MELVILLE HERALD RY CHRISTM MER AS! • Local kids enjoying last year’s Love Community Event. This year’s show is on today (Saturday December 8). LOVE will be in the air when the Southcity Church holds Melville’s biggest outdoor event, the Love Community Christmas Event, today (Saturday, December 8, 2012). Organisers expect around 6000 to rock up for an evening of fun and activities culminating in carol singing at 7pm. The pre-show entertainment starts at 5pm with free kids’ activities, including rides, face- painting and balloons. Food and non-alcoholic drink will be available, so take a picnic rug, your voice and some Christmas cheer and share in the love. The alcohol-free event is sponsored by Lotterywest, Melville city council and local businesses. and remember to shop locally! HRISTMAS shopping in Fremantle is Cr Josh Wilson, who heads up council’s a hands-down winner over crowded, economic development committee, loves Freo’s diversity and the opportunity to shop and graze. soulless suburban shopping centres, “Freo is the alpha and omega of shopping— Csays Fremantle Chamber of Commerce CEO especially at Christmas—because our stores are Tim Milsom. diverse and distinctive, and. .Fremantle is a “You get a better experience. .and if you can’t lovely place to walk around.” fi nd that special something. .you can at least have Browsing is interspersed with coff ee and cake a beer overlooking the water,” he says. at cafes, he says. A last-minute Christmas shopper himself, he “Until it’s time for a spot of post-retail reckons Kailis (for pearls) or the eclectic Blue refl ection over a cold craft beer—or champagne if Buddha will be his fi rst ports of call. you’ve really excelled.” Fremantle councillor Andrew Sullivan kicked He’ll be heading to New Editions, Wear2 and off the Love Freo–Shop Freo campaign last year, so the funky South of the Border, “where you can it’s no surprise he’ll be shopping locally again. walk in on your gift quest utterly clueless and “Freo is defi nitely the place to fi nd interesting, walk out with some nifty stuff and three or four unique, arty and sometimes quite quirky presents.” tricky people crossed off your list”. The south ward councillor and Greens candidate Local Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren reckons in next year’s state election will trawl through with a wide variety of shops in walking distance, funky shops in Atwell Arcade for pressies for the locals are “spoilt for choice”. hard-to-buy-for, while Eat Drink Cook and the She’ll be heading to the Oxfam Shop and Home Provedore are sure to have the just-right- checking out the goodies at the Kings Square something for family and friends. markets. “If Santa thinks I’ve been good enough this year “My partner Sarah is hoping I will fi nd some he could get me a new bike from Captain Walker’s jewellery at Mabu, or a scarf from Cocoon,” she • Tim Milsom at The Corner Store—one of many funky local fantastic new shop in Paddy Troy Mall,” he said. says. shops where you can buy interesting gifts. Photo by Jeremy Dixon Selected white and yellow LOG BOOK SERVICE gold cables 30% off New Car Warranty Protection White Gold Double BRAKE South Sea Pearl Autobahn Service Centres pendant $1540 are authorised to carry out the manufacturer’s SERVICINGSTOP South Sea log book services. & Tahitian Brakes not stopping as Pearl strand Handmade (1 only) Pearl MELVILLE (1 only) & Black Diamond pendant WHY PAY MORE? ASK FOR A QUOTE TODAY! $4930 $3495 Cable separate 10/248 Leach Hwy Here is your chance to smooth as they should? WIN a FREE Autobahn Service Tel:Lic. No:9317 MRB907 8898 ‘1 WINNER EVERY MONTH’ We’ll Have You Stopping Fast! *Entry is FREE, simply Coral and Seed SPEARWOODS Pearl ring visit www.Autobahn.net.au $995 * Autobahn Brake Packages 66-68 Phoenix Rd Full terms & conditions online Mon - Fri 9.30am-5pm $ Tel: 9418 5899 Sat 9.30am-4pm Book online now @ START FROM ONLY : Lic. 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WHILE STOCKS LAST Order before December 15 Melville Shopping Centre to avoid disappointment 354 Marmion St Supporting WA farmers and all West Australian produce MELVILLE Tel: 9330 3863 Mon-Fri 7am to 6pm Sat 6am - 2pm (Cnr Redwood Crt & Marmion St) Sun 23 Dec 6am - 6pm EASY PARKING [email protected] /RRNLQJIRUWKHSHUIHFWJLIWWR/RRNLQJIRUWKHSHUIHFWJLIWWR VSRLOVRPHRQHWKLV&KULVWPDV"VSRLOVRPHRQHWKLV&KULVWPDV" :HKDYHIDEXORXVVSHFLDOJLIWYRXFKHUV :K\QRWJLYHWKHJLIWRIEHDXW\DQGVDYHPRQH\DWWKHVDPHWLPH" 7KHVHYRXFKHUVDUHRQO\DYDLODEOHWLOO&KULVWPDVHYH&DOORUGURSE\RXU $SSOHFURVVVDORQWRGD\WRPDNHVXUH\RXGRQ WPLVVRXW 7URSLFDO7UHDW 3ROLVKHG3HUIHFWLRQ %HDXW\%OLVV 3DFNDJH 3DFNDJH 3DFNDJH Santa’s dreamin’ of 3RO\QHVLDQ0DKDQD ,QGXOJHQFH0DQLFXUH,QGXOJHQFH0DQLFXUH 5HOD[LQJ 0DVVDJH %DFN 6KRXOGHU LQFOXGLQJLQFOXGLQJ 8OWLPDWH,QGXOJHQFH 0DVVDJH ([RWLF,VODQG)RRW6FUXE 3HGLFXUH &XVWRPLVHG0LQL)DFLDO a wet Christmas 1RUPDOO\ 1RUPDOO\ 1RUPDOO\ SHOCK news about the 2QO\ 2QO\ 2QO\ accelerated melting of the Arctic ice sheets threatens :KDWGRRXUFOLHQWVWKLQNDERXWXV" ´7HOOXVZLWKLQGD\VLI\RX·UHQRWFRPSOHWHO\ ,DPDOZD\VYHU\LPSUHVVHGZLWKWKHSURIHVVLRQDOLVPRIWKH GHOLJKWHGZLWK\RXUWUHDWPHQWDQGZH·OOHLWKHU Santa and his elves. JLYH\RXDQRWKHUWUHDWPHQW)5((RUUHIXQG JLUOVDQGDOVRWKHIULHQGO\UHOD[HGDWPRVSKHUH6X]DQQH \RXUPRQH\QRTXHVWLRQVDVNHGµ NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the HOHPHQWVEHDXW\VSD University of Leeds released &DOOWRGD\SD\ZLWK a report this week, showing DFUHGLWFDUGDQGZH snow and ice melting at a ZLOOSRVW\RXUYRXFKHUV 3KRQH much more rapid rate than IRU)5(( $UGURVV6WUHHW$SSOHFURVV previously predicted. ZZZHOHPHQWVEHDXW\VSDFRPDX It means the magical 3DFNDJHYRXFKHUVPXVWEHUHGHHPHGLQDVLQJOHYLVLWYDOLGPRQWKV inhabitants of the North carbon kilometre model waterproof toys, Ms Carles Pole could become climate anyhow. says. change refugees. “[He] could work with local “[Including] models of the Fremantle independent communities in our region to soon-to-be-announced fl oating green MP Adele Carles says produce Fair Trade presents for fi ve-star hotel for Fremantle’s Fremantle should off er Santa kids instead of bringing them Prince Phillip Quay, and the Kulcha’s 30th Anniversary Campaign and his entourage a home in all the way from the North virtual Buckeridge container Pole.” terminal and goggles and is your chance to contribute to multicultural arts the port city. WA’s hot summers means Rather than the methane- snorkels specially designed activities that bind our diverse community together. he’d be better off stripping producing “six white boomers” for City of Fremantle staff who » Donate online today and help us to build a vibrant, down out of the red coat and for the Australian leg of the can apparently talk anywhere, inclusive and harmonious future. Visit kulcha.com.au boots and replacing them trip, Santa should use six green including underwater.” with boardies, thongs and bikes, as the Greens did in Borrowing the mayor’s a Bintang singlet, “so he’ll the recent Fremantle Festival lithium-powered bike would blend in with the locals”. parade, says Cr Andrew allow Santa to drop the If Santa does decide to Sullivan (see photo, above). methane-producing reindeers. tough it out, “with Arctic But he’s predicting that after Ms Carles says: “The bike melt at an all time high [he’s] hundreds of years in his glacial is apparently capable of is going to need to invest home Santa may welcome it soaring to great heights, well in a fl oating factory for the turning into a tropical paradise at least nine storeys…[and] elves unless they want to “sometime next year” and may assuming Santa negotiates tread water,” Fremantle just put his feet up. any future wind turbines mayor Brad Pettitt says. “The notion that fl ying Santa without incident, it’s expected Dr Pettitt predicts all the way from the northern he will touch down in King reindeers will be blown off hemisphere is pretty passe, so Sirona Square in less than course by extreme weather the kids will just have to tweet four weeks. The proposed events, and have problems instead.” helipads—to be fi tted to all fi nding fresh water. If Santa does stay in his buildings over nine storeys— But he thinks Santa soon-to-be-watery home he’ll will defi nitely make landing should revisit his high have to get the elves making easier.” Free Function Room MONDAY TUESDAY Chicken Steak (250g), $15 Schnitzel, Chips, $15 Chips & Salad 5 - 9PM Salad with Aioli 5 - 8PM WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Fish & Chips Hot Dog, with Tartare $10 Onions $1 Sauce & Salad 5 - 8PM & Chips 5 - 8PM 30th FREMANTLE FRIDAY SAT/SUN Herald Big Beef All Day Anniversary OFFICIAL CAMPAIGN PARTNER Burger $10 BIG $15 For bookings & enquiries Campaign & Chips 5 - 8PM Breakfast 11AM - 8PM Call Dawn - 9336 2455 39 High Street, Fremantle | 9336 2455 | www.facebook.com/barorient KUL026E2-BRANDINO (Photography: Jon Green, Jeremy Dixon) Page ii - Special Edition - Melville City Herald, Saturday December 8, 2012 n MERRY CHRISTMAS GreatGreat XmasXmas Gifts...Gifts... Reindeer daze at Zone Gifts SCANDAL erupts at the for discussion in the laugh- Thomas, known around North Pole as the reindeers a-minute, no-holds-barred town for his penchant for dish the dirt on their boss monologues, says Dornan. black, not pastels. “It’s an Santa. The uptight Dasher is absurd satire with plenty of proud of his profession but references to pop culture, The Eight: Reindeer has extremely rigid views on show business, gossip-hungry Monologues presents a side of how reindeers should conduct media and the continuing Father Christmas not usually themselves.
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