556 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 27, 1974 for other purposes; to the Committee on Mer­ H.R. 13802. A blll to establish improved na­ By Mr. SLACK: chant Marine nd Fisheries. tion wide standards of mall service, reqUire H.J. Res. 958. Joint resolution requlrlng the By Mr. TAYLOR of Missouri: annual authorization o! public service appro­ President to submit to Congress a report con­ H.'R. 13792. A blll to authorize the Admin­ priations to the U.S. Postal Service, and for cerning importations of minerals which are istrator o:r the Environmental Protection other purposes; to the Committee on Post critical to the needs of U.S. industry; to the Agency to promote to Assistant Surgeon Otllce and Civil Service. Committee on Ways and Means. General comm.lssloned officers of the Public By Mr. REUSS (for himself, Ms. ABzuG, By Mr. WALDIE (for himself, Mr. He lth Service assigned to the Agency; to Mr. BADILLO, Mr. BoLAND, Mr. BRA.sco, COHEN, Mr. HARRINGTON, Ms. BURKE the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Mr. BROWN of Callfornla, Mr. CARNEY of California, ~nd Mr. OtroE): Commerce. of Ohio, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. CLAY, H.J. Res. 959. Joint resolution to authorize By Mr. BOB Wll.SON: Mr. CULVER, Mr. DOMINYCX V. the President to proclaim the last week in H.R. 13793. A blll to amend the Internal DANIELS, Mr. ECKHARDT, Mr. EDWARDS June of each year as "National Autistic Chil­ Revenue Oode of 1954 to increase the crecUt of Callfornia, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. dren's Week"; to the Committee on the Ju­ against tax for retirement income; to the FAUNTBOY, Mr. FoRD, Mr. I!AJuuNG­ diciary. Committee on Ways and Means. TON, Mr. HEcHLER of West V1rgln1a, By Mr. BRADEMAS: By Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota: Mrs. HECKLER of Massachusetts, Mr. H. Con. Res. 451. Concurrent resolution H.R. 13794. A btll to provide for the con­ HINSHAW, Miss HOLTZJ4AN, Mr. Mc­ to express the sense of Congress that for trol and eradication of noxtous weed , and SPADDEN, Mr. MoA.KLJ:Y, Mr. Moss, fiscal year 1975 the Ad.Inlnistration on Aging the regulation of the movement in interstate and Mr. PODELL) : fund long-term and short-term training pro­ or foreign commerce of noxious weeds and H.R. 13803. A blll to amend the Internal grams under title IV of the Older Americans potential carriers thereof, and for other pur- Revenue Code of 1954 and the Social Security Act, and !or other purposes; to the Commit­ p ; to tho Committee on Agriculture. Act to provide income and payroll tax relief tee on Education and Labor. By Mr. ASPIN: to low-income and moderate-income taxpay­ By Mr. DOWNING: H.R. 13795. A blll to prohibit any State or ers; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H. Res. 1012. Resolution to express the unit of loc 1 government from imposing a By Mr. REUSS (for himself, Mr. RIEGLE, sense of the House with respect to the allo­ property tax on ny railroad right-of-way or Mr. RoSENTHAL, Mr. ROYBAL, Mr. cation of necessary energy sources to the roadbed u ed in interstate commerce; to the RYAN, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. STARK. tourism industry; to the Committee on Inter­ Committee on the Jud.icla.ry. Mr. STUDDS, Mr. VIGORITO, Mr. Wn.­ state and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. CLEVELAND: LLUIS, Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of By Mr. NELSEN (for himself and Mr. H.R. 13796. A bill to amend the Small Busi­ Call:tornia, Mr. WoN PAT, Mr. YAT­ FRASER): n s Act to provide for loans to small bust­ RON. and Mr. THO.M.PSON of New H. Res. 1013. Resolution authorizing the no concerns affected by the agency short­ Jersey): printing as a House document of the pro­ ag ; to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ H.R. 13804. A blll to amend the Internal ceedings incident to the presentation of a rency. Revenue Code of 1954 and the Social Security portrait of Hon. Charles C. Diggs. Jr.; to the II.R. 13797. A bill to amend title 23 of the Act to provide income and payroll tax rellef Committee on House Admlnlstratlon. United State Code to authorize a grant pro­ to low-income and moderate-income tax­ By • Mr. OWENS (for himself, Mr. gr m !orr search and development o! alter­ payers; to the Committee on Ways and CEDERBERG, Mr. CHAPPELL, Mr. Gn.­ native !uels for motor vehicles; to the Com­ Mens. liiiAN, and Mr. MATSUNAGA) ; mittee on Public Works. By Mrs. HECKLER of Massachusetts: H. Res. 1014. Resolution to express the By Mr. DELLUMS: H.J. Res. 954. Resolution designating the sense of the House with respect to the allo­ H.R. 13798. A blll to provide tor disclosure song "America the Beautiful" the Bicenten­ cation o! necessary energy sources to the or inform tlon by executive departments to nial .hymn for 1976; to the Committee on the tourism industry; to the Committee on Inter­ committees of Congress; to the Committee Judiciary. state and Foreign Commerce. on Armed Services. By Mr. JARMAN: By Mr. OWENS (for himself, Ms. H.R. 13799. A blll to provide tor the receipt H.J. Res. 955. Joint resolution requiring the ABZUG, Mr. CLEVELAND, and Ms. o! te timony and information from executive President to submit to Congress a report ScHROEDER) : agencies and bodies; to the Committee on the concerning importations of minerals which H. Res. 1015. Resolution to amend the Judiciary. are critical to the needs of U.s. industry; to Rules of the House of Representatives to pro­ By Mr. DUNCAN: the Committee on Ways and Means. vide for the broadcasting of meetings, in H.R. 13800. A blll to amend the Internal By Mr. JOHNSON of Pennsylvania: addition to hearings, of House committees Revenue Code of 1954 to provide an exemp­ which are open to the public; to the Com­ H.J. Res. 956. Joint resolution proposing an mittee on Rules. tion from income taxation for cooperative amendment to the Constitution of the United housing corporations, condominium housing States to provide for a single 6-year Presi­ a oclatlons, and certain homeowners' asso­ dential term; to the Committee on the Ju­ ciations; to the Committee on Ways and diciary. PETITIONS, ETC. Means. By Mr. PEPPER: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, By Mr. ESCH: H.J. Res. 957. Joint resolution to authorize 416. The SPEAKER presented a petition of H.R. 13801. A blll to extend and improve the President to issue a proclamation desig­ the Borough Assembly, Greater Anchorage then tion's unemployment programs and for nating the week in November which includes Area Borough, Alaska, relative to an urban other purposes; to the Committee on Ways Thanksgiving Day in each year as "National planning study for watershed management and Means. Family Week"; to the Committee on the Ju­ in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska which was By Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT: dlcta.ey. referred to the Committee on Public Works. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SUPPORT FOR THE NATIONAL SUM­ A COMMON CAUSE FOR Gooo HELPs BB.IDGE continuance of the NSYSP. Some talked and MER YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAM PARTY LINES some listened. The bill 1s being co-sponsored (By Warren Jackson) by Rep. Peter Peyser (R-N.Y.), Rep. Blll Clay A portion of what America is supposed to (D-Mo.) and Rep. Alphonzo Bell (R-Calif.). be about came to the nation's capital to crys­ Peyser's tena.city and bulldoggeclness on HON. PETER A. PEYSER NSYSP has to be admired. A year ago he filed OJ' N&W YOR.Jt tallize, !or the American people and its legis­ lative leaders, how a successful federally a request for the program's continuance. It IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES funded program can work 1! it 1s adminis­ never got out of committee. This year with assistance it appears he might .make it Wednesday, March 27, 1974 tered properly and 1! those involved really and truly do "give a damn." through committee and towards a possible ~. PEnlSER. !4r. Speaker, on Febru­ In the past 1l ve years, on an annual vote. ary 27, I introduced, with Mr. CLAY and budget of 3 mllUon, 105 collegiate institu­ PEYSER EMPHATIC Mr. BELL, a b111 to extend the national tions have directed the National Summer In his opening remarks, Peyser was em­ summer youth sports program. Yesterday Youth Sports Program (NSYSP) under the phatic in his personal endorsement. "If all I was Joined by 34 cosponsors in reintro­ auspices o! the National Collegiate Athletic federal money was spent as well as it is in Association. this program (NSYSP), this country would ducing this blll. The program tries and has been successful be in much better shape." One o! my constituents, Mr. Warren in practically all instances of providing for Blll Clay also put things into perspective Jackson, has worked in this program and the nation's disadvantaged the basic funda­ when he said, at the televised press confer­ is n active supporter of the program. I mentals of athletic instruction coupled with ence with Howard Cosell, "When we speak of am enclo lng an article which he wrote educational and cultural enrichment. the disadvantaged, meaning the blacks, and which other Members should be in­ The portion of America I mentioned earlier Spanish and the poor whites, we no longer terested 1n reading. came to Washington to support a new blll for can speak and act on strict party lines." March 27, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8557 "When people and their futures are at ESTABUSHMENT OF A ~TARY accurately reflect the many concerns in­ stake we cannot have any permanent friends INSTALLATION CLOSING COMMIS­ volved.
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