PI """"1 Today's weather: Partly tuany akies with a caanee of llglit ikowera by eveaktg, High - W48 degrees. Low • M-M THE WESTFIELD LEADER degree*. Tfc« Leading and MoU Widtly Circulated Weekly Netetpaper In Union County PublUh.d EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR, No. 40 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 17,1973 Bv«ry Thur«d 24 PaRea—10 Centi Council Tangles with Park, New Groups to March PBA, Mayor Vie for Local Parking Lot, Cleanup Issues In May 28 Parade Support in Contract Dispute A metiy cleanup problem, expenditure since 1964 of dertaken, he said. The newly formed Junior participating for the first time is the Morgan Rifle expansion of a municipal •328,000, of Which $222,000 "This is a magnificent, Police will march in the Residents' support for a parking lot into a small was by the Town and Memorial. Day Parade. Corps. This unit of woodland area," Williams Revolutionary Soldiers "mediation route" in the •ection of Mindowaakin $1106,000 from the Green said. "Nobody has any Lieut. Tom Catalon of the Proposed Police Salary Scale current contract dispute be- Park and the failure of the Acres funds, Williams Police Department is ser- consists of riflemen, ar- benefit from it now except tillerymen (with cannon), tween the Town of Westfield Town Council to provide claimed that it is time for the midnight dumpers. It ving as Director with and the Westfield Police positive steps for the action. Anthony Scutti, assistant fifes and drummers. The Present Offer Increase Increase really is' Inexcusable that Corps will provide volleys at 1972 1973 1974 2 yrs. ($) 2 yrs. (%) Benevolent Association is planning of another nor- Two years ago the council nothing has been done, or director. Junior Police are being sought by Mayor Donn thsWe park were major youths 15V4 to 20 years old. the services at the World Captain $14,550 $15,650 $16,750 $2,200 15.1% appropriated $10,000 for test even any definitive plans War I Monument (Plaza) Lieutenant 13,550 14,450 15,350 1,800 13.3 A. Snyder in letters being considerations at a meeting borings in the swamp area. formed. What are we The unit consists of a cap- mailed to Westfield homes. of the Town Council However, this money has tain, a lieutenant, a Revolutionary Cemetery Sergeant 12,550 13,350 14,150 1,600 12.7 waiting for?" sergeant and 12 patrolmen. and Fairview Cemetery. Patrolman His action is in response to Tuesday night. never been spent and the (5 yrs. service) 11,550 12,250 12,950 1,400 12.1 a demonstration in the tests have not been un- They assist police on non- The Westfield Historic Costs and service remain (Contlnuad on Pa«* 4) hazardous duties such as Society (Miller-Cory Home) Patrolman town's business district the major issue in con- traffic, assisting in the will also participate. The (1st year) 9,950 10,000 10,050 100 1.0 Saturday when several sign- sideration of a townwide business district during United Fund will be carrying off-duty cleanup, Mayor Donn A. Urges Residents'Appeals holidays and assisting represented for the first policemen, out of uniform, Snyder said in reply to pedestrians. They are also time. The Service League of walked through the streets Councilman Lawrence For Housing Subsidies assigned to special functions Westfield, celebrating its 40 distributing leaflets to Weiss' charge that the during the year such as years of service to West- passers-by. council was procrastinating field, will feature antique Charges Local Democratic Longevity payments and a on a decision. As the Westfleld Town as of this date, this housing Board of Education Council pasted an ordinance In all probability will not be meetings, school functions, cars and the WHS. Straw schedule of "only eight" : "The public has an honest recoiling a portion of the built unless and until federal PTO meetings and special Hats, a musical unit. paid holidays were claimed belief that it can save money Boynton-Twin Oaks Tract monies are made available celebrations. Jack J. Camillo, Com- "Clique" Is Unresponsive as major differences be- -by a town-run cleanup," the for senior cititens housing, to subsidize the cost of A special training mander of American Legion tween the town's contract mayor said, but he (1948-1950), will serve as offer and the PBA demands, Democratic Councilman construction to the point program emphasizing law executive committee, he questioned the $5 per Charles A. Harris made the where reasonable rentals enforcement has been set grand mashal. "Calling a group of 25 according to Joseph B. household estimate of the following statement calling up. The FBI, State Police Democrats who are running argued that the Democrats Walton Jr., president of Democrats' proposed are possible for our senior (Continued on P«* 4) for town committee posts would demonstrate their Local SO. upon the people of WestfleM citizens. and local police assist in the party is the party of the curbside service. Snyder to write their President and program. Currently the 'insurgents' is like calling "We'll tie the town up in also advocated waiting a "As announced 1968 Nixon voters insurgents people. their elected representa- previously, President Nixon group is learning self- just because they wanted a knots if we have to," a PBA solid waste county study; tives urging them to lift the defense. Chief Moran, en- Library "No party can claim to be member said at a meeting ot report by Disko Associates has placed a moratorium on change in leadership, ac- responsive to the elec- moratorium Imposed by all interest and rent sub- courages the boys to con- cording to Robert Berenaon, the Town Council Tuesday due in a month, and con- President Nixon on federal tinue their education. torate," Berenson said, "if night in a continuation of the curring with Councilman sidized housing which former Westfield it operates by executive subsidies for low and prevents the Department of Students usually major in Workshop Democratic Committee airing of police demands. Patrick Mlnogue, moderate income housing law or law enforcement and clique that shuts the door on Saturday's demonstration withholding a decision until Housing and Urban chairman and presently a the concerns, ideas, and was "only the beginning." since, according to Coun- Development and the two youths are presently in member of the Westfleld feelings of regular the town engineer could cilman Harris, these sub- college. Tuesday On Tuesday night the report on a central solid Democratic Executive Democratic Party mem- sidies are necessary to (Contlnuad en P*t* 4) Another organization police augmented th« waste disposal site proposal Augusta' Baker, coor- Committee, who replied to bers. The current Watergate demands tor more pay and make the Westfield project opposition charges that scandal Is a perfect example .recommended in a Disko possible. dinator of children's ser- holidays with comiUtaU ot study already prepared for vices at the New York surfaced recently. ot the long-term damage a poor morale, lack ot Westfleld. "I believe it is important May End to Fund Drive Public library, will conduct "I think any person who party can suiter when a equipment sad training eat to note that, although the a day-long library workshop levels the 'insurgent' charge small group of people the breakdown of Councilman Ales Council is rexoning the just doesn't understand the ctoeeu itself and seeks to Williams continued to urge In Westfleld on T«tesd»y. negotiations. northwest quadrant of the Foreseen by Weldon The workshop, fkwnsored American political system," lead baaed on some elitist the Town Council to beg> -Twte Oaksi philosophy." But Mayor Saydsr and underwritten *'by the Perensou said, "and is also responds that during H» the campaign has been set Rider College uninformed about the make- Most,of the as person* for May ». "We hope that seeking the Democratic past 10 years pacrwaMc Desegregation Institute, up of the 2S-meinber group committee members in the with five year*1 MTVJM YMfcA -YWCA all of our valuable volun- will offer local school and its goals." decision-making process, Seasons Outdoor teers will complete their (Continued on fttm It) have been granted pay SftR£Bg2 Adult School?^"-"' librarians an opportunity to He explained the main rather than just the raises of 13,350, that direct $1.3 million even though it Center fund drive today was solicitations by that date so learn more about books goal of the group is to extend failed to contain any issued by Norbert A. we can move ahead to the overtime pay will be in- written by minority groups, the decision-making base of troduced in the proposed provision for the park. Weldon, general campaign important Job of making our Mrs. Baker, who has been the Westfield Democratic Williams, speaking in Is Moving chairman. first season operational," two year contract and mat called "the greatest Party. By including all in addition to salaries and favor of a woodland type "Suddenly, it's almost said Weldon. children's storyteller of our facility, asked the council to summer. We're eager to Aim of the campaign is to other direct pay com- To WHS age" will also offer story- pensation, the Town con- appropriate funds for the begin putting campaign raise $425,000 to finance a telling techniques. Cleanup Now, park this year. Citing a total funda to good use in our first new concept in outdoor tributes an average of $2,000 The Westfield Adult Four full-time and six a man each year for a season of use of the Center," recreation - - combining day part-time elementary school School is moving! Phillip camping and family ac- Says Aspirant retirement program and Ecology Center Heston, President of the said Weldon.
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