THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT iimtctfPBter Etifttittg 1|m lb The WeotlMr Average Dally Net Press Run The Widow and Widower’s For Um Week BndM Forecaot ed D. Ik Wa About Town Club of Connecticut will spon­ Mrs. Vennard Tirst Woman lan e 5, IMS sor a Spring Dance Saturday dear, oool toulght, lew 5S-55J from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Seaman Keivin J. McCarty, American Legion Hall, Main Named As Assessment Aide 14,199 MMuy, wonuer luauurrew, felgfc U 800. son o t Mr. and Mrs. Fe­ St;. Glastonbury. Ted Paszek eboot M . lix J. McCarty o t 15 Hawley and his orchestra will play for BReUber o f ttie Audit St., participated in the medical dancing. Tickets may be obtain­ Mrs. Mae Vennard, 184 Hol-^town oommltte*. and the Fed­ Does Pinehurst Bureon o f Olrculstloii Manchetter— A City of Village Charm evacuation of a merchant sea­ ed at the door. The event is lister St., has been promoted to eration of Democratic Wom­ man from his ship to a New open to the public. a.ssessment aide in the town as- en. (CloMlfled Advertising on Page 2 1 ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS York City hospital last week sc.Mor'8 office. She is the first Bhe has sen’ed a.s a director MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1965 while serving aboard the Coast Wa.shington LOL will meet woman to be named to an as­ and, for two terms, as president VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 214 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Guard cutter Teeton out of tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Orange sessment post in town, accord­ of the Municipal Employes New London. Hall. The Orange degree will be ing to Ascssor Joseph Murphy. group, and is serving her sec­ exemplified. Refreshments will She succeeds Rudolph Ander­ ond term as secretary of the The Manchester Garden Club be served. son. an a.ssessmcnt aide since town employes credit union. She Have' win have a ‘picnic-dinner” Mon- January, who has resigned for has been chairman of the M#m- «tay at 6:30 p.m. at the home of A Hawaiian luau, scheduled personal rea.sons. chester Chapter of the Red Mi^. Douglas J .Roberts, Bol­ for tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Christ M\irphy has requested that Cross Motor Corps. Xoai Struggle Ends, ton Rd.. Vernon. Members will the King Lutheran Chiirch. Mrs. Vennard's former post as Mrs. Vennard’s former post tour the gardens of Mias Milli- Windsor, has been canceled. The senior cleik typist be abolished will be done away with, if Mur­ eent A. Jones, Holland Rd., Bol­ Lutherweds of Emanuel Luth­ and that his department be phy’s request is approved, and ton. preceding the dinner. eran Church were planning to atithorized an additional as­ the towm will seek another as- Lamb Sale attend the event. sessment aide. se.«sment aide instead. The eli­ The British American Club The proposed change in staff­ mination of one clerical em­ will sponsor a baseball trip to The Nutmeggcr CXmera Club ing is the ro.sult of the town’s ploye is the result, Murphy says, Boston on Saturday. July 24. will meet Wednesday. June 16, recent switchover to data of a relative decrease in this Bodies Cover Battle Area The bus will leave at 8 a.m. at 8 p.m. at Hilltop Hou.se, Vel- processing assessment record type of work since the town has from the clubhouse departing j erans Memorial Pa rk, East keeping. Murphy says. gone to data processing. The from Boston at 8 p.m. Tickets. Hartford. Daniel Farbcr will Mrs. Vennard will attend a aide’s job pays about $1,000 an­ Now? available at the clubhouse, will .show colored slides of Guatema­ course in as.sessment principles nually more than the clerical be limited to members only un­ la and Venice, Italy. Anyone in­ and procedures offered by the | post, Murphy says. til July 1. Guests will be wel­ terested is invited to attend. In.stilutc of Public Service at The four-day courses in as- come after that date. UCorm in conjunction with the ses.sment procedurea will begin U.S. Counts AH father's are reminded to Connecticut As-sociation of As­ June 26, and will include morn­ 1st JUNE IS THE TIME OF YEAR FOR Beta XI Chapter of Beta attend the annual meeting of sessment Officers and the state ing and afternoon sessions. Sigma Phi sorority will meet to­ Troop 120. Boy Scouts of St. tax department. THE FINEST GENUINE SPRING Three Dead, James' Church, to be held Fri­ night at 8 at the home of Mrs. Three other office employes Alan Crittenden, 2141 Ellington day at St. James' School at 7:30 will al.so attend courses: Mur­ LAMB Rd.. Wapping. Members are re­ p.m. 12th Circuit 15 Missing minded to bring materials to phy and Joseph Breault, as­ make leis for a luau. sistant to the as.sessor, have en­ Lamb Shoulder Chops Lb 99c rolled in an advanced asse.ss- G>urt Cases 2nd With a recent 89c price prevailing SAIGON, South Viet Health Group ment procedures seminar, and Nam (A P )—The battle for assessment aide Norman Ely in most stores on ordinary large Names Officers has entered a .second year Rockville Session Rib Lamb Chops L h ^ l. 0 9 Dong Xoai ended today AHENTION MEN! cour.se in principles and pro­ Two area men who allegedly lamb lags, it's a pleasure to offer with heavy casualties on stole the pet calf of a Tol­ Dr. Bertram P. Ibelle of cedures. you selected SMALL U.S. C H O IC E both sides. Tlie routed We’U make those old, com­ In addition. Murphy will land woman were bound over South Windsor was Lamb Patties Lb. 39c Viet Cong left district fortable shoes of yours elected demon.strate appraisal tech- to the next criminal .session of GUNEINE SPRING LAMB 7-lb. legs treasurer of the Capitol Region niques to a class of advanced i Tolland County Superior Court. 3 lbs. $1.00 headquarters in ruins, Into GOLF SHOES. Tour Mental Health As.sn. at the an -' aludernta. The two, Michael Ursin, 21. et 14c lb. below this — or a saving strewn with bodies of men, nual meeting held this week at Mrs. Vennard has worired for! J^**"*” of almost one dollar on your lamb women and children. new Easter shoes made the YWCA. Hartford. Edw'in F. the town since 1955. fii^t a s ," '* ^0 Cottage U.S. military authorities said Braising Forelegs Lb. 39c LONGER or WIDER. Dwyer of 52 Litchfield Dr., assistant clerk in the towm | f dinner. the latest count of American Majndiester, was named treas­ court, and then in the Municipal i with th.ft casualties in the battle were urer. Building after the to%vn c o u r t e l - ^ ^ y ," * three dead, 15 wounded and 15 Two Manchester residents. werew e r e elimeliminated. in ated 5?heShe has been cattle and poultry. Charges missing. Eight of the missing S A M Y U LY E S Miss Ethel Robb and Mrs. Ste­ of breach of peace against were crewmen on two heli­ in the assessor’s office since Ursin and Estelle were nolled Same Side As Watkins phen Sadlon. were re-elected 1963, copters destroyed by enemy (not prosecuted). fire. A newsman who visited the tS OAK STREET directors. Both will serve three- She has been a member and 'Larry D. Lewis. 16, of Hart­ SELECTED SMALL AND MEDIUM GENUINE SPRING U.S. CHOICE year tenns. officer of both the Democratic town 60 miles north of Saigon ford, pleaded guilty to a charge said several American bodies tampering with a motor vehicle were found in the ruins. and paid a $26 fine. An 11-man U.S. Army Special Lewis was charged with tam­ Forces team and a nine-man stretcher cases are given emergency treatment as Casualties included 21 Americans, either killed or pering with a car parked on LAMB LEGS wounded. (AP Photofax.) U.S. Navy Seabee squad en­ they are brought to field at Phuoe Vinh after heli­ Vernon Ave. Patrolman John Over 7 i/j -lb. Ijegn.... lb. 69r gaged in building an airstrip Bundy made the arrest. Owner copter trip from the battlefield at Dong Xoai. LEGS BONED OR Cl'T FOR BARBECUING ON REQUEST were on the ground at the dis­ of the car? Patrolman Bundy. trict headquarters when the Viet Ronnie Cummings, 19. 33 Cong attacked Wednesday night. FREE Soring St., and John M. Reed. The number of U.S. casualties 18, 56 Emma La,, both charg­ in Viet Nam jumped again when ed with carrying a rifle in a Events motor vehicle and iwilful in­ a two-engine C123 transport Cuban Upheaval Soon, jury to private property, had ferrying ammunition and sup­ Diamonds and Watches their cases continued to June Bottom Round Roast 99c plies crashed in flames in Cen­ 29 for pre-sentence investiga­ New— Boneless Young Lb. tral Viet Nam killing at least In State tion. eight Americans. at The Treasure Shoppe A third youth. A /2c Paul L. First East Catholic Graduation A U.S. spokesman said a Castro’s Sister Reports ground party recovered the bod­ Young Jr., 21, whose home ad­ Mb. TURKEY ROAST $3.49 Sylvia Sculli ot East Hartford and Josepli Lacy of South Windsor lead the dress is Hartford Tpke., was ies of two Air Force men and Suspect Caught / A P )__ <i'the island but news of them has^ndst leaders—and the Included fined $50 on each of the two ALL LIGHT MEAT Top Round Roost u.*1.09 first East Catholic High School graduating class down the aisle of St.
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