Humanist Manifesto European Elections 2009 Humanists want a society that values cooperation and compassion at least as much as competition. It must be fair, inclusive and secular – that is, giving no privilege to any particular religion or belief, including Humanism. We call it an ‘open society’; one that is “based on the recognition that people have divergent views and interests and that nobody is in possession of the ultimate truth.” 1 The elec&on of members of Parliament in June 2009 gives every ci&zen of Europe the opportunity to vote for representa&ves who support these principles. The promo&on of human rights is Islamist and other demands for clause requiring “open, at the heart of the development religion to be protected from transparent and regular dialogue” of the European community. cri/cism. with the churches. (In theory the The human right of freedom of * If the EU touches on ma0ers European Humanist Federa/on, religion or belief can only be of family law, abor/on or as a ‘non-confessional adequately protected if the euthanasia, religious dogma must organisa/on’, gets the same government, laws and all official not be allowed to limit the rights privileges, but we fought hard for ins/tu/ons remain neutral with and wishes of the majority. ten years against this Treaty regard to religion or belief (which * Similarly, Europe must provision and we use it only to in law includes non-religious commit itself to elimina/ng unfair counter the influence it gives the beliefs and atheism etc). This is discrimina/on based on religion churches.) the meaning of a secular state. or belief no less than on gender, sexuality, race, disability or age. Although the Lisbon Treaty is not Europe and its ins&tu&ons must The current dra Direc/ve risks yet ra&fied, the dialogue has therefore func&on independently entrenching discrimina/on by been in progress for many years. of religious or philosophical religion while protec/ng the This includes many ad hoc belief and must keep strictly to religious from discrimina/on mee/ngs in addi/on to regular ) the principle of separa&on of against them. It will need careful encounters such as those listed by 4 0 0 2 religion and poli&cs . scru/ny. the President of the Council of , n o Policies must not be distorted by Roman Catholic bishops s l o c religious or any other dogma but The European Union is becoming (COMECE) in a speech that you i N & rather founded more involved in educa&on, can read on our website: d l e on considera/ons of human through its interest in ensuring f n e d rights. an adequately educated labour (a) seminars with church i e W ( force and in social cohesion. representa/ves on “fundamental y c For example, As it does so, the EU must avoid issues”, arranged by the European a m e * Policies on development aid endorsing - and should preferably Commission r p u S must not exclude providing oppose - the huge privileges given (b) talks with the government n a c condoms as a protec/on against to religion in the educa/on providing the six-monthly i r e AIDS in response to pressure from systems of most member states, presidency of the EU Council m A f the Va/can. through funding of religious (c) annual mee/ngs of o e l * Policies on scien/fic research schools and support of religious representa/ves of churches and b b u B must not bow to religious educa/on even in public schools. non-Chris/an religions with the e h T demands to avoid funding work Presidents of the Council, o t with embryonic stem cells. Dialogue with Religion : Commission and Parliament. x i d n * In foreign rela/ons, trade e p p must not be so dominant a factor Formally, the EU has no concern [In May 2008, these were a : s o that considera/ons of human with religion or belief. a0ended by 13 bishops, 4 rabbis r o S rights are neglected. But the Lisbon Treaty - like the and 4 Muslim dignitaries. The EHF e g r * Free speech must be many dra s of an EU Cons/tu/on was refused an invita/on - a plain o e G defended vigorously against that preceded it - contains a act of discrimina/on on grounds 1 You can find out more about the above issues at www.humanistfederation.eu Humanist Manifesto European Elections 2009 of ‘religion or belief’ and a breach view to fostering EU dialogue of the requirement for ‘open’ with the "three principal What to do now dialogue.] religions". Please write to as many candidates in your cons/tuency But the COMECE President said: The EHF and BHA are not as possible. You can find who "These talks . are in our view opposed to dialogue with they are at www.europarl.org.uk not enough to sa&sfy the offer of religious organisa/ons or with The vital ques/on to ask is: an open, transparent and regular anyone, but dialogue". Do you agree that religion and We do not know what else they (a) we think it should be held poli&cs should be kept separate want, but in a 2002 paper in the general framework of in the EU? submi0ed to the EU Commission consulta/on with non- for the Cons/tu/onal talks, the governmental organisa/ons There is no need to write a long bishops (Catholic, Lutheran, le0er - you can refer if you wish Orthodox and Anglican) asked (b) mean/me, it should not to some of the points given here, for:- discriminate against us and in but it is be0er to write a very favour of religion. short le0er to all the candidates • “pre-legisla/ve consulta/on . in your Euro cons/tuency than a . enabling Churches . to The dialogue with the churches is carefully argued le0er to only one comment on planned legisla/on" on ma'ers of EU competence - or two. • “regular dialogue seminars” e.g., the big mee&ng in May 2008 with Commission officials discussed climate change; this Please send us a copy of the • “working sessions on . May they will discuss economics replies you receive (or give us issues whenever the churches . and ethics. exact quota/ons) so that we can have a par/cular concern" Church influence will grow as the know which MEPs are • “presiden/al-level mee/ngs EU gradually stretches its central sympathe/c to us and which are between the President of the economic remit into areas where not. This will enable us to write to European Commission and high religious doctrine could be very sympathe/c MEPs a er the level representa/ves of the damaging - educa/on, scien/fic elec/on and suggest that they Churches” research, social cohesion and join the Parliament’s Working • a “liaison office within the other social issues. Group on Separa/on of Religion services of the Commission” in and Poli/cs. This valuable group order to develop a "partnership" We need to ensure that this does maintains pressure on the EU with the Commission. not happen. There is already a authori/es to prevent improper small group of MEPs who are influence and privilege for The Parliament (with a series of ac/ve in the Parliament in religion. invita&ons to elderly male defending laicité and separa/on religious leaders) and the of religion and poli/cs. They need Please send the replies to the na&onal presidencies of the support. BHA either by e-mail at Council are also guilty of [email protected] with the favouring religion. Le0ers to candidates can do subject “EP”, or by post to Pepper For example, the French two things: Harow, BHA, 1 Gower Street, presidency called a mee/ng on 19 London, WC1E 6HD marking the December 2008 with delega/ons 1. iden/fy future friends envelope “EP” from member states who were 2. make all MEPs more aware required to include one of the strength of public We will share this informa/on government official, one rabbi, opinion against religious with the EHF. one imam and one priest with a privilege. Thank you! You can find out more about the above issues at www.humanistfederation.eu.
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