I . ADS WEATHER WANTGet result*! Tour nil will Generally fair, rrnrh more tlinn 00,000 continued cold to- person* dally. nlltb>, wnrmcr Friday. Tclephono M28. Axis-Russian 'Hands Off Agreement Reported 17 Rescued From Grounded Lake Liner Revised List of Molotoff Cold Holds Death Toll i i Storm Dead Leaves Gri p on Of Hunters Red Wing Area. M. Edgar Youngquist, 46, St. Paul. To Reach 20 Kermit Nordquist, 28, St. Paul. For Moscow Northwest Melville H. Roberts, 42, St. Paul. mm. m *h mm Dardanelles Not Death Toll Six Still Missing Carl O. Iverson, 41, St. Paul. Bror KronbcrR, 3fi , St. Paul. to Be Seized If in Minnesota in Area, Two More (Body not recovered.) Waba.sha Area. Turks 'Behave/ Reaches 52. Dead at Red Wing. Herbert Jucncmann, 38, Wa- ' BULLETIN. basha. (Body not recovered.) By Louis P. Loehner. Minneapolis —{/?)— Record mid- Thomas V. Clgler, 40, St. Paul. ,!1 November cold which sent the mer- A body, believed to be that of Berlin —i )— Adolf Hitler and Joseph Elk, was found on Roet- Roy Johnson, 41, St, Paul. Soviet Premier Molotoff have cury as low as —24 gripped the Arthur Lenhardt, 41, St. Paul. Northwest today while belated .re- tlgcr island below Fountain City (Body not recovered.) agreed upon a Russian sphere of ports stepped the death lost of Mon- at 3:30 p. m. today by Rollins Alma Area. interest lying generally between day s storm to 52, of which 42 were Richmann, Coast Guard light- ' Theodore H. Gciger, 30, Eau Ja pan's far-eastern sphere and in Minnesota. keeucr, he reported to the V. S. Claire. Lemmon, S. D., reported the boatyard at Fountain City. Clyde J. Detra, 34, Eau Claire. Europe and Africa , which Rome ' —24 reading. Other North and Richmann, in the smail boat Winona Area. and Berlin have allotted to them- South Dakota communities were he was using, was unable to Fred Njtcs, 56, 717 Main usually —2Q, take the body off selves, sources in the close behind, Minot having. , but telephoned street. 'know divulged today after Molo- Bismarck ^19, Pierre and Mitchell , the boatyard and the lowboat Herman Pagcl, 51,. 969 West —15 and Williston and Huron —14. Throckmorton was immediately Howard street. toff had started for home. Bemidji's —13, setting a new all- sent to the island to bring the Cnrl W. Tarras, 43, Minnesota With the exception of Eu- time record there for this time of body off. It had not returned City road. ropean Russia and Turkey, all of year, was Minnesota's coldest spot. to Fountain City at 3 p. m. Raymond Tarras, 16, Minne- Europe ami Africa will stand iinrier Wadena had —11 for the lowest sota City road. the leadership of the Axis creators, mid-November reading. Twenty persons died in the Arm- , , Minne- istice day blizzard along the William Wcrneoke 46 Germany and Italy, these persons Pair and colder was forecast for Mis- sota City road. said. most of the area today. sissippi river from Red Wing south Joseph Elk , foot of Olmstead to Prairie du Chien, according to a Official confirmation of this was The additional deaths reported S,lrccl. (Body not recovered.) unobtainable , since the Wilhelm- last night included Kermit E. Nord- revised list of dead and missing La Crosse Area. , Youngquist, compiled by authorities this noon. •slrasse has made it. plum that noth- quist, St. Paul; M. E. Kenneth J. McFarlane, 34, i ng will be ssiid beyond this noon 's brother of former Attorney General At that hour 14 bodies had been Jancsville, Wls. and Clyde R. reoovered, and there were six per- communique , w hich .stated that Ger- . Aaron Youngquist, Norman Schlcfclbeln , Dodge- many and Russia huve reached "a ": Hemming, Minneapolis, all duck sons definitely missing, including the vllle, Wis, (Body not recovered.) hunters. The first two were found body of a Wabasha , Minn., barber mutual accord on nil important Harold Stephcnson, Dodge- questions of interest" to both. in the Prairie island district, 12 who is definitely known to have vllle, Wls. (Body not recovered.) .miles north of Red Wing, and the drowned. (Boiled down , the reported out- Seventeen members of the crcew of the freighter Novadoc were rescued from the grounded ship off Pentwatcr, Mich., after come of the Hitlcv-MololofT talks other near Savage. they had clung to the ice-covered broken hulk for 24 hours. Sailors from the stricken vessel are shown being taken aboard the The missing persons include one Other deaths were those of Mrs. at Red Wing, one at Wabashn , one I seems to indicate that Germany, fishing tug Three Brothers which reached the ship after earlier attempts in the stormy waters had failed. Two members of the - Withdraw 1 Italy and Jnpnn will not interfere Mathilda Holmin, 75, found frozen at Winona, and two in tlie area Ja ps 1 beside the woodpile on her small Novadoc crew were reported lost.- . » southward from La Crosse. with Russia if Russia does not in- farm at' Bony Lake near Scandia ; Authorities who have been work- terfere with the Rome-Bcrlin-Tokyo Lawrence A. • Peterson, 36, farmer ing almost continuously on rescue From Southern i Triple Alliance—in other words, a near Donnelly, who died from exer- work since Monday afternoon at the mutual "hands off" agreement.) tion caused by trying to free his Writer Tells 2,000 Greeks various cities along the river are Space for Russia. car from snowdrifts, and Amelia British Bomb Berlin convinced that this is the extent of Chinese State Inquiries in quarters which always Breitkreutz, 60, frozen near her farm the death toll. All other hunters prove reliable on nmtter .s of foreign home five miles south of Danube. Of Air Attack Hold 20,000 reported missing at various times in New Move policy developed this picture, how- Floyd Terpening, 65, Minneapolis, the past three days have been ac- ever: died today of injuries suffered in a As Molotoff Leaves counted for, they state. Fea red in Russia will have her "grossmum," , Column 2.) Upon Taranto Ital ians Back Shcrin Better. Indo- China. or vast, space of domination, just (Continued on Page 15 Condition of Raymond Sherin 14 as the Axis and Japan arranged to COLD WEATHER Another Attack on Italian Naval , Torpedoes Wounded Captain years old, and Gerald Tarras, 17 Tokyo —i/P)— Imperial headquar- have theirs by the terms of the Base at Taranto Is Reported. years old, two oi the victims of the ters announced today that the three-power pact they signed on Temperature Hits Launched From Tells of storm in the Winona General hos- Japanese army had completed ltf September 27. pital was reported as quite favorable This "grossraum" will not be cre- 84 in Los Angeles Naval Planes. By The Associated Press. 8-Day Battle. today. withdrawal from Kwangsl province ated at the expense of parties not Los Angeles—</P)—While most of i British warplanes heavily bombed the heart of Berlin, where southwestern KwangUmg prov- , By Larry Alien. •i. By Max Marrelson. "Bot h of the boys are getting nnd I involved in the present European • the rest of the country shivered Adolf Hitler was conducting mysterious secret negotiations with along very well," the attending phy-¦ on a sig- (conflict. No further slice will 1 bo the temperature here climbed to 84 Aboard a Battleship of the British (T Athens-r-WP)—Some 2O noa of IU- ¦ilnce, dropping the curtain Russian Premier Molotoff , London reported : today JmtJ^struCK sician stated. "'They will both be; nlflcant year-long chapter in the taken out. of Finland nor will tho degrees here yesterday and the MeaiterraneanTleeVbtt Taranto-^ anotner "successiui ' mow at Italy s lyje finest mountaineer troops who all right. No amputation will have Dardanelles be taken from Turkey, Weather bureau said even higher {IP)—Navy bombing planes swooped big naval base of Taranto. inarched gaily into Greene on Octo- . Japanese-Chinese war. expected this I to be made unless new complications Japanese provided she behaves in a manner readings could be The British air ministry said 28 were cut to piecps and routed develop." The announcement said not inimical to the Axis and Russia, afternoon. ' in the moonlight Into the heart of jher forces finally withdrew yesterday Taranto's inner defenses Monday British Hail R.A.P. bombers, raiding in the face by a comparative handful of 2,000 Search continues locally for Pressure on Turkey. of "extremely adverse weather," Joseph Eik , fisherm an, who lias no i from Yamchow, port on the Kwnng- Turkey must mnlc e up her mind night, flinging torpedoes and high- Greeks in an eight-day battle which tung coast through which Uic ex- The Weather showered explosives on Berlin 's been seen since he left the Olmstcad Novem- dcli nitely and finally anent her explosive, bombs at sides and decks' Tr iumph Over Schlesischer railroad station and the began on the 30th ( a wounded Greek street landing at 11 a. m. Monday. pedition which drove last place In the future scheme of FEDERAL FORECAST. of warships, and the pilots said they Grunewald freight yards. captain declared tbday. Authorities give him up as dead , as ber into Kwangsl and captured things. Germany, Italy and Russia Winona and vicinity—Generally Nanning, the capltnl , was supplied. left one great battleship aflame and Dispatches from a British bat- The captain , 37-year old Panjs do his two brothers. all feel confident that Turkey will, fair tonight and Friday; continued Italian Fleet tleship off Taranto said Royal navy K yrlakou, propped up in a hospital However, the Winona pool In The withdrawal was said to have in duo time, seek nn nnschluss with cold tonight with lowest near zero two others beached or half sub- tod , said his men tolled 54 miles which he is supposed to have gone been accomplished "without ca-s- bombers, attacking by moonlight, dispatches had the totalitarian powers.
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