VOL. I. HAZELTON, B. C, SATUI DAY, MARCH 13, 1909. No. 86. The Daylight Bill. reached Westminster that the News by Tdegrapfi. LOCAL AND DISTRICT NEWS. IRLY BAYS IH whole party, with the exception The dispatch concerning the in­ of one badly wounded man, had troduction in the House at Ottawa BRITISH COLUMBIA been murdered bv the Indians, E. C. Stephenson returned from of a "Daylight Savings Bill," Brinkley, Ark., March 11—A tornado who came on them just at»day- the coast Tuesday. brings to Canada a question that followed by fire this morning destroyed light-, cutting the tent ropes and is creating quite a stir in the old By C. F. Morison. the town, six houses only remaining The next outgoing mail will stabbing and shooting the men country. The advocates of the standing. Thirty-five people were kil­ leave Saturday, March 20. It was in the year 1865, I be­ through the canvas. Chief Ana­ measure claim that its adoption led and over 200 injured. The town had lieve, the Chilacoten massacre heim killed his own daughter for Mrs. Sealy and "Miss Morison would save a matter of several a population of about 5,000 and nearly took place, I remember well the trying to warn the whites of their returned from Kitwangar Wed­ million dollars each year to the all are homeless. nesday. great excitement caused by the danger. The Governor, Mr. Sey­ working population of England mour, took prompt measures, go­ Hart Cullen arrived in town to­ reception of the news. It was Atlanta, Ga., March 11—As a result in the matter of lighting their ing to the scene himself. A num­ day after spending the winter in brought down the coast by a Of tornado yesterday in Alabama and homes. The idc of the measure ber of volunteers were enrolled the Bulkey. is to simply set all clocks ahead canoe from Bella Coola, the pres- Georgia, ten people were killed and sent Scandinavian settlement. I in New Westminster and went up many injured. At Cuthbert the damage Mr. and Mrs. Hampton of Pleas­ for one hour and thus obtain the do not think the causes which led to Bella Coola on a scow under amounted to over a half million dollars. ant Valley paid a visit to Hazel­ benefit of that much more day­ to that terrible event are very Mr. Chartres Brew, S.M.; a sec-* Half of the business section was ruined. ton this week. light at the close of the day. It ond party under Gold Commis­ is a practice in common use in well understood by the resider.tr, C. D. McKay and Bert Heal of sioner Cox came from Cariboo to Victoria, March 11—A new evening the mining districts of British of British Columbia. The idea the upper end of the Valley, thus1 Bulkley Valley were in town Columbia durin*; the months had been conceived by the Gov­ paper, to be Conservative in politics early in the week. completely blocking the Indians and controlled by Colonist management, when the days are at the short­ ernment of getting a new road in. Mr. Seymour went right is to commence publication next month. Hugh Taylor drove down from est. For all practical purposes from the coast into Cariboo. The through with Mr. Morris Moss, the Kispiox Valley Saturday last, we have in tbis locality the bene­ notion was to build a wagon road government agent on the coast, Ottawa, March 12—W. T. R. Preston returning Monday. fit derived from that idea. from Bella Coola through the •Captain Stewart arid a few mari­ has been appointed trade commissioner Messrs. Wm. carr, R. O. Jen­ In 1883, the railroads, for their Chilcotin Valley into the interior, ners. I should mention that Ad­ to Holland. own convenience, established nings and A. Johnson left for the c mi ut hea the site of he miral Kingcome, in command at time divisions in the United ? 5 ? , i B J Victoria, March 12—A definite an­ coast Tuesday last. old Hudson's Bay post of Fort Esquimau:, went to Bella Coola nouncement as to the timber policy of States and Cantftia, four in num­ with his flagship, having previ­ M. La Croix of Babine is in ber, and know ! as the Eastern, Alexander. A Mr. Waddington, the government was made in the legis­ Hazelton and will visit his broth­ brother of a former French em­ ously furnished a transport td lature today by Premier McBride. He Central, Mountain and Pacific cake the volunteers, a very mix­ stated that the administration will er, Gabe Lacroix. in the Bulkley bassador to England, got the time. The dividing line between ed crowd, up the coast. On their make the leases perpetual next session, Valley. Mountain and Pacific time is about contract, or rather charter, and pending the report of the forestry com­ sent a party up to commence the arrival at Bella Coola the Admiral mission. The Glen Vowei saw mill has the 117th meridian west longi­ •rdered them di on beard the been moved to its new location tude. The standard or railroad work; but he was not careful in The elections bill was passed over on picking his men, as was most flagship for medical inspection,, its order of appearance amid derisive across the Skeena and is cutting time of the Facile district is only necessary in those days when a and, to their utter disgust- half applause from the opposition. Proro­ lumber at the new site. exact with solar time at the 120th the number' were sent ba6k unfit gation is expected today. meridian. Haseltoh, being in party had to work amongst al­ Provincial constable Deane is most wild Indians. Lieut. Pal­ fcr duty in war, to resume their longitude 127.4(i west, is thus luti •?, around the bai ro< ms of London, March 10—It is asserted the on a trip to the Bulkley Valley. nearly eight decrees west of the mer, R.E., now Major General War Office will shorty make an Offer to : Sperry cline is officiating as con­ point where our clocks would be Palmer, went as usual on his an­ I :•: W si . iSt '.. purchase one of the Wilbur Wright stable at Hazelton during his ab­ nual summer exploring expedi­ aeroplanes. correct. At four minutes to the THe/e was n nUi h $ in this sence. degree we are just a snade over a tion, together with his soldi er '-!*. One man of thi • • \\ party Ottawa, March 11—Lewie' gives no­ A party of about thirty men half hour fastd: in time than we servant, Edwards. Lieut. Pal**.iei sh A himself thro igh Lhigh, tice of a bill entitled Daylight Savings are reported to have left Van­ should be to be correct with the was a vei*y clever man, and a. id ill,- c I bral ,i • Bill, on the same general lines as the couver for Hazelton and points sun. excellent explorer, and, with Ed­ terror of tlr. India; measure now before the Imperial Par­ farther inland. Among them are wards, had been nearly all over by a young bay t.hr, ;.,. l '8 liament. British Columbia. These two F. L. charleson and H. M. Beach. Railway Construction. into the brush contra *y to • rdera, would go together into the inter­ The Indian ringleaders were; London, March 12—There is no truth A nice line of Ribbons and ior amongst the wildest natives in published reports of King L'dward's The Toronto Globe says: arrested, with the exception -ei' Artificial Flowers; also Ladies' and never had any serious death at Biarritz. He was in good "Every farm must be brought the Chief, Anaheim, who di cl in health yesterday and visited the golf and Children's Vests, Hose, Night trouble ; they knew how to handle Chilcotin a short time ftgo, Of within easy reach of railway ac- '{^ ,,,. links. The King suffers from an aiTec- Gowns and Waists, Dress Goods, a& we]] aimer wenl h ith r-r, (iv*: ir i tn sbor t'lireg tion of the throat, and although he has Lawn, Chambray, Print, Tape, commodation, for a long haul by via Belia Coola and tho Chilcoi i re;:i d .I Qn si 1 i 1 aged very much and become quite fee­ Etc., at C. V Smith's. wagon or sleigh makes farming; Valley to the interior to inspec ble in the last year no uneasiness is wo at New Westi rinst r. felt. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. McMillan, operations unprofitable. The j the route of the proposed wagon iffalr cost the unforttmal .* c ! nj Miss McMillan and Master Stan­ need of additional lines being road. In passing through the $30,000. So ended this miserable Victoria, March 13- -Considerable ex­ ley McMillan were visiting in recognized by both promoters road camp he noticed that the affair. citement in political circles has been Hazelton. for several days this and investors, the 'Globe thinks , eondu the men was Such a:*. While the Indians can in no caused by a rumored split in the cabi­ ikely to cause serious trouble net.' As a result it is probable that week, returning to their home in that 1909 will be a year of excep­ way be excused for what they Bowser, attorney general will resign. Bulkley Valley on Thursday. tional railway development. The with the Indians. He cautioned did and met their j'u-st deserts His dictatorial attitude on the Act to following interesting facts are the foreman, but as is usual in Still, better management and Amend the Provincial Actions Act is Gus Rosenthal, Hugh Harris taken from tho article : such c'ases his words were un­ treatment of them on the part of given as the reason.
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