California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 5-1-2019 May 1st, 2019 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "May 1st, 2019" (2019). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 727. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/727 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Coyote Chronicle COYOTECHRONICLE.NET Vol. LXII, No. 2 May 1, 2019 Brianna Mendoza | Chronicle Photos The Teal Color Fest was bursting with support for sexual assault victims between the explosions of teal powder and the chants to fight back against abusers. Rasing sexual assault awareness at Teal Color Fest and activities, all hoping to However, through all the Sexual Assault Awareness Month move out of dangerous situa- By Destiny Johnson & inform students about the various light-hearted games of Jenga, (SAAM). tions. Brianna Mendoza resources that are offered on (and bean bag tosses and dance bat- Violence Outreach Inform- “I’m actually a survivor and Staff Writer off) campus. tles, powerful chanting could be ing our Community with Edu- that’s how I became a part of The Health Center had heard across the lawn. cation, also known as VOICE, VOICE,” said VOICE sunshine participants vote for their fa- “When survivors’ lives are organizes the Teal Color Fest for lead, Carissa Briggs. “I wanted Puffs of teal powder filled vorite celebrity couple. CSUSB under attack, what do we do?” SAAM at CSUSB. VOICE is a to be part of something bigger the air on April 19, as CSUSB Commuter Services encouraged “Stand up, fight back!” group on campus that works to and use my story to try to help students gathered to recognize students to spin their gaming In 2000, teal was chosen reduce sexual assault on cam- people. That’s kind of what I’ve sexual assault awareness month. wheel and win a prize. The De- as the official color of Sexual pus. They also work to inform been doing ever since.” The library lawn was partment of Housing passed out Assault Awareness. Also, the students about the various ways buzzing with different booths snow cones and popcorn. month of April was designated as victims can safely speak up and Continued on Pg. 3... VOICE Support Group students about sexual assault and peer educators,” said Rodriguez. By Julie Carney violence prevention. A cohort of students joins Staff Writer VOICE was founded during VOICE each year, and they com- the 2016 Winter Quarter by grad- plete a mandatory 12 hour initial California State University, uate student Marina Rodriquez. training which is followed by San Bernardino students are Rodriguez is an advocate at weekly meetings throughout the hosting events on campus this the counseling center on cam- year. The cohort typically con- month to raise awareness of pus, and is pursuing her second sists of 18 to 24 students, with sexual assault. masters degree in counseling and around 10 being new recruits Since 2001, April has been guidance at the CSUSB College according to Rodriguez. declared Sexual Assault Aware- of Education. Recruitment for VOICE ness Month. “My job is to be an advocate begins every Spring quarter, con- The student group Violence for survivors of sexual assault, sisting of an email to all students Outreach Informing our Commu- dating violence, and stalking. and informative flyers posted Photo courtesy of Councelmen Mike Soubirous nity with Education, or VOICE, The other half of my job is pre- around campus. Chris Hoff, CSUSB professor and “The Radical Therapist” on hosts weekly meetings and multi- vention application which I im- Youtube, talked to the group about the effects of patriarchy. ple events in April to educate plement through training VOICE Continued on Pg. 2... Highland Hiking Big Data The Bracero Live Work Drag Inside This Issue Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 7 Pg. 10 News Page 2 Coyote Chronicle May 1, 2019 Contributors Editor In Chief Dustin Alexander Yesica Gonzales Multimedia Editor Chris Saracho Jason P. Samp Layout Designer Gabriella Arana Graphic Designer Da In Yang Devin Renich Copy Editors Irene Molinar Features Reporters Isaias Caberra Brian Ensman Photo Editor Citlaly Carlos Brian Ensman | Chronicle Photos Emmanuel Tanopo Video Reporter The multiple layers of the College of Education building were decorated for the celebration. Distribution Manager Amanda Andrade College of Education turns 10-years-old Promotions Emily Tucker Palm Springs district where he the deaf to experience sports. By Brian Ensman currently works. “I had one parent tell me Features Reporter Besides the speeches, there their child had never run with a Faculty Advisor Mariam Betlemidze were plenty of other gradua- prosthesis before,” Hartman said. The College of Education tion-like touches. The three-story Inside the building, Direc- [email protected] has hosted a lot of receptions. atrium was filled with blue and tor Connie McReynolds shared As every few months may bring white balloons and alumni were the work of the Rehabilitation Guest Advisor for a new set of chairs and picnic given colored tassels based on Counseling Program - particular- Socials, Promotions Jessica Block Nerren tables to the lobby, April 25 was which program they had graduat- ly their experience with neural no exception. It was the 10th an- ed from. feedback. In this process, dozens and Photography nual anniversary of the College The attendees meanwhile of community children visit the of Education. were busy getting a complete college to play video games [email protected] “Originally, it was a cele- “report card” - which what the while an electroencephalogram bration. It was just a celebration raffle sheets filled out through- (EEG) is hooked on their head Advertising of the residency in this building out the event were titled. Guests to measure thinking. Only a few Linda Sand Manager for ten years,” Interim Dean Jake were asked to visit three different may know and understand that Zhu said. “But, over the course College of Education programs this software is designed to help [email protected] of the (planning) it changed and to complete their ticket. manage the symptoms of ADD evolved into many things.” Mario Castelleno was de- and other disorders, helping chil- How then does a College lighted to win one of the prizes at dren with their audio and visual of Education celebrate? With the end of the night. processing. balloons, tassels, speeches and “We didn’t call it an Open On the next floor up, San Staff Writers report cards it seems. House,” Zhu said, preferring the Bernardino school district’s Susan Acuna, Ashley Balmaceda, It was a graduation without term celebration. Still, much of Morgan Pelletera led a group of Antonette Cavillo, Julia Carney, the parade of names. There was the event had a back-to-school demonstration teachers in a vari- Dayna Doidge, Jesus Estrada, even a celebrity commencement night vibe, with different pro- ety of talks about teaching. These Airmee’ Grunder, Lizeth Gutierrez, speech equivalent given by Brian grams sharing their work in dif- were attended largely by interest- Cody Hall, Crowe Helms, McDaniel. The former CSUSB ferent spots around the building. ed undergraduates who, earlier in Brenda Hernandez, Bobby Horner, student was recently one of five Outside there was an Adap- the day, had attended a Celebra- California Teachers of the Year tive PE demonstration. There, tion of Teaching event designed Joyce Jimenez, Destiny Johnson, for 2018. Ginger Hartman shared her to sell them on the profession. Andria Lopez, Ernesto Madrigal-Rodriguez, He spoke of his past, “I program developed with other Though the event may have Ruth Marrero, Irma Martinez, attended before this building CSUSB technology students. been put together quickly, there Priscilla Medina, Richard Mejia, was here,” he said.Speaking to Also available were sound-pro- was enough time for photos, Brianna Mendoza, Daisy Mendoza, the future as well, he mentioned ducing sports equipment that cake, a prize wheel, and much Sophia Montes, Merari Palacios, his plans to aid teachers in the have and will continue to allow more. Marlyn Ramirez, Adriana Torres, Jose Valadez, Adrian Valdivia, Jason Willians Jr. Voice Support group raising awareness assault, domestic violence and spoke with VOICE about “How ...Continued from pg 1 Staff Writers are comprised of students enrolled in stalking,”she says. patriarchy affects men and their COMM243A Practicum: Print & Online Journalism Gama attends each meeting relationships.” taught by professor Joel Harris. “I interview them during and said that they are all very in- Hoff is a full time faculty Contact Mail finals week, then I train them, formative.Each weekly meeting member at CSUSB who teaches Information California State University, they do homework over the sum- features a guest speaker. educational counseling courses Office:(909)537-5289 San Bernardino mer, and then train again before “We always try to bring for the counseling and guidance Advertising:(909)537-5815 University Hall Room UH-037 school starts,” said RodriguezSo- in an expert on something for department in the COE. Email:[email protected] 5500 University Parkway nia Gama is a CSUSB sociology personal and professional devel- Hoff introduced patriarchy Website:coyotechronicle.net San Bernardino, CA 92407 student who has been a member opment,” Rodriguez explained. by showing his most popular of VOICE since Fall of 2018. The most recent VOICE meeting video from his YouTube channel, The Coyote Chronicle is published every other Tuesday for distribution on Wednesday Gama joined VOICE occurred Friday April 12 in the then leading an open discussion during the academic session by the Communication department.
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