FERTILISER STATISTICS 196 1-62 Published by THE FERTILISER ASSOCIATION OF INDIA 85 Sundar Nagar, New Delhi, February 1963] [ Price Rs. 5 First Published August 1956 Second edition May 1957 Third edition July 1958 Fourth edition June 1959 Fifth edition June I960 Sixth edition June 1961 Supplement to Sixth edition February 1962 Seventh edition February 1963 Prepared in the Statistical Divisi«n of The Fertiliser Association of India by T. R. Chadha, Statistician and A, N. Kulkarni, Statistical Assistant, PREFACE This is the seventh edition of Fertiliser Statistics revised for 1961- 62 (July-June). The object of the publication is to keep those engaged In the fertiliser industry and in the propagation of fertiliser use informed of the various factors relating to fertilisers in India. The data presented in this publication have been drav^rn from different sources and, therefore, do not conform to the same standard of accuracy. This has to be kept in view when utilising the data. The publication of Fertiliser Statistics has been made possible by the co-operation of Central Ministries of Food and Agriculture and Com• merce and Industry, State Departments of Agriculture, Fertiliser Manu• facturers and Importers and various other agencies. The assistance rendered by them is gratefully acknowledged. The present edition has some new features which are referred to in the introduction. Members of the Association and those Interested in the improvement of Indian agriculture will, I am sure, find this publication useful. The Association would welcome suggestions to make it more complete and comprehensive so as to make future editions an improve• ment on the present one. C. R. RANGANATHAN, New Delhi, Executive Director, October 31, 1962. The Fertiliser Association of India. CONTENTS Page Preface "'i Introduction PART I FERTILISER STATISTICS 1. Nitrogenous Fertilisers 1.1 Manufacturers and installed capacity of nitrogenous fertilisers 5 1.2 Monthly stocks, production and despatches of nitro• genous fertilisers 8 1.3 Synthetic and by-product production of ammonium sulphate (month-wise) 10 1.4 Production of nitrogenous fertilisers li 1.5 Distribution of nitrogenous fertilisers 12 1.6 Imports of nitrogenous fertilisers IS 2. Phosphatic Fertilisers and Phosphatic Fertiliser Materials 2.1 Manufacturers and installed capacity of phosphatic fertilisers 18 2.2 Monthly stocks, production and despatches of super• phosphate 23 2.3 Production of superphosphate 24 2.4 Distribution of superphosphate 25 2.5 Manufacturers and installed capacity of sulphuric acid 27 2.6 Production of sulphuric acid 32 2.7 Imports of phosphatic fertilisers and phosphatic fertiliser materials 33 3. Complex Fertilisers 3.1 Manufacturers and installed capacity of complex ferti• lisers 36 32 Monthly stocks, production and despatches of ammo• nium phosphate 41 3.3 Distribution of ammonium phosphate 42 3.4 Imports of complex fertilisers 43 4. Potassic Fertiliser* 4.1 Distribution of muriate of potash 44 42. imports of potassic fertilisers 45 (vi) 5. Mixed Fertilisers 5.1 List of mixed fertiliser manufacturers (a) Private manufacturers 46 (b) Cooperative manufacturers 56 5.2 Production and distribution of mixed fertilisers 61 6. Sunnmary Tables 6.1 Installed capacity of fertilisers—Statewise and productwise 62 6.2 Production, imports and distribution of fertilisers 64 6.3 Consumption of N, PaOg & KjO—Statewise 65 Consumption of fertilisers per acre of agricultural land 66 6.5 Ratio of N, P^Oj & KgO consumption—Statewise 67 , Prices and Subsidy 7.1 Prices of fertilisers (a) Pool fertilisers 69 (b) Nonpcol fertilisers 73 7.2 Subsidy on superphosphate 74 7.3 Formulae of fixing prices of fertiliser mixtures 75 8. Third Five-Year Plan 8.1 Targets of consumption of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilisers 79 8.2 Targets of production of nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilisers 79 8.3 End-product pattern of nitrogenous and complex fertilisers 82 8.4 Overall investment in fertiliser factories 82 8.5 Statewise targets of consumption of fertilisers 83 8.6 Statewise targets of organic manures and green manuring 84 9. Miscellaneous Statistics 9.1 Fertiliser recommendations for different crops in various States 85 9.2 Guide for mixing fertilisers 105 9.3 Statistics of rural compost production and area green manured 106 9.4 Statistics of urban compost production and distribution 107 9.5 Plant nutrients removed by crops 108 9.6 Nutrient contents of fertilisers 110 ( vli ) 9.7 Average chemical composition of some organic manures 114 9.8 Analysis of various' rock phosphates imported for superphosphate manufacture 116 9.9 Indian standard specifications for fertilisers 118 9.10 Conversion table for production rates of nitrogen and ammonia 123 9.11 Railway freight rates for fertilisers 124 9.12 Packing conditions for fertilisers for carriage by rail 126 9.13 List of soil testing laboratories 128 10. World Statistics 10.1 Fertiliser production (a) Nitrogen (N) 130 (b) Phosphoric acid (P2O5) 131 (c) Potash (K2O) 132 10.2 Fertiliser consumption (a) Nitrogen (N) 133 (b) Phosphoric acid (P2O5) 134 (c) Potash (K.O) 135 10.3 Production of rock phosphate 137 10.4 Fertiliser consumption per acre of agricultural land 138 10.5 Fertiliser consumption per acre of arable land 139 10.6 Density of population, ferJiiser consumption and yield 141 10.7 Farmers'price of fertilisers 143 10.8 Fertiliser prices and subsidy in United Kingdom 144 10.9 World trade in fertilisers 145 PART ll-RELATED STATISTICS I. Classification of Area 1.1 Land utilisation 148 1.2 Net cultivated and irrigated area in the States 152 1.3 Gross irrigated area in the States—cropwise 153 1.4 Cropwise distribution of gross cropped area and gross irrigated area ^ 155 1.5 Net area irrigated—sourcewise 156 1.6 Percentage of land receiving different intensities of rainfall 157 1.7 Assured, medium and dry rainfall regions 157 ( vlii ) 2. Index Numbers 2.1 Index numbers of agricultural production 158 3. Area, Production and Average Yield Per Acre of Principal Crops— All-India 3.1 Forecast crops 160 3.2 Non-forecast crops 162 4. Area, Production and Average Yield Per Acre of Principal Crops- States 4.1 Rice 164 42 Wheat 166 4.3 Jov/ar 168 4.4 Maize 170 4.5 Gram 172 4.6 Groundnut 174 4.7 Sugarcane 176 4.8 Potato 178 4.9 Tobacco 180 4.10 Cotton 182 4.11 Jute 184 4.12 Tea 186 4.13 Coffee 187 4.14 Rubber 188 5. Imports and Subsidy on Imported Cereals 5.1 Subsidy borne by Government of India on imported cereals 189 5.2 Imports of cereals 190 5 3 Imports of cotton 193 6. Tliird Five-Year Plan 6.1 Targets of agricultural production 194 6.2 Benefits anticipated from major and medium irrigation projects 195 7. Miscellaneous Statistics 7.1 Distribution of rainfall according to monsoons 196 7.2 Important crop rotations 196 7.3 Important crop mixtures 197 7.4 Crop-years 198 ( IX ) 7.5 Season, duration and seed rates of principal crops 199 7.6 Population of India 200 8. World Statistics 8.1 Land use 202 8.2 Area, production and yield per hectare of rice (paddy) 206 8.3 Area, production and yield per hectare of wheat 208 8.4 Area, production and yield per hectare of cotton (lint) 212 8.5 Area and production of sugarcane 214 8.6 Prices of important commodities (a) Rice 215 (b) Wheat 216 (c) Cotton 217 (d) Sugarcane 218 9. Conversion Factors and Tables 9.1 Conversion factors 219 9.2 Conversion tables 222 APPENDIX Active Members 226 Associate Members 247 Overseas Associate Members 251 Technical and Professional Associate Members 254 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Zonal map of India and location of soil testing laboratories under the national soil testing service 2 2. Location of fertiliser factories 4 3. Existing and proposed capacity of N—Statewise 17 4. Existing and proposed capacity of PjOj—Statewise 22 5. Source of raw materials for nitrogenous and complex fertiliser factories 38 6. Distribution of fertilisers 68 7. Production, consumption, targets and unfulfilled targets for N, PaO, & K2O 80 8. Ratio of N, P5O5 and K,0 consumption 136 9. Curve of average relationship between fertiliser use and value index of crop production 140 10. Per capita and per acre consumption of fertilisers 142 11. Soil map of India 163 INTRODUCTION Statistics of fertilisers are generally found in the records of Govern• ment and Industry and are mostly unpublished. Even the published information is scattered through a large number of publications and is not readily available for use. This booklet is brought out in order to bring together all these data, both published and un-published, with a view to giving an objective presentation of information available with the Government and the Industry. It is hoped this publication will meet the needs of all those who are interested in fertilisers. The book is divided into two parts. Part I consists of Fertiliser Statistics and Part II of Related Statistics. Parti gives details regarding the industries concerned with the manufacture of straight and mixed fertilisers, installed capacity, production, consumption, imports, prices and subsidy, targets of production and consumption of N. P, K in the Third Five-Year Plan and world statistics. Certain useful information such as fertiliser recommendations for different crops in the various States, statistics of urban and rural compost production and area green- manured, plant nutrients removed by crops, nutrient content of ferti• lisers, etc., is also included in this part. Part II deals with land utilisation statistics, area and production of crops, imports of cereals, targets of agricultural production in the Third Five-Year Plan and world statistics. In addition certain other useful information is also given in this part.
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