THE SPRIN STUDENT "'FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF SERVICE" VOLUME XLIV SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE, SPRING FI ELD , MASS., FR IDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1956 Number I Future of New Union at Stake; Todd Has Setback; Needs Moral Support Dean Merriam Announces Early last February Todd Duncan, a seventeen year old Mount Herman Committee Urges Student Support wrestler, was seriously injured in a Additions To SC Facui'ty match with Springfield freshmen at "Better food and better management will make a better Union the Field House. A fund-raising drive Dean Thornton W. Merriam recently announced the appoint­ this year," hopes John Stewart '59, chairman of the Student Union was conducted by the student body, ment of 15 new members to the Springfield College faculty. In­ Committee. With an investment of $400.00 and 175 hours of and a total of $2,200 was raised to cluded among the appointees are instructors in Group Work and labor the Committee has installed new equipment and recreational help pay for Todd's expenses. Community Organization, Psychology, Health Education, Teacher Todd now is in a rehabilitation facilities in the hope of gaining this year renewed support of their hospital in his home town of Louis­ Education, Social Science and Physical Education, Recreation and snack bar and progr'ams. The suc- ville, Kentucky. In a letter to Presi- Youth Leadership, and Biology; a Director of the Ingersoll-Rand Com­ cess or failure of the student body Dean of Women and Social Advisor; pany. in patronizing the Union this term Ticket Takers Tear a Director of Public Relations; Di- Mr. Braley is a graduate of the will have an effect on the plans for rectoT of Public Relations; Director University of Buffalo, has completed the proposed new building, says TIckets Tomorrow of Religious Activities; Director of a 4 year Clinica.l Training Program Stewart. Women's Residence; Development there and has served as a Teaching Among the things offered in the Tomorrow's football game against Campaign Manager; and a Co-ordi- Fellow while pursuing his doctoral Union for the first time this year are: nator of Student Activities. studies. His background of work also Amherst which will be played on The new members of the faculty includes appointment as Consultant hot dogs, 13 magazines, two daily Pratt Field will be the inauguration papers, games, typewriters, a ~ew include: Mr. Frank J. Alioto, assistant to the Vocational Counseling Center of the system of student tickets for professor of Group Work and Com- at the University of Buffalo, Research juke box, and a new coke machine. home games at Springfield. The "new lonk" in the Union was munity Organization; Miss Marjorie Associate on Air Force proj cts and accomplished by the painting of ceil­ The new system came about with Bateman, dean of women and social graduate research assistant. ings and walls, the installation of new the introduction of an annual athletic advisor; Mr. J. Craig Biddle, director A graduate of Cortland State drapes and blinds, and the sketching fee which is paid by every Spring­ of Public Relations; Mr. Loy S. Teachers' College and Syracuse Uni­ of numerous cartoons by Fritz Wied­ field man and woman for the first Braley, instructor in ~sychology; Mr. versity, M~. Ch~lds is in the process ergott '58. Mrs. Robert Laveaga, wife time this fall. Until this year each Harold M. Childs, asslstant professor of completmg hIs doctorate in Health of the advisor 'of YMCA majors, has student needed ' only to show his of Health Education; Reverend M. Education at Syracuse. He form rly donated some of her paintings w~ch identification card to gain admittance Eugene Davis, director of religious serve~ in the Cortl~md .Public Schools, decorate the walls of the recreatlOn to contests held on campus. The activities ' Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas, teachmg and coordmatmg health du­ lounge. administration scheduled the fee director ~f women's residence; Mr. cation .cours s and serving as safety Membel's of the Committee work- after the rise in costs and the dimin­ Joseph H. Grilli, assistant professor sup rVlsor for the school system. ing on the improvement progr3;m ishing returns in sponsoring the ath­ of Teacher Education; Dr. Werner Reverend Davis was graduated were Wiedergott, Stewart, Darnel letic events. Haas, assistant professor <?f Soc~al from O~terb ein .College and United Science and Physical EducatIOn; Mlss The?loglCa l Semmary. He comes to Simons '59 Carol Butler '59, Bernard With the book of tickets given to Davis '58, ~nd Daniel Newcomb '58. Valeda C. Hudson, instructor .in Rec- Sprmg.fie~d. from a pastorate in Day­ each student along with his receipts reation and Youth LeadershIp; Mr. ton, VIrgInIa. He was College Pastor "Unusual activities will be the for the Finance Office, each student rule," states J ohn Stewart as the Edward J . Keyes, campaign manager; at Shenandoah. College, having hcarge can attend as many games as are Dr. James A. Lee, assistant professor of ~ha~el p nods and Christian 01'­ Committee plans weekly scheduled held at home in all of the inter­ regular music sessions by talented Todd Duncan of Psychology; Mr. Donald R. ~~ - gamzatIOns on th~ campus: collegiate sports. Each of these kuen co-ordinator of student actIvI- !J.rs. Douglas IS the Wldow of a members of the student body and events will have a number. When a scheduled faculty coffe~ hours .. Lead­ dent Stone in August, Todd's father ties; 'Mr. George W. Piavis, assistant mlnIster and com s to Springfield student goes to the event he merely said: ~ professor of Biology; and Dr. Emery from Bel~h ~r~own, Mass. ing the Union CommIttee this year brings along his ticket book and the are Stewart; Newcomb, snac~ bar "Todd is going through one of his W. Seymour, associate professor of Mr. C:1"l1l1 IS a graduate of ~eene ticket taker tears out the ticket num­ most trying periods. He says it's the Physical Education. 'reacher". Colleg and Boston Umvers- manager' Wiedergott, vice-chaIrman; bered the same as the event. These Kathleen' McMahon '58, secretary; worst since his accident. Perhaps the Mr. Alioto received his B.S. from lty. DUl"l!lg the past ye!ir he has been books will not be replaced if a stu­ backset not only is physical, but the College of the City of New York engage~ m s.tudy for hI s doctorate at and Donald McCullough '57, treasurer. dent loses his. In the Student Activities Office on mental as well. About four weeks and his M.S. from Springfield College. the Umve~slty of Conn cticut. He the second floor can be found Mr. ago two new sores broke, one on each He served as a Secretary in the Bos- has had mne year~ experience as a Donald Makuen '53" co-ordinator ?f hip about the size of an egg about one ton YMCA and since 1950 has ~een teacher ~nd supervlsor of elementary half inch deep - after cleaning it Executive Director of the CambrIdge schools m Scarborough, Maine and student activitie.s,. Rev. Eu~~n.e DavIs, 0 0 director of rehglous actIvltIes, and Frosh Week Success; out, a high fever of 103 to 104 ran Neighborhood House in Cambridge, Greenland, New Hampshire. Mrs. Patricia Thompson, secretary. for three days and from that time J:e Massachusetts. A. former graduate student at Yearling Class Praised has been primarily confined to his Miss Bateman is a graduate of the Sprmgfield College, Dl'. Haas received stomach and not abJe to continue University of Minnesota _and has hIs State Teachers degr e and Doc­ With the conclusion of another therapy. The doctors s.uggest~d clos­ graduate degrees in Guidance from torate. from the University of Graz, Coed Social Board Freshman Week , a total of 364 new ing the sores by operatlOn, whlch was New York University and Teachers Austr!a. He has taught in both students have been orientated to life done Monday, August 6 at Children's College, Columbia University. Prior ;\m~rlc~n and European educational on the Springfield campus. Mary Hospital, across the street from ~he to coming to Springfield she was mstItu.tIOns. Promises Surprises Alberico, general chairman, stated, Rehabilitation Center. The operatlOn associated with the National Girl haDurmg the past year, Miss Hudson "This was the most well behaved seems to have been OK but now his Scouts Training School. s been a graduate student in the "Weare going to have fun and ~o class I have ever seen. They are co­ knees and pelvis are giving trouble A '49 graduate of Springfield Col- RYL. program at Springfield College. something different this year," sald operative and willing and have gr~at due to being on his stomach so much. lege Mr. Biddle comes back to· the She lS an alumna of Clar~ University Barbara Bennett '58, chairm.an of the class spirit." The week began .wlth Weare hoping that all will be bett~r campus after having done newspaper and fron: 1953-55 .was FIeld Director Women's Social Board, talking about registration on Tuesday and PreSIdent in a few days when he can agam work in Elmira, New Yor~ and, ~ore of the Gll'l Sco~ts m Utica, New Y<?rk. the planned social events for the Stone, Dean Cheney, Dean ~f Women, be on his side and back. recently serving as PublIc RelatIOns Mr. Keyes 16 became a full-tIme SprinO'field co-eds. The Board, se­ Marjorie Bateman, and DIrector of "The daily cards and letters he still , member of the Development staff on lected" last April, is composed . <;If Admissions William Lammers spoke receives offset the visitors that are JUly 1.
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