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ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN MAP LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION DES CARTOTH~QUES CANADIENNES MEMBERSHIP in the Association of Canadian Map Libraries is open to both individual~ and inst~tut~ons having an Peuvent d v nir MEMBRES a I 'Association des cartotheques intere~t in maps and th a1ms a~d Objectives of the canadienn~s touo; les particul iers et institutions qui Association. Membership du~s are for the calendar year s' interess nt aux cartes ainsi qu'aux objectifs de and are as follows. l'Assoclat1on La cotisation annuelle est Ia suivante: Active (ful !-time Canadian Map Librarians) $10.00 Mernbr s ct 1 fs Associate (anyone interested) 10.00 (cartoth caires canadiens a plein temps) $10.00 Institutional 20.00 Membres a soc"es (tous les inter sses) l'"lstitution 10.00 M•mbers receive th a~nual conference Proceedings as 20.00 wei 1 as the Bullet in. Enquiries may be directed to the Les membres ecoivent le Compte rendu de Ia conference Association, care of the address 1 isted below. annuell d r Me que le Bulletin de •'Association. Les demandes d ns ignements peuvent tre adressees a PUBLICATIONS of the A~~ociation include the annual con­ 1 'Association x soins de Ia Collection nationale de ference Proceedings, the BulJetin wh"ch appears at ir­ cartes et pia s dont I 'adresse est indiqu~e ce'dessous. ~egular intervals throughout the year and severa~ miscellaneous items. A reque~t for a corplet 1 1st of L Association PUBLIE Compte rendu de Ia conference a ai lable publications ay be directed to the Associ­ arnuel le, L ulletin qui para1t sporadique~ent au cours at ion, care of the add res I is ted be low. de I 'annee, e---plusiers ecrits divers. Pour obtenir Ia 1 iste conpl t de~ publications, ~'adresser a !'Assoc­ CONTRIBUTORS of topical ~ews or major articles may iation (vo;r 'ddresse ci-dessous). submit manuscripts directly to the editors, to any of the officers of the Association or to the Association Les COLLABORATELRS qui desirent fournir des nouvelles care of the address I ist d below. Manuscripts should fond peuvent Faire parvenir leur be typed double spaced on 8!' by II' sheets without texte dire t " dUX redac.teur~, a ]'un OU )'autre des paraqraph i~dentations a~d with triple spacing between me1 bres du bt.r u d !'Association ou !"Association paragraphs. Footnotes, numbered consecutively, ~hould m~me. ~ l'Adre , ci-dessous. Les textes doivent etre b typed at the end of th manuscript to?ether w1~h dactylographi double n erligne sur des feuil les bibliographic naterial. Maps and other 11 lustrat1ons de 8!" x 11", clns al inea, et les par qraphes, etre should be drawn i~ ink or scribed and should be at separes par troi int l·g,..es. Les r nvois en bas de scale of publication or suitable for reduction to the page doiv nt tr num~rotes ~ lil suite et dactylo­ s1ze of 8~" by II" paqe. graphi~s ~ Ia f1n du tt!Y.te vee 1 r n~cignements bibl ographiqu Lc ca te e autr s illustrations, OFFICERS of the Association for 1976-1977 are: dessinces a 1 I nc e 0U tr~cers, doivcnt etre a 1 'echelle President/ de a pub icati 1 OU educti..>Jes duX dimensions d'une feuill de 8!" 11". Bullet in Editor Richard Malinski SiMon Fra,er Univ. Vice Pre ident Tom Nagy Pub I ic Archives of LES HEMBRE DU BUREAU Je 1 'Associdtion pour l 'annee Canada 1976-1977 sont: Past President Barbara Farrell Carleton Univ. Secretary Anwar S. Qureshi Un i v. of Reg ina et Treasurer Heather Maddick Public Archives of en chef du Canada ~ichard Malinski Simon Fraser U. To aqy BUSINESS ADDRESS: Public Archives of Canada Presldert sortan Barbara ~arrel l Association of Canad1an Map Libraries/ Secreta ire Carleton U. Anwar S. Qureshi U. o" Regina Association des Cartotheques Canadiennes Tresori~re c/o National Map Collection Heat'ler Mnddick Pub! ic Archives Public Archives of Canada of Canada 395 Wellington Street ADRESSE D'AFFAIRES: Ottawa, Ontario CANADA KIA ON3 Associa ion of ·anadian ~ p Librairies/ Assocra on des c rtotl aques canadiennes a/s Co ction n- ional~ dA cartes et plans V-tew& cxp'te &ed in :tJ e BuR c-Un a'te tfzo6e o6 .the con­ Arc1iv~s ubi ·ques du CanLda tlt-<.bu.tc/,..& and do no.t 11ece'> ~a 'I. <l!f 'I.e 6lec t .the V.(.eltl6 o 6 39S, rue~ellino~ tft A~ OC<a.tlon. Ottawa, Ontario CANADA KIA ON3 Le1> op.,(IH. ~ exp~t ,t, darn. fl' Bu.Ue.t-tn ~ •tt.t c.c.tee,t, du cof.labo~tatewu t e co!Vte6pondent PM ne eo6cvur.ement a c.e.Ue,t, de l 'A~ 6 {4-t .u._, r!. ASSOCIATION of/des CANADIAN I CARTOTHEQUES MAP LIBRARIES CANADIENNES BULLETIN No. 24 Mar. 77 I I I I I I I 0--- ----E CONTENTS/MATIERS BULLETIN STAFF/2 LES COMMENTARIES DE LA REDACTION/EDITORIAL COMMENTS/3 ARTICLES Marginal Information on Maps/ V~. F.J. O~meiing and E.H. van d~ Waal/5 International Geographical Congress Map Exhibition, Moscow, 1976/ W~ndy S~mp~on-L0W~/13 REVIEWS/COMPTES RENDUS Land Use Dynamics on the Toronto Urban Fringe/M~y A~~~ong/16 Ontario Arctic Watershed/Bob I~v~ng/19 Ecosystem Units - University of British Columbia/Ian Hutehinoon/21 Dent's Canadian Metric Atl•s/Ralph R. K~u~g~/22 International Maps and Atlases in Print/Ma~~~n W~on/23 Canada-Ontario Great Lakes Shore Damage Survey. Coastal Atl•s/ V.I. MeK~nz~~/24 SELECTED NEW MAPS/SELECTION DE CARTES NOUVELLES British Columbia/Map V~v~~on, U~v~~y o6 B~h Cotumb~/29 REPPORTS/RAPPORTS IFLA Joint Working Group on ... ISBD (CM). Utrecht, November 8-12, 1976/Hugo L.P. S~bb~/30 FID/CC Classifications Symposium "General Classification systems in a Changing World/Hugo L.P. S~bb~/33 IFLA World Congress 1977- Brussels, Sept. 5-10/~ub~~d by H.L.P. S~bb~/34 Geography and Map Libraries Section, IFLA-News/H~~n W~/37 NOTICE BOARD/AVIS/41 * ACML/ACC BULLETIN INDEX, No. 1 1968 - No. 22 1976/eomp~~d by F~ane~ M. Woodw~d/48 TREASURER'S REPORT, 1976/H~~h~ S~~v~no/73 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR REVIEW IN FUTURE ISSUES/74 ISSN 0318 - 2851 10 Colla~i on . As the atlas is still in a preparatory stage it is impossible to give any information about the collation apart from the sheet number, 20-B. ftfa ~ hematica l data area. Scale. On the map in question the scale has not been included in the title as it was not of the utmost importance to do so. For other maps, such as topographical maps, it should be mandatory to mention the scale in the title where it would immediately alert the user to the kind of map detail to be expected. Projection. The projection has not been included because firstly, measurements are not meant to be taken from the map and secondly, the scale is so large and the re­ gion so small that alteration of the projection would have no influence on the map image. The ANWB tourist map 1:100 000 is acknowledged as the topographical base map, so we can expect to find information concerning the projection on that map. Co-ordinates. For the benefit of the map user and to ease the work of the catalogu­ er, the geographical co-ordinates have been given at the corners of one of the small maps, all of which depict the same region. The map we are describing now could be retrieved from a computer data base, such as the one the CCK in Utrecht is trying to establish, in answer to a question like "Can we find maps with information about the traffic between these co-ordinates, at a scale larger than 1:400 000?". Having given information about the descriptive elements we shall now give a trans­ lation of the titles and legends of the four maps. The title of the second provi­ sional edition differs in type and location from that of the previous edition. The authors of the first and second (and third) editions are not placed close to­ gether. They are, respectively, the research students and the authors of this article. The latter have no part in the description o f the first edition and the students are of no importance to the later editions of the map. The overprint also supplies a means of making editorial corrections. These include corrections to the titles of the small maps, indicating the location of the railway station, which is the basis for the travelling-time measurements, and placing the bar scale in a more prominent position. The railway stations on map 20 B-Ill have been made more distinct by the use of the Dutch Rai lway symbols. The gradations in the legends of maps 20 B-I and 20 B-Ill were diff icul t t o read, so we have tried to improve them. Map 20 B-I Title (corrected): Forensen: vervoermiddel en richting p e r gemeente (Commu ters: means of conveyance and direction by municipality). Legend: Bij aantallen grater dan 600 overlappende vlakken ( For numbers greater than 600 the figures overlap). Aantal woonforensen per gemeente (Out going commuters). Gemeentegrens (Municipal boundary). Vervoermiddel: trein, bus, motor/aut o, (Brom) fiets, rest, niet onderverdeeld. (Means of conveyance: train, bus, car, motor­ cycle, remainder undifferentiated).
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