ELIZABETH IS ALSO Winthrop, MA 02152 | 617-846-9900 SALE CONTINGENT Elizabeth Ferrara TURNING UP THE HEAT! UNDER AGREMENT cottagehillrealestate.com 781-718-7094 Established in 1882 hrop’s Pio int ne W Wer INTHROPWinthrop Newspaper SSUNUN TTRANRANSCRIPTS CRIP T E stABLI S H E D IN 1882 Published by the Independent Newspaper Group 50 C E N ts THURSDAY, August 9, 2018 Residents turn out INDEX Police Report 2 Editorials 4 to support locked Through The Years 5 Then and Now 5 Obituaries 6 out National Grid Classified 14 Business Directory 15 gas employees INDEPENDENT By Kate Anslinger someone who has experience. This could potentially affect In response to the lockout the safety of my family and on roughly 1,200 National residents in the neighborhood. Grid employees on June 25, Unlesss it’ an emergency, I residents came out to share don’t think gas lines should be their concerns regarding po- replaced or new ones should A group of students shows off their inventor log, where they store helpful information. during tential safety issues during a go in, until this lockout is over the Camp Invention last week at the Winthrop Middle School. Some 45 students participated and meeting on Tuesday night. and the experienced workers Newspaper Group learned about how things work. The company locked out are back on the job.” employees after they failed John Buonopane is a Mel- NEWS Briefs to come to an agreement with rose resident who is the presi- Camp Invention held at Winthrop Middle School steel unions during contract dent of a union that represents negotiations. Different than a 400 employees who have been with if they attended Camp about the how’s and whys FREE BIKE SAFETY By Kate Anslinger strike, a lockout occurs when locked out, several of whom Invention. of what makes things work. a company opts to not let em- live in Winthrop. Having been DEMOS AND Optibots, a robotic pet vet, The one-week-long camp The program is designed to ployees work. Because Na- employed by National Grid HELMET GIVAWAYS optical technology, and poly- brought 45 students to the mid- give children, Grades K thru Want to start biking but mers, are a few of the things dle school last week, giving 6, a hands-on approach that tional Grid has refused to bend for 30 years, Buonopane is don’t feel comfortable or con- that one would be familiar them an opportunity to learn encourages problem solving, on certain issues, particularly well versed in safety matters fident? Join Bike Winthrop, innovation, and entrepreneur- those involving health care involving gas lines and is part the Winthrop Police Depart- ship. and pensions for new hires, of an emergency response unit ment and MassBike on Aug. Consisting of projects cen- there is a significant number attached to the company. 18 for a series of free “Bike tered around science, tech- of experienced workers being “I’ve spent a lot of time Safety Demos” led by cer- nology, engineering, art and replaced by workers lacking in Winthrop over the years, tified professional bike in- math, Camp Invention kept the education and background I’ve been through floods, car- structors, right behind the EB students engaged in prob- that is necessary for safe gas bon monoxide calls, and gas Newtown School (45 Pauline lem-solving tasks from 9 a.m. fitting procedures. leaks,” said Buonopane, who St) on School St. Instruc- until 3:30 p.m. The robotic pet “I have concerns about is going from city to town ex- tors will offer tips and riding vet room was designed to give what’s been going on and I’m plaining why it is necessary courses for all ages that teach students the chance to test a worried about gas lines put in to implement a moratorium or remind participants how to robotic dog’s urine by way by someone who is not expe- to prevent safety issues. “I’m bike safely on the road. This is of lemonade that had to be rienced,” said resident Linda personally someone who re- both an opportunity for people analyzed on a PH strip. After Brassard. “Just this week, right sponds to these issues, and who would like to start biking the young leaners determined next to my house, a brand-new I am urging you to consider around town, but don’t feel what was ailing the robotic home is being built. They dug this.” confident riding on the street dog, and they compared their today, and I have concerns if According to Buonopane, and for those who may have findings with a chart that dis- they put gas lines in, that it’s never learned to ride a bike to played actual dog anatomy. not going to be conducted by get started. You can use your Following the diagnosis, the See SUPPORT Page 3 own bike or rent a Lime Bike. students were encouraged to Please R.S.V.P. for one of use their creativity to design the time slots listed at https:// their own robotic dog, com- Investigators ask for the public’s help tinyurl.com/bikewinthrop plete with fur and a personal- State Fire Marshal Peter Anyone who saw or heard This event is FREE and ized name. J. Ostroskey, Winthrop Fire anything about that time or will also include giveaways of “There is so much science Chief Paul E. Flanagan and who has information about bike helmets and bike lights! PHOTO BY KATE ANSLINGER Winthrop Police Terence M. this fire is asked to call the Be sure to also stop inside the Declan Madden shows his model home. See CAMP Page 8 Delahanty said today’s fire statewide Arson Hotline, Winthrop Cultural Center for at 137 Winthrop Shore Drive 1-800-682-9229, 24 hours a a special photography exhibit, in Winthrop was intentional- day, or the Winthrop Police “ Photos from the Startline” ly-set. The fire occurred about Department at 617-846-1212 capturing portraits by Mary Board of Health cancels mosquito spraying 3:30 a.m. and caused minor ext. 2944. All calls are confi- Ruane from the start lines of damage to the two-family dential. The Arson Hotline is international bike races. By Kate Anslinger not currently the case. We are tion, the spraying would be at a moderate risk level now, ineffective, which is why the home. part of the Arson Watch Re- ROLLINS TO BE AT The Board of Health (BoH) due to a single case of West BoH does not approve the The fire was jointly inves- ward Program which offers made a unanimous decision Nile Virus (WNV) found in adulticide spraying at this tigated by the Winthrop Fire rewards of UP TO $5, 000 for MEET AND GREET Tuesday night to cancel the a bird-biting species, with time, but should conditions and Police Departments, and information that helps to solve Rachael Rollins, candidate mosquito spraying scheduled mammal-biters being nega- change, we will consider and State Police assigned to the the case. The program is spon- for Suffolk County district for Thursday evening, Aug. 9. tive. That was in Lynnfield, approve spraying at a later Office of the State Fire Mar- sored by the property and ca- attorney will be attending a Prior to the decision, Bill and they did not even spray time,” she said. According to shal. They determined that the sualty insurance underwriting Meet and Greet at the home Schmidt, chair of the Board, there. There is no rationale for strict recommendations, the fire was intentionally-set or companies of Massachusetts. called an emergency meeting spraying in Winthrop at this focus should be on prevention arson. See NEWS BRIEFS Page 3 to discuss the spraying, af- time.” and taking precaution against ter Vice Chair Astrid Weins She said given the fact that mosquito breeding. Over the and Susan Maguire requested virus vector mosquito counts last several years, the town it, due to their belief that the are very low and higher count has been sprayed and the most spraying would be unneces- mosquitos that people often recent spraying was conduct- sary. complain about are day-time ed last year as a response to Price subject “There is a misconcep- active salt marsh mosquitos the WNV detection in a lo- We Would Like to Thank Our Customers to change without tion that adulticide spraying that are not vectors for WNV cal mosquito. In general, the for Their Continued Support During the notice is done to protect residents or Eastern Equine Encephali- BoH is responsible for ap- from mosquitos,” said Weins. tis (EEE), the spraying would proving adulticiding, and the Construction to the Streets and .43 “Adulticiding is reserved as a be ineffective. Plus, she said best management practice Sidewalks.....Thank you!! $ Per Gallon measure to protect residents they would not be affected plan with Northeast Mosquito from mosquito-borne illness- by the spraying, which is per- Control outlines this spraying See our Ad in Sports • 1002 Gal. Minimum • 24 Hour Service www.winthropmktplace.com • 35 Revere St. Winthrop es, in the event that there is formed at night. for virus infection only. CALL FOR DAILY LOW PRICE a high-risk advisory. That is “Based on this informa- WINTHROP OPEN HOUSE WINTHROP OPEN HOUSE WEST REVERE EAST BOSTON SUNDAY 1-3PM SUNDAY 11-12:30PM New to Market! 2 Family, 7-4 Rms, Loads of Updates, 2 Family 5-6 Rms, 84 LINCOLN STREET 137 BARTLETT ST. Granite, H/W Floors, Newer Roof, Lg Brs, Owners Sep. Utils, Massport Spacious 2 Fam, unit has 2 levels! Great yard w new A.G.
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