fV: f: -i* > t h e WEATHER,^ v,v ' ForecMt b j D. 8 . Wonther B t t M BBrttoriL' n e t p r e s s b e n AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Showers tonight probnbly ending for the Month of April, 1980 ~ Sunday morning; oooirt S m ^ y. 5,527 Member, of the Ajjdlt Bureau of PRICE THREE CENTS CIrculatlow f o u r t e e n p a g e s SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY„MA¥ 24, 1930. (Clnsslfled Advertising on Page 12) VOL. XLIV., NO. 20X. Where New York Building Crash ZEP NOW ON NEARING $30,1 Baronet Now Seeking Two, Injured Score, ^ > MARKINDRIVE | Job: Once Handyman FINISHES TRIP TO RIO JANEIRO ‘.‘But not to Peppereil,” he says, Present Plans of Dr. Ecken- FOR BOSPITALi By MARTHA DALRYUttLE. ^ “for it’s very different now you I Dover, Eng., May 24.— (AP). know. I used to worK there. Now er Vague— May Cirde Sir John Fagee, former handyman it would be different because my Girl Flier TaKes 19 Days of Peppereil, Mass., at present position has changed In other Campaign Ends Monday Baronet of Dover, Wants a job. words I won’t worK in PeppereU. Over Inland Cities Before The publicity on his acquiring his Sir John arrived , in England ten from Croydon, Eng.,, to title had its usual results—hun­ weeks ago when he came to assume Night*, Chairman Knofla dreds of letters from unknown cor­ He Starts on His Return the title he inherited from his elder Australia; Given E n tto - Second Parly of ADnerican who- died in respondents. ‘‘Most of them Trip— TaKes EigKt Hours Snre Goal Will Bo astic Weteome. ' Mothers Given Great Re­ no money from the ! want is sympathy ed* Within the Time Limit.1 r ^ r H ^ ^getting r a litUe bored '-•“^ ing *and '■ love. Some of them tell me To Travel 385 Miles. * * title and he Is g of leisured country i they have a little property to go Port Darwin, North AustrjSfc, ception on Their Arrival with his role of leisureo with my title, you know. But I May 24— (AP)—Miss Amy J"oton- The Manchester Memorial hospi- gentleman who has to live in a Hheos, Brazil, May 24.— (AP)— don’t pR-y R^y R-ttention to them, i son pretty 23 year old British fW fm.d i, srowins ne.r the $30^00 London, May 24-(AP)-Wavmg The Graf Zeppelin passed over this m can't be too careful.” flyer reached th is. city this after­ Sir John tooK pains to deny ru­ American flags, 156 Gold Star Brazilian coast city at 11:25 a m. marK according to a report or any city in the Uidted noon from Atamboea, Timor, after General Chairman Arthur A. states except PeppereU. Sir John mors that he was to be married mothers and UB veteraM of toe todav (9:25 a. m. E. S. T.) , again. “Anyway, if I do, it won’t a flight of 400 miles across the fla from campaign headquarters .(jggg^>t know yet whether he is go- 27th Division-arrived in London to­ be a Peppereil girl,” he said, “but day on TpUgrlmage to toe graves this morning. Mr. Knofla reported ^ bacK to R e united ^tes^soom Timor Sea. PASSES BAHIA. right now, I have too much on my In so doing she completed in 19 of their sons and “buddies” ^ that $29,028.45 was received up un-' although he is sure he will buried in England. Landing from Bahia, Brazil, May 24.— (AP)— mind to thinK about it all.’ days a solo flight from Croydon, The Graf Zeppelin, enroute from U1 11 a. m. this morning, and it is| eventually, England. She left there May 5, toe steamship Republic at ^ o ^ - Pernambuco to Rio Janeiro, passed expected with the reports made hoping to , beat Bert Hinkler s . amptan the visitors came to London over this city at 8:15 a. m. (6:15 a. by toadn and were gjyen a great ova­ later in the day and tois e w n i^ it ! REFUSES TO LET day flight record from England to m E S T ) will reach the expected point ot Australia but bad weather and ac­ tion at toe railway station. It tooK toe Graf just eight hours $30,000, leaving 56,000 to be secur SMIIDIA LOWE HAS DOCTORS OPERATE cidents delayed her in toe _ «tter All of the Americans were to travel toe 385 miles from Per­ between tonight and Monday nigh . stages of her trip, and she feu be­ in I fifteen charabancs to toe w e e nambuco. The big craft, shii^'g Fine Response. hind her schedule after flying two hotels which will he their head- silver-gray in toe skylight, flew low The chairman feels confident, days ahead of it for much of toe 30TH ANNIVEitSARY ! Condemned Murderer, Has '^^Moirof toe veterans, who fought over head, giving passengers an ex­ there are still enough citiMns m journey. cellent opportunity to observe the t Appendicitis — Under Law Spectacular l a nding with toe 4to British Army at Ypres and oh the Somme, today were re­ city’s streets and suburbs. He Must Give His Consent. She made a spectacular landing All business was suspended as toe at toe airfleld here. Three planes turning to toe scene of toeir war­ time activities for toe first Lme population rushed into toe streets Nearly 300 Attend Banquet San Quentin, Cal., May 24.— from Brisbane and one Dutch sea­ and on to roofs to get a better looK Tirp«;sed his gratitude in the way me , plane escorted her from far out since toe Armistice. Practically ^ (AP)—Persistently refusing an of toe mothers were matang toeir at toe ship. operation for appendicitis, Gor­ over toe sea to this port. 'rSf^ppei'w hich aud Coucert of loca l Unit A large crowd which had gather­ first trip abroad. Eight Gold Star don Stewart Nortocott, young fathers who are with the party were NEXT LEG OF TRIP Riverside, Cal., “chicken farm” ed cheered her until they were almost lost in toe excitement of toe Pernambuco, Brazil, May 24 — (AP) — The Graf Zeppelin sailed fla y I L o m e . on which he hasca tas i Of the Order of Vasa. slayer, was in a critical condi­ hoarse. „ Here is the jumble of wrecKage in which two men reception. tion today at the San Quentin Government officials were among were injured when a bufiding under construction collapsed in New York. southward today along one of the estimate that having two ^ those greeting toe girl, who appear­ Official Reception before Monday evening, the balance prison hospital. Ei'ders are shown uiuea m uic o-w. a.- Officials of toe British' Legon, most beautiful coasts in toe world Prison physicians said they ed a bit tired. When toe official obliquely against toe wails of an adjomipg factory—after ^® on a 1,250 mile trip to Rio Janeiro, of $6,000 can reasonably ne ex-, years of “helping members representatives of the war office. would not taKe' responsibility ceremony was over they hurried her S- rt-F tvio fr^iir 9torv structure li3.d crumbled dJid crasbedi trappi o Colonel John R. Thomas, inilitary capital of Brazil. pected. over-subscribe. j when sicK or in need, of teaching much longer for Nortocott s off in a motorcar to Government of An InventigaUon ot tbo accident wna attache of the American EmhMsy The departure from here was House, where she will be toe guest Mr i S f l a said in an interview | the culture which has been inherit- condition should he continue to and several members of his s t ^ made at 11:55 p. m. (9:55 p. E. of toe North Australian government ordered. S. T.) several hours later than toe with The Herald this morning that; brought across from Sweden, refuse to permit the operation. were in toe greeting party. Miss • His sanction for such an opera­ during her stay here. Grafs master. Dr. Hugo EcKener if those who have not had members better and , S id e w a l k loudspeaker Mary Gerds, national secretary of tion is required by law. Premier Scullln sent a message of had calculated. fortune of being Imd through ^ ^ggpegted citizens of the U nit-, congratulation from- Camberri on d e c l a r e d A' NUISANCE the British Women’s Lesio^^’ “ “ A large crowd witnessed toe take sickness and accidente, had the “ o^e r ^ p f « jgbrated by Scan- Nortocott under sentence to NAMES JOHNSTON Commander Jesse SilyermM, of toe hang for the murder of three behalf of toe Federal government American Legion in London, were off, and cheered frantically as toe same feeling of gratitude toward toe ed States was^ | and extended her an invitation to New York, May^24.— (AP.)— ship let loose from toe mooring hospital, that some of Jh® Patients dia^o<^^^^^ entertainment and dance' boys is awaiting the outcome of The sidewalk radio loudspeaker also in toe Group. _ ,1. an appeal to toe Supreme Court. come to the capital while Parlia­ Tihe mothers were given the af­ mast rose gracefully in the air. It both locally and out-out-of-town^ ment is in session. DEPUTY SHERIFF is a nuisance, ' ^bpinion^ of circled toe city which was especial­ feels confident i at Masonic the Appellate Division of toe'Su- ternoon to rest for a big reception Watch For Flyer ly illuminated and then disappeared tientsthat toe budgett^®- of $*oe36,000 ^000 '^^d'^becoma oe i nearlynea^^^^^ 300 personsy last night.by Osano A preme Court, when it disturbs tomorrow at toe war office ^d exercises at the cenotaph, m White­ to toe southward.
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