[OFFICIAL.] ~t EIGHTEENTH BIENNIAL MUSIC FESTIVAL AT CINCINNATI, ~A Y 4:1, 6, ";, 8, 9, 1908. FRANK VAN DER STUCKEN, Musical Director. PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY THE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION. 1908. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION. Alms, William H. Gamble, James N. Maxwell, Lawrence Jr. Anderson, Mrs. Louise N. Geier, Fred A. Meacham, D. B. Anderson, Geo. M. Goepper, Edward. Melish, Wm. B. Armstrong, Geo. W. Graydon, Joseph S. Miller, RoJ:>ert T. Ault, L. A. Halstead, Mrs. Marshall. Mitchell, P. R. Balch, George R. Hanna, Mary. Mooney, James E. Baldwin, D. H. & Co. Harrison, Charles L. Procter, Wm. Cooper. Balke, R. F. Hauck, Louis J. Ramsey, Robert. Ballman, Frank H. Herron, Wm. Christie. Resor, Robert L. Black, L. C. Hinkle, A. Howard. Rhodes, Goodrich B. Breed, W. J. Hinkle, T. M. Schmidlapp, J. G. Carew, J. T. Holden. R. A. Senior, Edward. Chatfield, A. H. Holmes, D. H. Shipley, Edward E. Church, The John Co. Holmes, Dr. C. R. Storer, Mrs. Bellamy. Cunningham, BriI?;gs S. Ingalls, .Geo. H. Taft, Charles P. Dymond, Richard. Ingalls, M. E. Taylor, W. W. Elliott, J. F. Keys, John B. Thalheimer, W. B. Ellis, Frank R. Krehbiel, C. J. Walker, Miss Annie. Ernst, Richard P. Laws, Harry L. Warrington, John W. Espy, Arthur. Lawson, Fenton. Werk, Eugenie M. Fleischmann, Julius. LevY, Harry M. Wiborg, Frank B. Foraker, J. B. Jr. Lincoln, John Ledyard. Wilby, Joseph. Forchheimer, Dr. F. Longworth, Mrs. Nicholas. Wright, Clifford B. Freiberg, J. Walter. Loomis, H. T. Wulsin, Lucien. Freiberg, :Maurice J. McDonald, Alexander. Yeiser, H. C. GUARANTORS OF THE FESTIVAL. Alms & Doepke Company. Kleybolte, Leopold. Schoepf, W. Kesley. Ault, L. A. Krippendorf, C. H. Senior, Edward. Emery, Mary M. Kroger, B. H. Taft, Charles P. Fleischmann, Julius. Levy, Harry M. Thompson, Peter G. Freiberg, J. W. & M. J. \ Maxwell, Lawrence Jr. Wiborg, Frank B. Greene, Wm. M. Mabley & Carew Company. Wright, Clifford B. Hanna, Mary. McDonald, Alexander. Wulsin, Lucien. Hauck, Louis J. Procter, Wm. Cooper. Wurlitzer, I Rudolph. Holmes, D. H. Schmidlapp, J. G. Total Subscription .•...•........................... $25,500. 4 FRANK VAN DER STUCKEN, MUSICAL DIRECTOR FREDERICK A. STOCK, ASSOCIATE CONDUCTOR SOPRANOS. MME. JOHANNA GADSKI MBS. CORINNE RIDER-KELSEY MBs. EDITH CHAPMAN-GoOLD MBS. WERNER-WEST, CONTRAL TOS. MME. ERNESTINE SCHUMANN-HEINK MISS JANET SPENCER MRs. TAYLOR-JONES TENORS. MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. EDWARD JOHNSON BASSES. MR. DALTON BAKER MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON MR. TOM DANIEL MR. HANS SEITZ ORGANIST. MR. ADOLPH, H. STADERMANN FESTIV.A.L CHORUS ADDITIONAL CHORUS IN THE ST. MATT:J;lEW PASSION THEODORE THOMAS ORCHESTRA CHORUS OF CIDLDREN FROM THE PUBLIC .SCHOOLS CHOIR OF BOYS ORGAN 5 ORDER OF PERFORMANCES. TUESDAY EVENING.. MAY 5, AT 8 OJCLOCK •••••• FIRST CONCERT WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 6, AT 5 OJCLOCK •••• SECOND CONCERT 1'HURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 7, AT 2 O'CLOCK •••• THIRD CONCERT FRIDAY EVENING.. MAY 8, AT 8 O'CLOCK .• , •••••• FOURTH CONCERT SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 9, AT 2 O'CLOCK •••• FIFTH CONCERT SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 9, AT 8 O'CLOCK •••.•• SIXTH CONCERT Evening Concerts, except the Passion, begin at 8 o'clock. Afternoon Concerts begin at 2 o'clock. The St. Matthew Passion on Wednesday will be given in two parts, with an intermission of two hours between the parts. The first part will begin at 5 o'clock and end about 6 :30. The second part will begin at 8 :45. 6 PARTICULAR NOTICE. The doors will be closed and the Concerts will begin at the minute a.dvertised. The doors will not be reopened nor persons admitted until some convenient point in the program is reached. No encores will be given. There will be an intermission of two hours between the first and second parts of the St. Matthew Passion, on Wednesday. The first part will begin at 5 o'clock and end about 6 :30. The second part will begin at 8: 45. At the other concerts the intermission will last about half an hour, during which time the audience will have an opportunity to prom­ enade in the corridors and foyer of Music Hall. They will be called to their seats by the sound of a trumpet. Season Tickets, including reserved seats for all six perform- ances (on sale only until April 25)..................... $15 00 Tickets for each performance detachable and accepted separately. Single Concert, reserved seat (for sale on and after April 27) . 2 50 Single Concert, reserved seat in balcony (for sale on and after April 27) .............................................. 1 50 General Admission ........................................... 1 00 Boxes seating six, for the Festival.... 100 00 Auction Sale of choice of seats for Subscribers to Season Tickets and Box holders will be held 'at the 'Voman's Club, New Mercantile Library Building, Walnut Street, Tuesday, April 21, and Wednesday, April 22, at 10 o'clock a. m. Sale of reserved seats for single concerts begins Monday, April 27, at the box office, Southeast corner of Fourth and Elm Streets, and con­ tinues until the close of the Festival. Persons residing at a distance can obtain reserved seats by address­ ing "The Cincinnati Musical Festival Association, Cincinnati." Plats of the Hall, and other information about the Festival, will be furnished on application. FIRST CONCERT. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY FIFTH. THE SEASONS ................................... Haydn An Oratorio. MADAME GADSKI MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. DALTON BAKER Chorus, Orchestra, Organ Intermission between second and third parts. 9 SECOND CONCERT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY SIXTH. PASSION MUSIC ........................••••••••••. Bach According to the Gospel of St. Matthew MRs. RIDEn-KELSEY MRs. CHAPMAN-GOOLD MIss JANET SPENCEB J\1Rs. TAYLOR-JONES MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. EDWARD JOHNSON MR. DALTON BAKER MR. TOM DANIEL MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON lIB. HANS SEITZ Mr. L. Kramer, Violin. Mr. L. Becker, Violin. Mr. B. Steindel, Violoncello. Mr. A. Quensel, Flute. Messrs. F. Starke and O. Hesselbach, Oboes d'amour and English Horns. Mr. A. H. Stadermann, Organist. First Chorus Second Chorus First Orchestra Second Orchestra. Chorus for the Chorals Choir of Boys Organ Intermission of two hours between the first and second parts. The first part will begin at 5 o'clock and end about 6 :30. The second part will begin at 8 :45. 10 THIRD CONCERT. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY SnVnNTH. OVERTURE, Leonore, No.3 ...........••.1 • ••••••• Beethoven ARIA, In quali eccessi, Don Giovanni .............•... Mozart MADAME GADSKI SYl\1:PHONY No.3, in F, Op. 90 ...........•........ Brahms Allegro con brio. Andante. Poco allegretto. Allegro. Intermission. TONE POEM, Don .Juan .................•••• ••• J } Strauss DANCE OF THE' SEVEN VEILS, Salome . .....•• , TRISTAN AND ISOLDE ................••••••••••. Wagner Prelude. ORCHESTRA ]solde's Love-Death. MADAME GADSKI 11 FOURTH CONCERT. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY EIGHTH. THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE' ...................... Pierne I A Musical Legend. MRS. RIDER-KELSEY MRS. CHAPMAN-GOOLD MRs. WERNER-WEST MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON Solo Chorus of Women Festival Chorus Chorus of 700 Children from' the Public Schools Orchestra Organ Intermission between the second and third parts. 12 FIFTH CONCERT. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY.NINTH. SYMPHONY No.7, Op. 92 ....................... Beethoven Poco sostenuto. Vivape. , • > , • U ••• U A'Zlegretto. Presto. Allegro con brio. SONGS . go ••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 • 0 •••••••••• It 0 ••••• • Schubert The Y:oung Nun. (Orchestration by Liszt) J Y ) • ~ c ., Death and tke Maiden. (Orchestration by Mottl) . ,:Eke. .ETl-King. (Qrchestration by Berlioz) MADAME SCHUMANN-HEINE: Intermission. CONCERT OVERTURE, Cockaigne .................... Elgar ARIA, My HearL at Thy Dear. Voice, Samson and DeliZah~ Saint-Saens o , • u • U " , ,¥ADAME SCHUMANN-HEINK W ALDWEBEN, Siegfried ............... '...... .. Orchestra BRANGANE'S WARNING, Tristan and Isolde . .... Wagner MADAME SCHUMANN-HEINK SIEGFRIED'S RHINE JOURNEY,.' Gotterdammerung. ...................... J 13 SIXTH CONCERT. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY NINTH. VORSPIEL, Die Meistersinger .......... 0 • , ••••••• ,_ •• WagneI THE BLESSED DAMOZEL ... 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••• Debuss) MRS. RIDER-KELSEY ~SS JANET SPENCER Chorus of Women Orchestra ARIA, Abscheulicher, Fidelio . .............•........ Beethover MADA;ME GADSKI PSALM XIII ............................. -... '" 0 •• , o Liszl MR. EDWABD JOHNSON Chorus Orchestra Intermission. OVERTURE, Liebesfriihling ........ 00 ••• 0., 0 •• •• Go Schumaru DIOH, THEURE HALLE, Tannhauser. 0 ••••••••••••• Wagne MADAME GADSK-I OLAF TRYGVASSON .......... 0 •• 00 •••• 0 ••••••••• t •• Griej MRs. RIDER-KELSEY ~ss JANET SPENCER MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. DALTON BAKER MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON ChOTus, Orchestra 14 THE FESTIV AL. HE Cincinnati festivals were founded by Theodore Thomas T in 1873, and were continued under his musical direction until his death on January 4, 1905. During that period all of the great classical choral works, and the more im:2ortant modern ones, were given with the assistance of distinguished solo­ ists. The schedules at the end of this book give in detail the works that were performed at each festival and the soloists who took part. The catalogue . shows that from the beginning there was manifested a catholic and progressive spirit which recognized all schools and every period in the mature development of the art, and that the association was moved always by a spirit of con­ scientious endeavor and high artistic purpose. Mr. Vander Stucken has continued faithfully and worthily the work begun" and carried on so long by Mr. Thomas. The last festival was given under his direction, with
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