■ 1 ~ - ref • 5 = v '«r => ,i. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 18T1 7 - ■ -PAGE EIGHTEEN '. / Average Dafly Net Press Run The Weather inmtrIrrBtpr lEngnte^ Ijg^ralb For The Week Ended N ovem ber 14, lOTO Meetly clear and cold through . The Confirmation Oass of Stanley Chcle of Swth United David Jerome Forman, son of entry, found guU^ at vlolaU on Friday. Tonight’s low about 20. Tomorrow’s high In upper 20e to North united Methodist Church Methodlat Church will meet to­ Mr. and Mr>- Harry Forman of state traffic control sign,' About Town 16,080 m id 80s. will meet tonight at 7 at the night at 7:15 at Susannah Wes­ 08 Benton St., has been accvpMa, Court Cases fin ed $60. F M M T Y i ^ Daidel Henry, 87, of Glaston­ Tli« Senior Rhjrtlim Choir o( church. The Senior HI Touth ley Hall of the church. at 'the Blast Coast Aerp Teuinl: - M anehester^A City of Vim g e C h a r m North United Methodist Church bury,'found gvilty of intoxica­ \ Forum will also meet at 7 at cal School, Hanscom PTeld, Lex­ OOtOUIT COURT 13 tion, KMlay suMiwided smitence. will rdieane tooisht at • St the church. Taro circles of the Women'# ington, Maas. He will-prepare Manchester Session M arvin BlUis, found g u ^ y on VOL. LXXXX, NO. 81 ^ (CtaMlfted AdvertlftDig on Page SO) the church. Society of the Commimlty for hla Federal AVution Admln- (THIR’TY-’TWO PAGES—TWO SEfTnONS,) MANCHES’TER; CONN., W1 SDNESDAY, JANUARV 6, 1971 PRICE TEN CENTS a substitute Information c h a ^ TgTJ. ■ ( ■ • Baptist Church will meet to­ latratton examinations to be­ The case of Wayne MalnvUle, M T U u m e FOGARTY'S INSURCC Feast (, The FMendshlp of of failure to show Ucense, firied The o C ^ ie BplplULny night at 8. The Estelle Carpenter come a^Uceiised technlcljui. 20, of Main St., charged with 18 will be obaerved tomorrow wlOi BMiamiei Lutheran Church will 180.' Circle w ill meet at the home of counts of breiddng and enter­ HBAT BUDGET PAYMENT a service of Holy Communion have a party tomorrow from 1 NoUew’' were entered in the Mlrs. E. Lawrence Osborne of an Wexmen’ s M issionary League ing with criminal intent and at 10 a.m . and 7 p.m. at St. ■ to S p.m. In Luther Hall of the foUowlng cases: 00 Helalne Rd. Robert Dutton o f' Zion Bhrangellcal Lutheran eight of larceny was conOnued John C. Adams, 88, of 85 Lake M ery’s B^|>iscopal Church. ‘ churt^. YoungVoter will be the special guest The Chuttdi will meet tomorrow at until Thursday to await St., breach of peace. Reed-Baton Chcle will meet at 7.:80 p.m. at the church. Pastor psychiatric reports. Leo F. Bawsa Jr., 18, ot V er- . The Adult Bell Chdr of The Cherub Choir of Emanuel the home of MrS. Nellan Smith Emanuel Lutheran Church will Lutheran Church will rehearse Charles KUM will lead a~ dls- ' MalnvUle la being held In salUes, Conn., foUowlng too Category Set of 1487 Silver Lane, East Bart- cusrion on “New Ways to Com­ closely. rehearse tomorrow at 10 a.m. tomorrow at S.80 p.m. at the lieu of $600 surety bond. J fmrd. municate the Word" taken from • Roxanne Billings,' 22, of H ills­ / In Luther Ball of the church. church. The Manchester . I^etective ise By Killian the winter Issue of the "luther- Bureau arrested MalnvUle last boro, N.H., larceny under gte. The board of Christian con­ an Women’s Quarterly." Mite ' George R- Dingwall, 18, of 887 Officers and directors of Omar week in connection with doctor ^ The Adult DIscusslan Class .of cern ^ the Center Congregation­ boxes w ill be collected. Bostess- E. mddle Tpke., failure to HARTFORD (Ai») —Voters In Shitae Chib will meet at 8 p.m. office breaks last June and two South united Methodist Church al Church will meet Wethies- ea are MTs. George M agnu^, drive a reasonable distance Connecticut are to' be segregat­ tomorrow at the home of David church breaks last faU. ' 400 MAIN STIKt • MANCHB1BLOONN will meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. day at 7:80 In the library. MJa. Raymond M iller and Mrs. apart. Among GIs in Viet ed by age: those 16 to 20 wtU R, Nlchj^, second vice presi­ The court has questtened that at the church. Albert Petke. Frank 'BhssIna'Jr., 18, of 168. HpAMKyHOUdES ARINURHCUOS NORMAN HOIMCS be distinguished ap "fe d e ra l dent, of Tt-Amott Rd. MalnvUle might have drug in­ Birch St., failure to drive right. " s By GEORGE ESPER including more than -ll.OOO ap- electors," and those 21 and Center Congregational Church volvement. He is also charged N a v y P O 8. C. D onald E . RUl, StephMi Gallo, 20, of Hebron, Restrictive policies of a funeral or “me­ Associated Press Writer older wlU be. listed as In the By DON MEIKLE Pilgrim Choir will meet Wed­ Navy Airman Appren. Larry with administering a narcotic prehended or investigated aind son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scandla Lodge, Vasa Order of ahoplifting. past. Associated Press Writer nesday at 8:S0'p.m. In Memorial P. MUrtell, son of Mr. and Mrs. morial” organization can never be in the SAIGON (AP) — The U.S. five times as many who escaped Hill of 11 Byron Rd., was re- America, w ill Install officers In drug. Cheryl A. Gardnier, shoplift­ The ruUng comes from Atty. Hall, the Touth Rhythmic Choir Gerald P. Martell,' of 51 Jarvis best interests of the public. Any time you Command today unveiled a d etectim . centfy graduated from the Naval ceremonies Thursday at 8 p.m. Bound over to the next crim­ ing under $15. Gen. Robert K. KUUan who al- HARTFORD (AP)'—The wUl meet at 8:80 In the Nar- Rd., has graduated frmn the are limited to one type of funeral service sweeping new program to com- It was the U.S. Command’s __ _ _ _ „ Tralimig Center, Oreat Lakes, at Odd Fellows BaU. Refresh­ inal session of Hartford County Charles R- Gullck, 26, of Blast i has authorized that regls- thex, the Youth Choir will meet dam “A” Aviation Administra-, at one price, you are being forced to sacri­ b€it drug abuse am ong Am eri- reins of political power in Superior court was the case of Hampton, impr«q>er passing. 1 J acknowledgment trars of voters proceed •with the n i. ments wlH be served. at 0:16 in the sanctuary, and Uonman Course at the Naval Fred W. Perry Jr., 28, of 50 Robert D. Murdock, 40, of Bob fice your individuality in the name of regIstraUon of voters under 21. Connecticut’s state govern­ Air Technical Training Center, the Senior Choir will meet at BisseU St., charged with sale ton, failure to obey a red light. “progress” or “economy.” Traditionally, w^-Md-destroy oper- Its major problems. KlUlan’s directive Is to be ment passed from the Dem­ 7:80 in the sanctuary. Memphis, Term. funeral directors have offered complete of marijuana, and possession of R ob ert J. OUvera, 84,' o f 60 “ 'Hie command said that of maUed Wednesday to aU.regls- ocrats to the Republicans a controUed drug. In connection Lenox St., passing in a no-pass­ services in a wide price range to gssure A M, 9,258 drug violations by Ameri- trars ot voters in the state. The Book Group the Man­ DeBella and R ^ e OpilGifttiis Navy Ena. Walter W. Sim­ with an aUeged Manchester of­ in g lim e. today in traditional pomp chester Bolton Welcome Wagon that each family’s own wishes will be ful­ Those voters on the “federal mers, son of Mr.^uid Mrs. Rob­ fense last summer. , Bldward M. Poutre, 16, of 61 filled. conunanders estimated^ that months of last year, 7,065 were electors' list will be eligible to and pageantry at the gold- Club wfll meet tonight at 8 at more than 65,000 GIs were for use or possession of mari- ert B. Simmers of 105 Plymouth Other cases disposed of In­ Summit St., foUowlng too close- cast ballots only In federal elec­ Complete t j m and husband of the former the home of Mrs. Michael Tsui- 0^ drug abuse during 1970, Juana, 1,452 for use or posses- domed State Capitol. cluded: ly- tions, for the offices ot p resi­ Thonras J. MesWil, 42-yearold m — Penny Thylor of 42 Fer­ tariika of 148 B^ferttm St. The WlUiam B. Schick, 26, 8 ~ ■ slwi of such “dangerous” drugs Arthur J. Craft, 41, of Hart­ 1M0MI dent and vice president, U.S. Republican congressmem arid -» Eye guson Rd., was recently gradu­ book to be discussed Is “House Rachel Rd., speeding. on the Strand” by Daphne Du ford, found guilty of speeding, OMM ^ p h e t^ ^ , barbiturates ge^^r and U.S. representaOve! former mayor of New Britain, Serried - ated from the Basic Qualifica­ iWlUlam M. SuUlvan, 86, ot M Surier. fin ed ISO. or Md 786 for use or The young voters aOhleved this took over the office occupied tion Course of the Supply Corps 146 B. Center St., failure to Antoinette LaBrec, 82, of Cov­ for 10 years by Democrat John at the Navy Supply Corps entry, found guilty of Improper grant ri^ t o t w ay. South Viet Theodore Staudt Jr., son of Gary C. York, 27, of 8 Bdger- sosmsiM Dem psey. O o n tM t School, Athena, Cki.
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