of GAMMA PHI BETA] "-m Sfj / A Very, Merry Christmas, Tool And a Joyous New Year, DECEMBER 1968 J^iotous Livincj, thirties Style cause we bellowed at My one and only riot occurred at the University o[ 'Wi.s- gloriously united in a coinmon that news on the side consin early in 19,H7. The campus was shaken by tlie the few pedestrians who co^veied a bit timidly that Piesident Glenn 1-iank was to be (ired, and one reason walk. Vehicular traffic prudently pulled up to the curb or lor his dismissal was his aloofiress fiom the student body darted down side streets, which gives a riot participant a and his irecjiient abst iiieeisiri. Mulling it over in the smok lovely feeling of menacing pow'er. ing room of the Gamma Phi Beta hou.se, we girls decided The vast inarble corridor of the ca]jitol, until we burst Frank was getting a i aw deal. None of us had ever met the in, ^vas silent, empty, ancl very clean. Naturally no one had so his man, but none of us had any desire to meet him any idea where to look for Governor Phil LaFollette's of eltisixeness was no affiont. Why fire a man you ne\ei saw fice and we churned about rather untidily until a scared if you never wanted to see him? clerk told us where to go. I ^vas fortunate to be among the It was I who said, "Let's go out on strike." In those days vanguard able to ci am into the availing room and, to see I didn't smoke and I just sort of tossed it in to make me belter, I balanced myself on lop of a brass spittoon. Others, look as sophisticated as those who did. My suggestion was carried away by the jjassion of the occasion, stood in their instantly and ecstatically received, and one of the girls wet, dirty galosiies on the led velvet banquette. We all jMomptly called the Beta Theta Pi hoirse. (Gamma Phis hollered a lot. bill il oct urred to no one lo force entry into always called the Betas if tiiey needed a date for a girl who the Go\ernor's })ii\aie office. .After stalling aiound for a was five-feet-ten, and the Betas always called the Gainma few minutes, he sent oul woi tl that we should .ill assemble Phis if they needed a date for a boy who was five-feet-fi\e. in the senate auditorium and he would speak to us there. The two houses had a rather cousinly relationship.) The So we departed, leaving the wailing room in a sopping blessed Betas rallied immediately and said they woultl shambles, which made us feel good. other fraternities if we could other sororities. phone phone \\1ien e\eryone was seated in the auditorium, the Gov The scheme was to be a iriass walkout the next inorning ernor appeared and made a bland speech in politicalese and a march on the state We all went to bed tliat ca|)itol. lingo. There was some heckling, but since it was hard to filled with excitement. night |)leasurable tell whether he was being adamant or giving in to our The next dawned, but it was a to morning undoubtedly demands reinstate Frank, no one dared say very much. little hard to tell for sure. It was a perfectly filthy January I don't remember how we got back after the meeting raw and and the was day, sleeting, campus already deep in dispersed: I know we were back in time for lunch. We all old and snow. our was dirty But little group committed by cut classes thai afternoon, but ihr.t Avas the end of it. The then ancl we couldn't back out because the weatlier just next morning was sc hool as usual. was So we roared down nasty. \aliantly Langdon .Street Glenn Frank A\as lired. despite our efforts, but by then and the hill to Bascom up Hall, gathering lecruits along we didn't gi\e a hool. We'd had a perfectly marvelous the way. A\^e burst into a few classrooms and lecture halls, time. yelling, "Strike! Sti ike! Coine on, we're .going to march on El.EANC:)R BeKRS PlF.RCK, IVtSCOtl.UV " the Governor! It was all \ery stirring, and in no time we Editor's Norr: Because all publications seem to carry so many ainassed a ferxent who were lo cut class. about the current army happy serious and frightening articles campus scene, from this There were hundreds of us as we strode up the middle we thought you would get a chuckle glimpse into the The above article first in the 18 issue of of State Street in the slush, our fashionabh- luibuckled past. appeared May Saturday Review in a column titled "Phoenix Xest" edited by and we galoshes jingling flapping. By then were a mob, Martin Levin. THE CRESCENT of Gamma Phi Beta Editor Volume LXVIII December, 1968 Number 4 Betty Luker Haverfieed (Mrs. Robert W.) 507 Medavista Drive 2 Gamma Phi Betas in Uganda Columbia, Missouri 65201 3 The NOW Generation and the Generation GAP Associate Editor 6 European Tour Behind the Iron Curtain Noreen Linduska Zahour (Mrs. Edward F.) 7 Alpha Zeta Cowgirls Sing Out at Sing Song 3 Jacqueline Drive Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 8 The Greeks and the Romans at Madison 10 Reno Alumna; Shine with Antique Silver Collegiate Assistant Editor Dianne Burdick Edmondson 1 1 Gamma Phi Beta Profiles (Mrs. Robert K.) 5113 S. Joplin Avenue 1 4 Colossal on Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Collegians Campus 1 6 Grand Council Appointments Alumnce Assistant Editor 1 8 The Helping Hand of Gamma Phi Beta (Foundation) Janet Drescher Lvon (Mrs. James R.) 21 Teacher, What Does Gamma Phi Beta Mean? 4120 Muslcogee Avenue (Camps) Des Moines, Iowa 50312 23 Columbus Alumnas Listen with Their Hearts 25 Iri Memoriam Business Manager Eleanor Sieg J. 26 Among our Alumnae Box 186, 630 Green Bay Road Kenilworth, Illinois 60043 46 Directory of International Officers 48 Chapter Directory The Crescent is publisbed September 1, Decem ber 1, March 1, and May 1, by George Banta Com pany, Inc., official printers of the fraternity, at Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wisconsin. Subscrip tion price $1.50 a year payable in advance, 40^ a single copy. Send change of address and correspondence of a business nature to Gamma Phi Beta, Box 186, 630 The Cover Green Bay Road, Kenilworth, Illinois 60043. Mail ing lists close August 1, November 1, February 1 Now with winter here, it is somehow and April 1. By February 25, send Grand Presi dent business for consideration at spring council refreshing to reminisce about the good meeting. old summertime. The Toledo alumnae Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be ad chartered a Moonlight Cruise dressed to the Editor, Mrs. Robert W. Haverfield, chapter River last From 507 Medavista Drive, Columbia, Missouri 65201. on the Maumee July. Items for publication should be addressed to the the left are Sam and Jo Spencer and not than 1, September 15, editor to arrive later June Fred and Carolyn Leake Holden. January 1 and February 20. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All should be matters pertaining to national advertising 1585 directed to Fraternity Magazines Associated, Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. matter at Wis Entered as second-class Menasha, 1879. Acceptance consin, under the act of March 3, at rate of postage under the pro for mailing special notice undeliverable on for in the Postmaster: Please send of copies visions of Sec. 34-40 Par. (D) provided 1925. Second-class paid Form 3579 to Gamma Phi Beta, Box 186, 630 Green Bay Road, act of February 28, postage Illinois 60043 at Menasha, Wisconsin. Kenilworth, Printed in the United States of America Three Gamma Phi Betas Teach and Serve In Uganda by Ruthena R. Rusk, Nebraska Editor's Note: Ruthena Jiusk zuas the graduated from The rest are sons and of percent are African. Asian, daughters Nebraska in 1958 and then University of taught journal the traders and civil servants who make up nearly 25 percent ism and in Denver one The next English for year. year of Kampala's metropolitan population of about 100,000. Kam she moved to Tuscon where she met Jim Rusk, who has the capital city of Uganda and one of Africa's "garden his master's in science. married in pala, degree political They cities," is built on seven hills most of which have had historical 1960 and within five months were the first mar among significance since before the arrival of the British in the 19th ried couples to serve in the Peace Corps. Col century. Kampala is also the site of Makerere University Their first assignment was teaching in Sierra Leone, lege, one of the most respected institutions of higher learning Africa. Near the end of their two-year term, Sally, the throughout Africa, south of the Sahara. two was born in Sierra Leone. first of daughters, Upon at In addition to sponsoring several extracurricular clubs her to the United States were honored relurning by was they school, Barbara is using her organizational talent (she President Lyndon B. Johnson at a reception at the White at Rollins and a field secretary for the Soror House. chapter president ity for a year before joining the Corps) to establish YWCA Ruthena resigned from the Peace Corps in 1962 after youth groups throughout the area surrounding Kampala. Sally ivas born, but Jim continued on the African Plan Ruthena also has been involved in a variety of voluntary ac- ning Staff in Washington, D.C.
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