THE MAGAZINEOF 3-DIMENSIONALIMAGING, PAST & PRESENT An Invitation to Share Your Best Stereo Images ASSIGNMENT^-D with the World! Now Show Us "One of Your Favorites" "North Olympic Peninsula, WA" by David Wilhelms of Aberdeen, WA was taken with resented here are images select- two Yashika Mat- 124 's, and the bright green moss nearly glows in the original color ed from last fall's "Old" Assign- prints. "Water and rock both bring images of age to me, and the long exposure gives ment, delayed due to a lack of P that effect auite nicelv to the stream. I believe. " space in Vol. 24 No. 3. That .. Assignment drew a smaller be. We're asking you to send in of the category. It simply needs to response than any other SO far, and "one of your Favorites" from be an image you find special some- in an effort Pry Out among all the stereo images you've how-something you'd like to of our members the next Assign- ever photographed, drawn or oth- share with other members even if merit is about as open as it erwise generated. That's the extent you can't easily explain why. We avoided asking to see peo- I ~le's"favorite" - - or "best" stereos in ;hehope that members would be more willing to send in an image Wanted: Stereoscopic from among several "favorites" than to mail off that one, trea- Research Grant Proposals sured, best of the best. (Although he NSA has decided to actively NSA members interested in we've never lost a stereograph in Tapply for external grants to sup- potential research grants are asked transit.) And yes, feel free to send port research into stereoscopy. to contact Paula Fleming for in up to six stereos for us to do the Sample proposals are needed to details at 7809 Heritage Drive, selection from some of "Your strengthen NSA's applications by Annandale, VA. 22003 or by Favorites." illustrating the high quality of e-mail: [email protected] . The Rules: research that could be completed if Anyone having information about As space allows (and depending on the sufficient funds were available. potential granting organizations response) judges will select for publication should also contact her. nn (Continued on page 34) Volume 24, Number 4 September/October 1997 THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT STEREO-OPTIKS .andJohn P. Medders .......................... 4 by Norman B. Patterson VSA Board 0f Directors Bill C. WaltonI, Chairman A 3-D Theater of 1945 Fashion .................................. 13 Paula R. F leming Review by john Dennis David Hu tchison Dieter Lorenz T.K. Tre; dwell Edward L. Wilson's "Scenes in the Orient"- ,"J" "I ,,CL,J Larry Moor, Presrdent The Arabia Series ......................................................... 14 Wary Ann Sell, Vice Presrdent by Bert M. Zuckerman I Moll, Vice Pre rident, Activities Larry Hess, Secretary - ......'r, rreosurer Stereo Wc )rid Staff - ..JohnDenn IS, Editor Dean ]acobowIU, ASSOoafe tartor ICaren White, Associate Editor Tlm White, Assocrate Edrfor Mik e Province, Research Consultor Mark Wlllke, Art Director Lois 'aaldsmith, Subscription Mona! i R. Gibbs, Earlk Issues Manag1 Editor's View Comments and Obse~ations ............................................. 2 by Iohn Dennis Reader's Comments and Questions 3 NSA Memibership Leffel3 .................................................. (New rn~rnhrrshipr, rpnru !air & oddrors chc P.O. B()x 14801, Columbus, OH 4 Questions Concerning NewViews Current Information on Stereo Today ........................ ....... 30 Stereo World Subscriptiotls by David Starkman &John Dennis Larry Hess, (602) 51 5-5252 e-mall: Stereo 1 World Bac k Issue Selvice Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here .................................................... 32 (Wrtl~hlr ovoiial7iIity h prices ) P.O. I30x 398, Syca more, OH 441382 Stereo World Editorial Office ilrtlrrr to thp rd~loroii~rl~s & cakndar lalinorl 5b10 SE 71 st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 (503) 771-4440 e-rnail: stereoworldQcnnw.nef stc ?re0 World Advertisin! (Closrrli~dh iii~play odr) iE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 9 (Insen llyrn & auction ads) Jeffrey Kralus, 1 Lauren Dr., Cardiner, t- Hogan Bros. C~rcusclown Buzzre Potts, outsrde his mobile quarters rn Denton, TX, was documented by 0liver Wenc John Medders in 1955. In 1936, Medders organized C*...... ,.rr,...:r Dn JLCl C a little-known international organization of stereog- (Affiliated willl 111; Notionn~1 SIP~POICO~IC ASTO rophers to share images and ideas under the name :lo Saybrook Imports, Inc. STEREO-OPTICS. More examples of Medden' wide- Erre Ave , C~nc:innati, OH 4: ranging work in 6 x 13 format black & white prints . - ore included in our feature "STEREO-OPTIKS and John eoscopic society ot America P. Medders" by Norman 8. Patterson. ltrd wit11 lhr Nal~onalS~C~POSCOPI~ Ars~c~olion) hab Levy, Membersh~pSecretary SW 34th Ave, Portland, OR 97201 e-mall: shaboeasystreet com \ Projectio~ Wllliam [ Stereo World (ISSN 0191-4030) is published bimonthly by the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc., P.O. Box 14801, Columbus. OH 43214. Entire contents 01998, all rights reserved. Material In this publication may not be reproduced without written permlrsion of the NSA, Inc. Print- e-rnail: wdugga ed In USA. A subscr~ptionto Srerro World~spart of NSA membershlp. Annual membership dues: $26 third class US, $38 first class US. 138 Canada and foreign surface, $56 lnternatlonal airmail. All membershlps are based on the publlshlng year of Stereo World, wh~chbe Ins In March and ends with the IanuaryiFebruary Issue of the next year. All new membershlps recelved will commence w~ththe Marchi~pr! issue of the ?re0World on the Web current calendar year When applying for membershlp, please adv~seus 11you do not deslre the back Issuer of the current voir~l www nsa-3d org Member, InternotionalStereoscopic Union --- - - - Comments and Observations EDITOR'SVFW john Dennis Double Your Vision added reminder for us to continue on the horizon fuse at the plane of the catch-up effort! In fact this the page with everything else elcome to Stereo World's first appearing above the page. (The full double issue. While numer- issue(s), you'll notice, has two sets of dates on the covers. 360" stereo panorama appeared in wous other magazines have a earlier, less corrected version as a used this short-cut to bring tardy Astronomy's 3-D Blowout four-page, color anaglyph foldout publication schedules up to date, In case you haven't yet seen it or in the Dec. 5, 1997 issue of Science we resisted it as long as we could. heard about it, the March issue of magazine.) Call it stubbornness or pride or Astronomy magazine features 27 Four other partial panoramas, whatever, producing separate anaglyphic images of various plan- reproduced the width of a single issues at a faster pace always ets and moons including nine page, are as interesting and easily seemed the best way to eventually recent Pathfinder images from as well presented stereographically. catch up. Mars. The first article, with the One is actually from sojourner's When it became obvious that ambitious title "The universe in own ground-level stereo camera, a time wasn't going to slow down 3-D" includes some full-page rare exception among Mars stereos enough for that strategy to succeed anaglyphs of work in the space presented on the internet or in (a massive black hole passing by at shuttle cargo bay and of the Eagle print, and a situation Stereo World an uncomfortably close distance Nebula. (That and at least two plans to correct soon. Four non- being required), we decided to bite other images had to involve some panoramic views complete the arti- the bullet and create this special computer manipulation into 3-D.) cle, one being a color image which double issue while maintaining as Several good Lunar stereos and the yellow-brown soil of Mars much of the look and feel of two some earlier Mars and Venus stere- keeps safe for good anaglyphic successive issues as possible. (Fans os are presented in exceptionally fusion. of One old line of Science Fiction good anaglyphic printing, the only Four outside firms helped spon- paperbacks~at least, should aPPre- serious ghosting happening in the sor and guide the magazine's 3-D ciate our efforts.) space shuttle image. project, with Rainbow Symphony, An accelerated publication The second article, "Pathfinder's Inc. producing the unique (and no schedule will of course still be 3-D Extravaganza", is easily worth doubt very collectible) glasses required for a few months if we are the price of the magazine. It opens bound inside. While not exactly to achieve an honest relationship with a three-page foldout of the the "Blowout" promised on the with the calendar. With that as our now famous stereo panorama cover (17 pages out of 130)) the goal, we will continue to avoid showing the edges of the lander, project marks a welcomed, serious, that other technique used by too the rover Sojourner headed out and carefully executed approach to many non-profit publications to from its ramp to explore the sur- the publication of stereoscopic avoid questions of late issues; the face, the Martian horizon, and the images by a major magazine. More removal of all reference to dates On many rocks named as if in antici- 3-D pictures can be seen on the the cover or inside, with only pation of a Saturday morning ani- Astronomy web site at: numbers provided for identifica- mated series of the whole mission. tion of the issue. For better or The anaglyphic printing and effect For information on availability worse, the intended publication are about as good as can be had of the issue, contact Kalmbach dates will continue to be printed using red and blue inks and glass- Publishing Company, PO Box on and in Stereo World for all to es, especially considering the fact see-if not as an exercise in jour- 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187, (800) that only the famous "Twin Peaks" 446-5489, or order on-line at: nalistic honesty, at least as an htt~:// i catalon.htm1.
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