The original documents are located in Box 50, folder “1976/07/12 HR9771 Airport and Airway Development Act Amendment of 1976 (2)” of the White House Records Office: Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Exact duplicates within this folder were not digitized. Digitized from Box 50 of the White House Records Office Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Union Calendar No. 287 94th Congress, 1st Session House Report No. 94--594 AIRPORT AND AIRWAY DEVELOPMENT ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1975 REPORT TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL VIEWS OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO ACCOMPANY H.R. 9771 A BILL TO AMEND THE AIRPORT AND AIRWAY DEVELOP­ MENT ACT OF 1970 < OcTOBER 29, 1975.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House pn the State of the Union and ordered to be printed U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 60-360 0 WASHINGTON : 1975 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION ROBERT E • .JONES, Alabama, Ohafrmatt SUBCOMMITTEE ON AVIATION 11M WRIGHT, Teu.s WILLIAM H. HARSHA, Ohio GLENN M. ANDERSON, California, Ghairm.an RABOLD T. JOHNSON, California JAMES C. CLEVELAND, New Hampshire DAVID N. HENDERSON, North Carolina GENE SNYDER K t k DAVID N. HENDERSON, North Carolina DON H. CLAUSEN, California TENO RONCALIO W 1 ' en ue y JAMES V STANTON Y~~~ ng JOHN PAUL HAMMERSCHMIDT, Arkansas RAY ROBERTS, Texas GENE SNYDER, Kentucky · , o THAD COCHRAN M!ss!sslpp! JAMES J. HO.WARD, New Jersey JOHN PAUL HAMMERSCHMIDT, Arkansall GERRY E. STUDDS, Massachusetts JAMES D. ABDNOR, south Dakota GLENN M:. ANDERSON, Callfornia BUD SHUSTER, Pennsylvania DALE MILFORD, Texas GENE TAYLOR, Missouri ROBERT A. ROE, New Jersey WILLIAM F. WALSH, New York NORMAN Y. MINETA, California BARRY M. GOLDWATER Jll.. Calif I TENO RONCALIO, Wyoming THAD COCHRAN, Mississippi ALLAN T. HOWE, Utah • • orn a MIKE McCORMACK, Washington JAMES D. ABDNOR, South Dakota ELLIOTT H. LEVITAS, Georgia JAMES V. STANTON, Ob!o GENE TAYLOR, Missouri JIM WRIGHT, Texas BELLA S. ABZUG, New York BARRY M. GOLDWATER, J11.., California HAROLD T. JOHNSON, California JOHN B. BREAUX, Louisiana TOM HAGEDORN, Minnesota BO GINN, Georgia GERRY E. STUDDS, Massachusetts GARY A. MYERS, Pennsylvania MARILYN LLOYD, Tennessee BO GINN, Georgia JOHN G. FARY, Illinois DALE MILFORD, Texas NORMAN Y. MINETA, California CLIJI'JI' MADISON, Profusiono.l, l!fta/1 Member KENNETH L. HOLLAND, South Carolina HENRY PII'LANZ, Minority Professional 8to,f1 Member ALLAN T. HOWE, Utah (III) ELLIOTT H. LEVITAS, Georgia JAMES L. OBERSTAR, Minnesota JEROME A. AMBRO, New York HENRY J. NOWAK, New York ROBERT W. EDGAR, Pennsylvania MARILYN LLOYD, Tennessee JOHN G. FARY, Illinois PROFESSIONAL STAFF RICHAIID J. SULLIVAN, Ohfe/ (Jouns~~ LLOYD A. RIVARD, Ohfe/ Engineer LESTIIIR EDELMAN, Ooumel ROBERT K. DAWSON, Administrator ERROL L. TYLER, Auociate (Joumel DAVID A. HliiYMSII'lllLD, Attmtafl't OOUft;llel (Aviation) DAVID MAHAN, AsBiBtant (]!Himel (Aviation) JoHN F. FRYER, Aamtant Counsel (Transportation Regulation) CLYDIII WoODLlll, TraMf)ortaHon Engineer CLIJ1'TON W. ENFIELD, Minority Couft;llel LARRY REIDA, A11tooiate Mhwrity Counsel GoRDON E. WOOD, Auistant Minoritg OouMel SRBLOON S. GILBERT, Altmt~mt Mtnoritg Counsel DOUGLAS CoPLEY, Minority liJta/1 Member (Aviation) RICHARD C. BARNETT, MtnorityliJta/1 Member (Economics) STAFF AssiSTANTS DoROTRY A. BEAM, Elllecutive Sto,ff Asmtant EB.LA S. YOUMANS, Minority E<J~ecutive fJta/1 A88Ytant JOSEPH A. ITALIANO, Editorial A88i8tant CATHY EVANS, Calendar Olerk CY ANDERSON, Jr; BARRABA BANNISTIIIR; BONNIE BARNETT; PAT BETHUNE; ToM CAMP­ BELL; STIIIRLYN B. CARROLL; RUTH S. COSTIIILLO; MARY COWAN; FLORENCE B. EDELlllN; MARVIN EVANS; DEBORAH JEAN FoLK; IRA FORMAN; ELISABETH FOBSHAY; ROGER FUIUlY; CAROL GRANVILLE; JANET HOOBLER; JOAN KOVALIC; ANDI LARSEN; ROBERT T. LoFTUS; Jo LoUGHLIN; MACHELB MILLER; JII!II'FERY O'NEILL; ANN ADELE RASZICK; SUSAN RICKER; ROBlllRT F. SPliiNCIII ; TOBY STIIIIN ; PAT STONE ; OLGA WYNNYK (ll) CONTENTS Page AJnendlnent --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Background --------------------------------------------------------- 11 Dimensions of the system---------------------------------------------- 12 Present problem areas------------------------------------------------ 13 Bill highlights------------------------------------------------------- 14 Funding levels, distribution and Federal share-------------------------- 17 The National Airport System plan_____________________________________ 37 Project eligibility-------------------------------------________________ 38 Project sponsorship requirements--------------------------------------- 40 Project approval 41 Increased State 43 Planning grant program----------------------------------·------------ 44 Facilities and equipment---------------------------------------------- 44 Servicing airway facilittes-------------------------------------------- 4:> Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------- 46 Research, development, and demonstration activities____________________ 50 Activities authorized------------------------------------------------- 53 Compliance with clause 2(1) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Rep- resentatives ------------------------------------------··------------ 54 Cost of legislation----------------------------------------·------------ !")j) Vote ---------------------------------------------------··------------ 56 Changes in existing law made by the bill, as reported___________________ 56 Additional views of Representatives Abzug, Stanton, Studds, Mineta, Nowak, Edgar, and Myers------------------------------------------- 81 Additional views of Representatives Edgar, Myers, and Ambro__________ 83 Additional views of Hon. Don H. Clausen_______________________________ 85 Supplemental views of Hon. Gene Taylor-------------------------------- 87 Supplemental views by Barry M. Goldwater, Jr__________________________ 89 Supplemental views by Barry M. Goldwater, Jr__________________________ 91 Supplemental views by Barry M. Goldwater, Jr__________________________ 93 CHARTS U.S. certificated route air carrier scheduled passenger traffic____________ 12 Estimated hours flown in general aviation by type of aircraft_____________ 13 Authorizations of Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 1975-H.R. 9771, as reported---------------------------------------- 16 Authorized funding for airport development____________________________ 17 Estimated distribution of air carrier program funds_____________________ 18 Airport development aid program distribution of $65 million for general aviation airport development for fiscal year 1976---------------------- 36 (V) Union Calendar No. 287 94TH CoNGRESS } HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { REPORT 1st Session No. 94-594 AIRPORT AND AIRWAY DEVELOPMENT ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1975 OcTOBER 29, 1975.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Mr. JoNES of Alabama, from the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, submitted the following REPORT together with ADDITIONAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL VIEWS [To accompany H.R. 9771] The Committee on Public Works and Transportation, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 9771) to amend the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, having considered the same, report favor­ ably thereon with an amendment and recommend that the bill as amended do pass. The amendment is as follows : Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: That this Act may be cited as the "Airport and Airway Development Act Amend­ ments of 1975" DECLARATION OF POLICY SEc. 2. Section 2 of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 ( 49 U.S.C. 1701) is amended by striking out "June 30, 1980," the first place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "September 30, 1980," and by striking out everything after "$250,000,000.". (1) 2 3 DII:B'IlUTIONS PLANNING GRANTS SEO. s. (a) Section 11 of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (49 U.S.C.1711) is amended as follows: SEc. 5. Section 13(b) of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (49 (1) Paragraph (2) is amended by- U.S.C.171S) is amended as follows: (A) striking out "and (B)" and inserting in lieu thereof "and includ­ (1) The side heading is amended by striking out "APPORTIONMENT" and ing snow removal equipment, and including the purchase of noise sup­ inserting in lieu thereof "LIMITATION". pressing equipment, the construction of physical barriers, and landscap­ (2) Paragraph (1) is amended by- ing for the purpose of diminishing the effect of aircraft noise on any area (A) striking out "$75,000,000 and" and inserting in lieu thereof adjacent to a public airport, (B)"; "$158f750,000,'' ; (B) striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in lieu (B) striking out the period and inserting in lieu thereof ", and the thereof
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