98 Appendix 1. Government Budget Projections 1979/90-1984/85 (Millions of Pula in 1979, 80 prices) !979/80 1980/81 1981,82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85 Customs Revenue 79,0 87,9 85,4 90,7 Mineral Revenue 99,3 98.0 64,7 66,1 58.7 66,1 Other Revenue and Grants 98,3 136,8 75,5 78,5 80,5 8q,5 87,4 90,4 Total Revenue 21 9 ,2 a 232,5 b 224,6 c 241.3 285,0 325,2 Recurrent Expenditures 120,6 136.4 146,8 169,8 Development Expenditures 177,3 201,4 76,2 83,3 93,3 90.2 93,9 92.8 Net Lending to Parastatals and Iwaneng Equity 17,2 36,3 25,0 2.4,8 35,5 28,1 Total Expenditures and Net Lending 214,0 4256,0 265,1 284,8 306.7 322,3 Budget Surpluses (+) or Deficit (-) +5,2 g h -- .05i- 3,5 - 21,7 +9,9 SouTce: Ministry of Finance and Derelc - ment Planning ; NDP V, Table 2.17, p. 54. Actual Revenues and expenditures (p millions) a. 249.1 b. 297.5 c. 310.4 d. 228.0 e. 326.5 f. 376.0 g. +33.1. h. -12.0 i. -45.7 Appendix 2. The Development Budget 1979/80-1984/85 (P '000) (:ATIF;ORY (AI.;ORY 'A' PRO(.I.'(''S 'B" MINIT.I'RY I'F()jc-S 1979 80 1980 81 1981 82 1982 813 1983 81 O)ficc 198 1 85 T",al Total(11( of PhPlScidcm 1 865 50(17 5 196 I 1/I I 271 587 18 1(10 2.8 3911 7.1 I ii mi(ic " :,i ,I l),'\' c)l mlc lll hi nijjig(2 ) 2 15 1 3 7 8 1 19 i 303 28(1 9 2(10 1.'i - I Ioli" A1:Iils 9f 2 12o 2 87(0 2 510 1 832 1 520 1 8-12 1,8 1 320 2.1 Agti( tllltll( 7 065 17 (380 30 099 12 63''6 7 892 8 172 83 21 12.8 .3 072 5.1 [l'hic ilinm 8 5-15 11 !)1 12 619 9 89(0 5 92!) 3 256 51 650 8.1 5 fi05 M.l ( :1,,nm , e": lnI 1 dlustry 5 .105 .I 326 2 71 2 2258 2 227 2 375 19 332 3.0 3!0 0.7 l.oc ;,I (;uvc l acII .a, cs I23 738 23 358 28 399 27 613 18 835 15 15 2/ 888 19.7 18 30(1 \\V, k, .iil (;,(Illtimmitmliis 33.1 27 181 II 5 I6 5(1 831 12 67(1 27 687 23 108 213 0321 '12.8 Nliim,l Rc",oicmesmd W;iici 120-113 36.9 Aliidis 1 177 5 958 822.15 5 698 1 17! 1Ih'thh I 767 .33 196 5.1 778 1.2 I 971 -2577 1278 3 13 2 532 2 126 18827 2.9 1)oigh R l'ef PtjcIs 1512 2.7 -1556 2 1 13- - - - 6i99 2.)0 lisw Dric)rl t.eFm cc IS (ll 9 (1(1( 8 0II00I 8 (0(0 8 001 8 (00 56 000 8.( - TOTAL 92 622 1:1(1 587 155 667 I11 :I 18 8(1 679 70 106 6.19009 )100.0 55 301 1001.0 C( c,( )\ " I l,,cI., (aIl MiNiklIics) - - - i00 25 550 2) 652 55304 G;RAN1) 'FAI . 92 Q2 H:1587 155 667 119 .1 1182229 i 99 760 701 313 P# )id, 1., Ac( EIxjln.i,,ilcI., 76 21)) 83 3:((1 1:3 300 90 200 93 900 92 "800 529 700 -0()vei )LIllimig f;[ (3) 22"" 57, 67/1 12% i :1 7 '13 Notr: (I) Sc iccuils iii Pui 11or1 this I'hln: led(I)jcL -'c(t1:a1 l hh'Iilie,' is h: mi lah"' !.17. (2 ) J'.] iwei lc(pil y' p ,iisiniis c-c2,IccI. (I) " vI() pl ; ia:u-ig a " is ei is (.ll~lg.e1 h)\ whidh al ),I ,.,c (A -+ B) cx e.d ic ci()i(c.(I .c till; cxlc.iliui ,.. (0) C(mcgmy v ' irc ;e 2,2. , ot.i. 1(% m,h.,t m .im l '15. ,,ltJf. ific I( I "la h 3.5). ySource: NDP V, Table 3.3, p. 76. Appendix 3. Summary of Development Fund Revenue 1974/75 to 1981/82 ACTUAL REVENUE Description Revised 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 Estimate Estimate P P 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 P P 1980/81 1981/82 p P Extornal Grants P P 6618772 10301 677 15023964 Local Currency Grants 163457643 25717428 (Internal) 31 594649 27022807 30 46 350 Local Currency 13307091 12 679 896 12012687 Local Currency Grants (Internal) 163820 8416468 17377287 18077566 Local (External) 70197 271 295 287830 118585 28470908 32074352 Currency Loans (Internal) 5 893 2 209 71 749 85396 215811 81 938 omestic Development Fund 628943 1 725000 12021 055 950 210 -­ 12479 193 7488461 11 822 187 31 090835 31 701 843 62996360 o Other Local Funds 20639296 38529 - Finance to be Negotiated - - 864821 52680 -- 0 19771323 78741 157 TOTAL P 32784103 37258172 35618366 36984128 76168956 81 512134 138477209 16033093 Source; Government of Botswana, Financial Statements, Tables and Estimates of Consolidated and Development FunO Revenues, 1981/82. Table IV, p. 6. 101 Appendix 3a. Details of Estimated Revenue for the Development Fund 1991/82 Head Head Itom Title Estimate 1981782 33 FOREIGN SOURCES P P 101 Grants (Bilateral) 25 173622 01 Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA 550 000 02 Danish Internationil Development Agency (DANIDA) 419 800 03 Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederau(hau (KFW) 04 Norwegian Agency for Interriationl Devolopment 8 059 427 (NORAD) 3 264 000 05 Swedish Agency for International Development 'SIDA) 5 646 395 06 United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 4 090 000 07 German Corporation for Technical Co-operation (GTZ) 850 08 LISAID Programme Grant 000 310000 09 United Kingdom Governm(.nt Aid 1 934000 10 Ietherland Government Aid 50000 102 Grants (Multilateral) 01 International 4779398 Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) 4 02 United Nations Chidren's Fund (UNICEF) 03 United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) 277 000 04 European Development Pund (EDF) 4 203 398 05 United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) 299 000 06 United Nat:oris High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) 103 Grants (Miscellaneous) 543330 01 McConnell Foundation 5 02 Unitarian Services Committee of Canada (USC) 03 Friedrich Ebert Foundation 04 World Food Programme 05 lnterkerkelijke Co-ordinasie Commissiet Voor Ontwikkelingshulp (ICCO) 06 Freedom from Hunger Campaign 07 International Development Research Centre (IDRC) - 08 African Wildlife Leadership Foundation (AWLF) 09 Southern African Nature Foundation (SANF) 10 United Congregational Churches of Southern Africa (UCCSA) 11 British Council of Churches (BC of C) 12 Canadian University Services Overseas (CUSO) 13 Rockefeller Foundation 14 Nederlandse Organisatie voor Internationale Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (NOVI8) - 15 Opp!nheimer 16 World Health Organisation (WHO) 17 NORAD/SIDA/DANIDA 543 330 104 Loans (Bilateral) 01 Second Danish State Loan (2nd DSL) 250 000 02 United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 290 000 03 Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau (KFW) 04 Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development 2 000 000 105 Loans (Multilateral) 21 134352 01 African Development Bank (ADB) 1 500000 02 International Development Association (IDA) 03 African Development Fund (ADF) 450 000 04 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 8 244 253 05 European Invertment Bank (EIB) 460 06 European Development Fund (EDF) 000 6 710869 07 Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Special Fund (OPEC) 769 230 08 Arab Rank for Economic Development In Africa (8ADEA) 1 500 000 09 Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) 10 Saudi Fund for Development 1 500 000 106 Loans (Miscellaneous) 8400000 01 Oil Price Alleviation Fund (OPAF) 400 000 02 First National Bank of Boston (Eurodollar Loan) 8 000 000 Continued on the following page. Source: Government of Botswana, Financial Statements, Tables and Estimates of Consolidated and Development Fund Revenues, 1981/82, Table III, pp. 36-7. 102 4ppendix 3a, cont'd. Details of Estimated Revenue for the Development Fund 1981/82 107 LOCAL SOURCES Grants 81 938 01 Cattle Export Levy Fund 02 De Becrs Botswana Mining Company 03 Micheletti Bates Safaris 04 Mine Labour Organisation (MLO) 05 Botswana Christian Council (BCC) 06 Dairy Industry Special Fund (DISF) 07 Botswana University Campus Appeals (BUCA) 81 938 108 DOMESTIC RESOURCES 01 Dor,estic Development Fund 02 Bond Issue 20 639 296 20639296 Total Finace Negotiated Finance to be Negotiated 83291 936 78 741 157 TOTAL P 162033093 103 Appendix 4; Botswana: Medium and Long-Term External Dent Outstanding (a) As of 31st March each year (Pula million) 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Loans from Governments 423 555 775 792 54 1 258 267 310 410 United Kingdom 163 179 21 3 194 222 - 01 - - Canada 187 233 308 295 - - - - - United States 56 82 142 183 178 188 199 207 200 Sweden 12 33 47 51 47 - - - - Denmark 05 10 18 22 22 25 22 40 40 Arab states - 18 47 47 45 45 45 63 120 Germany - - - - 27 - - - 50 Loans from Organizations 260 308 412 433 494 534 594 802 1109 Internationp.l Development Association 57 70 106 118 122 129 124 140 135 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 201 234 298 303 354 362 392 470 600 United Nations Development Programme 02 04 05 05 04 04 04 04 03 African Development Fund - - 03 07 1 4 37 67 75 200 OPEC Special Fund - - - - - 02 07 10 33 Commercial Bankers - - - - - - - 100 10 Commonwealth Dev.
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