---~----- --- ---~ ---------------. , ' ' juggler-page 6 z_l.... VOL. XVI, NO. 43 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's MONDAY, OCTOBER•i!-3, 1981 Robertson discusses dining hall changes Editor's note: Few things have as know of the process, there wasn't widespread an effect on the student any reason related to the way SAGA body of a university as its food was doing the job or anything like service, and Notre Dame is no ex­ that. It's just that we think we're at ception. lf'ith the discontinuance of the point now where we can take it the contract to the SAGA Food back over and have our management Service this year, several changes people here on campus, on the have occurred. Senior Food Service Notre Dame payroll to manage the Director Robert Robinson discussed operation. these changes with Observer senior Q: Does student feedback enter staff reporter David Sarphie. into menuing decisions, and, if so. to what extent? A: First of all, because of our ex­ periences over a period of many years, we already know what stu­ dents like. About two or three years ago, we did ·a detailed student preference survey on campus. It didn't tell us anything we didn't '*'t Robe'*'tSOn know already. our campus is a little Robe 1 , 1 , different from other campuses, be- -~ ~ _ ~ cause ours is pretty mul:h a national Q: lias this year seen any major campus. We draw our students from changes in the food serr,ice? all over the country and from many Rep. Jamie Whitten, D-Mr:;s., catls a meetmg oF dent Reagan. would not A: There haven't been any major foreign countries, and not just from congressional conferees to order Friday as.they sign a compromise budget bill. His oppommt$ say changes that we haven't already an- three neighboring towns. The try to arrive at a budget bill acceptable to Prest- he will be responsible for putting the U.S. govern­ nounccd. Most have been pretty ob- production managers are on the men~ out of business. ( AP Photo) vlous. We Increased the serving menu committee that builds the hours, adding fifteen minutes to hot menu for Notre Dame. On a daily breakfast. We open a half hour early basis they keep track ofthe number Congress budget plan on Sunday evenings. We've made a of entrees produced, the number few menuing changes, adding an left over, and so on. With this in­ entree to the four-week cycle or formation, they predict how often to Reagan says no to compromise changing an entree in the schedul- serve individual entrees and the lng. That, of course, goes on every · number of entrees to produce. WASHINGTON (AP)- President measure wnich expired Friday. leaders would ever submit the year, so we haven't made ,any major Q: Why aren't some of the more Reagan said yesterday he won't sign Expressing frustration with proposal to a vote. changes in the mtnu. popular items, pizza, for example, the compromise budget resolution Congress' inability to adopt budget Officials said that instead of Q: What were the reasons for dis- served more often? worked out between the House and bills in an orderly manner, Reagan hoping to resolve the dispute over continuing SAGA management? A: We serve pizza twice or three Senate to return the government to said, "This is no way to run a ra.l· the measure immediately, the ad­ A: The University made a decision times in a four-week cycle, and we solvency. road." ministration was seeking a 15-day, to go back to managing a basic may increase that frequency In the Reagan, talking to reporters On Capitol Hill, House Speaker stripped-down extension of the service in Itself. They always did future~ The reason we don't have it outside the White House; suggested Thomas P. O'Neill said, "The presi­ expired stop-gap funding bill. That before, and I think it was just an ad­ Congress continue over the dent just called me to tell me he'll would minimize disruptions in ministrative decision. From what I See QltA, page 3 Thanksgiving holiday the spending veto it." O'Neill spoke to reporters government services while as he recessed the House before it Congress and the White House could vote on the compromise. worked to resolve their disagree­ Reagan has vowed repeatedly to ments. Enforced retirement veto any "budgt-busting" funding Technically, the government ran bill. out of money at 12:01 a.m. O'Neill made his comments after The Reagan administration earlier The exploitation of emeriti Budget Director David A. Stockman had declined to say whether the told reporters the president found president would accept the com­ the compromise worked out over ByJIM PLAMONDON Professor of Sociology and Anthropology Dr. Irwin promise plan agreed to by House two grueling days of House-Senate and Senate conferees as meeting his News Staff Press is "saddened by the fact that Notre Dame holds negotiations was unacceptable. this policy." He adds that "the law will catch up with austerity budget or reject It with the Faced with the threatened veto, it Each year for the past twenty years, about eight or Notre Dame" when the 1977 amendment takes action." See COMPROMISE, page 4 was not clear that congressional nine professors at Notre Dame reach the age of 65, Several faculty members who are nearing the critical retire, and are given the title of "emeritus". Although age of 65 simply refused to comment on the issue. many faculty members actually look foward to this In addition to the ambiguity in the definition of merited retirement, others wish to continue their tenure, Danehy contests another clause in the faculty Campus escort service careers and teach beyond this age. Despite their desires, handbook. It reads: "When a member is permitted to the University of Notre Dame forces these professors to continue in active service beyond the date prescribed retire anyway. by retirement, service beyond that date will be on the Dr. James P. Danehy, formerly a chemistry professor basis of a year to year appointment, and the member on trial this week here at Notre Dame, challenged this policy in court in will retire at the end of any service year unless reap­ By MARGARET FOSMOE the first time the program has lasted 1976. He pointed to the "Faculty Handbook of the Uni­ pointed for another year." Some professors are rehired News Staff to a second consecutive year. versity of Notre Dame" as supporting his arguement. at a normal salary, teaching the same courses as before. The response has dropped con­ "Tenure," Others, however, receive a inuch lower salary, three or The Campus Escort System has siderably from last year. causing the according to the four thousand dollars, for teaching the same courses. been placed on a trial basis this week need for a re-evaluation of the sys­ handbook, "is MONDA Danehy calls this "exploitation." He feels that Notre in order to evaluate a lack of interest tem to determine whether It will be permanence or Dame takes advantage of the emeriti simply because in the program, according to Brian continued. appointment." they reach a certain age. In many cases a professor must Conway, Student Security Commis­ The definition of ._FOCUS face the decision of either losing his or her job com­ sioner. tenure implies pletely, or being rehired at this lower salary. The evaluation will determine "The program is for the that a person has the right to hold an office or position. Dr. Press ~lieves that Notre Dame's policy is"less whether student response is great The faculty handbook also states that "a member of than charitable"in dealing with emeriti. Press is upset enough to warrant continued exis­ benefit of the student tance of the program. If not, the the fa,·ulty ordinarily retires and becomes emeritus on that "faculty members have given so much of their body as a whole~, the first day ofjuly following the faculty member's 65th professional lives to the University ... and haven't serviCe will be discontinued. birthday." received fair treatment." The escort system was inacted Thesl· two passages in the handbook are completely Dr. Robert Vacca, assistant professor of Modern and two weeks after fall break in contradictory. Danehy argues,"tt·nure is terminated by Classical Languages, claims that the University "doesn't response to what seemed to be a Conway attributes much of the a birthday; there is nothing permanent about it." have a policy" and that most cases are "individualized." genuine interest in such a service. lack of interest to the fact that there President Carter's 1977 amendment to the Age Dis­ Yet he also realizes that the issue must not be treated as Utilization, however, has been mini­ have been no reported attacks after crimination in Employment Act has moved the retire­ a one-sided question. "Younger people," he says,"must mal, with few women students dark so far. this year. This may have ment ag~: to 70. The President felt that discrimination be given the chance to teach also." Ifprofessors insisted taking advantage of the service. In lulled students into a false sense of against older people was just as wrong as discrimination on teaching beyond the traditional retirement age, new addition, the program has been security. He warns: "Last year there against women, racial groups or religious groups. teachers would lose valuble opportunities. plagued by organizational problems were no attacks reported until about Danehy is upset because "Notre Dame's policy will be Dr.
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