The big-time biopics, the triumphant albums (and killer comebacks), the nerds who ruled the world, the painfully (no, really, painfully) honest memoirs, the hardest-working actors in show business, the apocalyptic plot twists, and all the other entertaining, unforgettable moments that made 2014 THE YEAR THAT ... CONDÉ NAST A-LIST 9 THE YEAR THAT famous actors played famous people Music legends, obscure painters, crazy dictators—biography blows up on stage and screen. Every issue. Every page. 1892 to today. ADRIEN BRODY BENEDICT + CUMBERBATCH HAT HAIR + + SUSPENDERS SHACKLES + = SOCIAL HARRY AWKWARDNESS HOUDINI = !HOUDINI" ALAN TURING !THE IMITATION GAME" JESSIE DAVID MUELLER OYELOWO + + THROATY 30 POUNDS VULNERABILITY ! + BRITISH FRIZZ ACCENT = = CAROLE KING MARTIN !BEAUTIFUL" LUTHER KING JR. !SELMA" ANDRÉ TIMOTHY BENJAMIN SPALL + + LEFT#HANDED PAINTING SHREDDING LESSONS + + ′60S SWAGGER GRUNTING = = JIMI HENDRIX J.M.W. TURNER !JIMI: ALL IS BY !MR. TURNER" MY SIDE" BRYAN RANDALL PARK CRANSTON + + CENTER PART FURROWED + BROW LOTS OF ! DOUGHNUTS VOLUME = CONTROL KIM JONG!UN = !THE INTERVIEW" CONDÉ NAST LYNDON B. © JOHNSON !ALL THE WAY" TOBEY MAGUIRE and LIEV SCHREIBER as BOBBY FISCHER and BORIS SPASSKY (Pawn Sacri!ice) • EDDIE REDMAYNE as STEPHEN HAWKING (The Theory of Everything) • PAUL DANO and JOHN CUSACK as BRIAN WILSON (Love & Mercy) • BENICIO DEL TORO as PABLO ESCOBAR (Escobar: Paradise Lost) • TOM SKERRITT as ULYSSES S. GRANT (Field of Lost Shoes) • AMY ADAMS as MARGARET KEANE (Big Eyes) • PIERRE NINEY as YVES SAINT LAURENT (Yves Saint Laurent) • NICOLE KIDMAN as GRACE KELLY (Grace of Monaco) • ÉDGAR RAMÍREZ as SIMÓN BOLÍVAR (The Liberator) • KEVIN KLINE as ERROL FLYNN (The Last of Robin Hood) • CHADWICK BOSEMAN as JAMES BROWN (Get On Up) • MICHAEL PEÑA GEORGE HOYNINGEN-HUENE/ GEORGE as CESAR CHAVEZ (Cesar Chavez) • AUDRA MCDONALD as BILLIE HOLIDAY (Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill) To subscribe, go to VogueArchive.com. Offered worldwide through 10 CONDÉ NAST A-LIST THE YEAR THAT celebrity kids became bona !ide stars They might have grown up in homes decorated with Oscars and Emmys, but these up-and-comers have enough talent to make us forget who their parents are. ALLISON WILLIAMS AGE: 26 DAUGHTER OF: Brian Williams MADE HER OWN NAME: Playing hot mess Marnie Michaels on HBO’s Girls and donning green spandex to become the boy who never grew up in NBC’s Peter Pan Live! SCOTT EASTWOOD AGE: 28 SON OF: Clint Eastwood MADE HIS OWN NAME: Starring opposite Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf as Ser- geant Miles in David Ayer’s World War II drama, Fury. MARGARET QUALLEY AGE: 20 DAUGHTER OF: Andie MacDowell MADE HER OWN NAME: As Jill Garvey, Justin Theroux’s perfectly disaffected teen daughter on HBO’s The Leftovers. COLIN HANKS AGE: 37 SON OF: Tom Hanks MADE HIS OWN NAME: Earning a supporting actor Emmy nod for his role as hapless police deputy Gus Grimly in FX’s Fargo. DYLAN PENN AGE: 23 DAUGHTER OF: Sean Penn and Robin Wright MADE HER OWN NAME: Signing a deal with Premier Model Management, the agency that helped turn GIRLS AND Cindy, Naomi, and Claudia PETER PAN LIVE! STAR ALLISON into supermodels. WILLIAMS 12 CONDÉ NAST A-LIST CONDÉ NAST A-LIST 13 THE YEAR THAT “WEIRD AL” YANKOVIC QUIET FOR: NERDS WERE WITTY, 3 years BACK WITH: Mandatory PRETTY, POPULAR! artists made killer comebacks Fun, a brand- Whether band members hugged it out or soloists reemerged after a little new crop of These days the higher your IQ, the more parodies that soul-searching, we were more than ready to download these albums. debuted at No. 1. likely you are to dominate pop culture. THE PUNK CODER THE NOT!SO!NUTTY INTERPOL G!UNIT JENNY BETTE Between her Bad Brains sing- PROFESSOR QUIET FOR: QUIET FOR: LEWIS MIDLER alongs and her big-brain code- In her book The Secret History of 4 years 6 years QUIET FOR: QUIET FOR: cracking on AMC’s Halt and Catch Wonder Woman, Harvard historian BACK WITH: BACK WITH: 6 years 8 years Fire, MACKENZIE DAVIS proves that JILL LEPORE connects the beloved El Pintor, The Beauty BACK WITH: BACK WITH: recorded at of Indepen- The Voyager, It’s the Girls!, ′80s computer hackers weren’t all superhero to the women’s rights Jimi Hendrix’s dence, a a captivating her renditions dudes with neckbeards. movement, endearing herself to Electric Lady surprise collection of girl-group THE SEXY SPACEMAN comics fanatics and feminist schol- Studios in six-track of nostalgic hits from the ars everywhere. New York City. digital release. narrative songs. ’30s to the ’90s. The universe holds billions of stars but barely contains the charm of THE ACADEMIC MACKENZIE Fox’s Cosmos host NEIL DEGRASSE NEWS ANCHOR DAVIS PLAYS MSNBC’s popular left-leaning host DAMIEN NICKEL FEISTY TYSON—the only astrophysicist PRINCE RICE CREEK HACKER who makes a lecture about the MELISSA HARRIS!PERRY not only CAMERON QUIET FOR: QUIET FOR: QUIET FOR: Pleiades seem like pillow talk. posts an online syllabus for every 5 years HOWE ON 8 years 9 years HALT AND single lesson-packed episode of BACK WITH: THE TV TRUTH SEEKER BACK WITH: BACK WITH: CATCH FIRE. her show, she also encourages Art Of!icial Age, Literary fantasy fan NIC PIZZOLATTO My Favourite A Dotted thoughtful discussion via Twitter a solo album was in!luenced by cult horror writer Faded Fantasy, Line—eight using #nerdland. that includes produced new acoustic H. P. Lovecraft, Hieronymus Bosch, everything from with industry bluegrass tunes and medieval plague masks when new-wave funk giant Rick Rubin. and two covers. to slow jams. creating HBO’s True Detective. As NERDIVERSARIES GQ put it, you might have had a nerdgasm while watching and not APHEX TWIN PINK FLOYD even known it. QUIET FOR: QUIET FOR: 13 years 20 years THE DYNAMIC DORK DUO BACK WITH: BACK WITH: Dartmouth-grad directors PHIL Syro, 12 richly The Endless LORD and CHRIS MILLER used dorky layered elec- River, featur- inside jokes and what GQ calls “ADD tronic tracks ing Stephen recorded Hawking’s antics” to turn a cheesy TV-show over the past voice and adaptation (22 Jump Street) and a few years. other surprises. cartoon about a kid’s toy (The Lego Movie) into big-screen hits. THE GALLIC GENIUS This was a banner year for Economist THOMAS PIKETTY de- our dweeby forefathers. BANDS THAT WILL NEVER "EVER# REUNITE serves serious props. It’s one thing We’d like to wish the role- to come up with a dense economic No matter how much we want them to. playing game DUNGEONS theory on wealth redistribution. But & DRAGONS a happy 40th it’s quite another to turn it into a birthday, but someone GUNS N’ ROSES The Axl–Slash cold war won’t be patched up 700-page best-seller wonkily titled stole our twelve-sided dice “in this lifetime,” Rose has said. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. THE FUGEES Said Pras: “You will have a better chance of seeing and shoved us in a locker. THE MENSA SUPERHEROES Osama bin Laden and [George W.] Bush in Starbucks having a latte.” The original Geek Wish- In CBS’s drama SCORPION, a Ful!illment Fantasy, REVENGE THE WHITE STRIPES Only if, said Jack White, “we went bankrupt brilliant eccentric assembles or really needed the cash.” a whole team of off-the-charts OF THE NERDS, has been THE SMITHS Said Morrissey: “I would rather eat my own testicles than intellectual heavyweights. The inspiring bullied brainiacs re-form the Smiths, and that’s saying something for a vegetarian.” result? Nerd-dom’s answer to not to get mad but to get —GQ The Avengers—saving the world even for 30 years. Steven one keystroke at a time. Spielberg’s tale of dinos run amok, JURASSIC PARK, is now old enough to drink. (To cel- ebrate, hipsters stampeded to buy the re-released soundtrack pressed on am- ber vinyl.) And Mike Judge’s ACTING WENT ode to cubicle sad sacks, OFFICE SPACE, has been mak- ing us do spit-takes on our TIME!LAPSE TPS reports for !ifteen years. In Boyhood, Ellar Coltrane aged twelve years in three hours. Isn’t it time someone gave As his character, Mason, grew from !irst grade to college, Milton his stapler back? we cried, we cringed—and we developed an impossibly high standard for future coming-of-age !ilms. 14 CONDÉ NAST A-LIST CONDÉ NAST A-LIST 15 The tenderness that made us Relive it on Her Sam Smith, Eleanor & Park Disco Zoo In the Lonely Hour The sentimental warmth of experiencing love vicariously. It’s tender and heartwarming. We find love in the expected, the unexpected, the cute and cuddly. 2014 warmed our hearts. Rediscover the year’s most inspiring entertainment at g.co/play2014 THE YEAR THAT we binged SEX STARRED on fringe Gone are the days of sly innuendo. Check out the year’s hot-and-bothered highlights, on a scale from blatant to downright pornographic. From synthy hip-hop to frat-boy country, niche became mainstream. KINK RATING RAP EMBRACED EDM THE CONTINUED RISE OF BRO!COUNTRY X XX XXX XXXX XXXXX The thump-thump-thump THE SEX LIVES OF “ANACONDA” & WELCOME TO LOOKING NYMPHOMANIAC: SIAMESE TWINS “BOOTY” NEW YORK VOLUMES 1 & 2 of electronic dance music The dude revolution HBO’s attempt to Trainspotting author Music videos in which What could be more Lars von Trier’s that’s been penetrating known for its cocky deliver a Sex and the cornball songs about Irvine Welsh leaves Nicki Minaj and Jennifer très-risqué transgres- City for gay men gave exploration of female pop also made huge Scotland for South Lopez with Iggy Azalea sive than a movie sexuality runs the booze and babes in boots us some of the year’s waves in hip-hop.
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