Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 26, 2020 OUR 130th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 48-2020 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR Mayor Pays Tribute to Robert Newell; Council Argues Over Spending By REBECCA MEHORTER dents spoke about the downtown with new wreaths instead of snow- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader holiday lighting during the public- flakes because the town tradition- WESTFIELD — Tensions flared comment portion of the meeting. ally used wreath lights. He also said, at Tuesday’s town council meeting Mike Gagliardi said he had emailed “when it comes down to it, we’ve all as members discussed the rise in Mayor Brindle, Councilman David been through so much, and the Covid-19 cases, downtown holiday Contract and Councilman Mark Westfield comeback is a lot stron- lights and special emergency ap- LoGrippo the night prior “about the ger than any snowflake.” propriations due to coronavirus-re- issue of the decorations.” Mayor Brindle responded to these lated revenue loss. Mr. Gagliardi said he was upset remarks at the conclusion of the Mayor Shelley Brindle opened when he thought snowflake lights public-comment portion of the her remarks with a brief Covid-19 were replacing the wreath lights that meeting. She said the Westfield 300 update, saying that there have been the town previously used. He said Committee opted for the snowflake 18 new cases reported since her Councilman Contract responded theme to keep the town vibrant for Friday update and that she expected that night but with incorrect infor- the entire winter, not just the holi- those numbers “to increase signifi- mation, Councilman LoGrippo said days. But, Councilwoman Dawn cantly” with the updated health de- he did not know and Mayor Brindle Mackey said, residents will “see partment data she will receive later did not respond to the email but did Christmas is well-represented” in this week. The outlook is “not prom- respond to his wife’s email about the decorations. ising at all,” she said. According to the same issue. “People are dying around here, the mayor’s Covid-19 updates, last “I was really very relieved to hear people are in the freaking hospital, week, the town suffered its first that the wreaths are going to go up we’ve got people who can’t gather Covid-19-related fatality since July. in concert with the snowflakes at at Thanksgiving, and this is how The governing body observed a this point and that the snowflakes people are spending their time?” moment of silence in honor of will continue to be hung up on the Mayor Brindle said. “We’re trying Ken Zierler for The Westfield Leader Westfield Planning Board Chairman lampposts through January, Febru- to do something for the benefit of LUMINARIES TO FIGHT HUNGER...Holiday luminary kits were distributed on November 20 at St. Helen’s Church in Robert Newell, who died Monday ary as a way to attract local busi- our businesses downtown and this Westfield in support of The Presbyterian Church in Westfield Soup Kitchen and Feeding Friends Program, the Westfield night “after a courageous battle with ness,” Mr. Gagliardi said. is what people are arguing about? Rotary Club Backpack Program, St. Joseph Social Service Center and the Westfield Food Pantry. Volunteers, pictured from cancer,” Mayor Brindle said. Mr. Gagliardi said he thought it What a privilege.” left to right, are: Rotarians Ray Kostyack, Warren Rorden and Joe Mindak, and Westfield United Fund’s Deirdre Gelinne. “As a longtime Westfielder, he was “a bad look for our town coun- Councilman LoGrippo asked the surprised me with his openness to cil and mayor that not everyone is mayor who she was talking to, but new ideas, which only seemed to on the same page about this infor- she was on mute when she re- Garwood Council Updates energize him,” she continued. “He mation.” sponded. “Maybe (you) could have was the consummate volunteer, a Resident Terry Quinn also called donated the money that was spent gentleman’s gentleman, a man who in to talk about the holiday wreath on decorations to people who could lived his life with honor and grace.” lights. He said he wanted the town have utilized it,” Councilman Borough on Covid Cases In separate business, two resi- to replace irreparable wreath lights LoGrippo said. “Mark, seriously. We’ve had By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL ported within the borough since the Additionally, it was stated that fundraisers in this town for our Specially Written for The Westfield Leader last council meeting held less than Garwood park equipment and benches downtown businesses,” Council- GARWOOD — As Covid-19 cases two weeks ago. She stated that this were sanitized three times per week. Democrats Sweep woman Mackey responded. “I speak continue to rise in Garwood and sur- brings the total number of cases re- In other business, Resolution 20- to our merchants on a regular basis; rounding communities, Council Presi- ported in Garwood to 89. 13 was unanimously passed upon its this is an economic driver to bring dent Jen Blumenstock gave an update In her report, Ms. Blumenstock first reading at Monday evening’s Area Elections shoppers and diners to our down- on borough statistics concerning the stated that there had been two deaths meeting. town. Perhaps instead of always disease at Monday evening’s govern- from the disease, noting that the last The resolution raises the rate for By FRED T. ROSSI margin in favor of Rep. Malinowski looking to throw a grenade, you ing body meeting. Mayor Sara death happened in May. bulk pickup by $5. The rate will now Specially Written for The Westfield Leader on election night, when the first votes could roll up your sleeves and ask Todisco was excused from the meet- At the last council meeting, held on be $105. AREA – Democrats swept elec- were tallied. how you can be of help.” When ing. November 12, Mayor Todisco re- Officials noted that the reason for tions around the area this month, In the 12th Congressional District, Councilman LoGrippo laughed, According to Ms. Blumenstock’s ported the occurrence of 13 new the increase was to make sure the aided by a strong showing at the top which includes Fanwood and part of CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 report, six more cases have been re- Covid-19 cases locally. tonnage estimate is not exceeded. of the ballot by former Vice Presi- Scotch Plains, Democratic incum- The mayor had stated previously Multiple council members empha- dent Joe Biden, who easily won bent Bonnie Watson Coleman easily that the 13 new cases had been re- sized the importance of maintaining a Union County by a more than two- won a fourth term, beating Republi- Cranford BOE Presents ported since the October 22 council tight budget. to-one margin. can Mark Razzoli by a 230,883-to- meeting. She had noted that all of The second reading and public hear- Victories in Scotch Plains and 114,591-vote margin, or 65.6 per- Union County and the State of New ing regarding the resolution is sched- Garwood gave Democrats unani- cent to 32.6 percent. Diversity, Inclusion Practices Jersey likewise were seeing a higher uled for the Thursday, December 10 mous control of their governing bod- Democrats were again unani- rate of Covid-19 cases. meeting. ies, while the party retained its unani- mously successful in elections for By JENNIFER GLACKIN for cultures and belief systems and All council representatives re- In separate business, it was an- mous control of the Fanwood Bor- three seats on the Union County Specially Written for The Westfield Leader inclusivity. minded residents that everyone should nounced that a Union County Com- ough Council. Board of Commissioners, with in- CRANFORD — The Cranford Elementary classes use read-alouds still wash their hands regularly, use munity Development Block Grant had The race for Congress in the Sev- cumbents Christopher Hudak and Board of Education (BOE) on Mon- such as “It’s Okay to be Different” by antibacterial hand sanitizer with at been awarded to the borough, in the enth District — which includes Angela Garretson winning fresh day presented the district’s efforts to Todd Parr, “Something Happened in least a 60-percent alcohol content amount of $395,000 from the state Westfield, Garwood, Cranford, three-year terms and newcomer promote diversity and inclusion. It Our Town” by Marianne Celano, when hand washing is not an option, for Garwood’s 2021 municipal Mountainside and part of Scotch Lourdes Leon taking the third seat was a collaborative effort that spanned Marietta Collins and Ann Hazzard practice social distancing when pos- project. This project consists of re- Plains — also resulted in a victory on the nine-member board. recruiting personnel, statutes and and “The World Needs More Purple sible, wear face masks and stay at paving and the re-curbing of such for the Democrats, although it turned Garwood’s six-member borough policies, professional development People” by Kristen Bell and Ben- home if they are feeling sick. streets as Maple, Hazel and Third into something of a nail-biter as more council will be all-Democratic in for staff, parent academies, student jamin Hart. Kindergarten through Council members urged residents Avenues. votes were counted in the weeks January. Councilman Russell Gra- programs and resources for teachers fifth-grade students will learn more “to remain vigilant against Covid-19, It was reported that this grant was after the November 3 election. In- ham was the top vote-getter, being to use in the classroom.
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