FLEETFLEET CHANNELSCHANNELS JULY - AUGUST ‘07 VOLUME 16, NO. 4 DARTS, POOL & STEAK The Region Invades Harker-Heights Moose Lodge! INSIDE RC REPORT STAFF REPORTS VESSEL REPORTS FLEET & REGIONAL NEWS TREK NEWS NASA NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS THE NEWSLETTER FOR REGION THREE CONTACT LIST / DISCLAIMER REGIONAL COORDINATOR DISCLAIMER ADM Brad Pense ............................................... [email protected] Fleet Channels is the official electronic bi-monthly publication of Region Three. VICE-REGIONAL COORDINATORS This newsletter is written solely for the entertainment of the Regional staff, the VRC (North): COMM Robyn Winans ................ [email protected] members of Regional Three and as- VRC (South/Senior): ADM Michelle Fanelli ....... [email protected] sorted friends. This publication is not in- VRC (West): VADM Sam Black ........................ [email protected] tended to infringe on the copyrights or trademarks of Star TrekTM, as held by REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Paramount Pictures Corporation. Fleet Channels is copyrighted as an original Chief of Staff: VADM Raymond Ford .................. [email protected] production. Permission is hereby granted Deputy Chief of Staff: COMM Jeff Webb ............. [email protected] to anyone who wishes to reproduce the Operations: RADM Stephanie Izard .................... [email protected] original material herein, provided that the Communications: VADM Mark A. Vinson ........... [email protected] source of the material is included. All Shuttle Operations: RADM Dave Walker ............ [email protected] other copyrighted material, trademarks, Computer Operations: MGN Aaron Murphy ........ [email protected] and/or service marks cited herein are reg- Senior Enlisted Advisor: CMCPO Randi Spears . [email protected] istered to their respective owners. REGIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Certain uncredited material may be writ- ten by the editor. The opinions presented Awards Coordinator: RADM Billie Clifton ........... [email protected] in this newsletter are not necessarily Counselor: COMM Kat Sweeney-Richards ......... [email protected] those of Region Three or STARFLEET: Financial Officer: RADM Heather Ford ............... [email protected] The International Star Trek Fan Associa- Judge Adv. General: FCPT Emilio Martinez ........ [email protected] tion. Quartermaster: CMDR Reed Bates ................... [email protected] Special Forces Officer: BDR Jeff Schnoor .......... [email protected] Address corrections, Letters to the Edi- Special Projects Officer: RADM Heather Ford .... [email protected] tor, articles and/or artwork are strongly Youth Services Director: COMM Robert Ybarra .. [email protected] encouraged and should be sent to Fleet Channels, P.O. Box 1756, Coppell, TX. REGIONAL DEPARTMENT CHIEFS 75019. Unsolicited submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a Operations: FCPT Alex Trevino .......................... [email protected] S.A.S.E. Deadline for submissions is Engineering: VADM Bill A. "Mac" Schwab .......... [email protected] the first of each month prior to the next Communications: FCPT Evan Richards ............. [email protected] issue. Security: BGN Bryon Flynt .................................. [email protected] Science: FCPT Bill Downs .................................. [email protected] Submissions are respectfully requested Medical: LT Terrie Thomas .................................. [email protected] in the form of an ASCII Text file or Works for Windows v4.0 that can be sent via REGIONAL E-MAIL ADDRESSES the INTERNET to [email protected]. If you can- Monthly Status Reports ...................................... [email protected] not upload a file then send it to me at the Shakedown Status Reports ................................ [email protected] above address on a returnable 3.5" floppy Promotions Requests ........................................ [email protected] disk compatible with IBM or carfully typed Fleet Channels .................................................. [email protected] on white paper with at least one and one- half spaces between the lines in a san- REGIONAL MAILING LISTS serif font (i.e.: Arial). If you cannot type then carefully hand print -- incursive will There are currently two mailing lists: [email protected], the general information not be accepted under any circum- list for Region Three and [email protected], for all prospective and current ves- stances! Reports and/or submissions sels taking part in STARFLEET's Shakedown Operations. To subscribe, send e- need to be 500 words or less. mail to [email protected] with "subscribe <maillist>" in the body of the mes- sage (where <maillist> is the list to be joined). More information can be found at the Published items become the property of Region Three Web Page (http://www.region3.org). Fleet Channels and Region Three. 2 FLEET CHANNELS RC & VRC REPORTS Through the Eyes SOUTHERN FROM THE WestERN SPACEDOCK FRONTIER! of a Redneck Senior Vice-Regional Coordinator Vice-Regional Coordinator, West of a Redneck Vice-Regional Coordinator, South by: VADM Sam Black by: ADM Brad Pense, by: ADM Michelle Fanelli [email protected] Regional Coordinator [email protected] Regional [email protected] Howdy, all. I’ve just Howdy, Howdy, returned from this Howdy, year’s IC in Denver. We had a fun time There were lots of fun Over the weekend of in Killeen for the events at this year’s July 21st we saw the successful return annual gathering of return of the ever of Pool and Darts. STARFLEET mem- popular Pool and Darts We had many bers, including a great event in Killeen at the chapters there evening of fun and Harker Heights Moose with all enjoying food at the SFMC’s Mess Night, and the Lodge. While I did not the weekend. The steaks were as tasty rumors are true - they really do make us get to make it this time, I understand that as in the past and we thank the Moose ‘Fleeties feel right at home as part of the we had a very good turn out and that fun for the warn hospitality. I personally liked fun and festivities. I had so much fun; I was had by all who did get to go. If you the Harry Potter chat with no spoilers. hope I’m able to make it to their next Mess missed it this year then you need to make The Rhyanna is still celebrating their vic- Night in Ithaca at next year’s IC. plans to attend next year like I will be tory at darts. doing. On the way home, we took a minor side The south is gearing up for fall activities. trip and drove all the way to the top of Then, over the weekend of August 3rd to The USS Ark Angel is planning another Pike’s Peak. Let me just say that there 5th members from Region Three at- charity lazer tag event and working on are some incredible sights to see along tended the STARFLEET International Game Day. A potluck anniversary party the way. I just hope that I get to go back Conference in Denver, CO where it was was held by the Bexar. The members of one day when there aren’t any lightning also announced that Region One had the Firebird supported Apollo Con and are storms at the summit which had the park won the bid to host the 2009 STARFLEET ready planning for 2008. rangers preventing me from taking pic- International Conference. IC 2009 will be tures from their observation deck. held in Greensboro, NC August 7th - 10th, The Transformers Recruiting Drive by the 2009. More info is available at their web Joan of Arc was reported as electrifying We’ve got some great growth going in the site: www.ic2009.org. BUT, before IC ’09 with lightening killing the power. But they region. I’d like to officially welcome our comes IC ’08 will be held in Ithaca, New did grab a few new members. The Re- new Louisiana chapters into the fold. York the weekend of June 27th- naissance celebrated the 38th anniver- Maybe this means the longtime rumors 29th,2008. Be sure to go and check out sary of the first moon landing with cake of a New Orleans’ summit may come true the new IC ’07 web site (www.ic2008.org) and refreshments. in the not too distant future. Hrmmm???? where you can find on-line registration The region’s in a great period of growth along with lots of IC information. The Thunderwolf did their part in the com- at the moment and we have lots of op- munity with cooking meals at Ronald portunities presenting themselves over Our next event this year is the Biennial McDonald House and helping out with the the next year. We need to be ready to Region Three trip to the Space Center in area’s flooding. Collecting school sup- fully take advantage of these as they Houston, TX. that is set to take place on plies for the coming school year was done come across our radar screens. Saturday, September 15th. And we wrap by Victory members. up the year with the very successful an- Next year’s retreat and summit are com- nual Region Three Game Day V to be The Denver IC was a great away trip for ing together and I know things are going held in Round Rock, TX. during Novem- regional members. We had members to be where lots of the membership will ber. Events being held during the week- from the Aurora Vulcanus, the Gun- have the opportunity to be able to budget end will include open gaming, the third slinger, the Lone Star, the Spiritwolf, and summit into their family vacations. Keep Brigade Fall Muster and much more. the Victory. The first time I have seen your ears open as more details begin to More information is available at Tim Russ and he was very entertaining. pour through the region’s news channels. www.ussarkangel.com/pages/AAEvents/ I hope to return to the city, it contains too continued on next page continued on next page continued on next page FLEET CHANNELS 3 STAFF REPORTS RC Report -- continued from to be fun and I hope if you get the chance, Chiefly Yours... previous page Attend. I hope to see many of you in Chief-of-Staff Report R3GD.aspx Space Houston.
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