Index to Society Magazine Tritsch -Tratsch from 1964, and Vienna Music from 2000 This general index covers issues 1-79 of Tritsch-Tratsch and 80-106 of Vienna Music . Back issues of Vienna Music can be viewed by logging on to the members section / publications References are to volume number- page, eg. 8-12. ‘BC’ is ‘back cover’, ‘Supp’ is ‘supplement’, ‘Edl’ is ‘Editorial’, ‘All’ is entire issue. A Anniversaries 2-1, 10-1, 13-All, 11-12, 17-18, 18-11, 24-2, 28-All, 32-All, 36-All, 37-All, 38-All, 40-All, 47-1, 48-1, 49-Edl, 50-All, 63-22, 65-Edl, 68-All, 77-All + Supp, 78-All, 81-All, 81-33, 83-35, 87-All, 87-35, 88-26, 89-35, 91-35, 93-35, 95-31 ALEXANDER, Peter 86-26 ARDITI Luigi 97-6 ARONSON, Rudolf 33-2, 50-22 Aschenbrödel Ballet See STRAUSS, Johann II Austrian Embassy London 102-12 B BARABAS Sari 90-24 BACH, Johann Sebastian 79-6 Bad Ischl 52-15, 80-9, 82-12, 84-11, 86-8, 88-9 Ballet Music 102-28, 103-5 BALFE, Michael 14-3 Balls & Ballrooms of Vienna See Vienna, 105-8 Bandmasters 31-6, 35-22 Barbican New Year Concerts 105-4, 106-9 BAYER, Josef 50-22 BBC 94-21 Belgium 81-22, 84-35 Berlin 80-11 BIANCHI, Bianca (Bertha Schwarz) 27-3, 45-15 BIBL Rudolf 103-26 BILSE, Benjamin 84-13, 102-27 BLON Franz von 101-11 Blue Danube Waltz 3-3, 4-3, 5-2, 21-10, 28-5, 29-12, 64-7, 77-19, 81-36, 88-17 BÖHM, Karl 42-17, 50-29 Book Reviews 3-9, 3-10, 17-20, 24-6, 33-9, 46-11, 46-13, 47-5, 48-4, 49-15, 50-11, 66-15, 66-16, 70-21, 73-20, 74-6, 80-7, 81-7 BOSKOVSKY, Willi 5-3, 7-12, 9-10, 10-1, 11-6, 11-9, 13-4, 19-2, 21-2, 24-2, 24-10/12, 29-9, 32-13, 62-2, 83-9 BOSKOVSKY, Elizabeth 93-8 Bosworth Publishers 103-28 BRAHMS, Johannes 17-12, 21-8, 82-31 Bregenz Festival 3-5, 14-13 C CARNER, Mosco 11-9 CHISLETT, W.A. 24-2 CHOPIN, Frederic 61-12 Cinema 10-3, 11-1, 11-2 CLEMENTS, Samuel L. (Mark Twain) 3-4 Coffee Houses 103-37 Concerts 81-21, 82-28, 83-33 Covent Garden concerts 4-4 Coot and Tinney 90-19, 91-23 Contemporaries of the Strauss family 100-26. 101-27 CPO recordings 103-5, 105-11 CROFT David 102-4 CZERNY, Karl 57-11 CZIBULKA, Alphons 63-11 D D’ALBERT Charles 95-17 DECSEY, Ernst 14-12 Denkmal, The Strauss 28-22 Die flotten Geister Orchestra 94-6 DIABELLI, Anton 88-14 DITTRICH, Angelika 78-7, 79-1 DOBLINGER 93-18, 94-18 DODS, Marcus 27-Supp, 29-Supp, 32-17 DOMINGO, Placido 54-13 DOMMAYER, Ferdinand 33-12 DOSTAL Nico 105-25 DRAHANEK Family 83-18 DRESCHER Carl Wilhelm 97-7 Dresden Operetta Festival 100-12, 102 Back cover DREXLER, Joseph 86-11 DUNHAM, Ken 5-2 E Edinburgh festival 1947 101-26 EILENBERG Richard 103-30 EYSLER, Edmund 46-6, 83-27, 88-26, 88-31 & 89-28 F FAHRBACH, Philipp (and family) 6-3, 8-2, 49-11, 66-1, 84-21, 106-7 FALL, Leo 22-8, 23-2, 46-6, 92-34 FETRÁS, Oscar (FASTER, Otto) 80-30 FURTWÄNGLER Wilhelm 96-14 FUCIK Julius 102-25.106-39 G GEDDA, Nikolai 85-22 GEISTINGER, Marie 44-10, 50-29 GENÉE, Richard 8-3 GEORGIADIS, John 27-Supp, 29-Supp, 30-21, 48-1, 81-15, 106-9 GILBERT, Jean 87-33 GIRARDI, Alexander 9-3, 28-12, 42-14, 43-1, 46-6, 48-6, 50-29, 66-9 GODEL, Norman 86-7 GOGER, Oscar 19-2, 25-8 GOLDSCHMIT, Walter 19-6 GRANICHSTAEDTEN Bruno 94-23 GRÜNFELD, Arthur 51-4 GUBBAY, Raymond 27-Supp, 29-Supp, 30-12, 32-17 2 GUNG’L, Josef 1-6, 11-12, 60-7, 102-7 H HABSBURGS Last of 101-4 HALLSTEIN, Ingeborg 85-23 HANSLICK, Eduard 50-1, 84-23 85-18 HARNONCOURT, Nikolas 55-18, 85-9 HASLINGER, Carl 23-5, 40-11, 92-18 HASLINGER, Tobias 90-12 Hawaii 95-24 HELLMESBERGER, Josef 42-4, 96-19 HERBERT, Victor 4-2, 33-2, 49-13, 50-22 HEUBERGER, Richard 82-31 HERZL Robert 99-17 HEYMANN Klaus 104-33 HILL SMITH, Marilyn 27-Supp, 42-10, 42-11, 46-15, 48-1, 49-13, 63-20, 80-18 Hoch-und-Deutschmeister Reg. 69-11, 70-18 HOLM, Renate 86-26 HOLOCEK Heinz 95-15 HOPPE, Heinz 85-24 HUMMEL, Johann Nepomuk 84-34 I International Meetings 80-11, 82-8, 84-8, 85-7, 85-10, 86-6, 87-8, 88-6, 92-8,94-6 Im Weissen Rössl (White Horse Inn) 93-11 INMAN David 92-6 IROSCH Mirjana 97-27 IVANOVICI, Josef (Iosef) 81-37, 95-13 J JACOBI, Victor 82-22 JAUNER, Franz 43-7 JESSELL, Léon 85-21, 86-29 JÓKAI, Mór (Maurus) 50-1 K KÁLMÁN, Emmerich 25-9, 26-9, 43-13, 44-13, 44-14, 45-9, 49-13, 50-1 Die Csárdásfürstin 25-9, 26-9, 42-10, 45-9 Gräfin Mariza 25-9, 26-9, 45-9, 45-21, 86-8 KÁLMÁN, Yvonne 88-30 von KARAJAN, Herbert 3-6 KÉLER-BÉLA (Albrecht Pál von Kéler) 85-15 KLEIBER Carlos 89-8 KOLLO Rene 92-23 KOLLO dynasty 93-26 KOMZÁK family 7-2 KORJUS, Miliza 10-3, 11-2 KORNGOLD, Erich Wolfgang 7-8, 7-10, 17-8, 18-7, 35-11 KRÁL, Johann Nepomuk 70-8 KRAUSS, Clemens 1-9, 3-6, 11-9, 24-10, 65-16 KREISLER, Fritz 87-28 KRENN, Ludwig 43-1 KRIPS, Josef 25-2 KÜNNEKE Eduard 94-33 3 L LABITZKY, Joseph 83-10, 102-9. 105-7 LAKNER Michael 96-18 LANNER, August 73-6, 73-16 LANNER, Joseph 5-5, 5-9, 18-2, 65-1, 67-5, 81-10, 82-8, 83-34, 87-19, 89-11 LANNER, Katti 80-22 LEE, Arthur 56-11, 57-8 LEHÁR, Franz 49-13, 82-9, 83-33, 86-8, 89-22. See also Bad Ischl The Merry Widow 90-20 LEHÁR, Franz (Senior) 29-6 LEWY, Gustav 17-8, 87-30 LINCKE Paul 106-24 LISZT, Franz 51-1, 52-3, 70-13 LORTZING, Albert 98-9 M MAHLER, Gustav 34-9, 39-12, 42-14, 48-6 MAILER, Franz 33-9, 46-11, 47-1, 48-1, 50-11, 66-15, 85-7, 89-8, 98-37 MARTIKKE Sigrid 102-10 MAYERLING 58-1 MECHETTI family 89-10 MENUHIN, Yehudi 7-2 MESSAGER André 97-29 MILLÖCKER, Carl 10-8, 17-8, 46-15, 64-1, 64-5, 65-17, 77-23, 90-31, 92-28, 93-31, 94-26, 102-12, 103-7 Der Bettelstudent 5-11, 10-8, 44-4 Der Feldprediger 91-28 MINICH, Peter 86-25 MOGG, Herbert 84-16 MONTGOMERY W.H. 93-17, 94-16 MOORE Sir Patrick 106-23 Mörbisch 80-35, 82-9 MORRISON, Peter 49-13 MÜLLER, Adolph (Father and Son) 53-1, 66-18 Musical composition 7-13, 11-9, 53-6, 54-9, 55-6, 66-18, 68-13, 72-5 + 74-9, 79-7, 84-14, 87-7, 87-28, 88-19. See also Polka, Quadrille, Waltz. Musical examples 9-13, 9-15, 10-2, 27-17, 28-6, 32-26, 38-19, 55-1, 56-1, 67-5, 79-19, 79-20, 81-37, 86-7 Mythology in titles 72-5 + Corr 74-9 N Naxos Strauss operettas 100 Back cover NEDBAL Oscar 93-23 New Year’s Concerts 101-8 and see Vienna NIKISCH, Artur 28-22 NISCHKAUER Norbert 101-9 NOVOTNA, Jarmila 49-13 O Ohio Light opera 90-8 OFFENBACH, Jacques 40-2, 40-11, 41-6, 86-9 Opererra Foundation 101 Back cover Operetta General 95-22, 96-17,23, 99-6, 105-35 Operetta singers See Singers (operetta) 4 Orchestras, Viennese See Vienna ORNADEL Cyril 94-10 Oxford Philomusica 87-14, 89 cover, 95-6, 101 &102 Back covers, 105-6 P PATTI, Adelina 67-12 PAULIK, Anton 2-6, 31-12 Philately 46-6 Piano music 51-1, 52-3, 53-5, 54-6, 57-11 Polka ` 18-6 POLLACK Christian 92-25 PREY Hermann 90-24 PRIKOPA Herbert 100-20 Q Quadrilles 27-18, 79-7/19/20, 82-34 R Radetzky March 33-9, 34-2, 37-17, 99-12, 99-18 RAIDA, C.A. 78-15 Recordings & Reviews 3-6, 5-11, 7-10, 9-8, 10-5, 11-6, 12-13, 13-14, 15-5, 16-11, 16-15, 18-2, 18-12, 21-8, 22-7, 24-10, 29-9, 30-21, 31-12, 32-13, 32-18, 35-11, 36-21, 40-8, 44-1, 44-13, 45-21, 46-15, 49-13, 52-6, 54-5, 54-16, 55-18, 56-9, 63-20/21, 64-12, 66-8, 66-15, 75-1, 76-14, 80-4, 80-24, 81-4, 82-4, 83-4, 83-9, 84-4, 85-3/7/25/29, 86-4/10/29, 87-3/7, 88-4, 88-17, 89-4, 90-4, 91-4, 92-4, 93-4, 94-4, 95-4, 96-4, 97-4, 98-4, 100-6, 101-6, 102-6, 102-38 Recording technology See Technology RIEU André 104-36 Romania 84-8, 86-30, 88-6, 90-6, 95-9, 96-9, 99-4.
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