman of the ap­ already has received an offer would increase Federal Mogul's propriations and finance com­ The fee money will now remain in the general fund to the adjacent benefiting pro­ Streets affected by the pro­ hearing on the paving project, water bill about $3,758perquar- instead of being transferred to the public improvement fund on the old Cooper property. It perties and 20 per cent to the posed paving program this the next meeting of the city mittee of the board, wrapped 'V involves two buildings, one in ter; Sealed Power's bill about up the reasons for the borrow­ every quarter by the county treasurer at the direction of the water fund at large. summer include: commission July 18 has been $1,046 more per quarter; Clin­ board. which Dr Donald R, White, DDS, •All paving which was installed OTTAWA between GIbbs and scheduled for the auditorium at ing with a rough but all-encom­ has offices. ton Memorial Hospital only $7.06 passing look at the county's cur­ Money presently in the public improvement fund is would be assessed 50 per cent Floral; OAKLAND between Lin­ the municipal building. The hear­ sufficient to pay off the cost of the courthouse construction, The present post office build­ to the benefiting properties and coln and Glbbs; MEAD between ing is set for 7:30 p.m. (See PROPOSED, Page 2-A) rent financial picture. ing was constructed in 1934 and the board was told. Prosecutor Rolland Duguay told the board has not been added to since then, THE GENERAL FUND balance an attorney general's opinion would apparently prevent with­ even though postal business and as of June 30 was $191,338, Co­ drawing of any money already transferred to that fund, but receipts have climbed from For federal pilot program letta told the board. Yet to be there Is nothing that requires the continuation of the fund. $20,000 in 1934 to close to paid this year are appropriations $125,000 during the past fiscal of $75,000 to the Clinton County year. , Road Commission; $100,000 to about the necessity of borrow­ which to pay the notes in full. the county welfare department; All the money would be bor­ ,*WE KNOW WE WILL have Schools get $51,000 grant ing but with a lot of discussion $15,700 to the Mid-Michigan Dis­ rowed at one time from the to expand soon," Robslnson told over the technical wording and A $51,758 federal grant has The grant is for one year but goal, Baklta said, will be to chologist, who presently works trict Health Department; and tactical steps to be taken, the lowest-cost source and used as the commission, and if we can $17,000 to the Tri - County needed.
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