CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK P I A Growing pot Yulee star N G S E in Yulee off to Ohio I 2 PAGE 5A PAGE 12A D E 75¢ FRIDAY, August 21, 2009 /20 PAGES, 2 SECTIONS • fbnewsleader.com Sheriff laments ‘power struggle’ – wants respect ANGELA DAUGHTRY agencies. News-Leader In a presentation titled “Bridging Law Nassau County Sheriff Tommy Enforcement Seagraves told city commissioners Communication Tuesday that “rumors” that he desires Between County and to take over the city police department City,” Seagraves said are untrue. his department was But Seagraves also made it clear “making no attempt that while he is “not God,” he is the Seagraves and had no desire” sheriff – the top law enforcement offi- to take over the city cer in the county, including police department Fernandina Beach. headed by Hurley. And he criticized local police for “The only way (to take over) is of failing to enforce the law in the city, course by your vote, or to turn it over including open drug sales. to the people” for them to decide, City Manager Michael Czymbor Seagraves told city commissioners. said at the end of Tuesday’s commis- The sheriff said he was “trying to sion meeting that he appreciated the bridge and build on communications” sheriff’s visit but was “troubled” by between the two law enforcement U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO/BARBARA BURNETT some of Seagraves’ contentions “that agencies to end what he called a Ralph L. Turner, a Tuskegee Airman, poses with his wife, Dr. Mary Crumlin-Turner, a Fernandina may not be totally accurate.” “power struggle.” native, at Peterson Air Force Base in Massachusetts, above. First Lt. Ralph L. Turner, below, poses He said he and Police Chief Jim But, he reminded, he is the “con- with an unnamed crew chief and his P-51 Mustang in Ramitelli, Italy, circa 1945. Now retired, Hurley would meet with the sheriff to Turner is credited with 53 combat missions over the European continent. discuss any problems between the two SHERIFF Continued on 3A Black pilots Sheriff: New building WWII heroes is critical need now ANGELA DAUGHTRY News-Leader RYAN SMITH entation on the condition of the trailers News-Leader during the meeting. However, no he Tuskegee Airmen were a celebrated copies of the presentation were pro- group of about 1,000 African-American fight- The Nassau County Commission vided to the commission, according er pilots who flew more than 15,000 combat has formed a committee to investigate to Angela Spears, the sheriff’s public TT missions during World War II with a near- options for building new offices for information officer. A News-Leader perfect record of not losing bombers. the sheriff’s department. request for a copy of the presentation Ret. Major Ralph L. Turner, one of those legendary The decision came at Wednesday’s was also denied because of security airmen, was recently in Fernandina Beach for a visit. commission meeting after Sheriff reasons. Turner has ties to the area through his wife, Mary, Tommy Seagraves decried the condi- The construction of new offices for who grew up here and is also close friends with Willie tions at the department’s current head- the sheriff has been planned for sev- Mae Ashley, a former teacher at Peck High School. quarters, a complex largely made up eral years, but keeps getting delayed Turner, 85, originally from Los Angeles, began serv- of aging trailers. ing in 1943 and became part of the squadron of fighter Seagraves gave a Powerpoint pres- BUILDING Continued on 3A pilots who flew in the Army Air Corps in World War II. Stationed in Ramitelli, Italy, Turner flew 53 missions over Germany. The pilots also had a “rest camp” in Naples, he says, where they went after every 10 to 12 missions. Special wedding “I stayed in Italy for about a year,” he says. He was waiting in Ramitelli for orders to go to the Pacific when the atom bomb ended the war. “I didn’t mind being a pilot,” says Turner. “You start dream comes true out in the morning clean-shaven, come back and have dinner at night. ... I didn’t enjoy it, but it wasn’t that HEATHER A. PERRY AIRMAN Continued on 4A SUBMITTED News-Leader On Saturday, on a beach in Fernandina, two special people renewed their wedding vows. Stephanie Cone and Jerry Vanwey City favors parking over met as competitors in the Special Olympics. Their friendship blossomed at Nassau Challengers Bowling and soon the couple was inseparable. On Oct. 5, 2006, they were mar- bicycles on Atlantic Ave. ried quietly with one witness in St. Marys, Ga. Married life has held its share of ANGELA DAUGHTRY challenges but with the help of friends, News-Leader family and compassionate caseworkers At least one residence on at Henderson Haven, Stephanie and Fernandina Beach Commission- Atlantic Avenue would have Jerry have been able to make a life for ers agreed Tuesday that parking themselves. spaces should not be removed along “serious problems” if a bicycle path “They both struggle daily with dis- Atlantic Avenue for a proposed island eliminated street parking. abilities that they work hard to over- bicycle trail. come so they can be more independ- Instead, the street should be des- MAYOR SUSAN STEGER ent. They just want to be seen as a ignated a “shared-road segment” of regular married couple,” said Sherri the trail for both bicycles and cars, the Fort Clinch State Park trail sys- tracked when asked by FDOT to clar- Henderson of Henderson Haven, Inc., commissioners told representatives of tem and a ferry service to provide ify their approval for Atlantic Avenue. an Orange Park firm that assists devel- the Florida Department of Transpor- 48.6 miles of paths in 2010-11. Commissioner Jeffery Bunch said opmentally disabled individuals. tation and Amelia Island Trail team. Planners have designated $2.5 mil- Tuesday that many people living on “We work helping them daily with Mayor Susan Steger said the con- lion in federal funding to provide at Atlantic Avenue were opposed to the independent living skills such as budg- sensus to keep parking on Atlantic least five miles of off-road trails and removal of parking, and added that he eting, menu planning and things like Avenue “in no way reflects that the other improvements in 2014 to link “was not for that piece of the puzzle.” that.” trail system doesn’t need our sup- the trail from the south end of the Vice Mayor Eric Childers con- Over the years the couple has port,” but she said at least one house island to the city marina downtown. curred that he would not support that shared some setbacks, including a on Atlantic would have “serious prob- It would course along South part of the planned bike path either. near-fatal accident for Jerry in 2008. lems” if there was no parking on the Fletcher Avenue, requiring the Commissioner Ken Walker said When things settled down, street. removal of some mailboxes on that that he rarely saw cars parked on Stephanie sometimes daydreamed The Amelia Island Trail is being street, and continue east along Atlantic Avenue and that a dedicated about the big wedding she’d missed created to provide pedestrian-friend- Atlantic Avenue to downtown. bike path would be a good use for out on. Little did she know that her SUBMITTED ly modes of transportation on the Although commissioners adopt- the road – but he still wanted it for mother, Debbie Cone, with the help of Stephanie Cone and Jerry island. Phase I of the project uses ed a resolution in May supporting Vanwey renew their wedding existing roads and sidewalks, trails, the Amelia Island Trail, they back- TRAIL Continued on 3A WEDDING Continued on 3A vows. News-Leader INDEX LEISURE ........................................................ 1B SEA TURTLE NESTING SEASON 155th year. No. 67 CLASSIFIEDS .............................. 3B OBITUARIES ........................................... 2A 2009 Nests: 79 Hatchlings: 1587 Copyright, 2009 CROSSWORD ............................ 2B OUT AND ABOUT ................. 2B 2 nests lost due to storms The News-Leader EDITORIAL .................................. 7A SERVICE DIRECTORY ...................... 4B Please turn off or redirect lights shining Fernandina Beach, FL FISHING ..................................... 14A SPORTS .................................................... 12A directly on the beach. For a detailed count Printed on 100% recycled HOMES ..................................................... 10A SUDOKU .................................................... 2B newsprint with soy based ink. see www.ameliaislandseaturtlewatch.com . CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 2A FRIDAY, August 21, 2009 NEWS News-Leader LOOKING BACK Breastfeeding best for babies 50 YEARS AGO tightening municipal election procedures, especially relat- Most women today are can lead to ing to absentee balloting. aware that breastfeeding is PPAAGGEE illness and Richard Dickson of August 22, 1984 nutritionally better for their infections Atlanta, Ga., assumed his babies, helps develop a closer that are duties as youth director and 10 YEARS AGO bond with the infant and saves more seri- minister of music at Memo- money. But for convenience 2 ous for rial Methodist Church. The county public works sake, mothers often choose bot- babies and August 20, 1959 department issued a final tle-feeding, says nurse Rhonda children certificate of concurrency Reed, certified lactation con- than to adults. 25 YEARS AGO with conditions to Wal-Mart sultant at Baptist Medical “Breastfeeding is always for its planned supercenter Center Nassau. safest for babies during emer- The city commission on Amelia Island. “What new moms may not gencies,” Reed says. “It is ster- requested an ordinance August 18, 1999 think about is that in addition to ile and requires no water, feed- these benefits, breastfeeding ing utensils or fuel. It contains can be a tremendous asset dur- antibodies that protect infants ing a storm or emergency,” she from bacteria which can cause adds.
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