Page 1 of 168 11418 Hydropower Generation in the context of the EU WFD Contract N° 070307/2010/574390 EC DG Environment Project number 11418 | version 5 | 12-05-2011 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 2 of 168 11418 Client European Commission DG Environment - Unit SRD.3 BU 5 03/06 B-1049 Brussels Contact: Ms Ursula Schmedtje Contract N° 070307/2010/574390/ETU/D1 Project N°11418 “Hydropower generation in the context of the WFD” ARCADIS Belgium nv/sa ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH Main Office Johannisstraße 60-64 Koningsstraat 80 50668 Köln B-1000 Brussels Mail address: Posthofbrug 12 B-2600 Berchem Contact Kris Devoldere Telephone +32 9 242 44 44 Telefax +32 9 242 44 45 E-mail [email protected] Website www.arcadisbelgium.be Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle Bachstraße 62 – 64 52066 Aachen Contact Ulrich Dumont, Pia Anderer Telephone +49 241 949860 E-mail [email protected] Website www.floecksmuehle.com 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 3 of 168 11418 Revision Version Date Remarks 1 07-03-2011 Draft final report for the Commission 2 09-03-2011 Draft final report for the Commission, updated with additional information 3 14-04-2011 Final report, taking into account comments from the Commission 4 29-04-2011 Final report, incorporating some minor remarks by the Commission 5 12-05-2011 Final report, incorporating minor remarks by the Commission on the Executive Summary Drawn up by Department Function Name Signature Date ARCADIS Belgium Kris Devoldere Veronique Adriaensens ARCADIS Germany Marq Redeker Floecksmühle Ulrich Dumont Pia Anderer 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 5 of 168 11418 Abbreviations and units Unit Meaning MW Megawatt, 1 MW = 1.000 kW GW Gigawatt, 1 GW = 1.000.000 kW TW Terrawatt, 1 TW = kW Megawatt hour (amount of energy produced in 1 hour by a plant with a MWh capacity of 1 MW) MWh/a Megawatt hour a year Gigawatt hour (amount of energy produced in 1 hour by a plant with a GWh capacity of 1 GW) Terrawatt hour (amount of energy produced in 1 hour by a plant with a TWh capacity of 1 TW) TWh/a Terrawatt hour a year ktoe Kiloton of oil equivalent (amount of energy in 1000 tons of oil) Mtoe Megaton of oil equivalent (amount of energy in 1000000 tons of oil) Gton Gigaton (1000000000 tons) Abbreviation Meaning BFE Federal Agency for Energy, Switzerland European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity ENTSO-E (entsoe.net – the transparency platform of ENTSO-E) ESHA European Small Hydropower Association European countries BE Belgium BG Bulgaria CZ Czech Republic DK Denmark DE Germany EE Estonia IE Ireland EL Greece ES Spain FR France IT Italy CY Cyprus LV Latvia LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 6 of 168 11418 Abbreviation Meaning HU Hungary MT Malta NL Netherlands AT Austria PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SI Slovenia SK Slovakia FI Finland SE Sweden UK United Kingdom HR Croatia MK Macedonia TR Turkey BA Bosnia & Herzegowina ME Montenegro NO Norway CH Switzerland IS Iceland RS Serbia UA Ukraine EUROSTAT Statistical Office of the European Communities GIS Geographic information system HMWB Heavily modifies water bodies HP Hydropower IEE Intelligent Energy Europe LHP Large hydropower LHPP Large hydropower plants n.a. Not available NREAP National Renewable Energy Action Plan NVE Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate PSP Pumped storage power PSPP Pumped storage power plant RES Renewable energy sources Small Hydropower Energy Efficiency Campaign Action SHERPA EU funded project in the framework of Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE), term 9/2006 to 9/2008 SHP Small hydropower (capacity < 10 MW) 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 7 of 168 11418 Abbreviation Meaning SHPP Small hydropower plants (capacity < 10 MW) UCTE Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity Verband de r Elektrizitätsunternehmen Österreichs, Association of Austrian VEÖ Electricity Producers 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 9 of 168 11418 Executive summary 1.1 Energy consumption, electricity consumption and the production by renewable sources In 2008 renewable energy accounted for 10,3 % of gross final energy consumption (all sectors and sources; thermal, fossil, nuclear, renewable, …) of 1213.9 Mtoe in the EU-27. 16.6% of the gross electricity consumption of 3357 TWh (EU-27) was produced by re newable energy sources (Figure 1). Hydropower covered about 60% of the renewable electricity production. The total electricity consumption is expected to rise by 8% up to 3530 TWh from 2005 to 2050. With an increasing electricity production of the renewabl e energy sources of up to 1200 TWh or 34% of total electricity consumption in 2020, the contribution of HP to the electricity production from renewable sources will decrease to about 30%. Figure 1: Gross electricity consumption and electricity production by renewable sources in 2008 : (Source: EUROSTAT, Statistics in focus 56/2010) 3500 3000 17% 2500 1% 1% 2000 TWh 1500 21% 1000 60% 500 0 EU-27 gross electricity consumption Electricity production from renew ables Hydro Wind Geothermal Solar Biomass 1.2 Energy production and capacity of HP stations In 2008 the hydropower electricity production amounted to 327 TWh in the EU-27, at an installed capacity of 103 GW. Together with the candidate, associated countries (HR, MK, TR, IS, BA, ME, NO) and Switzerland the generation rises considerably to 554 TWh/a (EUROSTAT 2008), the total installed HP capacity reaching 161 GW (Table 1). 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 10 of 168 11418 According to the NREAPs for SHP th e electricity generation will increase by 11% and the installed capacity by 38% from 2005 to 2020. In the same time the electricity generation from large HP stations is expected to rise by 5% while an additional capacity of 16% will be installed. Table 1: Hydropower generation and installed capacities for SHP and LHP in 2008 Generation Capacity Hydro power [TWh] [GW] total SHP LHP total SHP LHP 2008 327 42.7 284 103 12.6 90 (EUROSTAT) EU-27 2020 370 55.0 315 131 16.7 114 (NREAP) EU-27 (2008, EUROSTAT) 554 52.7 501 161 13.9 147 candidate, associated countries, CH 1.3 Number of HP stations The total number of HP stations in the EU-27 amounts to about 23000 (Figure 2; Table 2). There are about 10 times more small (SHPP, P < 10 MW) than large HP plants (LHPP, P ≥ 10 MW). However, the generation of SHPP only amounts to 13% of the total generation of HP stations. Figure 2 shows this relation for the EU - 27. Today large HP stations account for 87% of the hydropower generation wit h only 9% of the stations. This discrepancy will further increase if the development follows the data in the NREAPs. The estimation for 2050 shows an increase in the number HP station by about 10% for large HP stations and by 25% for the number of SHP plants (with a rise in electricity generation of only 11%). The environmental impacts of hydropower are well known, as are corresponding mitigation measures. Especially the demand for river continuity within a chain of obstacles can only be fulfilled by reducing the number of obstacles, even if well-functioning fishways are built. Hence focus should be placed on development or reburbishment of large power plants. Example: The upgrading of a single LHP station in Iffezheim (Rhine) leads to an additional capacity of 38 MW with an estimated additional electricity generation of 122 GWh. This corresponds to about 190 SHPP of a capacity of 200 kW, a rather common size for SHP , and thus even if they were equipped with fishways to 190 additional obstacles in various rivers. 1.4 Contribution to CO 2 savings The total CO 2 emission in the EU-27 will decrease from 2005 to 2020 by 12% from 4.25 Gton to 3.71 Gton, while the decrease of CO 2 emission from electricity generation will be 18% from 1.34 Gton to 1.10 Gton. When calculating the change in contribution of SHP and LHP from 2005 to 2020 a slight increase can be recognized. Relative to the total CO 2 emission the contribution of SHP and LHP rise from 0.51% and 3.37% to 0.65% and 3.73% respectively or 0.5% in total. 11418_wfd_hp_final 110512.docx Page 11 of 168 11418 Relative to direct emissions from electricity generation in the EU-27 the CO 2 savings from SHP and LHP were 1.73% and 11.37% in 2005. These values will rise to 2.20% and 12.60 % respectively thus reducing the CO 2 emission together by an additional 1.8% in 2020. Table 2: Number of small and large hydropower plants, no data on LHP for FI and TR available (sources: SHP – SHERPA 2006; LHP – ENTSO-E statistical yearbook 2009, Melin (SE), NVE (NO), BFE (CH) and EURELECTRIC*) Number of HP plants total SHP LHP 2006 / 2008 (SHERPA, ENTSOE, 22920 20953 1967 (1978*) EU-27 EURELECTRIC, others) 2020 28607 26392 2215 (NREAP) EU-27, 25259 22702 2557 candidate, associated countries, CH Figure 2: Proportion of electricity generation and number of hydropower stations for SHP and LHP in the EU -27 EU-27 100% 90% SHP LHP 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% HP electricity generation number of HP stations 1.5 Energy storage and stabilization of the electricity grid Future electricity generation demands an increasing flexibility because the share of intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar power will rise and sudden power fluctuations within the grid will be the normal situation that has to be handled. Within certain regions the electricity production will temporarily exceed the demand and the secure and o ptimum operation of the power supply systems can be endangered.
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