48 No 1 South! Amboy, N. J., Friday. April 6, 1928 Price Four Cents. (. j«m FOR FAKE INDIAN CHIEF VETERANS POST OLD HOME WEEK CITY TO HAVE ELEVEN MORE TRAINS PICKS A NAME COMMHEE TO MEET WCHARGE OF ABDUCTING LOCAL GIRL,. _ Of Daniel F. Sharfcey—Lo. Monday Night At Broadway Fire H. EACH WAY DAILY BEGINNING APRIL cal Man Killed In Action Carnival April 18-28. KB,Sick Ex-Service Man Wins Sympathies Of Red B? a unanimous vote, the focal The. Firemeii's'oid Homo Cejebra- Decision Of, Public Utilities Commission Allowing Penn- Po3t ot the P :,, , . x -. ,». • . T i >.. i o ' Veterans of Foreign ^"K^^^^ffl! sylvania K. R. Jo .Abandon State Street Station, Perth' I'SS And American Legion: Missing Local Girl been Wars was' name, d the Dianieinde Pd. .t-•-••h Hi_ m After -Leavin g —Here• . • SMaricey Postd a, t athte a hom welel ofattende the, Bnd - ¥f> Announced Yesterday s Trains To Come Here j H'ook and Ladder Company connection with the celebration, the • .-Ibfcal .police during tho past| on Jtyonday evening. meeting Monday night will likely "I Sinoe the decision of the Public have been endeavoring to to-. , I)4niel F. Siuwkey in whose hon- make linisi arrangements for cooper- i Utilities Commission is favorable on or tlii Posit luiss buen named, wis anating -with the carnival concern that TSJ.LS WOMEN ABOUT I tine apjplication of the- Pennsylvania jfOwhereisbouts of Harry De- 1 RQ lron<i t0 <$8ji of Long BVanch, and Miss infan'tryinilan- in tho Third Division is to d.iow here tram. April 18th w rillT 11 niiriAlVir E'i ' abandon the State Street /^."Bloougood, *19, cf this city; and. was..killed in«action in the St. 28th inclusive. Thia concern is to tlllLlI UUlUAlltlL Station in Perth Ajniboy, ..he nnlrOad BOISCOUT IDEA MLhlel drive on July 15, 1918. ' work under, the auspices of the local, , , '-' "''^ „ », n will begin running tilains thaf now diekpp'eraed * on the night of p M Raritan Council Financial And Mem. PlanPl s were madde ait thhe - meeiting committee and tho proceeds ot£ the Mru .s> J°n, w™"-,T' o Be NexbPre.i. terminate at State Street, to this-city win+u./.iu.iii /.-,. i»f« .i.., »,,..,.-i,i „„!„•! «>ent Of Woman* yvith the new time tables which are it |3 alleged, has con- [ ^er.hip Drive April 16 to 23rd . for the jiirticipatton of the members'venture'will go inco Lhe Jgeueiiil cele-'l n pohco record, and is] ot the Post in the • ormtynl Memorial' oration 'iund. j ,.• .. , n ., • , T, , .. i to talre cd'feict at 12:01 A. M., on 1 4.1-.known to tho police of a num.- Mayor Andrew N. Kvisj, has exi^a- y serv.ces conducted by the Le-j The committee enjoyed a -rousing Vocational Guidance and jjfcnt it Sumjl A n mK Th,e Board' ani ; i approval o-f /tho Boy Scout lhe decision ,t- bi neigh'bdring localities, applied g.on, Lt ib planned to place a wreath meeting With tiie Protecltion boys last My plftS and ilKtod 1 uncertain teltms. In onon thi. menwnrt lVunlUiin at thee Cen-Ceil-11 MondaMonulayv nightniirht. Thee iiergeiHenn>ni HilHill iadImlas Miss So certain were the railroad offic« ) Commander liosen'berg oi the'lo- sent to Rarttluii Council ; ()V t L^ B GalaMa of theX"j1 mis t)J the fiaj'oi-able decision upon ll Ugmn.Post, on January 30 last " ist ution, by rapresentotives of tho iwd provlued sandwiches and coffee catiorial dtoL M KV "It is a during toe cereiinoniea. | for tae. comniitiee and those in atton-! Newark, N J at the regiilkir meeting bhe up'pDcat'ipn to abandon the bid or-aid"•. , . , . , ,'' pleasure for me, as Mayor ftf South Hie delegates to the recent coun- uance and an unuiiuttlly ]rlensur«blol Qf th(! Woman's Club held on Thiirs- At tthat time, he etaunial he had Ani,Doy to express my heartyy endqjqj- by convouuionn head in Neww BrunsBruns - v.wnv-wne ^ ^vu^v s spent edscussing the August] i afternoon. tilain.s that preparations . wsllted In ththiis cityy-twrn Middletownn. awnen^^w . 4,,/4,,/^ B(.outs ojf AmioriAmior-i h ( uv walked to this city froawnenm MiddXetown aw w B(outB(.outss oojf Amiori- wLc* giave^an, intere«ting report on'avont"""" . The mociting is tuid to hiwu '--• „- -. •.•, fi . , .. rW. t. iw\e already been made for running O'iuo, in, search oi employment andd;; particularly in this Karilun Goun- Galaida firat dealt with the ,he truillj <,„ throiiffh to this,city and u thth e UusineaUi s translatettdd at tho-meet-h . Been ,_.„."" .liroduotiv e in lurousin„g en v,.._ Wf«^*««"«» ««!?"«!il territory. Routing b making ing- and uuitounccd that tho County uliuuinun in tho forthoominu celebra-' ite int'crnatiotiai aspect telin.j.na;injr them in the local yaris. ;man. - He claimed tte was SUM en" S OUemwuSm Let ua lhla,ke. lt posal. » to the individual and 1 THls1 I aclio* wi)! giVe fchls ciiy /jeven . from the, effects of gas received while We to oreanlze more Bt,y a<.out bmecutlvc Gorolmitteo, inMeeognLtion tion. v i tViSdy "«rf"hta"pS*l^V*"»*'only ? I r< rd h Ch A 8 1511 b additionad l tiains in each direction to Min #dtion . in France. WOODS in our city." ? ^HM^^, . ^° ^ i ^' «r W W" .^ >' MlvJamca D., .,s a physical and intellccUual but al- "^ ,from New York daily. Thopass- ,' -^Mamlbers of the local post* unmed- {£ ™ ouunM is planning tor the n< J n n been established by tho Poat, will Vun, Pelt, which was very much ap-' ;*o0 uu3s ,nf socsociaini l bae-ingemg . shonee sihowe snoweda ei]ecte w;]] .,-vjiWi.r.,-began reiidf; worlc, two K>«* ,IO28 membership, and.financial cam- bulu ii/» next oneoung ut tioulih Am-] preciitfcd. In his reinwks Mr. YniM•Jho howw thLhe« homo bringbrines out thpe physicanhvsical eilg\ l f. station \v)hidi' U —• were called and arrange-, £ be-JibMRdiirlng tho ab he nI<nnsytelnia Vknich is boy on MoSijlay evonin«, April 23rd. j Ml sug-ge^d that the committee 1 ^ ffc™hild'S life and theXn- ft.™ « foul^, oi Main Btreat, but miado to lurnlsil l-oo<l «n<l. =,. ,,t. *,.,»:i 16m- -tio. 23rd<m_,il Muc»« hu in-<--. SUale Conv.en'Uoii bo be hold in Ran-1 to present for the celebration. .service is expected to gmg by, one of tfie memlbors wf the evidence in this owning way in Juno was ali»o held during the tfhta is done it can be closely ._. , „,,„,„„ lso provide j*ost. -A later medical • examination not only h»s tne,Coun- 1 mlflL WJW of the way location of thia -', however, revealed no ti'accs of guss- cil ralotie very definite progress in , Philip MlcGuirttss M. LeLeoo .ted how «mch lit will coat to present able opportunity Socially' adjuat- ' ing. reaching a larger number ot scouts , Jumc"'""g -»i"""'-"•'ilrUUagUlb• r 4111(1 lidwai-'*•' d''(,he pprogruj m and tthen n measures caa n jnff the child 'Ine terminaling of the.?e trains in Then DeWltt, who it is understood, twit organizing- .more troops, but it isDelltxul were u'iuutod delegates with be Uiikeu to raiseet, thoe requirerq d sums. M!s8 8 GalaidGalaida explaineexplained thathatt ththe city is also • expected to bring numlber otf aliases, gave his oipembnig under uaonomical condi- David Quinlan,, Joseph Oesuhlll, Al- a doflDtio objective in view HrUm B of ththo r^ulxil r teacherh s ^va9 too in time too. tions, so mudn so titaait the. budget for liate.! Webor and M. (J. Bloodtjood, al- thia way.u gntt deal more can be busilusily enrnwernw d ffo r wrworkk of tthih s yptypo;; ,-iuuu* of Gluei G. Oruiess and repre- Keomiplistod in a groat deal lss time th h" id hld b i th ss 'Seated himseltf as a Jink-blooded Oner- linia hus been reduced and ,oivly ?8,- ter mules. , in a groat- deal less time thai, such" ffuidanco should be in the " okee Mian and a native.of the state bOU is needed. , :oi OWalwnia. This budget covers the ndmlnlslna-j LADIES KEPI BUSY Mfemioers of the Legion having tioji and itiauitonancp oi scout heud- ' .tt&eii' suapicions aroused by a niuimbcr quarters, tn6 imnsporualon' o£ tho _.' nii«(yz '; oX staturrjctits made by t)he man,, bc- POPPIES bo done in acting in uccordanea edles. The actual decision rests en- an cJtio^t-^ecU'tivtt. bd- ue various troops • Vlnn PoU ' :• T :.v .v i-'n • J . in Lime, lt not almost at once, mere «'' 'gah investigation soon aliiter his m .Me Held, 'tlie ope'rubion OJ! Camp For Sale On Decoration Day—Pro- with !':.>arrival in thia city. During the pias'c II ' "<di» To ToniT " RiveRi r HHome -w ._ . Vlan Pek. tirely with the child coming for as- wiUbe 'a derfil9ml fOr homing faciji- Burton, and tne conduct of. a course PI AI1IC a JbanPA " weak it has been learned that wmle it or bcoTitmiasters-which is .to be held < - . ! ties For aoime, or all of these families; DeWi'tit was an ox-e*srvice'man, tne ' Abers of the LadlesyAnxmary ILAIMS " 'Ir.e liact thiilt tiie rental charges for widiin tlie next two months. • •• ' •;, 1 1 UKla nluve a card ne exhibited'to the .mtamtoers of Uenerai dhairnwn ,John • I*£c-ififqr| Ke A. Lovely Post are busy with C ADDIPAM 1' 'I." "'" ™ s-re^er nn- mpu dal^ htrtLS3|nff demies here is /lanui&oture of poppies to be I.
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