---- H g s g iai s ^ ......______:________ i____________------------------- ;------- ^— 1..;— J4-1 :''7~ .............■ B i S ia ifclftg l r iS ^ ^ . ^ c n ts >003 V' ■Jo. 214 . Satuiurday, August 2, 20 |rwin.F'!!ikndTdShol^thyear!^ ---------------- . 1 ’ __ iGOOtJJVtQj3 R N I N G ^ ap stitage W eattier.^ ( i a l i o»firess rea<teh IKnop-i Today: Partly Creek fire- is burning oon 1319 Panhandlee National Forest: ! I "■ million dollollars to fight. I t also rs have not set a col^ ■ [he lives of two firefight- acres in the Salmon)n*ChalUs Firelight^ h Glacier lesldensn fs claimed the tainment dat<date for the 200«oe dou^ddes, AllO'other is close ers last weiwe^k - Salmon resident National Forest. w<1a« wnr*h nt Wflllaee. isolatedSJ thuh>' - ...... ------Fires continued - toto— bum- - blaie-U-mile __ iso ---------- te tu m ^ A Bg - Jetf-Alleir*n“ohd Melba resident iding;_______ lhe_f«.,aboiibout five peiceat con- ■ -------------- - SHoneHeaieath:--------—;-----------------— throughout Idaho, indudi h’78'firefigBtiOT?mthe------- ^ -----to-cc:ontainm ent— • North .fork Uck, Payette tained with 71 The fire bumbig on5,i5,614 acres T he Oxkixkiller range fire bum- iUw<twfn> scene, was-eis. exhibiting extreme ith a possible - The AwttocWed Preti II' c Salmon- . ing on S82}2 acres in the Caribou- National Forest Fire oe; with flames rushing Mostly cloudy with of tiifiberlood in the pulled away from the . ^Ehower or thunderserstorm.'High jjQgc Chnllia National Forestst was con- Ibrghee NaNational Forest w as also ;heast of through treeeecnnvns. < SCOW - Firefighters are I6firefight- fully contaitained Ihursday. More blaze 18 miles north - ^ 9 4 , low of 61. ; tained Tliursday by 346 McCall bccause of saf<ifety con- • Blackidc F k eg , Com ple£ Ing up two m ajor and than 78 finfirefighters battled that I of the Blackwall fire- g to on the third one this, ers. three miles e a s t of cems. Officials said thee fira was Composed of P v o i a S X ' I . “Out crews are makiking good blaze, thr behavior, in Montanada and Flrog Pond in ?: iicing a lot FVanklin in southeastern Idaho, exhibiting extreme b< J progress and they’re us with trees torching inn gtoups, Idaho, thee ttotal complex wA9 r D w er fire was expe«cd of helicopter support,t,” Buxton And mohions than 70 firefighters n 7,500 acre^ and about tiAGlcVALlI^LEY totally controlled W ore rystal Creek fire 18 miles new spot fires and fast*jt*running burning on 7,! \ said. “The terrain is eextremely ' on the Crysi fire paths. Containmentnt is>esti- 40 percentIt ocontained; Ih e Flrog the weci■eek ends, fire information, rugged, and helicoptcIter opera* northwestft eof Stanley expected to Pond fire,t, ??2 mUes north of . i .spokesinsmanTim Buxton said, with halve the blblaze contained- by ^ e mated for August 8. , tions are critical.” . • Toboggan fire,i, Idaho PlASPlease see FDttS. Page A2 essentiatially no activc burning So far, the blaze hasis cost $3.1 end of 'th<the week. The Crystal inside! theth containment lines. )DUCTIC-vvr Ihves^^atoi’:' i LESTQRAm o N , >NOT JUirST PRO! — NAiSipfeneeds ' , B|| to diil^ge r wlture. I id and alter* its cu EfRclency: Hybrid; native-fuel v ^ cles:les highlight n O E ,------------ wergyfaironCSlS l campus. ^ E E 'm CANAVERAL, F la ^ A PageAS HB c Xp e c a i the board1 iinv n v M ^ ^ die space Moo: < ^ d ^ plax1 tinning com* |^C3BI ^ ^ ^ ^ B shuttle ColuoDlumbia disaster says h e ------ -rmission-approveslitslai^edaio^ j B S -fcarsiNA^SATnarbe-dooiyd to - _ bre tiBg*di«linless it . expansion. ..... suffer more ^ ^ ^ ^ B changes the[he cultttre that has led PageAS to flawed ded*ion4naking.dec The “samiam e faulty reasoning** that led to die 1986 Challenger jVlONEY acddent also-ledal« to Columbia, abounds: Mini* said Dougliuglas Osheroff, orone : Cassia endures chronicallychi ^ 9 | B the 13 higher joblessnessess;Jufyeas- mem- was temporaiy . bers >mppirpping Page B8 K j H up the repo:eport the b i a ^ ■ ■ H B m acddent. N a t io n . **No noattilatter BtMktHroughiHu[he.U.S— d. ihB' :Hju j-.how-gy><^jiiiaiJuliBW IgBiy. on^one talks accedes to one-on- ■t cdo , w yfdihSianhXam t ^^^^B somethinglg tto change the way ■ fauclear weapons.IS. ' V ' ' NASA makinakes its decisions, I . ^ ^ ^ ^ B would%ayyr thidiat we will have been • T whistling; in the wind,” Osheroff ; told The AsAssodated Press in a REUCilgNJ ^ ^ ^ ^ B telephonee ininterview diis week, “At diee m<moment. Pm in a state earrmmAi/n»mwii»w of depressiossion,** he said from his office at StanfordStai University. igti^ wttb their parents at PorPorcupine Spring* In the Sawtoo Several1 OColumbia board mem* KotyQIkaltek, 11, WI. md bntlKt Bnnd<indon, 6, cd ieil piM cmni InI thetl shade during a camping t I as fora*t lyjj, jg lent Mday. Thera wiU be littletie ebiinci in acceM for campimptra and outdoor enthusiast* i e sold the space agency ml RiMt. Tl» loiMt reHiMilJ BlKi lonttann ptailnj documti needs drarIramatic. change, but | « lUn from a pMIoupli|r.pn<liroduotlon.to!raftoraUon._____ -i9-pessimi6tic-ihat!can-------- - _ -f t e accompli:ip lis h ^ . T th in It been dear for IfV y a foSg^iStime that whot bta to hilosop] dm ngeisnos not NASA’S polides and w est Seervice cchtuigc;s its ph proceduresles cor management struc- Rock that canyon:on:C3uistian suppose th^ have to ^ - S E y . 5 i E bands like S<wcui^ioodare . , - U . ' n ' IE-------- ^----------------- ciiange as w mniterSandmafin . TvdirRiE: I road vdiide trs n ^ coming to the vailralley. 5 2 L ^ matlOII.: In»rests t groups i that harvest the .1^ r,nr rn he SOid. “Cu“Ciiltxire.is a very funny. »Ww.wilt»r. • • ^-___ //.M irow Ifi^ iatuialTesources=sudi ai s^ ---- ------ -PagrCl^-liE!!* T 6 H S '* i ^ ----- forest^mat incorporate ^specifics ab tnisfittitm ' th e timbeiber and livestock indus- iSdy^^w w'aatua-' ^ T wVIN n . FALLS — Restoringlg l^Psjifttafbf^maw t Access in this d< Iv I ' plans onlim st 4 tries - willV notice th e most “ 'I'S- foreststs - as opposed to merely (tooth. CIM changes,I, shei said. Timber and1 LaBrecque said. But th e ; members nnd former Sports . 5 them - will be a key stiat*^~ www.f8.fod.us/f4/sawto- ^ gests the general direct usingtii or ' on the Hem labeled 'Soisouthwest grazingavailability aw w o n t change, (nployees have pointed to ,J uilderX a new management plan for I Plan ' . but on-thcthe-groUnd practices will1 area of the forests wi s of superiority, fear of I mal forests in southwest and}d tdano Ecogreup Forest P Pteople interested in theSlLe'SS; : «{ nadona Revision* infbfmation. > • b e affecte<ted. on by low-er-level employ- ' cenOBl.ral Idaho. jst Service Eradicatcation of noxious weeds;; review the plon to find nmunicadons problems It most people won’t see a bigjo Or contact a iocal Forest s store for their favorite pi office for more informatiation. restorationion of aspen stands, sage itraincd •. relationsliips lence in bow they can use the 1 . brush andnd riparian areas; and fire2 In the South HilU, the 1 t key divisions of NASA .s. «, the Fbrest Service says. -/ ment to protect developedi for developing more a of its difficult culturc. Op law requires updatingjplanse^iy E manageme 1 vehicle trad opportimio project of seven years, 8,000 m *ar forest boundaries such O s h Sf l sis also troubled th»t !S and more than $10 miUioh2h 10-15 years. And sino5 the last areas near 3 curtailing trails Ul areas \ in the late “ “ Ihele Wood ’ River Valley and inagcrs who made crucial Jy saw daylight on Rridoy.ty, plans were adopted u B a ^ arc am ong th e key/ road vehide use m i^ be= <dctrin,an. id, 1980s, public attitucndes, laws, Stanley^ is during Columbia’s 1 the Sawtooth. Foyctto and, the liew plan. tal. jem unwilling to accept ButnB national forests released a endanf^d spcdcs mdani wUdfirea ParK »' J The plan released Ricridny is the flisht seem dif^erei il- have dianged the foresi • A oraltift proposal was released lal blame. ■■ the lead in Jeitin' : plan for managing 6.6 mil- lie comment in 2Q00. Thee . final version and will L, Administrator Scan * forest, t “The overage user wwont notice for public [J effect Sept. 8. ““ A pacres. n said Sh£^ ^ ircsts received m ore than K! patient -■ OKccfc haihas promised things will le three forests pooledcd a lo t of changc,” sa ubllc comments, m any of,f “We ask people to be or -.^LaBrecque, a forest plannerpit with. 3,000 pubi lEST. Page A2 PIPlease see fiASA. Page A2 uFces to update their lO-year uil Forest in them fromfro: people concernedi Picase.see FORE! C o m in g S S'rt management plans. Federal:al the Sawtooth NationaJ j^ etak es J Dnssed totmie.B i joint pi Saddam lieU.S. raiobile I eludes th< . Page Bl lion iellowstonea a e prepares; for snowi Rnd out what lea ^ H ie wearing at school in Iraq’ss desertlaiandscape- > SundivS unday ES^^tnctions jamid woriTies abouat money . ~ The TIme» The Astociatad Pres* at success " Ytetoclatdd g Pro— ______ . & I D E X 'tte desert that stradaddles Syria real kids are__ ELLOWSTONE NATIONAL and Iraq is an easyplacc pi; to get The many Cbssiltod .C5-16 M JC, Wyo. - As rangers get lost, unless you hirerc a trusty faces of ^ I c s . .BU Nl ty to impose new restrictions Bedouin to d m rt a jursecou by the 3 sr * ” ressnowmobUes in Yellowstone stais and lead you jwndow andent, Saddam - A4 Cbmmunt^ .C4 Ms^ewa01 Iso an easy The Axond Ftuk this winter, enthusi* invisible trails.
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