Public Document Pack Executive Board Thursday, 10 January 2019 Time: 6.00 pm Venue: Meeting Room A Address: Blackburn Town Hall AGENDA Information may be provided by each Executive Member relating to their area of responsibility 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes , 08/11/2018 Executive Board, 13/12/2018 4 - 8 Executive Board 3. Declarations of Interest Declarations of Interest 9 4. Equality Implications The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they have considered and understood any Equality Impact Assessments associated with reports on this agenda ahead of making any decisions. 5. Public Forum To receive written questions or statements submitted by members of the public no later than 4pm on the day prior to the meeting. 6. Questions by Non-Executive Members To receive written questions submitted by Non-Executive Members no later than 4pm on the day prior to the meeting. 7. Youth MPs Update To receive an update from the Youth MPs along with any issues they would like to raise. 8. Executive Member Reports Verbal updates may be given by each Executive Member. Leader Health and Adult Social Care Children, Young People and Education 8.1 Quarter 2 Fostering Report July - Sept 18 Qu 2 Fostering Report 10 - 27 Fostering Service Quarter 2 2018-19 8.2 Six Monthly Adoption Report Adoption Report 2018 28 - 40 Adoption 6 monthly report - BwD Environment Leisure and Culture Neighbourhood and Prevention Services Regeneration 8.3 Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Local Plan (Issues and Options Consultation) 41 - 286 Issues & Options Policy Review (Appendix 1) Issues and Options v4 (10 Dec 2018) Blackburn with Darwen Issues and Options SA Report (FINAL) HENA Report Resources 8.4 Approval of the Lancashire Bid to become a 75% Business Rates Retention (BRR) Pilot for 2019/20 Approval of the Lancashire Bid to become a 75% BRR 287 - Pilot Bid 291 8.5 Corporate Complaints Report 2017/18 Complaints Monitoring Report 292 - 302 9. Corporate Issues 9.1 Council Office Accommodation Strategy Update Council Office Accommodation Strategy Update EBD- 303 - Executive-Board-Decision 307 10. Matters referred to the Executive Board PART 2 – THE PRESS AND PUBLIC MAY BE EXCLUDED DURING CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS Date Published: Wednesday, 02 January 2019 Harry Catherall, Chief Executive Agenda Item 2 EXECUTIVE BOARD Thursday, 8th November, 2018 PRESENT COUNCILLOR: PORTFOLIO: Councillor Mohammed Khan Leader Councillor Maureen Bateson MBE Children, Young People & Education Councillor Shaukat Hussain Neighbourhood & Prevention Services Councillor Andy Kay Resources Councillor Phil Riley Regeneration Councillor Jim Smith Environment Councillor Damian Talbot Leisure & Culture Councillor Brian Taylor Health & Adult Social Care EXECUTIVE MEMBER: NON-PORTFOLIO Councillor John Slater Leader of the Conservative Group Item Action 1 Welcome and Apologies The Chair, Councillor Mohammed Khan welcomed all present to the meeting. Apologies were received from the Youth MPs. 2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2018 were Approved agreed as a correct record. 3 Declarations of Interest No Declarations of Interest were received. 4 Equality Implications The Chair asked Members to confirm that they had considered Confirmed and understood any Equality Impact Assessments associated with reports on the agenda ahead of making any decisions. 5 Public Forum No questions had been received from members of the public. 6 Questions by Non-Executive Members No questions had been received from Non-Executive Members. 7 Youth MPs Update The Youth MPs were not present as they were attending the Annual Sitting in the House of Commons. 8 Executive Member Reports LEADER Page 4 Executive Board Thursday, 8th November, 2018 Item Action HEALTH AND ADULT SOCIAL CARE 8.1 Day Services Review: Proposed Model for new Day Services Offer Members were reminded that the review of Day Care Services was prioritised as part of the Council’s medium term financial strategy and agreed at the Finance Council in 2017. The review of Day Care Services and the overall prevention strategy within Blackburn with Darwen had highlighted the opportunity to improve the model of delivery by developing a new offer of “day services” for residents who had or may develop social care needs, but were not accessing formal services at the present time. This would enable the Council to support a greater number of people with varying levels of need, as close to home as possible within the new Integrated Neighbourhood setting. It was proposed that the Council would maintain the existing specialist offer for residents with the most complex needs (“Day Care”) whilst developing a more diverse offer across its community assets of new “day services” for those residents able to maintain a higher degree of independence. In this way, more residents would be supported to access the right level of support in accordance with the principles of prevention, promoting independence, providing choice and control. Utilising community assets as a means to support people across the whole spectrum of need aligned to the wider vision around the development of an Integrated Neighbourhood offer that supported people to live well for longer. The existing Day Care offer would continue to meet the needs of its current service users who experienced difficulties with dementia, frailty, learning disability and social isolation. If these service users wished to make use of opportunities available under the new day services offer, this would be facilitated whenever it was possible and appropriate. The Council was also reviewing and consulting around an appropriate model of provision for young people in transition from Children’s services to Adult Social Care. The proposed model of delivery for this new offer of day services sought to stimulate growth in the voluntary and community sectors within neighbourhoods and would support residents with all levels of physical, emotional and social well-being needs. RESOLVED - That the Executive Board agrees: 1) To approve the outline model proposed for Adult Social Approved Care’s new offer of “day services”, giving wider and more intensive support from within a range of community settingsPage for residents 5 with qualifying Executive Board Thursday, 8th November, 2018 Item Action assessed needs. 2) That any decision to implement specific parts of the new Approved “day services” offer is delegated to the Executive Member for Health and Social Care in consultation with the Director of Adults and Prevention. 3) The use of the TIER descriptions (see Appendix1) as Approved part of a strength based approach to assessment of needs to help ensure people access the correct level of support, within a community asset based Integrated Neighbourhood setting where possible. 4) To approve the planned consultation with potential Approved service users and carers across the borough to assist in continuing to develop the new “day services” offer, and the further formal consultation with young people transitioning from Children’s Services to Adult Social Care (along with their families, carers and other involved parties) regarding the development of an appropriate model of provision for this specific cohort. CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE & EDUCATION Councillor Maureen Bateson verbally reported on the following: The Celebration of Achievement Awards at Ewood Park for Looked after Children. CSE Awareness week and the promotion of activities to raise awareness of the issues. A targeted inspection of the Council’s Prevention and Safeguarding services by Ofsted, with a letter to be published in late November/early December. ENVIRONMENT LEISURE AND CULTURE NEIGHBOURHOOD AND PREVENTION SERVICES Councillor Shaukat Hussain thanked the Community Safety Team for their work with the Fire Service, Police and volunteers to ensure a safe Bonfire Night. REGENERATION Page 6 Executive Board Thursday, 8th November, 2018 Item Action Councillor Phil Riley reported that Blackburn Cathedral and the Festival of Making had both won awards at the Lancashire Tourism Awards held on 7th November 2018. RESOURCES Councillor Andy Kay verbally reported that in terms the forthcoming Budget Statement, any extra funding would be appreciated, but that it was expected that the funding would not be sufficient to meet the budget shortfall. 9 Corporate Issues 9.1 Quarterly Revenue Monitoring Report Quarter 2 A report was submitted which outlined the overall revenue financial position of the Council, highlighting any significant issues and explaining variations in the second quarter of the financial year. RESOLVED – The Executive Board is asked to approve: Approved the portfolio cash limit adjustments outlined in Appendix 1. the Earmarked reserves position shown in Appendix 2 the variations to revenue expenditure, as listed in Section 6, giving rise to a balance of £5.686 million in the unallocated General Fund revenue reserve. 9.2 Quarterly Capital Budget Monitoring Report Quarter 2 The Executive Board reported on the overall financial position of the Council in respect of the Capital Programme as at 30th September 2018, highlighting key issues and explaining variations in the first 6 months of the financial year. RESOLVED – The Executive Board is asked: Approved to approve the revised capital programme as per Appendix 1, to approve the variations to the programme shown in Appendix 2 10 Matters referred to the Executive Board Page 7 Executive Board Thursday, 8th November, 2018 Item Action None. Signed at a meeting of the Board on Thursday, 13 December 2018 (being the ensuing meeting on the Board) Chair of the meeting at which the Minutes were confirmed Page 8 Executive Board Thursday, 8th November, 2018 Agenda Item 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA Members attending a Council, Committee, Board or other meeting with a personal interest in a matter on the Agenda must disclose the existence and nature of the interest and, if it is a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or an Other Interest under paragraph 16.1 of the Code of Conduct, should leave the meeting during discussion and voting on the item.
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