Contract 400119680 VOLUME 43 / NO 4 / FEBRUARY 1, 2017 $1.50 (Tax included) Inside Vision launches fundraiser this week to help with frozen meals Geneviève Gélinas GASPÉ: – Vision Gaspé- Percé Now (VGPN) is launch- ing a fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $2,000. The money would be used to prepare 550 frozen meals for seniors and vulnerable people from Gaspé to Corner-of-the Beach. The Frozen Meals pro- Gaspesian gram is going through a tran- construction sition year but in the medium term, Vision would like to workers want start, with other partners, a so- cial economy business to take their share over the frozen meals pro- gram. The campaign can be found at the following web- site: www.ulule.com/gaspe- frozenmeals. When Spec checked the page on January 30, an amount of $1,015 had been raised. To prepare and deliver a frozen meal costs $7 and cus- tomers only pay $4 per meal. The money raised will be used Photo: Marie-Claude Brière, Vision Gaspé-Percé Now UPA criticizes to cover the three-dollar dif- In 2015, Vision Gaspé-Percé Now delivered 4,500 frozen meals to 80 customers. ference. higher taxes In 2015, Vision Gaspé- Percé Now (VGPN) delivered grew too big for us,” says the cost of the frozen meals The campaign will permit and threatens 4,500 frozen meals to 80 cus- Cheryl Leggo, former execu- program. To go on with the pro- them to provide frozen meals to block tomers. The program has been tive director of VGPN. gram would have jeopardized during the transition year, as the victim of its success. “The The organization didn’t re- its financial health. By June snowmobile demand was increasing. It ceive specific funding to cover 2016, VGPN had ended it. Cont'd on page 11 trails What caused the noise and vibration felt on January 27? Gilles Gagné kilometres east of Quebec City, qualifies as a meteorite if traces He says approximately 100 and Paspebiac, according to of it can be found on the tonnes of rocks from space fall CARLETON: – Where were people who made remarks on ground,” points out Gino to Earth every day. For the you on Friday, January 27, dur- facebook. Audet, an astronomy enthusi- most part they go unnoticed ing lunch break at approxi- It was not an earthquake, as ast from Bonaventure. because two-thirds of the mately 12:45? Did you hear a nothing was noticed or meas- He thinks that it was a Earth’s surface is covered with big noise and feel a fairly long ured by the different operators bolide, a rock coming from water. Deserts and wooded stretch of vibrations coming of seismographs in Quebec. It space that disintegrated while areas also cover a fairly large Gaspesie from outside your house or the was also not thunder, because entering the atmosphere. “It surface area. building where you work? of the lack of lightning and the probably had a tangent trajec- On March 18, 2014, an- Railway Society It felt like a truck passing synchronicity of the sound and tory instead of a perpendicular other bolide was seen by many two metres away from the vibration noticed between one. That explains why the residents in the Bay of Chaleur launches safety house. The sound was heard Montmagny and Paspebiac. contact with the atmosphere area in the wee hours of the campaign over several seconds. The Mont-Mégantic Obser- extended from Montmagny to morning. It was in fact still The sound and the vibra- vation Centre did not record a Paspebiac,” adds. Mr. Audet dark when it passed between a tions were heard and felt be- meteorite but, “a rock entering about the 600 km stretch along stretch extending from Lac- tween Montmagny, 65 the Earth’s atmosphere only which it was heard and felt. Saint-Jean to Gaspé. Gespeg band administration settled in new building Geneviève Gélinas GASPÉ: – In mid September the 15 employees of the Gespeg band administration moved to the new $4.8 million headquarters of the Micmac Nation in Corte-Real. “We have a healthier envi- ronment. It wasn’t healthy anymore in the Pointe- Navarre office. We had a lot of mice. The building was quite old. It was difficult to have good air quality,” explains Chief Manon Jeannotte. The new building also has more space. “We can enlarge our team. We want to develop Gespeg, so we’ll need to add human resources,” says the chief. There is $400,000 left to invest in the building, to di- vide some work spaces and Photos: G. Gélinas According to the chief of Gespeg, Manon Jeannotte, the new add acoustic pads in the com- Elisha Simon is the new director general of Gespeg. center in Corte-Real will offer a healthier workplace for the munity hall, a room that Gespeg employees. Gespeg wants to rent to other Gespeg has already developing over there.” organizations. thought about using the space The Corte-Real building the administrative side,” Ms. Gespeg will define its priori- The former office, located freed up by the former office sparked the conflict between Jeannotte explains. Gespeg ties in economic development. in an old school at 783, to develop the Interpretation former chief, Claude Jean- hasn’t had a director general The council also wants the tra- Pointe-Navarre Boulevard, site activities, maybe by notte and some of the council. since 2013. ditional territory of Gespeg to will be demolished this spring, adding a campground. This Some councillors, among The new director general is be used for community activi- before the opening of its project is on hold, says Mrs. them Manon Jeannotte at that Elisha Simon, a 35-year-old ties in the forest, like harvest- neighbour, the Micmac Inter- Jeannotte. “We’ll finish build- time, thought that the Gespeg Micmac woman from Gespeg. ing medicinal plants. pretation site of Gespeg. ing here, in Corte-Real, before people should have been con- For 17 years, she lived in Mon- Another objective of the sulted before such an invest- treal, where she has a business council is to stir up the Mic- ment. with her partner. Ms. Simon is mac culture of Gespeg people. The consultation finally the daughter of Linda Jean, a Micmac women from Mon- took place in April 2016, says former chief of Gespeg. treal began attending tradi- Ms. Jeannotte. “We were told, Ms. Jeannotte also wants to tional dance classes. The ‘we had no choice.’ Now we apply the separation of powers Gaspé Micmacs are going to own the building. We received to councillors. “The ideal do the same thing this spring. the approval of the Gespeg would be to have no employee Gespeg is looking for ten men people and they told us, ‘make who is also a politician, and to and nine women to form a sure that you decrease the ex- have some full time politi- group of traditional dancers. ploitation cost by renting the cians, not all the councillors Manon Jeannotte has already community hall,’” she adds. but maybe one or two. We’ll reserved her place. During her electoral cam- discuss that with our commu- At the end of August, paign, Ms. Jeannotte promised nity. It may or may not be ac- Gespeg had 1,058 members, to change the governance of cepted.” among them 744 who are reg- the nation. The Gespeg Gov- In Gespeg, two employees istered as Natives according to ernment is now adopting man- who are responsible for pro- the federal Indian Act. An- agement politics, she states. grams are also elected as other group of 344 are Mic- “No matter who is elected, no councillors. “We could allow macs according to the Gespeg matter which employees are the candidates to take four membership code. The next working, there will be general sabbatical years and become election will take place in guidelines.” full time councillors,” the 2019. Gespeg also hired a direc- chief proposes. The annual budget of tor general to separate the Gespeg is $5 million, most of Photo: G. Gélinas powers. “The chief takes the Other it coming from autonomous political part, the relationship priorities revenue sources, especially Stéphane Jeannotte is working on the web radio project. with the community. The di- from fisheries ($3.5 million) rector general is assigned to Over the next few months, and forestry. Web radio project in Gespeg Geneviève Gélinas GASPÉ: – Gespeg is preparing to launch a web radio. The programming will be in French, English and Micmac. The content will range from music to sport and include educative moments about the first nations. The person responsible for the project, Stéphane Jeannotte, wants to recruit a committee of volunteers to help with the programs. The radio could also cover events remotely, like pow-wows. The web radio could reach, among others, the Gespeg people who are in Gaspé, Montreal or other regions, and potential visitors to the Mic- mac Interpretation site of Gespeg’s, who are everywhere in the world. Gespeg hopes the radio will be online next summer. Page 2, February 1, 2017 - Spec Police report On June 23 at approximately 3:15 p.m. firefighters were called to a burning mobile home located at 1828 Douglas Blvd, in l’Anse- à-Brillant. During their intervention the firefighters found a human body. The body was sent to the Montreal Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, a forensic laboratory that will perform an autopsy and attempt to identify the victim. The body could be that of the occupant of the house, as police were un- able to locate him but the identity has yet to be confirmed.
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