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AOIN 63/02 hopanoid-producing nitrogen-fixing bacteria can be used as biofertilizer to stimulate plant growth and yield with OTHER PUBLICATIONS enhanced tolerance to diverse stresses found in plant-mi- crobe symbiotic microenvironments. Devos et al., (Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 2000, vol. 41: 98-107).* 26 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets Whisstock et al., (Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 2003, vol. 36 (3): 307-340.* Specification includes a Sequence Listing. U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 1 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 A} off I R ON H R R R VO, Hop-97(21)-ene (II) Hop42(29)-ene Hopan-21-ene (V) Hopan-22-o1 Tetrahymanol (VII) (IV, Diploptene) (VI, Diplopterol) H ON N ON ON r i„ 1 R...... a;.. Hz R '. 6N OHL Fl, O H BHP-608 (Vill) Aminobacteriohopanetriol (a) Bacteriohopanetetrol(b) Adenosylhopane(d) R,= H.,CH, B} Na~a:: €3Etttl~i FIG. 1 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 2 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 A) _ of OH OH 20 1 ~•._~~r OH~352 Hopanoid Totrahymanol Rs H. or CH,: R,= OH or NH, B) ~S)4~~r`r$~GXXhQ,~ r4~~ re~a ,~> >=<I 4llJDlL'lDi> < 1 L—><'-", I I Shc EE 't Hpnp ~ll T-methyldiplopcene HprtH Rffi, adenosyl hopane -~E OH OH 100.: -IV WT VEI 50 I /V V) J Vili X100 • ` o 'I I AhpnP; d q + R gs100, tori_; p --, c~ Ah nH I 50 16 18 20 22 24 26 T28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Time (min) FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 3 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 Root Nodule Nodule cross-section Plant Cells Symbiosome 3~ i. ------- Nodule Cortical Cells Infected Zone Plant Nucleus Bacteroids Plant Cell Walt Bacteroid Plant Cell Wall Peribacteroid Plant Membrane FIG.3 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 4 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 Penta-acylated Hexa-acylated Lipid A Lipid A 2622.84 1001 12128-36 WT Hepta-acylated Lipid A 3135.22 so + Hopanoid + Hopanoid A--------------y Traces of 2'°' hopanoid 10-.~_. .w , 36:36.67 Hem- acylated Lipid A 100 2607.56 AhpnA .wy 4)50-Hepta-acylated Lipid A Penta-acylated 3121.09 Lipid A + Hopanoid + Hopanoid o — Traces of 2128.96 211 hopanoid I 10 1 ... ~.ILI.,...i_... ,....aJ III 3636.11 2000 2360 2720 Hexa-acylated Lipid A 100-1 12609.53 AhpnH Penta-acylated Lipid A trace t212 80 10 LiIr~YY.l..,i 2000 2360 2720 30 Mass (mlz) FIG.4 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 5 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 OA ~nrUe1 r. yn<». 0.38 0.38 0.34 0.32 0,3 WT AhpnP AhpnH FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 6 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 FIG.6 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 7 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 Q)Aerobic -30-C B)Aerobic - 37°C 1.5 1.5 LC X: ` :• 1 Cl 0.5 0.5 ... 0 S0 100 ISO 200 p $0 1DO 150 200 F) G) = 5 1 E+ly N 4 i 0 3< **> 1E+4+ 2' s! * QlE+2i --- SDS H2O, HC1 11H2O LNCR336 •WT C_ AhpnP `; xAhpnH FIG.7 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 8 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 B r G AhpnH AhpnP FIG.8 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 9 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 B Q ~ FIG.9 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 10 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 m 1 n 1 9 d.p.i. 14 d.p.i. 21 d.p.i. c B m a 0.8 .c 0.6 0 40.4 U Q 0.2 a 9 d.pJ. 14 d.pJ. 21 d.p.i. WT 'OhpnH ❑.AhpnP FIG. l.0 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 11 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 1 hpnP she hpnN ~Y M FIG. 11 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 12 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 FIG. 12 U.R. Patent &nv 20 2018 Sheet 13 of 14 US 10,131,383 G2 a.. > w z .....: .. .. .. :+ ~ \ ©~'~.yy#< «_ma+: . :.. ; w , l 2. ''y :. .. ~4,4 13 FIG. 13 U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2018 Sheet 14 of 14 US 10,131,585 B2 Fl vMSX 6111% ~3. r,„ ..... ............................................. ............. C. LO m Q 4 8 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 dpi ~ {1 A { C. ,C G A ...... fiiiii;•iiii. ..:... WT -hmm wl -"~i WT -hpnm FIG. 14 US 10,131,585 B2 2 HOPANOIDS PRODUCING BACTERIA AND method comprises providing one or more candidate nitrogen RELATED BIOFERTILIZERS, fixing rhizobia strains. The method further comprises detect- COMPOSITIONS, METHODS AND SYSTEMS ing among the one or more candidate nitrogen fixing rhizo- bia strains, at least one rhizobia strain capable of producing CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 C35 hopanoids. The method further comprises providing the APPLICATIONS at least one rhizobia strain capable of producing C35 hopanoids in a form suitable for administration to a legu- The present application claims priority to U.S.
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