Northwestern University Library Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300 March 28 , 1995 Ser. XLVII 1 box Hungry Generation Archive "Hungry Generation" refers to Indian poets of the 1960s and early 1970s. This collection consists mainly of correspondence between Indian poet and translator Arvind Krishna Mehrota and Howard McCord, an American poet who edited the anthology Young Poets of India. Mehrota helped McCord locate Indian poets for this and another anthology. The letters contain discussions of poetry in India and the United States and some include poems as well. The collection also includes typescripts of poems by Mehrota and Malay Roy Choudhury, several Indian periodicals which published poetry, and letters and poems by various Indian poets who submitted material for publication in McCord's anthology. This material was purchased from a California bookseller. See the Carl Weissner Archive for additional material. Special Collections also • has Malay Roy Choudhury's translation The Hungryalist Manifesto on Poetry (Calcutta, H. Ohara, 19--; Ind/H936). ------ - '1RIDNGRY GENERATION" ARCHIVE • Register I. Correspondence Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L. S. to [Howard] McCord. Deep Handap, Agra Road, Eclt:nd. Bombay-BO, India, [Oct. 16, 1966] 2 pp. With envelope Postscript i ncludes seven "poems " Date determined from envelope Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. A.L. S. to Howard HcCord. Deep Mandap, A!;ra Road, Mulund. Bombay-80, India, November 1 [19667]. McCord, Howard. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Mehrotra] 1405 Gary, Pullman, Washington. [n.d. 19667] [2] pp. McCord, Howa rd. Typed ca rbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Mehrotra] . 14 05 Gary, Pullman, Wash i ng ton. December 5, 1966. [1] p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L. to Howard [McCord]. Deep Mandap , Agra Road, Mulund. Bombay-SO. [India] Devember 7, [19667] [1] p. McCord , Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvlnd [Krishna Mehrotr,,]. [n.p.] December 16, [19667] [1] p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. A.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. Deep Mandap, Agra Road. Mulund, Bomb ay -SO [India] December 23, [19667] [I) p. Mehrotra, Arvlnd Krishna. T.L. to [Howard McCord]. [np., n.d. 19677] 2 pp. Typed on veras of a copy of Ezra. Salutat ion: "hi uncle" Mehrotra , Arv ind Krishna. T.C. to [Howard McCord]. [n.p.] January I, 1967 [1] p. Drawing by Arvind7 on verso of card. McCord, Howa rd. Typed ca rbon copy to Arvind [K rishna Mehrotra]. 14 05 Gary, Pullman, Wash i ngton. January 7, 1967 [1] p. McCord, Howa rd . Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Mehrotra]. 1405 Gary, Pullman, Wahington . March 4,1967 [1] p. -2- e · Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. 21 19. Sector 9, Bhil ia, [India]. Harch 29, 1967 [1] p. McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Kri~ . hna Me hrotra]. [n.p.] April 18, [19677] [1] p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L. to Howard [McCord]. [n.p.] May 18, [19677] [1] p . Poem entitled "Ode To A Grecicn Urn" enclosed. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. Deep Mandap, Agra Road, Mul und, Bombay-80, India. August 28, [19677] [1] ~. McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Hehrotra]. 1405 Gary, Pullman Washington 99163. September 7, 1967 [I] p. Mehrotra, Arvlnd Krishna. T.L. to Howard [McCord]. [n.p., Sept. 16, 19677] [1] p . Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. • T.C. to Howard [HcCord]. [n.p.] September 19, [19677] [I] p. On verso is brief description of Pavankumar Jain. McC o rd, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Mehrotra]. [n.p.] November 28, [ 1967,] [I] p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. A.L. S. to Howard [McCord]. [n. p . ] Dec. 27, 1967 [1] p. McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna flehrotra]. [n.p.[ JanJary 5, 1968 [I] p. Mehrotra , Arvind Krishna. T.L. S. to Howard [McCord]. [n.p.] February 11, [19687] [I] p. Mehrrotra, Arvind Krishna . T.L.S. to Howard McCord. H.S. Chandr, 37, Balrampar House, All chad- 2, U.P., Inde. August 11, 1968 [1] p. McCord, Howa rd. r.-. Typed carbon copy to Arv ind [Kri s hna Mehrotra]. [n.p.] August 30, 1968 'I!!' [I] p. ". - Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna . T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. [n.p., n.d. September? 1968] [J]p. • Year de termined from postmark. Wi th enve lope. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to [Howard McCord]. 37, Ba lrampar House, Allahabad-2, U.P. India. January 13, 1969. [J]p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. 37, Balramp ur House, Allahabad. Uttar Pradesh, [India]. March 6, 1970 . [I]p. Mehro tra, Arvind Krishna. T. L. to Howa rd [McCo rd]. 37 Balrampur , Hou se, Allahabad-2, U.P. [India] . November 14, 1970. [J]p. With envelope . Mehrotra , Arvind Kri s hna. T. L. to Howard [McCord]. [n.p.] December 26, 1970. [I]p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna . T.L. to Howard [McC o rd]. 37, Bal rampur House , Allahabad-2, U.P. [India]. February IS, 1971. [I]p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. 37, Balrampur House, Allahabad-2, U.P. Indi a . April 6, 1971. [I]p. • Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L. , to Howard [McCord]. 37, Bal rampur House, Allahabad-2, [U.P. India]. May 10, 1971. Originally lai d into: Vrishchik #2. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T. L.S . to Howard [McCord]. 37, Balrampur House, Alahabad-2, U.P., India. July 23, 1971. Mehtrota, Arvind Krishna. T.L. to Howard [McCord]. 37, Balrampur House, Allahabad-2, U.P. [India]. Augus t 30, 1971 . Mehrotra, Arvi nd Krishna. A.C.S. to Howard McCord. Apt. 510, The Mayflower, North Dubuque Street, Iowa City, [Iowa] 52240. Oct. 26, 1971. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. Iowa City, [ Iowa]. November 5 , 1971. [l]p. Mehrotra, .Arvind Krishna. T.l.S. to Howard [McCord]. Iowa City, [Iowa]. November 12-13,1971. [I]p. Meh rot ra, Arv i nd Kr i shna. A. C.S. to Howard [McCord]. [Ne',. York, New York?] December-January 1972. • Mehrotra, Arvind Kri shna. A.C.S. to Howard [McCord]. Iowa City, [Iowa]. January 20,1972. [l]p. • Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord] . Ic,,;'a City, [lo>la] March I~, 1972 [I] p. McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvir.J [Kr ishna t1~hrotr'a ] [n.p.] Ma rch 17,1972 [I] p. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. A.L.S . to Howard [McCord]. Iowa City, [Iowa ]. March 21,1972 [I] p . Mehrotra, Arvind Kr i shna . T.L . S. to Howard [McCord]. [n.p.] March 30,1972 [I] p . McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Mehrotra] . [n.p.] Aprti l 7, [1972] [1] p. Year determined from previous correspondence . Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S . to Howard [McCo rd]. Iowa City, [Iowa ] Apri l 18,1972 [I] p. McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [ Kr i shna Mehrotra]. [n.p.] Apri l 24,1972 [I] p . Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. • T.L.S . to Howard [McCord]. Iowa City, [Iowa?] Ap ri l 29,1972 [I] p. Mehrot ra, Arv i nd Kr i shna . A.C.S. to Howard [McCord]. Yoddo , Saratoga Spri ngs, N.Y. 12866 . [May 25,1972]. Date determ i ned from pos tma rk. Mehrot ra, Arvind Krishna . T. L. S. to Howard [McCord]. Yoddo, Saratoga Spr ings , N.Y. 12866. June 6, [1972] [I J p. Year dete rm i ned from p r ey i o us cor respondence. McCord, Ho.wa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Kr is hn a Mehrotra]. [n .p. ] Jur.e 20, [1 972] [I] p . Year determined from previous correspondence. Merhrotr'a, Arvind Krishna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord]. Yoddo, Saratoga Spr ing s, [N.Y.] 12866. Ju l y 8, 197 2 [I] p. Mehrotrd, Arvind Krishna . A.N.S. to Howard [McCord] Iowa City, [Iowa] Augus t 9, [1972J [I] p. Mehrot ra, Arv i nd Kr i shna. T.L.S. to Howard [McCord] Iowa City, [Iowa] Novembe r 2, 1972 [I] p. -5- • Yea r de termi ned from at tached photocopy & p rev ious cor respo ndence . Photocopy of p.342 of The Nation (Oct. 16, 1972) attached articl e entitled "Three Poems by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra." Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. A.L.S. to Howard [McCord). Iowa Ci ty [Iowa). March 15, 1973. [ I ) p. McCord, Howa rd. Typed carbon copy to Arvind [Krishna Mehrotra). [n.p.) March 24, 1973. [!) p. See also: Section VJ. II. Original typescr i pt poems by Arvind Kri shna Mehrotra. !. Between Bri cks, Madness 2. From the Private Ejaculations of Lord Krishna 3. "He j 5 a hu ng ry man ... II 4. "Pitche rs / are smashed .. " 5. " A slow mind moves in the river " 6. "These books l hould / read themselves " 7. Towa rds a La')fcape 8. "War over .. I 9. The Innocent Abroad (essay) 10. Bachch i chakra. • II. Poems / Poemes / Poemas II. 1971 [45)pp. (photocopy) 12. 6 typed pages (numbered 42-47) containing the following poems: Ode to Autumn To Whomsoever I t May Concern For Manas Stanzas Written in Deject ion From a Suburban Train, Bombay Stray Poem p I us a photocopy of the above. III . Reviews/Announcements I. 2 photocopies of the review of PoemsJl'oemes/Poemas by A.K, Mohrotra from November 21, 1971 issue of The Times of India. 2. Mimeoed announcement of a reading of his poetry by A.K. Mehrotra spon­ sored by Bowling Green Unive r sity, Departmen t of Engll.sh. 3. Printed announcement of a rea ding ... sponsored by MFA Program, Dept. of Engl ish [Bowl ing Green University) 4. Mimeoed booklet [13)pp., announcing poetry reading by Arv ind Krishna Meh rot ra.
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