2011-12 NCAA CODE NUMBERS (as of 11-2-11) 2 Abilene Christian 500215 Ark. Baptist 54 Bemidji St. 929 Adams St. 30 Arkansas St. 55 Benedict 3 Adelphi 947 Arkansas Tech 296 Benedictine (IL) 4 Adrian 30105 Ark.-Fort Smith 506015 Benedictine (KS) 11324 Agnes Scott 32 UALR 506374 Benedictine-Sprngfld 721 Air Force 8411 Ark.-Monticello 14770 Bennett 5 Akron 2678 Ark.-Pine Bluff 56 Bentley 506337 Akron-Wayne 500232 Arlington Baptist 506023 Berea 8 Alabama 33 Armstrong 506167 Berkeley (NJ) 6 Alabama A&M 725 Army 506384 Berkeley (NY) 500042 Alabama Christian 30123 Academy of Art 500460 Berkshire Chris. 7 Alabama St. 506029 Asbury 973 Berry 9 UAB 503384 Ashford 500467 Bethany (CA) 10 Ala.-Huntsville 35 Ashland 506014 Bethany (KS) 11 Alas. Anchorage 506342 Associate's degree 59 Bethany (WV) 12 Alas. Fairbanks 36 Assumption 30038 Bethany Lutheran 500067 Alas. Juneau 500260 Athens St. 500485 Bethel (IN) 500070 Alas. Pacific 500272 Atlantic Union 506120 Bethel (KS) 500072 Alas. Southeast 37 Auburn 60 Bethel (MN) 500075 Albany Pharmacy 30093 Aub.-Montgomery 500500 Bethel (TN) 13 Albany St. (GA) 38 Augsburg 506379 Bethesda Christian 14 Albany (NY) 39 Augusta St. 61 Bethune-Cookman 2798 Albertus Magnus 40 Augustana (IL) 506142 Beulah Heights 15 Albion 41 Augustana (SD) 62 Binghamton 16 Albright 42 Aurora 500515 Biola 17 Alcorn St. 953 Austin 28593 Birmingham-So. 934 Alderson-Broaddus 43 Austin Peay 30134 Black Hills St. 18 Alfred 506346 Ave Maria 64 Blackburn 500112 Alice Lloyd 44 Averett 984 Bloomfield 19 Allegheny 500322 Avila 65 Bloomsburg 500120 Allen 30146 Azusa Pacific 500551 Blue Mountain 500130 Alliance 45 Babson 500552 Bluefield Col. 506148 Alliant Int'l 506174 Bacone 985 Bluefield St. 21 Alma 506059 Baker 987 Bluffton 938 Alvernia 46 Baldwin-Wallace 66 Boise St. 28746 Alverno 47 Ball St. 506267 Boston Baptist 500143 Ambassador 500365 Baptist Bible (MO) 67 Boston College 23 American 958 Baptist Bible (PA) 68 Boston U. 1466 American (PR) 500377 Baptist U. America 69 Bowdoin 506084 American Baptist 500379 Barat 70 Bowie St. 500153 Amer. Indian Bib. 500380 Barber-Scotia 71 Bowling Green 506424 Amer. Inst. Business 500381 Barclay 506316 Boyce 22 American Int'l 962 Bard 500598 Bradford 506386 American Sports Univ 500385 Barrington 72 Bradley 24 Amherst 49 Barry 73 Brandeis 939 Anderson (IN) 500387 Bartlesville Wesl. 506178 Brenau 13028 Anderson (SC) 15646 Barton 500610 Brescia 506268 Andrews 58 Baruch 30094 Brevard 25 Angelo St. 50 Bates 500612 Brewton Parker 26 Anna Maria 26520 Bay Path 500615 Briar Cliff (IA) 500174 Appalachian Bible 500398 Bay Ridge Christian 30048 Briarcliffe (NY) 27 Appalachian St. 500402 Bayamon Central 74 Bridgeport 506125 Apprentice 51 Baylor 75 Bridgewater (VA) 500180 Aquinas 26107 Becker 76 Bridgewater St. 966 Arcadia 500405 Belhaven 506366 Briercrest 29 Arizona 52 Bellarmine 77 BYU 500187 Arizona Bible 500415 Bellevue 2685 BYU-Hawaii 504994 Arizona Christian 14927 Belmont 500641 Bristol 28 Arizona St. 2683 Belmont Abbey 506196 British Columbia 31 Arkansas 53 Beloit 78 Brockport 2011-12 NCAA CODE NUMBERS (as of 11-2-11) 79 Brooklyn 121 Carthage 500977 Circleville Bible 80 Brown 506006 Carver Bible 141 Citadel 500660 Bryan 506094 Cascade 480 CCNY 81 Bryant 122 Case 30058 Claflin 506179 Bryn Athyn 123 Castleton 142 Claremont-M-S 82 Bryn Mawr 1001 Catawba 143 Clarion 83 Bucknell 500845 Cathedral 144 Clark Atlanta 84 Buena Vista 124 Catholic 145 Clark (MA) 86 Buffalo 500855 Catholic (PR) 1020 Clarke 85 Buffalo St. 23624 Cazenovia 146 Clarkson 87 Butler 506213 CC/JC 20576 Clayton St. 362 C.W. Post 14795 Cedar Crest 501020 Clearwater 88 Cabrini 30124 Cedarville 506322 Cleary 995 Caldwell 125 Centenary (LA) 147 Clemson 107 California 12884 Centenary (NJ) 148 Cleveland St. 108 UC Davis 126 Central (IA) 722 Coast Guard 109 UC Irvine 506135 Central (KS) 149 Coastal Caro. 111 UC Riverside 1004 Central Ark. 502747 Coastal Ga. 112 UC San Diego 506117 Central Baptist 30083 Cobleskill St. 104 UC Santa Barbara 500876 Central Bible (FL) 150 Coe 113 UC Santa Cruz 500877 Central Bible (MO) 1023 Coker 106 California (PA) 506327 Cent. Christian (KS) 151 Colby 30135 Cal Baptist 500879 Cent. Christian (MO) 152 Colby-Sawyer 500737 Cal Christian 127 Central Conn. St. 153 Colgate 506328 UC Clermont 128 UCF 157 Colorado 105 Cal Lutheran 506026 Central Methodist 501077 Colo. Baptist 500745 Cal Maritime 129 Central Mich. 11403 Colo. Christian 506371 UC Merced 130 Central Mo. 154 Colorado Col. 90 Cal Poly 1009 Central Okla. 11416 Colorado Mesa 91 Cal Poly Pomona 506372 Central Penn 155 Colorado Mines 94 CSU Bakersfield 30049 Central St. (OH) 156 Colorado St. 95 Cal St. Chico 1010 Central Wash. 2720 Colorado St.-Pueblo 92 Cal St. Dom. Hills 500912 Central Wesleyan 9754 UC-Colo. Springs 98 Cal St. East Bay 132 Centre 158 Columbia 97 Cal St. Fullerton 1012 Chadron St. 501097 Columbia (MO) 100 Cal St. L.A. 133 Chaminade 501098 Columbia (SC) 30055 Cal St. Monterey Bay 506304 Champion Bapt. 501100 Columbia Chrst. 101 Cal St. Northridge 134 Chapman 159 Columbus St. 93 Cal St. San B'dino 1014 Col. of Charleston 1028 Concord 506317 Cal St. San Marcos 1013 Charleston (WV) 501121 Concordia (CA) 103 Cal St. Stanislaus 48 Charleston So. 501120 Concordia (IN) 89 Caltech 458 Charlotte 501123 Concordia (MI) 506194 Calumet Col. 10972 Chatham 501130 Concordia (MO) 500768 Calvary Bible 693 Chattanooga 30112 Concordia (NE) 114 Calvin 21323 Chestnut Hill 162 Concordia (NY) 996 Cameron 135 Cheyney 501142 Concordia (OR) 115 Campbell 137 Chicago 24400 Concordia (TX) 500785 Campbellsville 136 Chicago St. 1036 Concordia (WI) 116 Canisius 8875 Chowan 160 Concordia Chicago 506329 SUNY Canton 500966 Christ College 506358 Concordia-Montreal 506409 Capilano 500958 Christendom 161 Concordia-M'head 117 Capital 1015 Christian Bros. 9081 Concordia-St. Paul 500796 Capitol 506136 Christian Faith 506112 Concordia-Selma 506030 Cardinal Stritch 500963 Christian Heritage 164 Connecticut 118 Carleton 139 Chris. Newport 163 Connecticut Col. 500802 Carlow 140 Cincinnati 506095 Conn.-Stamford 119 Carnegie Mellon 500975 Cincinnati Christian 8935 Converse 506056 Carroll (MT) 500972 Cincinnati Metro 501167 Cooper Union 120 Carroll (WI) 30087 Cincinnati-Clermont 165 Coppin St. 1000 Carson-Newman 506176 Cincy-Clermont 505690 Corban 2011-12 NCAA CODE NUMBERS (as of 11-2-11) 167 Cornell 192 Dubuque 501659 Faulkner 166 Cornell College 193 Duke 223 Fayetteville St. 501182 Cornerstone 194 Duquesne 23157 Felician 168 SUNY Cortland 501440 Dyke 224 Ferris St. 30111 Covenant 1059 D'Youville 225 Ferrum 169 Creighton 501453 Earl Paulk 1079 Findlay 503217 Crossroads 195 Earlham 30032 Finlandia 506350 Crowley's Ridge 196 East Carolina 501678 Fisher 30035 Crown (MN) 8965 East Central 226 Fisk 501198 Crown (TN) 501461 East Coast Bible 227 Fitchburg St. 506352 Culinary 197 East Stroudsburg 30092 Flagler 506032 Culver-Stockton 198 East Tenn. St. 235 Florida 501207 Cumberland (TN) 1062 East Tex. Baptist 228 Florida A&M 506101 Cumberlands (KY) 8968 Eastern 229 Fla. Atlantic 170 Curry 200 Eastern Conn. St. 501710 Fla. Bible 501217 Daemen 201 Eastern Ill. 501712 Fla. Christian 506066 Dakota St. 202 Eastern Ky. 506300 Florida Col. 506033 Dakota Wesleyan 203 East. Mennonite 28755 Fla. Gulf Coast 1044 Dallas 204 Eastern Mich. 231 FIU 1045 Dallas Baptist 1064 Eastern Nazarene 501725 Fla. Memorial 501242 Dallas Christian 206 Eastern N.M. 233 Fla. Southern 2691 Daniel Webster 1065 Eastern Ore. 234 Florida St. 172 Dartmouth 207 Eastern Wash. 230 Florida Tech 506222 Davenport 506193 East-West U. 11538 Fontbonne 173 Davidson 506323 Ecclesia 236 Fordham 504197 Davis 208 Eckerd 506216 Foreign College 174 Davis & Elkins 1066 Edgewood 9011 Fort Hays St. 506376 Dayspring Bible 209 Edinboro 501752 Fort Lauderdale 175 Dayton 501555 Edward Waters 1083 Fort Lewis 176 DePaul 210 Elizabeth City St. 237 Fort Valley St. 177 DePauw 211 Elizabethtown 501765 Ft. Wayne Bible 1050 Defiance 212 Elmhurst 238 Framingham St. 501307 DeKalb 213 Elmira 1085 Francis Marion 506344 Del Sagrado Corazon 532 Elms 30069 Franciscan 180 Delaware 1068 Elon 2694 Franklin 178 Delaware St. 506341 Embry-Riddle (AZ) 239 Frank. & Marsh. 179 Delaware Valley 501590 Embry-Riddle (FL) 241 Franklin Pierce 504992 Delhi St. 214 Emerson 242 Fredonia St. 181 Delta St. 501597 Emmanuel (GA) 500254 Free Lutheran 506089 Demark 215 Emmanuel (MA) 501808 Free Will Baptist 182 Denison 506096 Emmaus 501810 Freed-Hardeman 183 Denver 217 Emory 30147 Fresno Pacific 20 DeSales 216 Emory & Henry 96 Fresno St. 184 Detroit 1071 Emporia St. 501826 Friends 501350 DeVry (GA) 8981 Endicott 243 Frostburg St. 185 Dickinson 1072 Erskine 244 Furman 506123 Dickinson St. 506314 ESPN BracketBuster 245 Gallaudet 501365 Dillard 501619 Essex 501848 Galveston 186 Dist. Columbia 218 Eureka 246 Gannon 30095 Dixie St. 506080 Evangel 1092 Gardner-Webb 30082 Doane 219 Evansville 247 SUNY Geneseo 30118 Dominican (CA) 8984 Evergreen St. 30084 Geneva 1332 Dominican (IL) 506351 Excelsior 1094 George Fox 8956 Dominican (NY) 220 Fairfield 248 George Mason 501390 Dordt 501642 Fairhaven Baptist 249 George Washington 2692 Dowling 222 Fairleigh Dickinson 506209 George Williams 189 Drake 221 FDU-Florham 251 Georgetown 190 Drew 1076 Fairmont St. 30161 Georgetown (KY) 191 Drexel 501657 Faith Bapt. Bible 257 Georgia 1057 Drury 27892 Farmingdale St. 1096 Georgia College 2011-12 NCAA CODE NUMBERS (as of 11-2-11) 253 Ga. Southern 502277 Heritage Baptist 309 Indianapolis 1097 Ga. Southwestern 506299 Hesser 502335 Int. Am.-San German 254 Georgia St. 19651 High Point 310 Iona 255 Georgia Tech 8398 Hilbert 312 Iowa 9004 Georgian Court 502132 Hillsdale Baptist 311 Iowa St. 258 Gettysburg 280 Hillsdale 506037 Iowa Wesleyan 1098 Glenville St. 281 Hiram 313 Ithaca 506240 Golden St. Baptist 506367 Hiwassee 314 Jackson St. 8366 Goldey-Beacom 282 Hobart 316 Jacksonville 260 Gonzaga 283 Hofstra 315 Jacksonville St. 1099 Gordon 284 Hollins 317 James Madison 501955 Goshen 285 Holy Cross 506057 Jamestown 1467 Goucher 506345 Holy Cross (IN) 506004 Jarvis Christian 501960 Grace (IN) 1126 Holy Family 502392 Jimmy Swaggert Bible 501962 Grace (NE) 502153 Holy Names 502395 John Brown 501961 Grace Bible (MI) 8404 Hood 320 John Carroll 506062 Graceland (IA) 286 Hope 506294 John F.
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