PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALn Tues.. Mav 29. 1979 t , 1 TOTAL ^1 BANKRUPTCY CBURT ORDERS ^ UQUIDATION V OF 79 STORES Judge Sees Difficulty Councilmen *Scuffle^ PZC To Reconsider 1 Scott Blasts Zimmer^ AUTHORIZED BY ORDER In Phase-In Decision In South Windsor Eased Liquor Rules 1 East Ends Run Famine OF THE BANKRUPTCY Page 8 JUDGE, U.S. DISTRICT Page 2 1 Page 4 1 1 Page 9 COURT... Southern District of NEW YORK. u n r #78-8-1764-1773 liand)patpr Partly Cloudy <»'• ■ \m i WHil Through Thursday N a n i n E a p Details on page 2 Omelet Case HARTFORD (UPI) - A Hart­ Vol. XCVIII, No. 203 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, May 30, 1979 • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20C Single Copy • 154 Home Delivered ford Superior Court Judge has dis­ missed charges against two peo­ ple arrested two weeks ago when they sent an omelet back to the chef of a downtown restaurant because they thought it was too States Get Gas-Saving Power salty. Shirley Bates, 25, of Glaston­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Warning prices, starting Friday. bury, was charged with fourth- Americans they face spot gasoline He insisted decontrol would lead to degree larceny after she told a shortages this summer, President increased production and a reduction Reins New York Style Carter is delegating to state gover­ of imports, and warned Congress he Delicatessen clerk she’d pay only nors the power to impose odd-even will “fight to the last vote” if $11.50 of the $13 check she and day gasoline sales, require some necessary to ensure that this and three friends had received for the stations to remain open on weekends other parts of his programs are not May 20 meal and prevent tank-topping. overturned. She had deducted the cost of the Carter told a news conference Carter appeared tanned and rested omelet which she sent back Tuesday “while some increased after a long holiday weekend at because she felt the cheese in it supply and better management may Camp David. He fielded tough was too salty, minimize inconvenience, continued questions on his leadership and his Judge Joseph Adorno dismissed care, planning and conservation will recent setbacks in Congress, and in­ the charges against Ms. Bates be required throughout the summer dicated no mood to compromise. Tuesday and also dismissed a ,’T '' 'V if we are to avoid gasoline lines and Despite strong opposition. Carter charge of interfering with police spot shortages.” said he expects Congress to pass against a companion, Edgar “Our country faces a long-term, legislation implementing the d a y ® chronic problem in obtaining energy Panama Canal treaties and his Canterbury, 31, of Wallingford. - supplies to meet all our needs,” he hospital cost containment bill, and Burns Fatal said. not to overturn his oil price decontrol flN A ?:: ALL OF OUR He said a degree of authority to plan. HARTFORD (UPI) - take conservation measures exists in “I have no intention of backing Domenick Cifarelli, 55, died at some states, but 19 governors lack down,” he said. “I’ll fight to the last STOCKROOMS Hartford Hospital 'Tuesday night authority to order these steps. vote in Congress for those three of burns suffered in a Memorial “ By ex ecu tiv e o rd er I air. programs and any others” he con­ Day blaze at his controversial delegating to all the nation’s gover­ siders vital to the national interest. EMPTIED OUT! Canton restaurant, a hospital nors the authority to help allocate On other subjects. Carter: Our stock clerks have transferred spokesman said. our gasoline supplies over the • Accused the Organization of everything remaining in our stock- A preliminary investigation into summer,” Carter said. Petroleum Exporting Countries of rooms to the sales floor, the fire shows faulty wiring in the The governors will be able to: having raised oil prices rear of Mr. Domenick’s Marque • Require that at least some gas­ “excessively” and said he hoped so, hurry in. Quantities Restaurant where Cifarelli and oline stations rem ain open on OPEC would not order further limited to stock on hand his wife, Patricia, lived may have weekends. boosts. and subject to prior caused the fire, police said • Establish minimum purchases to • Said he will notify Congress sale. First come, Tuesday. ' prevent the topping-off of tanks. about mid-June on whether he wants EVERYTHING Officials said foul play was un­ • Impose an odd-even day sales to end economic sanctions against first served. likely. system to reduce crowding, confu­ the new black majority government sion and long lines by enabling of Rhodesia. Judge Slain drivers to buy gas on alternate days, • Implied he will build the MX missile, but said he had not yet made SAN ANTONIO, Texas (UPI) - according to their license plates. U.S. District Judge John H. Wood But he said these steps would only a final decision. • Said a Palestinian state would be Jr. was struck in the back by a %aps for Lutz help manage the flow of available “destabilizing” and the United States GUARAHTEED bullet Tuesday morning as lie. was gasoline and would not reduce shor­ is putting forth its ideas to both about to enter his car. After Scott McGrath-,- 9, of-Ge-da-r-Si-sr^ ■ the West Side Recreation Center.-The lap-a- tages. Israel and Egypt about what should almost an hour of emergency Manchester, takes a model fish from the Lutz thon is to help raise funds for a large Carter also said he plans to go be done with the West Bank and Gaza treatment at Northeast Baptist Junior Museum for a run around the West aquarium for the museum. See story on page through with his controversial plan Hospital failed, Wood, who was Side Oval in a practice lap for the “Laps for 8. (Herald photo by Strempfer) for phased decontrol of domestic oil natives. 63, died. Lutz” to be held Saturday at 10 a.m. behind Officials said the assassination WRYGELOW was similar to an attempt in November on the life of Assistant U.S. Attorney James Kerr. Wood, who had presided over many of Educators Limit Fund Raising Events Kerr’s narcotics cases, had been H & e under the protection of federal policy is intended to protect students T V k By JCNE TOMPKINS activities as walk-a-thons, read-a- mond Demers told the board that if This would mean a $21,000 reduc­ marshals since the machine-gun Herald Reporter and staff from commercial exploita­ thons, bowl-a-thons, bike-a-thons, congress approves a $3- or $4-million tion in revenue for meals in the ambush of Kerr. tion and to minimize interruption of etc., are limited to one approved ac­ MANCHESTER - The Board of reduction in school lunch subsidies, it school cafeteria operation, Demers WHOLESALE! teaching time. tivity in the fall and one in the spring. will mean an increase in school lunch said, and a reduction of $41,000 in SAIF Education approved a policy Tuesday Twins Separate The policy states that the Approval, by application, shall be prices. milk revenue. These figures are c h o o s e S u m night that will limit the use of school Manchester schools shall not be in­ given by the elementary school prin­ SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) - A He said that both the Senate and based on last year’s sales, Demers students for collections, drives, con­ volved, except by special and rare cipals for the elementary schools and team of surgeons at the Universi­ tests and the distribution of fliers. U.S. House of Representatives have said. OFF! exception, in collections and drives by the principal and the student coun­ proposed reductions in federal funds Dr. Kennedy said that the issue is ty of Utah Medical Center worked The board was also warned that the by non-school agencies, unless ap­ cil in each of the secondary schools. MINIMUM DISCOUNT OF ■ ■ ■ I 16Vk hours and succeeded in for meals and milk. Demers said that currently being debated in Congress, • • • « price of school lunches may increase. proved by the school superintendent. • ■ ■ separating 19-month-oId Siamese Approved activities must also have the Senate plan calls for a 5-cent and that all parents of school “We have become deluged with Also stated is that “fund raising ac­ twins Lisa and Elisa Hansen, who the specific approval of the reduction in meals, and the House children involved in the school lunch requests to participate in various tivities by charitable organizations were joined at the top of the head. superintendent of schools. Only the version has an 11-cent per meal program should be alerted to the “*n«0FFui,lNF5CT.-. fund raising activities,” School which depend upon the participation approved activities may be adver­ The twins went into surgery at reduction. Both plans call for possibility of an increase in the Superintendent James P. Kennedy, by school children and the securing tised through the schools.” guaranteed to be PRicp ■ ■ • •***»B4U 10:45 a.m. MDT (12:45 p.m. EDT) elimination of a la carte milk sub­ school lunch prices. originator of the policy, said. The of sponsors are to be limited. Such School Business Manager Ray­ VtfAY BELOW WHOLESALE! Tuesday and the doctors com­ sidy. Nothing is held back, everyth ng L^fM8EllS ••WEAHEhs pleted the operation at 3:05 a.m. rmist go-right to the bare wa Is! •CAfUAU MDT (5:05 EDT) today. It is the Remember, you’ll be PaV'jg first time in medical history such One In, One Out, than dealers are lor the same an operation has been performed.
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