IBS'alXTisiL N iHmurlttiBtn' Ettntfttg THE WEATHER Forecast of D. S. Weather 'Members of companl------ ---------- A joint meeting of the Ways and The trustee* of the Second Oon- March 14 a t 7:30 p. m. ThUi Mriea South Manchester Fire department, Meona committee and the Building gregationat church o f Ckivantry OKANCE CLUB TO HOLD will not be confined to members Hartford ITT liflVi who plan to attend the setback commltto of, Dllworth-Ck)mell Post, poatpon'efi their meeting from last only u any member de*(i^ to party Saturday night in Hose Com- American Legion: will be held at night to tbi* evening, when it will bring a gueat Is at liberty ta do so. IJgtit ralj tonight, ny. No. 1, firehouse, are asked to the Armory, Monday evening. be held at 7:30 at the home o f Mr. SERIES IN SETBACK The committee s]ao deaixes w.point clearing Friday: colder tonight tl&r the committee before Thurs­ March 16!- All members are requeet- and Mrs. John E. Kingsbury. out that these games wlU be^wMt The JW .H A L-C CORR Member of the Audit Friday. ed to attend. wrorth attending aa there w ill be a If./ and also post tracnems night day blglit. First Sitting to Be Held Satur­ MANCHISna COMN- Bureau of Oirenlatlono BVuJny evening at 8 o'clock In The second sitting in the setback auatantisd first prise for the series MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (^A R M The Women of the Mooee wrlll T liikcr hall. Notices have been mail­ tournament being played between day Evening in Club Rooms; In addition to weekly cash prizes. Nathan Hale lodge. No. 6, O. Y. A. have a businesa meeting tonight at ed' to all members to attend this an- the Park tavern and the Charter Good Prizes. will meet Thursday at 6 p. m. In 8:30 o’clock In the Homo club on ADVERTISEMENT Adveitlaing ou Ihigu 10.1, (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTR bers Oak tavern teams, scheduled for to­ Thursday Speeials, YOL. L V „ NO. 139. BIANCHES’TER, C O N N „ TH U R SD A Y, M ARCH 12,1936 Orange hall. Following the meet­ Bralnard place. night, has peen postponed until lo rt ing, the fife and drum corps will At a meeting of the club commit­ Mrs. WlUlam Kronlck of the Wil- Friday evening this week. tee held last week. It was voted to to be present. An oyster supper practice In the basement. Shining Light circle of Junior rose Dress Shop has returned from hold a jeries of card parties, the' V(UI be served after the meeting. Klng'a Daughtera will meet tonight a New York buying trip of Spring Spring the evening drawing on 125 Rev. Watson Woodruff of the first to start this coming Saturday, suits and coats. •/n The Self-Serve The Ladles Aid society of Eman­ at 6:30 at the Center Congregation­ Beat of Marching Feet Heralds Growth of Border Army lallons of range oil to be given Center Congregational church will Freeh, Fine Quality Creamery V' away will take place. Members with uel Lutheran church will meet to­ al church. meet with members of bis con­ tickets arc requested to have their morrow afternoon at 2:30 at the firmation class after school Friday ‘REICH MUST MOVE FLOODS SWEEP STATE, •tubs turned in before the meeting. parsonage with Mrs. Erickson. A Winners at the setback party instead of tomorrow afternoon aa special program will be presented given last night In Odd Fellows BUTTER / ^ lbs. 6 7 c planned. Women of the Moose will meet to­ and a Lenton offering received for hall by Memorial Temple Pythian night at 8:30 at the Home Club on the benefit of the treasury of the Sisters were, flr.st. Miss Hazel Lewis E. Beebe of 108 Oakland Spri^lt Oleo . SOLDIERS’-FRANCE; Bralnard place. society. Waters: second. Miss Erica Dahl- street Is seriously III with pneu­ qiilst and third. Jack Hayes. , The monia at his home and unable to sec RUIN HOMES. BRIDGES, prizes were all In cash, and at tljc anyone but ttla immediate family. M a r o e iu n e 2 « close of the games, sandwiches and 25 The .March Issue of the Ho teas Magarinc has Jiist arrived. coffee were served. BRITAIN CAUTIOUS The Thursday Night Club that Hale's QuaUty > . In it you will find Ideas for new I..enten dishes and salads that has been holding their card parties ore easy on the budget. The supplj’.of these magazines is lim ­ The Sewing circle of the Con­ on Tuc.sday nights have decided o ited, BO the.T will only be given nut with the purchase of one cordia Lutheran church will meet PARALYZE INDUSTRY return to Thursday night for their tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. BREAD loaves ^ ^ C French Spokesman Declares ttemdcU Item. session this week. Odd Fellowa hail HEARS! SEEKS We sug^e.st solid packed, ripe, red Ferrtdcll Tomatoes, has -been secured for the playing WHITE HOUSE A FIRETBAP Manchester Lodge, L. O. L., No. tomorrow night. ,. Smack^ • *‘We Will Not Discuss SAYS VOLUNTEER FIREMAN “New Haven” Traffic 1$1 large can 2.'5c. Femdell Orange and (Jrapefruit Seg­ 99, will hold n regular meeting In Weldon Beauty Salon EAST, ID W ESr ments for salad, No. 2 can 21c. Raggedy Ann Peaches Orange, hall Thursday evening at 8 INJUNCTION IN Washington, March 12—(AP) or Pineapple. ____________________ ^ ______ __ o’clock. CRACKERS Pbg 14« Peace” As Parley of Lo­ —After looking over the White Blocked at Many Points^ ANNOUNCES House with the practiced eye of The Meat Department Sug­ The senior choir of the .Emanuel WIRESUBPOENA TBREATENEDBY a volunteer fireman. Representa­ Lutheran church will rehearse at Pint and 4 Oz. Jar Burt Olncy’a carno Signatories Begins. tive Karl Stefan warned today As Waters Cover Tracks^ gests: 8:45 o’clock tonight, prior to the that some night the Presidential Old.Fas)iioned Country Style * imiinii ........ mid-week "Quiet Hour" service. BINGO VIGOROL BEAVYJWDS famfiy may have to flee down 20 Sinniner Cottages Near! SIXTEENTH IN SERIES TOMATO JUICE 9c London, March 12— The French Attacks Lobby Committee’s ifirc ladders. Sausage Meat 9 Strawberrie.s. announced today that, unmoved by " I t ’s a flretrap," he said. "1 Auspices Division No. 1, Blue CONSULTANT SERVICE a German threat to seek isolation, saw numerous dusty cubbyholes Derby Swept Away; Fac* > Raspberries. A. O. H. and Auxiliary. Seizure of Telegrams On Aany Rivers Overflow Banks that would burst into flame tbe ANNUAL.. they would Insist absolutely on the first time a match was dropped A t This Shop removal of German troops from the tories Forced to Gose; h ] Lima Beans . Peas. TOILET TISSUE drolls 1 3 « the Ground of Press Free­ In them." Eckhardt’s Rhineland. — Highways Blocked by In hla home state of Nebraaka, Spedal on Birdseye MUSICALE Tinker Hall 8 % Ounce Can This announcement came aa dele­ SteJan became a member of an Some Sections Worst Coih| Frankfurts gates from the Locarno treaty sig­ dom; Cites Single Dispatch. old hand pump crew years ago, Com, box 21c. of Cosmopolitan Club FRIDAY, MARCH 13 " On Thursday, March 12 natories met to discuss a British Huge Ice Cakes— Ver­ and baa been a volunteer fireman POTTED M e a t 2 C3DS plan which Informed sources said there ever since. dition in 20 Years. Center Church House Play Starts At 8:30 O’Clock. they believed sought a middle 31 c"^ Prize On Every Game! course of action In the present Washington, March 12.— (A P)— mont Hard Hit. Have Frankfurts or Spare White Turnips, hunch Scalp conditions diagnosed and prescrip­ Beech-Nut (Lb. Pkg.) Fri., Mar. 13, 3 P. M. crisis. William Randolph Hearst filed In Ribs and Kraut. 12 GAMESI Thc^c was no Immediate official B U L L B T IN t 10c. the Supreme Court of the District Special Prize: Order for tions written free of charge. hint as to what the British plan con. Sauerkniut, 7c lb., .3 lbs. Tea Will Be Served. Macaroni, Spaghetti 1 3 « By ASSOCIATED PRESS LINESMAN RESCUES HarUord, March Itv—(A P )— < tained, but It was believed that It of Columbia today a petition seek­ 20c. Cauliflower. ?5.00 Worth of Merchandise. Hard rains ind melting snow and Leslie Conover, Federal meteor­ Tickets At Door or From stopped -short of laying down an ing to prevent tbe Western Union Large Bunch, Freah ologist, predicted today that the ‘ 3 Green Beans. ultimatum to Germany to remove Telegraph Company from delivering The first spectacular push of Ger man troopa Ihto the Rhine valley was but the advance guard of a really Ice aeiit streams of the east and Members, 35 cents. Admission 25c.. HOTEL SHERIDAN BUILDING Flood stage in Hartford will be ]'•’ Stewing Veal, 15c to 25c lb. Its troops from the long-demlUtar- copy of a telegram to the Senate formidable army that Chancellor Hitler ordered on duty along the French and Belgian borders. Ths parts of the mlddlewcat to flood MAN FROM FLOODS Ripe Tomatoes. beat of marching soldicr.s’ feet and the rumble of their gun caissons draw crowds like that jamming the reached early thla evening with _■ Ized zone. Lobby committee. levels today, sweeping away one Scotch Ham . Tripe. CARROTS bunch sidewalk In the background of this NEA Radiophoto, made aa rc-enforeementa for the vanguard marched "extreme conditions" probably la Celery . Radishes. A French spokesman declared: Chief Justice Alfred A.
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