Body's Center Ruling Stands SKKSTOKYPAGE3 The Weather Partly sunny and cooler FINAL today, low tonight In mid-40s. Tomorrow mostly sunny and 1 Red Bank, Freehold cool. ( Long Branch 7 EDITION 34 PAGES Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO.81 RED BANK, N.J. WE&NESDAY, OCTOBER 25,1972 TENCENTS uiMifiiiiinaiiiiiuuiiHiiii ninuniiin iiiiiiuiiimiiiiPimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiuimiiiiiiiiinimiuiuiiimmuiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimuiiiiumiiiiiiiiunuimiw Majority-at-18 Exceptions May Be Asked By DORIS KULHAN Assemblyman Chester Apy, gal age to 18 "notwithstanding 18-year-olds will be entitled to "But we'll make our rea- 1,703 "but we'll have two there still is need for it," Mr. and the BCS is paying for R-Monmouth, said he is pre- that a particular statute may come Jan. 1 "include the right sons known," he said. classes before July and by Hollender said. their board and clothing. Agencies as diverse as the pared to introduce legislation continue to refer to age 21." to apply for and be appointed The state police are in the then we'll be at full strength." After implementation of the Some of the 1,227 are under State Police and the state Bu- that would permit the Bureau Mr. Kugler said he was is- to public employment, in- process of preparing recom- The new law also may work new law on Jan. 1 all 18-year- BCS supervision in foster reau of Children's Services of Children's Services to re- suing Ms interpretation of the cluding positions as police of- mendations for legislation ex- hardship on 1,227 young olds "will be treated as an homes because of severe fam- may seek legislation ex- tain supervision of some of its law because of the number of ficers and firemen." empting them from the new people over 18 but under 21 adult in all respects," accord- ily conflicts in their own empting them from New Jer- wards after they reach the inquiries flooding the state Departments with "com- age-of-majority law, the who now are being supervised ing to Mr. Kugler, and the homes, some are seriously sey's majority-at-age-18 law age of 18. house. He said "a good por- pelling reason" to seek ex- spokesman said. He said the by the Bureau of Children's BCS won't be able to allocate handicapped, and some are in which goes into effect on Jan. Memo Published tion", of the questions came ception would have to do so recommendations would be Services, according to BCS di- money for supervision of 18- need of residential treatment 1- In an interdepartmental from municipal officials in- through legislation before submitted to Mr. Kugler first. rector Henry Hollender. to-21-year-olds. for mental retardation or A spokesman for the N.J. memo to an state department quiring whether or not they Jan. 1, the attorney general No Recruitment Problems The BCS usually relin- Some of the 1,227 young emotional or physical ills, Mr. State Police yesterday con- heads last week, N.J. At- will have to drop the min- declared. The state police don't have quishes responsibility when its people in that category are Hollender said. firmed that it is "considering torney General George F. imum age requirement for po-' The state police spokesman any difficulty getting recruits, wards reach the age of 18. still in high school and BCS is BCS Not Exempted asking for legislation" per- Kugler Jr. paid that the new lice and firemen to 18. yesterday refused to disclose the spokesman said. He said However, under present legis- providing foster homes for If BCS isn't exempted from mitting it to retain 21 as the law applies across-the-board, Mr. Kugler said the "basic that agency's objections to re- the force now.is 100 men be- lation, it can provide super- them, while others are attend- the new law, it will have to re- minimum age for troopers. automatically lowering the le- civil and contractual rights" cruiting 18-year-olds. low its authorized strength of vision up to the age of 21 "if ing college on scholarships See Law, Page 2 Truce Talk Signals Say Progress, More Needed WASHINGTON (AP) - a cease-fire agreement with- all. U.S, presidential election" return from Saigon, was that President Nguyen Van out Saigon's consent. It also pointed to the possi- Nov. 7 or just a few months there has "been some prog- Thieu's tough-sounding Thieu's public stand under- bility of at least a military thereafter. "The final deci- ress" toward a negotiated speech and cautious words lined the difficulties for presi- standdown while major politi- sion must be reached when Vietnam peace. Officials from the White House are dential adviser Henry A. Kis- cal issues remain up for nego- we and the Communists de- privately counseled against sending out a similar signal singer, shuttling from sessions tiation. cide to sit down together." expecting a war-ending agree- about prospects for a halt to in Paris to those in Saigon in A cease-fire, Thieu said, The White House version ment by election day or short- the Vietnam fighting. quest of a deal acceptable to "may take place before the yesterday, after Kissinger's ly thereafter. It is: Headway has been made in secret negotiations but more is needed before there can be a firm deal to end the war. Peace could come soon, but it is not right around the comer. Tbieu's two-hour address yesterday included what might be expected from a SHERWIN DEFENSE BEGINS— Attorney Adrian Foley, left, talks with South Vietnamese president Secretary of State Paul J. Sherwin outside Monmouth County Court House broadcasting to a home au- In Freehold yesterday. At right is Robert L. Clifford, state commissioner dience amidst a war, right af- ojt Institutions and agencies, who appeared as character witness for Mr. ter a conference with % peace- Sherwln yesterday. - seeking ally and enemy-aided speculation that be is being pressured to step down. - He reaffirmed his opposi- tion to a communist takeover Favor Was Sought, of South Vietnam, denounced enemy proposals for a three- segment , coalition govern- ment, demanded that North Vietnamese forces go home, Sherwin Testifies and declared no one can sign By WILLIAM J.ZAORSKI portation Department Com- Mr. Sherwin, who is on missioner John C. Kohl. He leave of absence from his Newsman FREEHOLD — Secretary also maintained that he did state position; Mr. Loughran RtsWtr Slatf Pftoto of State Paul J. Sherwin testi- not demand or instruct the and Mr. Manzo are on trial in SPARSE CROWD — Only average number of residents turned out at last night's meeting of Middle- fied yesterday that codefen- commissioner to reject the connection with charges aris- town Township Committee to receive report of revaluation of township properties submitted by non- .dant William Loughran of Sea bid. ing from an alleged $10,000 po- Released partisan Land Advisory Committee. Report, submitted only 15 minutes before meeting opened, was Girt had asked as a "favor" Defense attorneys rested litical campaign kickback for read but not discussed. ' that bids for a Warren County their case yesterday and are a road construction job by al- construction project be re- expected to present their clos- legedly trying to get rejected In Newark jected and new bids received. ing statements to the jury of the 1603,000 bid of Centrum NEWARK (AP) — News- Special state prosecutor six women and seven men . Construction Co., Clifton, for man Peter Bridge, imprisoned Matthew B. Boylan elicited today. Tiie jury may decide reconstruction of an eight- because he balked at a grand Middletown Valuation Report the statement during an hour the case tomorrow. mile stretch of Rt.- 46 in jury's question about an ar- and 20-minute cross exam- Six character witnesses also Knowlton and White Town- ticle he wrote, walked out of ination of Mr, Sherwin who testified on Mr. Sherwin's be- ships. jail Tuesday after spending 21 was the only one of the three half. Mr. Loughran relied only Mr. Manzo alone is charged days behind bars. defendants in the'bribery-con- on testimony of nine charac- with giving a ? 10,000 check to "It feels very good to be Crowd Surprisingly Sparse spiracy trial to testify on his out, but I'd do it again if I had ter witnesses and Michael .the state Republican Party fi- MIDDLETOWN - An unex- An opportunity for public ship," the committee mem- County Tax Board, who or- own behalf. Manzo, president of Manzo nance committee as a bribe to," Bridge said as he walked from the jail. pectedly normal sized crowd discussion will surely come at bers said. dered this revaluation in the Mr. Sherwinf however, Contracting Co., Matawan, on and Mr. Sherwin and Mr. "They didn't yield and 1 of about 45 turned out for last the next Township Committee The six-member committee first place, and would neither maintained earlier that when 18. Loughran are charged with meeting Nov. 13, Mayor reported "splendid coopera- meet with the LAC or send a- Mr. Loughran told him of an didn't yield. They won in night's meeting of the Town- The trial before Superior accepting the check as a ship Committee, when the re- Lynch promised. And the tion" from officials consulted, representative to our meet- asphalt shortage he. felt obli- Court Judge Francis X. bribe. court, I won in the end; we won in the end. They don't port of the Land Advisory Land Advisory Committee but added, "The notable ex- ings in spite of numerous gated to bring this to the at- Crahay is in its sixth day Cross Examination may schedule a public meet- ception to this spirit of coop- requests." tention of state Trans- seem to believe in freedom of Committee was received.
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