ngh adi am B ECHO February & March 2015 1 BADINGHAM DIARY Village Quiz Tue 3rd February White Horse 8pm Stay & Play starts Tue 10th February Dennington School 2.15 Maypole Wed 11th February Village Hall 8pm Whist Drive Mon 16th February White Horse 2pm Village Supper Tue 17th February White Horse 7.30pm Family Service Sun 22nd February Church 10am WI Thu 26th February Village Hall 7.30pm Village Quiz Tue 3rd March White Horse 8pm Maypole Wed 11th March Village Hall 8pm Family Service Sun 15th March Church 10am Village Supper Tue 17th March White Horse 7.30pm Beetle Drive Fri 20th March Village Hall 7pm WI Thu 26th March Village Hall 7.30pm Easter Egg Hunt Mon 6th April Church 10am Village Quiz Tue 7th April White Horse 8pm I’m always grateful for your contributions: stories, memories and cover pictures. So, please start scribbling! Remember, I can only print what I am sent, so don’t forget to let me know if you want to make a request for help, ideas or publicity for an event. The copy deadline for the next Echo is: 15th March Please send news, articles etc to: Tish King T: 01728 638259 Weekdays after 6.30pm Email : [email protected] 2 Notes from the Editor There was a fantastic turnout for the Carols in the Pub and the Crib Service in the days leading up to Christmas. Thanks to all involved for capturing the spirit of the season. It was snowing this morning but now it’s a lovely bright, clear afternoon. The spaniel sits beside me as I work at my computer. She didn’t know what to make of the creature which she was catching glimpses of through the hedge just now - could it be a pheasant with a very long neck? I might have been puzzled too if I hadn’t spotted a heron strutting across the grass an hour or so before. Fish keepers beware! As we start a new year, thanks to our advertisers for supporting the Echo and to all our regular contributors for sending in their news. Looking ahead, suggestions were made in the Parish Plan Report 2013 (which you can see on the Parish Council’s website - link on www.badingham.org.uk) for other items and articles which you would like to see in the Echo. These included the history of Badingham, Farming Updates and Recipes. If anyone can help me with those that would be much appreciated. Thank you, Tish Latest Village News & Events Check for updates on www.badingham.org.uk All the latest news will be posted here Don’t forget to tell Carl when you have news or events that you need to publicise: [email protected] The ECHO is produced for the villagers of Badingham by the Badingham Community Council Registered Charity No. 274549 The Editor’s decision on whether or where to place material is final. While every effort is made to check information published, the BCC does not endorse the accuracy or reliability of any article or advert within the magazine. E.O.E. 3 BADINGHAM Although a little late, we wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year! Seasonal Gifts Over 20 seasonal gifts were delivered to Badingham residents 70 years or over in time for Christmas. Many thanks were received from recipients – several saying that they looked forward to being 70 to receive their annual gift! We do appreciate hearing from you. If someone in your household is going to be 70 by Christmas 2015 ring Pauline (01728 602542) to be added to our list. Defibrillator On December 16th Angela Weigh from the East of England Co-op came to Badingham Village Hall to ‘hand over’ the up and running defibrillator. An ambulance man, Steve Hammond, also came along to demonstrate and answer any questions about the defib. Many residents came along and, on behalf of all her hard work over the past 2 years, the BCC present Angela with a seasonal basket. A bottle of wine was also given to Steve. Thanks also to Gerry Newman who has helped immensely through emails, meetings with various people etc towards the installation of the defib. Village Hall lighting A new sensor light has been installed outside the Village Hall. Once the dark nights arrived the car park was very badly lit. BCC has contributed £250 towards this light which makes arriving and departing much safer for users of the hall. The BCC thank everyone who supports their activities and hope that 2015 events are well attended too. Pauline Skevington, Chairman BCC Easter Monday, 10am at the Churchyard: Easter Egg Hunt Everyone most welcome! 4 Tables of up to six people (£2 per person) Proceeds to local organisations February 3rd - East Anglian Air Ambulance March 3rd - St Elizabeth Hospice April 7th – F.O.D.S. Following the November quiz night at The White Horse, the money raised for The Suffolk Wildlife Trust was donated to the memorial fund for Derek Moore, who was for a long time the Director of the SWT. The fund will be used to help young people in conservation education, so its benefits will be felt for many years to come. Derek’s widow, Beryl, sent me the following note: Dear Paul, On behalf of Jeremy, Bronwen and myself we thank you and your colleagues at The White Horse most sincerely for your donation of £76 to Suffolk Wildlife Trust in memory of Derek. Derek would surely be amused at a pub giving money in his name! We are truly amazed at all the tributes and donations being made in his memory. With kind regards, Beryl Paul Collins 5 BADINGHAM CHURCH FAMILY SERVICES Family services take place in Badingham Church on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 10am, lasting about 30 mins and followed by tea, coffee and biscuits. The services are very child-friendly and we hope carry a message for us all. 15th February Creation Story 15th March Mother’s Day Come along and help us bake a cake to share for the occasion Do join us if you can - everyone is very welcome Churches Cycle Ride September 2014 Many thanks to all those who supported this event. Those acting as recorders in the church: Carol Bostock-Smith Ann Foster Rosemary Keable Sonja Russell Victor Warne Two young cyclists both did very well and raised £129: Lucas Foster Emilia Foster I was unable to cycle this year due to a family event. Look forward to September 2015 and hope to see more of you supporting this so worthwhile event. Geoff Moore 6 BADINGHAM VILLAGE HALL Tickets for the Beetle Drive £7.50 adults - no charge for children under 16 years Tickets from Carol – 638352; Ann - 638288; Tanya - 638894 A light buffet supper with a glass of wine or fruit juice will be served at half time, for which there is no charge. There will be a Raffle Proceeds for Badingham Church of which 10% will be donated to Badingham Village Hall This is intended to be a fun evening for all the family Do come along and join us Everyone very welcome 7 A warm and friendly welcome awaits you on the 4th Thursday in the month at the Village Hall – 7.30 pm February 26th – Inheritance Tax and Care Fees Planning ~ Carol Lockett This is an ‘open’ meeting - everyone welcome March 26th - Brief History of the English Morris (dance) ~ Mike Garland April 23rd - Patio Gardening for 2015 ~ David Garnett , Hacheston Nurseries For further details please contact Joan Overett – 01728 638902 Come along for a game of whist at Badingham White Horse with thanks to Mark & Lisa Monday 16th February at 2pm in aid of Parkinson’s UK £5 per person - to include light refreshments Draw ring Rita for tickets: 638208 8 The White Horse at Badingham With Christmas and New Year behind us we would like to thank everyone who supported and contributed to the success of the New Years Eve dinner & dance event. After the deduction of all costs incurred we raised £272, which will be donated to the village hall fund. After the success of this event we look forward to holding similar events in the future. In additional to this, our Christmas draw raised £260, which will be equally split between Badingham Bowl’s club and the village hall fund. Our regular events will be taking place on Tuesdays with the exception of our music events (which will resume in the future). We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year and look forward to your continued support during forth coming year. To thank all our staff for their hard work over the last year we will be closed on the evening of Monday 9th February from 3pm to 11pm for our staff party. Themed Tuesday nights continue as follows: at Badingham White Horse First Tuesday each month Village Quiz Second Tuesday each month All-you-can-eat Buffet £8.50 per person from 19:00 to 21:30. Themes change monthly Third Tuesday each month Village Supper Meet newcomers and chat with old friends over a two-course supper, for £8.25 per head. Starting from 19:30 Call 01728 638280 for bookings 9 The Nursery School at Badingham Village Hall, IP13 8JS Providing Quality, Affordable Day Care for children aged 3 months to 5 years Open every day, Monday to Friday Offering flexible hours between 8.30am - 4.30pm We accept grant funding for 2, 3 & 4 year olds Holiday Clubs available For more information about Holiday Clubs or for your child to join Playschool please contact Michele on 01728 638804 / 638776 [email protected] http://badinghamplayschool.weebly.com BADINGHAM STAY & PLAY Parent and Toddler Group at Badingham Village Hall Tuesdays 10am ‘til 11.30am term times £2 a family to include craft activities, music and snack 10 The Maypole Club We always welcome new members and visitors to our meetings on the second Wednesday in the month.
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