nALr~AUGH, &c. FARME as-Continued. ShimJnin PhiJip, CorvalIey PLACES OF WORSHIP• .:=: l\fylechl'aine John, Curragh S tephen William, BaHanloar SAINT l\IARY's CHURCH, Bal1augh . }\.) ylec1l1'aine Patricl{, CarmodiI Taubmall J ames, Ballaugh ST.l\lARY'S OLD CH URCH, Ballaugh. l\'lyJechraiue Thomas, Ballabeg 'raubman Thomas, Ballaugh PRIMITIVE l\'lETHoDIST, Squeen Mylrca Thomas, Ballacooiley 'reare John, BallaneddYll lane Mudhouse, Curragh Quayle Thomas. BaJIaugh 'reare Thomas, Ballamono moal' WESLEYAN L\lETHODIST, Ballaugh Quine Rohert, Ballacoraige Trainer Wil liam, Bisl10P'S Conrt \VESLEYAN l\lETHoDlST, Sandy Shinlmin Charles, Glendhoo IWatsol1 Williall1, CarOlodilllloar brough BRIDE PARISH, . - W H re H lies in the sheading of Ayre, forms the level, \vith a few gentle elevations. The point of Ayre nlost northeru part of the islaud. It is three milcs and the most northern part of the parish and of the hlalu1' a half in length from north to south, by a nleau breadth ~t)'etches out a considerable distance into the sea, and frOlll east to west of about two miles. The church is is ,'ery dangerous to shippiug; and \vOllld be more four Iniles and a half north of Ramsey; the Ih'ing is a perilous but fol' a light-house (one hUllured and six rectory. in the gift of the crOWll. There are besides feet in height), which affords assistance to mal'illers three l\'lethodist chapels in the parish. The surface is ill Ila,"igating this part 'of the coast. '*$.'* The Post Town for this parish is RAMSEY. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Christian Thomas, Ballaherd Kewn John, Ballaldl1ey Ab~s ~l". John,. ~as~au Cottage Christian WilJiam, BaUabeg Kneale James, Killlll1crah Chl1stlan MI·. Wllham, Bal}ayollag!1e Christian WilIiam, Ballacallow Kuea]e JohlJ, Ballaclink Cowell Mr. John, Lamb h!ll [CIty Christian \VilIiam, Ballakey Lace Thomas, Kerroo Doo Kayll 1\1rs. Arthul~ c. 01'1'1S mount, Clal'k Daniel, CUl'l'aghbeg 1\'1artin Hobert, KimIl1erab Kaylll\fl'. Cockraln, 'rhul"ot Cottage Corkish John, Kiolllough .Mylrea Thoma~, Bal1acowle Nelson Rev. John, Rectory Cottier John, Ballacottier Quarry John, Bal1an:~h' SHOPKEEPERS, TRADERS,&c. Cowley PhiIip, Ballacree Quarry WaIter) l3al1as killey Christian John, blacksmith, Village Crow Hugh, BalJamoal'cl'anstil Quayle James, East KinlUJel'agh Howlalld Charles, master of paro- Garratt Daniel, Glascoe Sayle Thomas, Ballagarrett chial school, Kirkbridge Garrett John, Ballagel1l1ey Taggal't Paul, Ballalhergey HowlandThomas,m illwright, Village Gawll John, Ballacowlc Teat John, SheUag Kneale Jarnes, publican, Ballaco\l'le Goldsmith T'homas, BaIIamill Teal'e Dalliel; Ballaslielly Moughtill Jas. corn miller, Dog mill Goldsmith \Villiall1, Ballakesh Teare William, Dallacolldyr l\'lyll'ea Thos. blacksmith, Ballacowle ! Hm"die WiIliam, Ballacrink Tear William, BalJacregga Teare lsabelIa, shopl\eepel', Village J oughin Daniel, C,olll(bane PLACES OF WO RSHIP. FARMERS. .Joughiu Dalliel, jun. Ballagl1ark P-ARISH CHURCH, Rev. John Nelsou Calley William, BalIacowle Joughin \Vil1iam, Cranstil PRIMITINE 1\1 ETHODIST Campbell .John, Grenaby Kay 'fhomas, Crosby \VESLEYAN ~lETHODlST Christian Charles, Ballathyle Kelly Charles, Ballakilmain WESLEYAN l\lETHoDlsT, Dog mill CASTLETOWN, Br\LLASALLA AND l\:fALEW PARISH. CAS'rLETO\VN is a well-built respectable marl{et nate 1\1 onday, the water bailiff's and lligh bailiff's COl1l·ts town in the parish of AJale\v, and is the capital of tJle errl"y Saturday, the iusular debtors' court ill the months islalld, being the seat of the insular government; it is of February and 4-\ ngl1st, and a TYllv ... ald conrt the 5th 12 miles s. of Peel, 16 s. of Kirl{ 1\1 ichaei, 9! s. \v. of July. The House of Keys court ~its one a yem' for the Douglas, 25 s. w. of Hamsey, and 4 E. of Port St. l\Jary. purpose of hearing appeals from the conrts of common The town cOllsists of sereral good streets, all clean and law, and the gOl'el'llor can, at any time, con\'eue the in good repair. Olrel' the slllaIl river which forms the Keys for the cOtlsideratiol1 of Jegi~lati\"e matters. J}ort is a stone bridge for carriage~, and bel{Hv that There is little ill the way of luanufactnring here; bllt IS a wooden drawbridge for foot passeugeJ's. The bay is from the frequent sittiugs of different courts of law, foipacious, but rocky; there is a buoy ou the Lheeahro and the number of pupils educated .It the colIege, the Roel, at the entrance to the bay, wljich is corered at town gel1erally presents an auimated appearance. COIl­ spring tides at two hours flood, alld large vessels can siderable quantities of agricultural produce are brought euter the harbour at low water. There is very good to the market place, which forms a fine area, almost anchora~e. A tiue uew pier, uearIy finished, 011 the square.. ornamcllted in the centre \vith a chaste fluted south siue of the harbour, is to be terminated by a light... freestone colllnlll, uearly fifty feet high, ill the Grecian 110use, and othel' impro\'emeuts are in progress. In sty le, erected, in 18.16, to the nlemory of the late the centre of the town Rtallds Castle Hushen, a noble venerable Lielltenallt-GO\~erllOl' C. Smelt. Two fine specimen of Gothic architecture-which, accordiug to hotds are established ill Castlttowu, the' George' and tradition, was built by Glittred ill 960; the WOJ 1\ J)} cn the' Grecian.' The first named, situated in the Market.. who were maldng some alterations ill the castle ill 1815, place, is admirably conducted by 1\lr. Klleen, and ranks however, fOUlld a beam bearing the date of' 94i;' it is, deservedly high f01" the superior accolllmodation and thc;-refore, naturally conjectured that the castle was excellent fare furllished to its Ilumerous guests. The erected ill that year. 'rhe walls are from sevell to tweh'e 'Grecian,' situated at the Bowlillg-grecu, and recently feet thick, froIll serenty to eighty feet high, and the opened by 1\1 r. PonIe, offers great attractions to parties limestone of which they are co III posed is a"l fresh as visiting Castletowll. It stands close to the llJan~iOll of though it had been taken fl'()}l1 the quarry only a few the Hon. Lieutenant-Goveruor, and commands delight­ years since. Elerenllcw cells ha\'e recclItly been added ful prospects-embracing the neighbouring nlountains, to the gaol, where prisoners convicted of the more Castle Rushell, &c., together \vith an extensive sea \'iew, serious classes of offences are confined; and a female and the rich scenery of pleasure grounds and gardens gaoler has also been appointed. Robert Brnce, Kiug with wh ieh the hotel is surrounded. There is a branch of Scotland, besieged this fortress for six I11011ths, ill the of the Isle of 1\lan Comme!'cial Banldng Company here, year 1318; it is now used as the permallt'ut prison of of whi('h ~lr. \Villiam Dowlles is the manager. the island, and also for holdillg the iusn]ar courts. 'fhe places of wOI'ship are the parish church, one mile Those of the chancery alld exchequer arc held 011 the and a quarter north of Castletown (the Ii\'illg in the gift first Thursday of every lllonth except J Cluuary and Sep- of the crown) Saint Thomas's Chapel, forming part of tem her, bu~, if lleCe~Sal'y, special courts al°C called; a King William's College; and Saint J11 ary's Chapel, 011 court of common law sits iu February, 1.\1 ay, J nly and oue side of the pal'ade; the latter, which was tit-st October; a court of gelleral gaol delirf'J'Y takes place erected in 1698, and rebuilt in 1826, is a chaplaincy in twice a year, and oftener should the Jicutellallt-gon~rl1or the gift of the goverllor: the present iucumbellt is the. deelll it requisite; the dCClnstCI"s court ~its crcry alter- Rcr. Gcorge S. Parsolls, thc gOVL'l'lHllCllt chaplaiuo This 8 .
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